《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 22
Sesshomaru placed Lyra down to her feet once they arrived at the shrine in the future. It was evening and she wanted to see her aunt, cousin and grandpa first. They were still mourning over her and she wanted to put them at ease. She forced Sesshomaru to go inside with her despite his not wanting to. It would be so much easier to explain everything to them if he was there.
When she entered, she walked further into the house to find everyone in the kitchen. Grandpa was looking out the window, Sota was sitting beside his mother, and Mama was crouched over the kitchen table with her head in her arms. The news was on the TV that was on in the background but the volume was low. Sota's attention was caught and his eyes widened.
"Lyra!" He jumped up to his feet and ran over to her before hugging her around her waist. "You're alive!"
Lyra almost teared up at seeing the elation on his face. Mama and Grandpa looked over, both having the same reaction as Sota. Mama walked over to her and enveloped her into a tight hug.
"This is truly a miracle," she said through tears of joy. "I hope I'm not dreaming."
Lyra hugged her back. "It's not a dream. I promise you that."
They parted as Grandpa joined them and Lyra gave him a tight hug, surprising him. Sesshomaru watched Lyra with her family and the bond they shared. It pleased him to see she was happy. His eyes darted down as he noticed the little boy staring at him in awe.
"How is this possible?" Grandpa asked.
"Whoa! Cool swords!"
They turned to see Sota was about touch one of the swords but quickly recoiled at Sesshomaru's glare. Lyra laughed nervously and gently pulled Sota away.
"This is Sesshomaru," she introduced him. "He saved me."
Mama gave a small bow. "Thank you for saving my niece."
Sota stepped forward again. "You kinda remind me of Inuyasha!"
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at him and again, Lyra pushed Sota back.
"They're half brothers," she explained. "But opposite personalities," she said more directly to Sota.
Hopefully he would understand that Sesshomaru wasn't as carefree and merciful as Inuyasha.
Mama made some tea as they all sat around the table on their knees. Sesshomaru sat beside Lyra, Mama and Sota opposite them whilst Grandpa sat at the head of the table. Lyra and her aunt spoke to each other and Grandpa sat in silence. Sota kept on staring at Sesshomaru and it was annoying him a little. If Jaken had done that, Sesshomaru would have already whacked him by now. However, since the boy was Lyra's family, he tried his best to ignore it. Lyra wanted to know what her aunt knew about her birth.
"Did dad ever tell you about my mother?" Lyra asked.
Mama breathed out softly. "Not much I'm afraid. I only knew her name was Hara. I didn't even know about you until you were a year old."
"There was a time where your father disappeared for a few years. He came to visit me and Kagome's father. Then one night, he was just gone. We thought he went missing. There was an entire police investigation to find him but he was officially declared as missing," Mama told her. Lyra was in complete shock, not knowing anything about that. Her aunt continued. "About three years later, he just walked into the house with you in his arms. I still remember the state he was in. Like he had just lost everything. Kagome's father and I took care of you whilst your father worked through his bad phase. He told us your mother died during childbirth but nothing more. We all decided not to discuss it any further. We had to take care of you. Renji eventually moved away into the city with you and brought you up there."
Renji had kept everything a secret. Everything she knew about herself and family had all been false. All to keep her protected. She regretted feeling resentment towards her father. Now that she knew the truth, she hoped that he wouldn't hide anything else from her. And she hoped he would forgive her.
Suddenly, Lyra's attention was caught by the TV. She stood before walking over to it and put the volume up. The scene they were broadcasting was taken from a helicopter, showing the severity of the accident. It showed a scene of a completely wrecked car, her wrecked car, and a large truck to the side of it. There was glass and broken bits of the car all over the road with the firemen clearing the area. The flashing blue lights of the multiple police cars added more drama to the scene as everything had been blocked off.
"A fatal accident occurred yesterday evening just before 7pm," the news reporter informed. "Eye witnesses interviewed at the scene told the police they saw the driver in the car go through a red light. A truck driver was driving at the speed limit of 40 miles per hour with his right of way before he collided with the car."
Sesshomaru joined Lyra, standing beside her as they watched the scene in front of them. Lyra didn't know how she had died until just then. No one would have survived that. They then showed the truck driver talking to the police.
"I didn't even see her coming until it was too late," he said. "A man was there, I think he was a doctor, but we managed to pull the door off and he started doing CPR. I know there was nothing I could do to stop it but I'll have to live with that guilt. I'm pretty sure I heard the man say the woman was his fiancé. He took control of the situation until emergency services came."
The news then went back to the reporter. "20 year old Lyra Miyazaki died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. This is the scene of the accident earlier today after the wreckage was cleared."
The news then went to show hundreds of bouquets of flowers on the streets with more people coming with even more flowers.
