《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 20
"Master Jaken!"
Rin had already jumped on top of A-Un's back and Jaken rushed over to climb on.
"Quickly! Follow Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken ordered.
A-Un flew into the air following the direction where Sesshomaru had gone. Inuyasha and Kagome watched them leave.
"Should we go after them?" he asked her.
Kagome shook her head. "No. This must be really hard for Sesshomaru. We need to give him space."
He looked at her. Tears were still falling from her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly as she cried silently.
Sesshomaru grew more and more desperate as he flew in the direction of his mother's castle. His arm gripped around Lyra's lifeless legs as she stayed flung over his mokomoko. He had carried her this way many times before and he just wished she would wake up and start talking. She would talk none stop even if he didn't respond. But he would still listen to her. He missed her constant nattering. He could feel that his heart was racing as he remained clinging onto hope that she could be revived.
Soon, he found his mother's castle in the sky and made his way to the top. Guards stood dotted around to protect the castle. Upon seeing Sesshomaru flying towards them, one had rushed inside to call Inukimi. Sesshomaru landed atop the stairs that lead to the throne outside and was soon joined by Rin, Jaken and A-Un. They both climbed off and stood at Sesshomaru's side.
"Where are we, Lord Sesshomaru?" Rin asked.
"Well, well," came another voice. "This is certainly a surprise."
From the doors behind the throne, a lady walked out and stood in front of them. Sesshomaru stared at her with no response. She wore a purple and white kimono and wore a dark blue outer wrap that had a fur pelt around her chest. In addition, she wore a light blue necklace with an amulet.
"Hello, Sesshomaru," the lady greeted.
Jaken creased his brows in anger. "Who do you think you are?! Show a little respect! That's Lord Sesshomaru to you!"
She ignored the imp and continued to look at Sesshomaru. "I can only assume you have questions about the Tenseiga your father left you. I can think of no other reason you'd come visit your mother."
Rin and Jaken gasped at the revelation.
Jaken began to stutter. "M-m-m- Y-you're his mother?"
Again, he was ignored. Inukimi turned and sat on the throne. The throne was red and gold with a large round back rest and an extra long and flat surface to the side of it.
"Sesshomaru, as I recall you used to despise humans, did you not?" she began. "And yet here you are with a human child in your company. And who is that you are holding? Did you bring me a gift? Perhaps you intend to eat them."
Sesshomaru frowned, narrowing his eyes at his mother. "Tenseiga can be used to bring others back from the dead by slaying the demons of the underworld."
"Yes, I know, Sesshomaru. So, what is it you wish to know?"
He gritted his teeth, his expression quickly showing distress. "I can't save her."
His voice held hurt and it could also be seen in his expression. It surprised his mother greatly, not knowing he bore such strong feelings towards a mere human. She was curious about the girl be cared so deeply about.
"Place her down," she told him, motioning to the flat surface joined to her throne.
Sesshomaru went over and carefully lay her down onto the cushioned surface. His mother watched as he then stayed sitting beside the body, his eyes not leaving her face. He gently moved her hair from her face but became even more frustrated. Lyra's skin was growing colder and colder. She was almost like ice. Rin and Jaken ran over to the other side to stay near her.
"Why can't I save her?" he growled, clenching his teeth together. "Why does Tenseiga refuse to return her to me?"
Inukimi walked over and looked at Lyra. "Tell me, my son, has she died before?"
"No," he answered shortly, looking up at her. "Why?"
"Hm... If one has already been returned to the world of the living once before, then they cannot be brought back a second time."
"But she has not died before," he reiterated, growing even more frustrated. "She has not died."
"Perhaps Tenseiga is unwilling to revive her."
"Why?!" he growled.
Inukimi frowned softly. "What is her name?"
He turned his gaze down to the body again, his voice softening. "Lyra Akiyama."
Inukimi's brows raised slightly at her name. Sesshomaru cupped Lyra's cold cheek. Rin and Jaken began tearing up as he closed his eyes tightly.
