《Roommates with Secrets (BoyxBoy)》No 31- Candles in Jars


Things between Alex and I have died down, he kept apologising every minute we're together for the past week, although its sweet he's got to realise that I had forgiven him and that he can stop with the sorrow looks and plea's of forgiveness.

The only way I've been able to shut him up is my pressing my lips to him so he'd stop talking and kiss me.

Although he haven't made our selves official to each other I have a good feeling he feels the complete same way I do towards him, the past week has been spent either cuddling, going out for ice cream at the ice cream shop Josh works out or attending classes which we texted each other in.

Its was quiet weird and awkward at first since Josh and I both remember the messy kiss we shared when we go drunk of our arse's but Alex was aware of what happen so we kept quiet about it and moved on.

I was now currently at my desk trying to complete some homework but every minute my phone would go off alerting me that Alex was either bored or wanted to annoy me but I couldn't say I was mad since it was oddly hard to be hard at someone who gives you attention.

Trying to get my notes done in my workbook The door slammed opened revealing a smiling Alex who then jumped over to me.He grabbed me by my arms pulling me up before smashing his lips onto my mine, the kiss was all teeth and barely any lips.

Pulling away with slightly tingling lips be grinned again.

"Are you high?" was the first thing to pop out of my mouth. He shook his head gripping my waist softly.

"Are you busy tonight?" He asked softly meeting my now contact covered eyes. Thinking about tonight I shook my head seeing him smile.


"Great I have something special planned, Tonight I want you to meet me the play ground we shared our first memory together at 8pm and the rest will reveal it's self" He grinned before kissing my forehead.

"Oh and wear something warm and comfortable." He chuckled before letting go of my waist and headed out of the door leaving me dying on the inside from happiness and a little shock since he just pinned this on me then left.

A smile made it's self visible on my lips thinking about the possibilities of what is going to happen tonight. Checking my phone seeing it was already 6pm I decided to calls quits on my home work and leave it for another night.


Finally 7:50 rolled around and deciding to leave a tad bit earlier so I'd arrive on time I got ready. I was wearing skinny jeans and the black button up shirt I was wearing the other day and my hair looked messy but neat if that makes sense.

Walking down the road just out side the campus the sun was setting adding a orange pink glow to the sky making it look breath taking gorgeous.

Reaching the park I gazed my eyes along the play ground seeing Alex standing with his back turned to me.

Walking up to him quietly I grasped his arm softly feeling him jump before turning to face me. Once he saw it was me he smiled placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

Looking at his attire, we were almost dressed the same but his shirt was grey as where mine was black. I looked around for a split second seeing it was just us, no car or any item laying around.

Raising an eyebrow at the taller boy he looks down smiling before intwining our fingers together, bring my hand up to kiss my knuckles to which my cheeks tinted with pink and red, feeling the warmth indulge in my skin.


He pulled me along as we started walking into the forest near the park.Since the sun had fully settled and the moon had rised the forest was dark which made me a bit anxious about walking through it but I was with Alex so I'm safe...right.

"You're not taking me out here to murder me right?" I mumbled nuzzling into his side for warmth as we continued our journey. I felt him laugh beside me.

"Thats for me to know" His answer made my eyes widen but once I had glanced forward the scenery made my heart skip a beat and my jaw drop.

Out in front of us was a clearing of trees leaving a big opened field of grass. In the field was a giant blanket that was spread out that held candles in jars and pillows. I felt Alex kiss my head before he continued to drag me over to the pillow.

He sat down pulling me to sit down in front of him. Crossing our legs he reached over to the basket that had been laying there, he pulled out a bag of skittles and threw it over to me. Letting out a soft giggled I gave him a questionable look.

"Something sweet just like you" He winked as heat filled my cheeks, opening the bag I pulled out a skittle popping it in my mouth, making a scrunched up face since they were sour skittles.Feeding a few to Alex before he sat them back down taking my hands.

"Now I didn't bring you here to fatten you up on skittles" He laughs as I giggled, watching his hair fall over his eyes before I brushed it away.

"Shame, I really did enjoy those" I whispered giving a little smirk watching him roll his eyes.

"You can have the rest later, now on with the story" He smiled before clearing his throat.

"Now yes the things I had said the other week were true Keegy, I've always noticed you ever since year 7. You were this skinny little shy nerd who study at lunch, had paper balls thrown at you, bruises littered your beautiful pale skin as do scars now. I had always made my group sit near you so I could look at you and gather the amount of bruises you collect.

I have always been fascinated by you, you always captivate me.The reason why I dated "Barbie" was to make you jealous since you made no sign on liking me but once I saw that everything was going south wards from that I wanted to call it quiets.

Yes the bet was brought up since I always talked about you to everyone besides Mikey since his an asshole. Once I saw that you did fall for me I forgot about the bet since I fell so hard for you. I wanted you to be mine and me to be yours.

So what I guess I'm saying is Keegan will you be my boyfriend?"

He had finished his speech with the question I had been dying to hear escape his lips.Tears brimmed my eyes from his words, it was all so beautiful, he was beautiful.

Nodding I sat up on my knees and moved to sit on his lap bringing my lips down onto his, I'm assuming he knew what my answer was since he had deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue between my lips, fighting for dominance will mine to which he won.

After moment passed from making out he pulled away with a dazed look.

"So thats a yes?"


He smiled nuzzling his nose against mine in a loving manner which made my stomach do flips. The boy I had fallen head over heels for was now mine and I was his.

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