Lyra switched off the TV before looking up at Sesshomaru. "I want to see my father now."
"Very well."
She said her goodbyes to everyone before she was lifted over Sesshomaru's shoulder. She had never seen the modern world from up in the sky and she wondered if anyone had ever seen Sesshomaru. One thing was for certain though; the feudal era was definitely more beautiful.
The journey back to her city was a lot faster than driving. They had arrived in a fraction of the time. Lyra spotted the site of the crash and the amount of flowers that had been put out in her memory. It was crazy to think that everyone thought she was dead. But it didn't matter because she wouldn't be returning again. She had already made up her mind that she would only go to visit but she would be living in her world with Sesshomaru. She just hoped her father would agree.
The window in the hospital had still not been fixed but the broken glass had been cleared away. Kanda and Renji stood in silence in the room.
Renji had told him all about his condition and explained that that was why he was adamant on getting the two to wed. Kanda was still in shock. After reading the reports, he found out that Renji's heart was slowly failing and there was nothing that could be done. He had hidden the fact from Lyra, using excuses of going out with friends and going out on errands to actually go to his hospital appointments.
"You should have told her," Kanda said, breaking the silence. "There's already been too many lies."
"I didn't want to worry her. She's already lost so much," Renji replied. "And then I made her lose the one she was in love with."
"What do you mean?"
Renji sighed. "I forced her to leave Sesshomaru and agree to this marriage by telling her I would end my own life if she didn't," he confessed.
Kanda stared at him with a horrified expression. He couldn't imagine that Renji would ever do that but he was saying it himself.
"I was once like her. I craved adventure and I got it. I fell in love. And then I lost everything," Renji explained. "Well, not everything... I still had Lyra. If I didn't have her, I don't know what would have happened to me. I didn't want her to suffer like I did."
Kanda walked over to him and gently squeezed his shoulder. "I know you have suffered a lot in your life, sir. Life hasn't treated you well. But that doesn't give you, me or anyone the right to stop her from living her life her way. Give her everything you never had."
Renji smiled, albeit a little sadly. "You're right."
Just then, Sesshomaru's grand figure entered the room through the broken window. They were initially surprised but that quickly turned into gasps of joy when they watched Sesshomaru place Lyra down onto her feet. She turned to them, a bright smile on her face.
Lyra instantly went to her father and hugged him tightly. Renji thought he was dreaming. He couldn't understand how Sesshomaru had revived her a second time. He was told it could only be done once. But it didn't matter to him. His daughter was alive. He held onto her, tears of both happiness and sadness falling from his eyes.
"I'm sorry, Lyra," he cried. "I'm so sorry. Please... Please forgive your stupid father."
Lyra shook her head, still clinging onto him. "Don't say that. I shouldn't have run away like that and got into that accident. But, dad, I found out everything. I know everything. About my mother and my past. Everything."
"Y-you do?"
She pulled away from the hug and smiled. "Sesshomaru's mother told me. She was the one who brought me back."
Renji looked over at Sesshomaru who was standing in silence. "Thank you. For everything."
Sesshomaru gave a single nod in response before Lyra hugged her father again.
Kanda watched the two hug. He still couldn't believe that she was living and breathing in front of him. She had died in front of him. He witnessed the accident happen. It truly was a miracle. Being a man of science, he always believed that once someone was dead, there were no second chances. Now he didn't know what to believe. He wasn't even listening to what they were saying because he was in shock. Suddenly, he jumped out of his thoughts when Lyra waved her hand in front of his face.
She laughed quietly. "What's wrong? It looks as though you've seen a ghost."
Kanda stared at her for a couple of seconds before embracing her. Lyra closed her eyes and hugged him in return. She knew she didn't have to worry about Sesshomaru becoming angry. He bore no ill feelings towards the man and knew that she only saw him as a friend. Kanda was simply glad that Lyra was actually really there. The woman he fell in love with was alive again. He didn't know how but he didn't care.
"Watching the accident and seeing you die in front of me was the worst thing I've ever been through," he told her as they parted. "But seeing you alive right now is exactly what I need to rid my mind of those memories."
Lyra smiled softly. "I'm sorry for everything I've put you through."
Kanda shook his head. "You say sorry way too much for a person who has nothing to be sorry for. I should be the one who's sorry. I should have known that you weren't happy about the marriage beforehand."
"Don't be. Things just got a bit messed up," she shrugged.
"Your father told me the truth about what he said to you. And also-"
Kanda was just about to tell Lyra about his heart condition but Renji subtly shook his head behind her so only Kanda could see. Renji didn't want her to know. Sesshomaru had seen his secret gesture and began to wonder what they were hiding. Kanda fell silent before quickly carrying on with something else.