'Why..? Why am I being punished this way? I claim to love her, but I did not hold up to my duty as her mate and protector. I turned my back on her when she needed me most. When she told me she was marrying another, was that her cry for help? I allowed my pride to take over. And this is my punishment.'
Sesshomaru was not one to ever cry. Yet as he clenched his eyes shut, a single tear rolled down his cheek. He suddenly took his armour off and threw it aside, surprising Inukimi, Rin and Jaken. He didn't want to hurt her as he crouched lower over Lyra's body, burying his face into the crook of her neck. He could still breathe in her unique scent. But...he had truly lost her.
Inukimi was utterly stunned at her son's behaviour. To show such weakness and vulnerability over the death of a woman was unlike him. Rin cried as well whilst Jaken sniffed and wiped the tears from his eyes. Inukimi called Jaken over to her.
"Tell me about this woman," she said. "How was she able to sway my son's heart?"
Jaken told her briefly how Lyra had come into their world. He spoke about her and Sesshomaru's relationship and the changes in his behaviour towards her. Sesshomaru remained a feared and powerful demon amongst the lands, yet with Lyra he was calm and compassionate. However, he would sometimes show mercy to others if he knew Lyra would disapprove. He then went on to inform her about her marriage and that she had refused to return to Sesshomaru. Yet he left everything behind when he learned of her death to save her. Now that he was unable to bring her back, he was suffering. Inukimi listened to the imp while watching her son mourn over her body. She then let out a sigh.
"My son has finally found love and she's been taken away from him," she said to herself. "As a mother I am unable to stand idly by while he suffers."
Jaken blinked. "What will you do, Lady Mother?"
Inukimi walked passed the imp and placed her hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder. He sat up, his eyes showing nothing but his heartbreak. His mother held up the stone pendant around her neck.
"This is the Meidō stone. Your father gave it to me," she explained. "I will help you this one time."
Sesshomaru looked at her, unsure as to what his mother meant. Inukimi removed the necklace from around her neck and placed it on Lyra. Everyone watched in silence, Sesshomaru holding his breath as his heart pounded against his chest.
A white light began to glow from the stone, spreading out in waves. As the light dissipated, Lyra slowly opened her eyes. Sesshomaru felt his heart jump as his eyes widened slightly.
Lyra looked up at him. She was confused as to what was happening. Seeing Sesshomaru looking down at her with the blue skies behind him, she thought she was dreaming.
'I died... Am I in heaven..?'
"Lady Lyra!" Jaken gasped in joy. "You're alive!"
Lyra turned her head and saw Jaken and Rin both grinning, and a lady she had never seen before. She then felt Sesshomaru's hand on her cheek and she returned her gaze to his face. She didnt know if she was still dead or if she was alive. She didn't care. Sesshomaru was with her and that's all that mattered. Tears welled up in her eyes as she placed her hand over his.
She was cut off as Sesshomaru leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She closed her eyes and kissed him back deeply. She missed his lips, his touch, his eyes. Everything. She lifted her other hand and held his face, her fingers touching his soft hair. It was all bringing her back to life. As they parted from the kiss, she looked deeply into his eyes and whimpered.
"I'm sorry, Sesshomaru..."
He wrapped his arm around her and lifted her to sit up before holding her to him. She buried her face into his chest, clutching onto his kimono.
"Foolish woman," he whispered.
Lyra couldn't help but smile at his affectionate term. Sesshomaru stayed clinging onto her. He had learned his mistake and he was never letting her leave again.
"Sesshomaru," Inukimi called.
Lyra lifted her head, Sesshomaru loosening his arm as they both turned towards her.
"We have much to discuss," she said. "Take Lyra inside."
Sesshomaru stood, taking Lyra's hand and helping her stand. Rin suddenly ran over before hugging her legs. Lyra was slightly taken aback but she was so happy to see her. What shocked her was when Jaken had wrapped his arms around one of her legs as well. Inukimi observed the odd group; his son and his mate with a little human girl and an imp.
