《Roommates with Secrets (BoyxBoy)》No 27- Truth be told
Do you know what its like when a five year old can't get the toy or lollie they want. How they cry and whine for hours on end to the point where you consider homicide yeah well this is what I was experiencing now.
I was currently standing in my dorm room listening to Alex's now ex girlfriend bitch about how I did this and how it was my fault blah blah blah but Alex was defending me and it was just one big mess.
"You loved me!" She whined really high pitched causing me to snort loudly. She glared at me and stormed over to stand in front of me. I glanced down to her whole all might 4ft2 and smiled.
"ah can I help you?" I smirked.
She slapped me across my face making my glasses fall off. I groaned rubbing my cheek hearing Alex starting to swear at the blonde midget.
"Just get the fuck out" He sneered slamming our door. I bent down to pick up my glasses when Alex walked over to me, grabbing my face. I jumped from the sudden contact. His eyes were roaming over my cheeks which was rather warm from the slap.
"Are you okay?" His voice was very soft and gentle. I hummed a yes watching his eyes intensely.
"She can really pack a punch" He chuckled dropping his hands. He sighed walking over to grab his phone while I moved to my bed flopping down. God I hate girls, well not all just most. I glanced over seeing Alex frowning at his phone muttering words.
"Whats wrong?" I asked softly placing my glasses on the side table turning onto my side. He looked up with dazed eyes before smiling.
"Nothing" His words sound fake, as they were spoken through his gritted teeth but choosing to ignore it I simply just laid there, humming to my self.
The room was silent for another three minutes until my arms were being pulled, I shot my eyes open seeing Alex tugging me.
"Lets go on an adventure" I rolled my eyes, I was too tired and knee deep in homework for adventures.
"Alex I can't" I whined flopping back down on the bed.
"Why?" He fake sobbed.
"Cause I should be doing homework since Im drowning in it" I stood up making my way over to the desk.I opened my laptop grabbing a pen hearing Alex huff behind me.
Despite my eyes shutting from being tired I had A lot of science assessment that needed to be completed and Alex was making it easy.
An hour and a half passed and Alex some how managed to remain quiet as I did my study but that was until I assumed he broke.
I was busy writing an paper when I felt something being tied around my waist and tighten. He managed to tie my arms up underneath the material
"AH!" Alex screamed from behind me.
"What th-" I couldn't finished as I was being pulled away from my desk on my chair out the dorm room chair down the hallway.
"Alex!" I screeched, He was pulling me by what looked like his belt tied around me. He didn't stop running with me. Since he was an athlete they don't get tired as easily.
I thought he was stopping until he spun he around and shoved me down the hallway waving goodbye. I tried to wiggled my hands that some how managed to get stuck under the leather out.
My back suddenly made contact with a wall making the chair flip sideways. As I made contact with the floor still tied up fits of giggles filled the hallways from Alex. I rolled over with the chair on my back, pressing my chest into the floor.
I looked in front of me seeing Alex's feet in front on my face. I moved my eyes up seeing a rather charming smile on his lips but never the least I frowned from the pain this little act had coursed me.
He bent down untying the belt letting my arms free. I groaned sitting up agains the wall.
"I hate you" I mumbled rubbing my rather sore face.
He slid down against the wall beside me, leaning his head on my shoulder like he was innocent.
"Nah you love me"
"mmhm, my face hurts now you jerk" I mumbled not bothering to move at all.
"Im sowwy" He said in a kids voice before grabbing my face making me look at him. I met his eyes, they look soft in an unusual way. He leant forward placing a gentle kiss on my cheek that barbie had slapped me on and now had landed on.
The kiss made me blush and heart rate speed up.
He pulled way, standing up he grabbed my hand pulling me up with him. I reached for the chair to drag it back to our dorm room but was forced to sit down on it.
"Hold on" Was Alex said before I was being pushed down the hallway to our dorm room. I will admit it was rather fun and scary how fast he was going.
I missed this.
"Hey Keegy?" I looked up from my book I was ready quietly in the kitchen. I saw Alex sitting on the counter looking at me.
"Yes Ally?" I smirked seeing him roll his eyes.
"So theres a party right-" He started but I cut him off.
"Keegan you can-"
"No" I went back to ready my book when it was ripped my hands.
"Hey!-" Now I was cut off when Alex had smashed his lips upon mine. Even though It wasn't my first kiss with Alex it still made me all giddy on the inside.
He pulled away, leaving us panting.
