《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 21
So many changes had occurred in Lyra's life within 24 hours. Her marriage to Kanda was over, she died, she came back to life, was told she had died and been revived before. And to top it all off, she found out she was part demon.
Nothing made sense.
"So... I'm, like, quarter demon?" she asked, completely flabbergasted.
Sesshomaru looked down at her. "It would explain why your scent is unique."
"Your mother was born to a human mother and an inu yōkai father," his mother added.
She pressed her fingers to her temple, closing her eyes as she tried to comprehend everything.
Inukimi began to explain her origins. "A little over 20 years ago, your father found his way down the bone eaters well and came here. Just like you."
Lyra looked up at her as both she and Sesshomaru listened carefully.
"Renji had a keen sense of adventure and travelled the lands before he was found by your mother. Renji and Hara soon fell in love. I remember Hara telling me about him. I have even met him. He visited my castle with Hara."
"That must be why he seemed so familiar," Sesshomaru realised.
"You despised the fact a human was invited in. It was your father's influence on me." Inukimi sighed softly. "They married and not long after, your mother gave birth to you. However, it cost her life. Sesshomaru's father had already died and Sesshomaru was travelling who knows where. I used the Meidō stone to bring her back. Hara was grateful and loved you with all her heart and more," she continued as she recalled distant memories. "You lived with your parents in a small house on the edge of a village. And you were all happy. The villagers accepted her even though she was half demon because she protected them from harm."
Tears fell from Lyra's eyes and she quickly wiped them away. "What happened to her?"
Inukimi looked at her. "A band of demons attacked the village on the day of your first birthday. There was no warning. Of course your mother tried to fight them off leaving Renji to escape with you. A couple of the demons managed to get past her, killing both you and your father."
At that point Lyra had buried herself into Sesshomaru's side, nuzzling into his mokomoko as she continued to learn the truth. He kept his arm around her waist, bringing her to him as he too listened to the story of her past.
"Hara was distraught obviously. She had managed to defeat the demons temporarily and brought you and Renji to me, begging me to save your life. For your mother's sake, I did. When you both awoke, I watched as Hara said her goodbyes to Renji. He tried to stop her but he understood. Your mother held you for the last time, kissing your entire face to make up for not being with you for the rest of your life. She made your father promise to leave these lands and return to his world so you could be safe."
"Why was she giving her goodbyes?" Lyra asked through shaky breaths, tears spilling from her eyes.
"She was going to sacrifice herself to the demons to save you, Renji and the villagers," she answered. "I have never seen your mother at her strongest. Even when you were unwilling to let go of her finger. That was when your father left to his world, vowing never to return."
It all made sense to her now. Everything added up in an instant. Ever since her father found out about her travelling down the bone eaters well, he had been acting differently. That was why he was so hell bent on keeping her away from Sesshomaru and forcing her to marry Kanda, even staking his own life for it. Lyra didn't cry out loud thinking of the sacrifice both her parents had made for her. Instead, her thoughts dug deep into her heart and it hurt, yet at the same time she was proud of both her mother and father. She breathed in deeply and lifted her head.
"Why couldn't you save her again?" Lyra asked her. "The way you saved me? Tenseiga couldn't revive me because I had already been revived. Yet you still gave me another chance. Why not my mother?"
"There was nothing left of your mother to save," Inukimi replied directly causing Lyra to close her eyes tightly. She could feel Sesshomaru soothing her head as she leaned into him whilst his mother continued to explain. "Besides, I could not allow your mother's sacrifice to be in vane. You were only an infant. And I could not allow the one thing Sesshomaru treasured to be taken away from him."
"I... I understand..."
Inukimi relaxed after having finished revealing Lyra's true past. "How is it you found your way back here?"
"The portal in the well leads to the well inside the shrine owned by my aunt's family. I believe that is how my father had come across it. When I went to visit them one day, something inside the well was calling out to me."
"You were born here. Your heart and soul will be forever connected to these lands."
"Home is where the heart is," Lyra added.
Inukimi smiled. "Precisely. Sesshomaru, take Lyra to rest now. I am certain you both have much to think about," she told them. Sesshomaru stood with Lyra before his mother spoke again. "And, Lyra, remain by my son's side."
"Forever, my Lady," she replied with a bow of her head as she held Sesshomaru's arm.
"On behalf of Sesshomaru's father and myself, I give you both my blessings."
They both thanked Inukimi before he lead Lyra away to a private bedroom. Once they were alone, Lyra suddenly grew faint from all the pressure of the new information running around in her mind, causing her to sway and lose balance. Sesshomaru caught her swiftly and held her in his as he sat down. She hid her face behind her hands as she curled up in a ball against him.
"What is wrong, Lyra?" he asked softly.