As they let go, Lyra looked up at Inukimi. She had no idea what was going on. The last thing she remembered was driving away from Kanda's home, a loud crash and then total darkness. Suddenly, she was waking up again to see Sesshomaru. Hopefully he would be able to clear things up for her. But seeing the beautiful woman standing in front of her, she knew the lady had something to do with being alive again.
Lyra bowed respectfully. She knew who the woman was. Initially when Sesshomaru had mentioned her to Lyra, she was extremely nervous. But being in front of her, she held no fear towards her.
"It's an honour to meet you, my Lady," Lyra spoke before standing straight again.
Inukimi's lips curved up into a soft smile. "You have just awoken from the dead. Go with my son and change out of those clothes."
Lyra looked down at her clothes and saw it was covered in blood. She raised her head. "But I have no other clothes."
"My servants will take care of you. Go, Sesshomaru."
With a nod, he took Lyra's hand, their fingers automatically fitting together perfectly. He began to lead her inside but halted in front of Inukimi. Lyra removed the necklace from around her neck and passed it to Inukimi before Sesshomaru turned to her.
"Thank you, mother," he said in a soft tone.
Her smile grew a little as she gave a single nod.
Inside the castle, Sesshomaru ordered the female servants to ready a bath and new clothing. He took Lyra to one of the empty bedrooms before instantly enveloping her into a hug, his arm holding around her shoulders. She wrapped her arms around his torso, laying her head on his chest and listening to his heart. It was beating so rhythmically. It was so soothing.
"I don't want to go back, Sesshomaru," she whispered, closing her eyes and holding him tighter. "I don't want to go back."
He lifted his hand to the back of her head. "I know, my beloved."
A maid entered the room, her head lowered in respect and the two parted from one another.
"The bath is ready for my Lady," she informed.
Lyra looked up to Sesshomaru. "Stay with me."
He agreed with a nod of his head and they followed the maid to the bathing chamber. It was a large wooden room with the bath in the floor at the centre, the edge of the bath raised slightly. The water flowed through it constantly through a waterfall feature, always pushing out fresh water. There were another couple of maids ready to help Lyra bathe, one of them holding a new kimono. Sesshomaru simply told them to leave and they did, the maid placing the kimono on a nearby stand.
Once they were alone, Lyra began to undress herself although she struggled with taking the dress off. Sesshomaru lifted his claws and swiped it across her dress, shredding it to pieces causing the material fell to the ground. It was only a reminder of bad times. Lyra just wished he had warned her before he did it. However, she didn't care.
Sesshomaru eyed her body. The dried blood staining her body was fuelling the fire of his anger. His fist clenched at his side as he wondered what it was that had killed her. He didn't even have time to think about it before because he was only focused on bringing her back to life. Lyra noticed the amount of blood on her body and she felt frightened. She couldn't comprehend how bad the accident was. She couldn't remember the pain. Surely her bones must have been crushed as well, yet it felt as though she had gotten away without a scratch. She was grateful to be alive.
She could see the pain in Sesshomaru's eyes. Going to the bath, she climbed in and allowed the water to wash away the blood to reveal unbroken skin. It was flawless. Sesshomaru sat on the edge of the bath, watching the tainted red water disappear as more fresh water poured in. He brushed his hand down her arm and into the water to feel it for himself. There was not even a hint of a scratch. Her body had completely healed. Lyra relaxed and leaned back, her hair flowing in the water as she rested her head against the edge. His touch soothed her further as she sighed deeply.
"I wish I could change everything. I'm sorry I broke your heart, Sesshomaru," she spoke quietly. "I... I just-"
"It was not you that day," he said softly. "What happened? And this time I want the truth."