"A-and also, just you being here right now is a miracle. How were you brought back?" he asked, remembering that whatever Sesshomaru did with his sword hadn't worked.
"That is a long story," she told him before walking back to Sesshomaru. "But first let me introduce you to Sesshomaru. He-"
"We met yesterday," Kanda said with a smile. "You were dead then."
Lyra laughed softly. She couldn't imagine what that must have been like. And she was certain it wasn't a formal introduction. Sesshomaru wasn't one to introduce himself to others and he definitely wouldn't be while her dead body was in front of him.
As Sesshomaru and Lyra stood side-by-side, Kanda looked at them properly. Especially with Lyra wearing a traditional kimono, something he had never seen her wear, the thought in his mind was so much more prominent. A flashback of the painting in the Imperial Palace appeared as the conversation they spoke echoed in his mind.
'Hey, the lady kinda looks like you.'
'What do you mean?'
'You can kind of see the colour of her eyes. They're like yours; blue with a hint of purple.'
'The painting is 500 years old.'
It suddenly clicked, the realisation showing on his expression.
"Wait a minute..." he spoke aloud as he stared at the two of them. "That painting..."
Lyra could tell from his expression that he was going to want answers. "Um, Kanda, I think now is the time for that long story."
Kanda sat back in his seat as he ran his fingers through his hair. Lyra had explained everything to him, everything she had only just learned about her true self, including the fact she was part demon. He deserved to know the truth. Lyra had always lied to him despite not wanting to and that was how she had to make it up to him.
"Yeah..." Lyra smiled softly.
Kanda looked up at her and Sesshomaru, who were both standing. "So, it really is you in that painting."
"I didn't believe so at first, but yes," she confirmed.
"And you're also quarter demon. That's actually pretty awesome."
She was glad he didn't freak out. "Kanda, please don't let anyone know the truth about that. I told you because I trust you and others might not understand."
He nodded. "Of course. What about your friends?"
"Do they still think I'm dead?"
"Everyone still thinks your dead," he told her. "The hospital still thinks your dead. Think about how crazy the media will get when they find out you defied death." He stood up. "I need to change your records back to 'living'."
Lyra quickly stopped him. "No, wait!"
Both Kanda and Renji looked at her with confusion. "What is it?" Kanda asked.
"Please leave it. Let everyone think I'm dead."
Renji held her arms. "What are you talking about?"
"It's better this way. I can't live here anymore." She gently moved out of his hold and went to Sesshomaru. She looked up into his eyes and couldn't help but smile. "I wish to return home with Sesshomaru. That is where I truly belong."
Sesshomaru gazed down at her, his eyes soft as he brushed back her hair. Renji watched them and the love they shared. It reminded him of Hara. 'Our daughter has turned out just like you, Hara. Watch over her for me.' Renji looked to Kanda. The happiness he felt for Lyra was evident on his face. Kanda was simply glad that she was finally with her true love.
"What do you think, Kanda?" Renji asked him, causing everyone to look at him.
Kanda smiled. "Saves me from having to change the records and the millions of questions I'll have to answer."
"Then it's settled," Renji grinned before looking back at Lyra and Sesshomaru. "You both have my blessing."
Lyra was completely overjoyed that her father had given his blessing. She wouldn't have been able to live at peace without it. They both shared a loving hug to celebrate the moment. Renji gave Sesshomaru a bow knowing his status as a great demon. However, Sesshomaru also returned a bow out of respect for his mate's father.
Lyra then turned to Kanda. "I'll still visit and I pray that you find the right one for you soon. You really do deserve someone special."
"Thank you, Lyra. That means a lot," he smiled as they gave each other a final hug.
After pulling away, she asked, "How are you going to explain my missing body?"
Kanda scoffed with an amused smirk. "You forget that I'm the boss here. I'll simply change your reports and say your body has already been claimed and buried. No one will suspect a thing."
"You really are a great friend," she smiled.
He playfully placed his hand over his heart. "So this is what it feels like to be friendzoned. Ouch."
She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Just take care of yourself, Kanda. And I have just one last favour."
"What is it?"
She spoke a little quieter. "Watch out for my dad, please."
Kanda quickly glanced at Renji before nodding. "Of course I will."
With a promise to visit them again soon, Lyra gave her father a peck on his cheek before Sesshomaru held her in her usual position. She just about gave them a final wave before Sesshomaru flew away.
Once they had left, Kanda turned to Renji.
"I said it before and I'm saying it again: You should have told her."
Renji shook her head. "She's just got her smile back. I don't want to be the reason to take it away again. When she returns next time, I promise I'll tell her."
Renji then left the room leaving Kanda alone with his concerns.
'I hope she returns before it's too late...'
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