"It's all too much, Sesshomaru. It's too much," she mumbled into her hands before lowering them to clutch onto his kimono. She looked up at him with tear filled eyes as she began spewing out her concerns in one go. "My whole life has been one huge lie. I was born here. I'm part demon. I died and came back to life. Twice! Everything I've ever known about myself is a lie. My whole life is a lie. All I've been doing is lying and people have been lying to me and I don't know what to do. I just-" Sesshomaru cupped her cheek to hush her but she couldn't stop. "I don't know what to do. Nothing makes sense anymore. Nothing is right. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing-"
"Lyra, calm yourself," he spoke with more authority in his tone. His hand moved to hold her chin, making her look at him with that still worried expression. "Am I wrong?"
She quickly shook her head. "No, Sesshomaru. You're the only thing that's right in all that I've done."
"Then be silent." He touched his forehead to hers. "Forget about the cursed world. You and I are together now."
Lyra closed her eyes and took calming breaths as she listened to his soothing voice. "It's just you and I."
He listened to her breathing slowly transition from stressed to relaxed. Her breathing... It was all he wanted. His life was over the moment he had to accept her death. Her being brought back again was not just a final chance for Lyra, but for him as well. They both made mistakes and both learned valuable lessons. They were not going to mess it up. Her scent, her thick hair, her soft lips, and those striking eyes. Everything he had fallen in love with and more. His touch, his molten gold pools, his core melting voice and his authoritative words to go with it. They were all hers. They had given each other not only their hearts but their souls as well. They took it for granted, but never again.
Sesshomaru knew Lyra would have to return to the future soon. Her simply being alive again would be a miracle that she wouldn't know how to explain. But she would have many questions to answer. She simply wasn't ready to answer them yet.
Sesshomaru cradled her against him as she rested. "Whenever you are ready, I will go with you."
Lyra smiled lightly. "Thank you." She gazed up at him and stroked his cheek. "I love you, Sesshomaru."
"And I love you, Lyra."
Being able to say those words freely again was a breath of fresh air to them. Closing the gap, they both shared a soft and romantic kiss. It was a promise to one another that that is where they belonged.
After parting from the kiss, they both sat in silence, simply grateful to be together again. They had so much to say but their silence told each other so much.
Moments of silence passed. Lyra remained in her space on Sesshomaru's lap cuddled up to his chest. She was absentmindedly playing with the hem of the kimono she was wearing. It was only then she had admired the maroon shade of it with the design of sakura blossoms on the sleeves. Her mind soon wandered again as she thought about what she was going to tell Kanda and his family. She didn't even know what to tell her friends. She was certain they all thought she was still dead. Explaining to them how she came back from the dead would be a mission.
"Lyra, your father will be waiting for you," Sesshomaru told her, breaking the silence.
"I know," she sighed. "There is so much I need to talk about when I see him. I'm just scared..."
"What are you scared of?"
She looked at him as she sat up. "The last time I saw him, he was so angry. The last time I saw him was when he slapped me."
Sesshomaru gritted his teeth as he tried to control his anger at the thought of someone raising their hand on Lyra and hurting her. "Your father begged me to save your life when I was taking you away. He was on his knees."
"I am certain he regrets his mistake." He lifted his hand and cupped her cheek. "I will seek his blessing and when we return, I shall make you my wife."
Her face lit up as she smiled brightly. Her heart soared and it was evident through the sparkle in her eyes. Sesshomaru couldn't look away from her. Just a simple smile from her was enough to make him happy. Lyra began to blush from the way he was watching her, her cheeks turning pink before she nuzzled her face into his chest.
"Stop looking at me that way," she said feeling embarrassed.
He placed his hand on the back of her head. "What other way is there to look at you?"
She sat up and stuck her tongue out at him playfully but Sesshomaru stared at her with his stoic expression. Lyra sighed softly.
"You know, you-"
Sesshomaru suddenly pressed his lips onto hers, silencing her. After a few seconds, he pulled away. Lyra blinked a couple of times and recomposed herself.
"You need to stop cutting me off like that," she told him.
"You talk too much."
"But I forgot what I was going to say now."
"Clearly it was not important."
Lyra dropped her head and laughed softly. "I can't win with you," she said before looking at him again with a small smile. "Sesshomaru, I'm sorry for everything I put you through."
"Silence. I do not wish to hear anymore."
"If you continue," he closed his eyes, "I shall have to punish you."
Lyra opened her mouth to speak but quickly decided against it, closing her mouth again. She breathed out and stared at him. He still had his eyes closed making roll her eyes, annoyed by the fact he was making her remain silent. She only wished to apologise for her mistakes but every time she tried, he would stop her. Continuing to stare at him, she sighed dramatically.
Sesshomaru didn't move, his eyes still closed.
She breathed out again but louder.
"Nothing," she shrugged.