Lyra breathed out. "Before the engagement was finalised, I wished to tell Kanda the truth about us. What I didn't know was my father had arranged everything without me knowing." At the mention of her father, Sesshomaru gritted his teeth but remained silent as she continued. "Kanda's parents had come to discuss the wedding but I told my dad I was going to tell them all the truth. What my father said next was what shattered everything."
"What did he say?"
"He said-" She gulped and closed her eyes. "He said that if I told the truth, I would come face to face with his dead body..." Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes as she carried on. "Tell me how I was supposed to say or do anything without risking my father taking his own life? I was trapped in that instant."
"And that is why you chose not to tell me. I asked you that day if you were being forced against your will and you denied it."
"I was scared..." she whispered. "If I told you the truth then, no matter what your actions would be after that, I was scared my father would die. He kept on reiterating that he was trying to keep me safe by making me marry Kanda. And then I was the one to die in the end."
"How did you..." He couldn't finish his question.
"Kanda had overheard me speaking to Kagome and learned the truth. He tried to end the marriage so that I could be with you. But..." She sighed. "But my father still tried to make it happen. I argued with him that I was in love with you and then he slapped me." Sesshomaru almost lost his shit at that moment but he remained calm for Lyra's sake, simply biting his tongue and staying quiet. "I ran away to return to you. I only remember a crashing sound for a split second before everything went dark. And then I woke up here," she finished, looking up at him.
His hand was holding onto hers now under the water. He needed some sort of physical contact with her to know she was still with him and that it wasn't just a beautiful nightmare.
"Kagome informed me of your death," he told her. "I tried to revive you in your world and here."
"You tried?"
Sesshomaru gripped her hand. "Mother believes Tenseiga was unwilling to save you."
Lyra was confused. "But then how did I come back?"
"Mother saved you with the Meidō stone."
That was a whole other thing she did not want to get into at that moment. She figured it was that pendant she had returned to his mother. She was simply appreciative that she was still living and breathing. However, they were both curious as to why Tenseiga didn't work.
After enjoying the water for a while, Sesshomaru helped her out of bath. He called one of the maids back in to help her get ready before he took Lyra to his mother. Rin and Jaken were being looked after by the servants, both celebrating Lyra's return in another room with the food they were being served.
Inukimi waited for her son and Lyra further in the castle in the throne room. Upon entering, they saw her sitting atop her throne. They both walked towards her, Inukimi's eyes instantly finding their hands joined together. Once they were in front of the throne, Sesshomaru kneeled down and so Lyra followed suit. She knew she wasn't to speak first out of respect and waited for his mother to speak.
"Sesshomaru," Inukimi began. "Be warned that this is Lyra's final chance. Protect her."
"Yes, mother."
She then addressed Lyra. "Tenseiga could not save you, therefore, I should have left you for dead."
Lyra felt Sesshomaru's hand flinch in hers and so she gently squeezed it to calm him. Inukimi continued.
"However, witnessing my son's heartbreak and love for you was something a mother could not bear. I have given you this chance. Life is precious and fragile. Take good care of it."
Lyra bowed her head. "Thank you, my Lady."
Inukimi smiled. "Sesshomaru, the reason Tenseiga was unable to revive Lyra is because..." She looked at Lyra now. "She has died once before."
Lyra's eyes widened and she quickly glanced at Sesshomaru. However, his expression was unreadable. Sesshomaru was trying to comprehend everything. He knew he had seen Lyra's father somewhere before, but to him it was insignificant then so he couldn't recall exactly where it was. Now he realised it had something to do with Lyra being unable to be revived.
"I- But- What-" Lyra stuttered.
"Lyra," Inukimi stopped her. "When I learned your name, I knew exactly who you were. Renji Miyazaki is your father. Hara Setsu was your mother."
"H-how do you know my parents?" she asked with shock.
"Hara was one of my oldest friends."
All Lyra could do was blink. "What?"
She couldn't wrap her head around what she was being told. How could her mother have been old friends with Sesshomaru's mother? And how had she died before without even knowing?
Inukimi smiled. "Your mother was a half demon."
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