"So I was saying theres a party tonight and were going" He smirked seeing me all dazed and readjusting my glasses that got moved from all the kissing.
"U-ah-okay" Was I stumbled out still dazed out of my mind from him kissing me. God I hate how he has that power over me.
"Good, be ready by 8" He smiled before walking off. I groaned lightly hitting my head on the table not wanting to party since Ive got homework but I shall please him...not in that way you dirty lil fuckers.
As we opened the door to the party, the smell of booze, sweat and smoke filled my nose making me gag. Last time we were here Alex and I made out since we were both slightly drunk. We made our way through the crowd of girls who decided it was a good idea to try and grind up against two clearly gay as fuck guys.
After battling with the horny girls we made our way to the familiar kitchen getting our drinks but when we walked in I couldn't believe who I saw.
It was the waitress from the ice-cream shop the other day.
Josh! thats it. Josh was here talking to the one and only barbie but he look violently uncomfortable. I giggled at the sight, he was tugging at his red hair.
Alex turned to me smiling nudging my ribs.
"Hey its our waiter you stripped for!" He exclaimed laughing, I groaned hiding my now redden face in my hands. This was just too perfect...god help us all.
"Lets go!" he pulled me by my arms over to the counter where the drinks were spilled out.
I stood there watching as Alex mixed up my favourite vodka and cherry drink. I sneaked a look seeing Josh looking like he's trying not to rip his hair out while Barbie talked to him. He looked up meeting my eyes instantly smiling.
I smiled waving then thought to my self. Who the fuck waves at a party. I met his eyes again seeing him give me a pleading look.
"I'll be back" I told Alex hearing him humm before I walked over to Josh.
"Hey Barbie!" I yelled seeing her flinch then send me a glare.
"What do you want faggot!" She snarled but I smiled at her.
"Oh nothing but honey I suggest you play nicely" Her eyes widen as I snapped at her. Josh had flinch as my sudden nasty side came out, even I was shocked since I never snap at anyone and I haven't even started to drink yet.
"What ever!, Bye Liam" She groped his arm before walking away swaying her hips. I turned to look at Josh with an raised eyebrow.
"Liam?" I was utterly confused.
"Like hell I was giving her my real name" He laugh causing the corner of his eyes to crinkle which was cute.
"Thanks for saving me but how do you know her?" He asked taking a sip from a red plastic cup.
"She is Alex's now ex" I smiled as Alex came over giving me my drink. I raised it to my lips, sipping on the sweet burning drink, filling my stomach warm up.
"Hello" Alex said happily to us. He already sounded drunk maybe get downed some while Ive been gone.
"Are you gonna strip for us again Keegy" Alex smirked as Josh laughed, I shoved him causing him to spill his drink on us.
"Bloody hell" I muttered but chose to ignore it and sipped away at mine.
"I'll be right back" Alex muttered leaving Josh and I standing alone in the kitchen.
I didn't like the silence that surrounded us after Alex left. The only noise that filled the room was us drinking and the music in the background.
"Why did they brake up?" Josh suddenly blurted out which took me by surprise.
"After his accident he forgot everything and well her, so when they met again he didn't want her back" I couldn't help laugh at the memory off her face.
"Oh what accident?" This guy was full of questions.
"He was hit by a car when walking home drunk" I said it like nothing had happen. Josh let out an 'oh' sipping his drink.
As minutes passed which turned into an hour I had managed to down only 4 drinks and stumble upon Ian and Callum that I had met a few weeks ago while Josh was still by my side. I still had no idea as to why he was here.
"Hey j-josh" My words were a slurred as I hiccuped to which he giggled at.
"Yes Keegan" He too was slightly tipsy.
"Why are you here, you weren't last time" I leaned on him since my feet were starting to ache.
"My mate invited me but I lost him in the crowd" He sighed downing another drink.
"Oh thats sad, I hope you find him" Turns out Im a light weight because Ive only had four drinks and I'm laughing at everything.
Alex entered the kitchen and stumbled back over to us grabbing our hands yes even Josh's, lacing our fingers together, doing the same to Josh's hands.
"They're playing truth or dare" I rolled my eyes.
"We did that last time!" I whined hearing Alex mutter something.
He pushed Josh and I onto the ground, sitting on my right.
"Okay whose first" A girl who I believed name Ashley stood up.
"Me"Josh piped up smiling.