It fell silent once more so again she let out another loud sigh. Sesshomaru opened his eyes to look at her.
"What?" he asked in a more stern tone.
"You wish for my attention."
She smiled a little cheekily and held the tips of her thumb and forefinger together really close. "Just a little bit," she answered before pouting slightly. "We've been separated for a month, Sesshomaru. So, I'm sorry that I want a little tiny small amount of attention from you."
"I was thinking."
"Our future. There is much we must discuss."
Lyra shuffled herself in a slightly more comfortable position. "Okay."
"Only after you return and speak to your father."
She instantly averted his gaze and lowered her head. "I... I don't-"
"Lyra," Sesshomaru spoke softly, lifting her head. "I will be with you."
She looked into his eyes and gave in. She would have to face them all someday. And then after that, she could return to her true home and live forever with Sesshomaru.
They both gave their thanks to Inukimi again before leaving her castle in the sky. Rin wanted to be with Lyra so they both rode on A-Un whilst Jaken clung onto Sesshomaru's mokomoko.
"I knew you would come back!" Rin told her. "I just knew it."
Lyra smiled. "I'm glad you kept hope, Rin. I had missed you so much. And you as well, Jaken!" she yelled to him.
Jaken let out a sound of annoyance. "Well, I certainly did not miss you!"
"Yes, you did, Master Jaken," Rin said.
"B-be quiet, Rin!"
Lyra laughed at the two of them. She was truly with her family again, and for the first time in over a month, she was happy again.
As they approached the well, Lyra could see Kagome and her friends. When Kagome saw that Lyra was alive, she thought she was dreaming. With Tenseiga not working, she thought Lyra was gone forever.
Their two groups stayed separated by a short distance while Lyra and Kagome were talking in the middle. Lyra gave everyone a brief explanation of everything that had occurred and about her past.
"You're part demon?!" Kagome asked in disbelief.
Lyra simply nodded in response. Kagome suddenly pulled her into a tight hug.
"Everyone at home still thinks you're dead. What are you gonna tell them?"
Lyra hugged her back. "The truth." She pulled away and smiled. "I don't know what I'm going to tell the hospital though."
"I'm sure you'll figure something out. I'm just glad that you're back."
"Me too. Sesshomaru is going with me. Could you perhaps keep an eye on Rin and Jaken?"
Suddenly, Inuyasha was standing beside Kagome. "No way! We're not a bunch of babysitters!"
Lyra looked at him. "Oh hey, little bro."
Inuyasha was taken aback and Sesshomaru mentally cringed.
"Bro?" Inuyasha asked.
"Yeah, because you're Sesshomaru's-"
"Lyra," Sesshomaru called. "Let's go."
She quickly thanked Kagome and Inuyasha for taking on the duty they didn't even agree to before rushing to Sesshomaru. He was still frowning at her familial term to Inuyasha.
"Was that necessary?" he asked in a low tone.
His frown deepened as he chose to ignore her. Like usual, he lifted her over his mokomoko. She quickly sent everyone a wave before Sesshomaru jumped into the well.
Back in the hospital, tensions were running high. They had no idea about Lyra's wellbeing or if Sesshomaru had been able to save her. Almost a day had passed and there was still no news.
Outside the room, Kanda's family had just left the hospital. They were all stressing about what they had seen with the man taking Lyra's body. Kimi was convinced he was an angel. Kanda made them all go home while he and Renji waited in the hospital in case Sesshomaru returned with Lyra.
Since it was the hospital he worked at, Kanda was at his desk pulling up medical records on his computer. He wanted to know everything the doctors had found from the examination of Lyra's body. If Sesshomaru returned with her and by some miracle she was alive, he would have to ensure all the correct procedures took place and the medicines would not cause her further damage.
The database window opened on the left half of the screen. He spelled out 'Miyazaki' in the search engine of the database. There were obviously hundreds and hundreds of people with that last name but he narrowed down the results by adding in the home address. Both Lyra's and Renji's records appeared with brief notes beside their names.
He clicked onto Lyra's name and a new window popped up, only taking up the right half of the screen. There were more subcategories such as DNA tests, blood test results, medical history and so on. He decided to read through everything in order and so clicked on on 'DNA tests'. Before he could read about the anomaly in her DNA, something else caught his attention. His brows furrowed together as his heart began to race.
Renji was in the room Lyra's body had been. The broken shards of glass had been cleared away and he stood at the forever opened window hoping to see a glimpse of Sesshomaru's return. He knew that since Lyra had been revived before, there wouldn't be another chance to bring her back. He could only hope Sesshomaru found a way.
He remembered the promise he had made 20 years ago and closed his eyes. 'I vowed to keep her safe and I failed. Please forgive me, Hara...'
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the door open behind him. There stood Kanda with an expression of disbelief.
"You're dying..?"
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