"Okay Joshua you have to make out with...Callum" I looked over seeing Callum not looking impressed but then smiled and laughed as Josh jumped up planting him self on his lap. This suddenly turn very very gay.
"Get ready big boy" Josh fucking winked at Callum to which Callum pulled him down locking lips. The Kiss looked rather wet and slimy as they giggled. After a minute they pulled away. Josh tried to stand back up from the floor but fell back down in the middle laying down like star fish.
So he decided to stay put.
"Okay next" Josh yelled to the group.
"Me" I said quietly, usually I wouldn't participate but I've gained a lot of confidence since being at collage.
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare" I mumbled out.
Josh sat up smirking tipsily.
"okay *hiccup* Keegan I dare you too *Hiccup* Kiss... Me!" He laughed crossing his legs. Knowing I couldn't back out of a dare and everyone was chanting even Alex I stood up moving towards Josh.
I sat in front of him sipping my drink before placing it back down. I grabbed his rather warm cheeks and planted my lips onto his. They tasted like cherries from my drink and chocolate from his.
We pulled away after a short minute as he was smiling like a goof.
"Done" I smirked standing up to get back to my original spot.
"Okay next" I asked
"Me" I turned my head seeing Austin smiling but it didn't look nice like a friendly one.
"Truth or dare?"
"Okay I dare you to-" I smirked wanting to see some one actually do this at a party.
"I dare you to strip off your clothes and run down the street and back"
I smirked crossing my arms hearing everyone chant.
"Deal may I asked Alex here before I do it" Not knowing what to say I nodded seeing him turn to Alex.
"Alex truth or dare?" I was confused as to if this was how the game goes.
"Dare" Alex smiled holding his cup of alcohol loosely.
"Okay Alex why don't you tell Keegan here the truth" He smiled, My mind was spinning. What truth. I looked at Alex seeing his face drop.
"Uh-I what?" He stuttered but I cut in.
"What truth?' The group had grown quiet and Josh sat up looking concerned yet drunk still.
"Alex knows exactly what Im talking about, he remembers everything well after I informed him when he first got out" Austin sneered, holding a grin that made my skin crawl.
"Alex?" I turned to face him, his eyes wouldn't meet mine.
"Alex, what the fuck is going on?" I snapped feeling slightly sick from the drinks.
But still no answer.
"Fine since Alex won't tell then I will-" He took a drag from his smoke blowing it in some girls face. Disgusting pig was running through my head.
"The first time you came here, we made bet that he couldn't get you to fall from him, but clearly he won" he smirked as I felt my heart sink into my stomach, I felt like I was gonna throw up. My throat went dry.
Everything was a bet, a lie.
"Is t-this true?" I asked Alex watching him hesitate but nodded after. So that means he never actually liked me nor wanted to be nice, it was a fucking bet. All the kisses was to get me to believe him.
"This was a bet?" I asked seeing Austin, Alex and a few other people nod. I felt embarrassed and so fucking stupid. I stood up not listening to the pleas from Alex that left his lips.
I stormed out of the room and ran out of the campus. I stopped walking as I reached the park that was located beside the campus. I let the cold hair nip at my skin as the thoughts flooded my mind.
A bet.
I felt so sick I swear my drinks were about to come back up.
A fucking game. But they're drunk, they might not knowing what they're talking about but then again austin was sick that way. I trusted Alex so fucking much and his torn it apart.
I felt tears prick my eyes as I leaned against a tree, I wanted to die. I could never face that group of people again, how am I meant to sleep in the same room as him knowing the past weeks and months were a lie, it was all an act.
I wiped a tear that had escaped when I heard a voice behind me.
I looked up seeing Josh's flaming hair burn against the light from the lamp post and from the moon.
I didn't say anything but just simply sat their breathing. He sat beside me looking up to the stars just I was.
"Im sorry that happened" He spoke softly not looking away from the stars.
"It was all a lie" Was all that escaped my now dry lips, they were dry from the alcohol and winter wind.
"No one deserves that" He sighed, I watched as steam escaped his lips into the winter sky as his warm breath made contact, it was rather cold out here in the park.
"I d-dont know what do to, I can't see him knowing i-it was all a bet" I choked on a few words, it hurt harder each time I thought about it.
"Hmmm" He hummed probably not sure what to make out about this situation with a stranger he'd only talk to twice his whole life.
Why was a stranger I only met like a few days ago nicer than most people at the party, well now I was starting to think he's nicer than Alex or maybe he lied about his name too.
God I don't even know whats true anymore.
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