《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XXIII 🔥
"Catch on fire and people will come for miles to see you burn"
Two brothers with tears stained faces have failed once again. Their search for their little sister is not going anywhere, the girl is no where to be found. Sitting by a tree, they eat their food. "Jaxon, this is not working. We always knew he'd come for her and wherever he took her, we will not find it" Grayson speaks, his voice breaks in mid sentence and he has a hard time even speak about it or speak at all. The two brothers have been searching for her day and night, never resting and barely taking care of their bodies.
The motivation of finding her keeps them, yet as the days pass by, their hope is slowly starting to become nothing and they start to realize that they will never find her. "We cannot give up. This is Arabella we're talking about, she would never have given up on us and we shall not give up on her. She's our sister" Jaxon tells his brother, yet he was also trying to assure himself that they would find her. Tear leaks down his cheeks as he speaks, she means everything to him and his brother, and they will cross the world if needed to find her. Yet, little do they know she's not in this world.
They always knew she was different, they always knew she was special. And if the night on seventh of July did not count as special, they don't know what will. Arabella has always been immune to fire, just never knew it as they kept her away from it, even when she found comfort in it. They knew that one day he would return for her, yet after fifteen years, they did not know it would be soon. The fact that he came and took her from them fills them with unconditional anger and sorrow.
Arabella has been part of their lives from the moment she came into this world, and they vowed to protect her and keep her from all harm. But, how they can do that when they've failed her. They failed to keep her safe and they failed to keep her away from him. Perhaps if they had moved away from the village they grew up, he would not be able to find her, yet he did and he took her away from them. And now they intend to take her back to them. Only hoping that it isn't too late.
"Our sister is fifteen, no one can wed her without our permission, at least we know she's not wed and she's not stuck. He has her against her own will and now we shall get her back" Jaxon continues. They always hated the idea of her getting wed to another man, especially when she was this young and the one who would marry her would be at least twice her age or more. They had promised her that she would have a say in it, yet the society that they live in doesn't allow a woman to choose her own husband, as a woman is only meant for giving heirs.
A sad reality they live in, yet they wanted better for their sister. That was what she deserved. "We don't even know if she is still... alive" Grayson chokes out of himself, he can't even imagine her dead. The thought of her dead brings more sadness in his heart than anything else. He would do anything to keep her safe and alive, he already has lost two fingers for her, and he would give up his own heart to make sure that hers keeps beating.
As the older brother, Grayson feels more responsible for her and his younger brother, even if his brother is only a few minutes younger than him. He feels as if he needs to protect them and the love he has for both of them is something that no one can compare. "She's alive and she's safe. I feel it, I know it. I believe in it" His younger brother tries to convince themselves of it. Believing that she's safe is harder to do each day that passes, as they don't know if she's safe or well for that matter.
"I remember when she used to ask us questions about the world, as she wanted to travel the world" Jaxon says, his mind running around his memories, remembering the good times they had shared with her. They had fifteen years with her and they hoped it would last longer. They were the ones that fed her when hungry, sheltered her when scared, were there for her when she needed someone. Grayson laughs at his brothers words, remembering it too. "And now look at us, we're traveling the world without her. She will scold us when we find her" He says to his younger brother.
"At some time, I don't know which one is older, us or her. As she used to act mature for her age" Jaxon says, Arabella has always been like that, more mature than kids her own age. Perhaps that is because she was always meant to be that Queen she is now, or perhaps for another reason. "Remember the time where the two stayed outside in the sun far too long and when she came inside, she was normal while you were burned?" Grayson asks, his voice holds happiness, nearly laughs at the memory.
"Yes, I believe she was five at the time. We had gone outside to play while you stayed at home and fixed the table. The agonizing pain I went through that day when we came home will forever be in my mind. I had sun burns all around my body while she was not effected" He speaks. They watch the sunrise come up in front of them, as they sit by that tree. "She used to love watching the sunrise, I wish she were here" Jaxon says after a minute of silence between the two brothers. "Me too, brother, me too" Grayson whispers.
"What if she is safe?" Jaxon asks, the thought is scary, yet it is there. "And if she is, I wonder if she's happy" He continues. The happiness of their fire haired sister has always been something that they want and they do want her to be happy, even if it is not with the two of them. It was also the time that suitors would ask for her hand, however due to circumstances, that may be postponed for some time. "I don't know" Grayson answers, he too, has thought about the same thing his brother has, that's she is indeed safe and happy without them.
"She has a kind heart and I fear he has taken advantage of it and used it to make her feel safe and make her happy when she isn't" He continues. Thinking of her happy is worse than thinking of her as harmed. It might be wrong, but the two of them always imagined that she can only be happy with them and no one else, because she's their baby sister, they raised her as their own and they love her with their whole heart. The thought of her loving someone else is frighting for them.
If she's happy with someone else and not them, it hurt their heart. "Do not forget, she's strong. Stronger than anyone" Jaxon says. His brother smiles at that. "She is" His older brother speaks. Then they fall into silence once more. Just enjoying the time that they have for a small moment before their search begins. Even when they've been looking for her for a while now, many days, they don't seem to be getting any closer in finding her and that does scare them so much that they sometimes need to calm their fear down.
Yet, this never stops them, it doesn't stop the two of them for continuing their search of her. That girl means the world to them and even if they have to cross the world to get her, they will. They will never stop looking for her, and even if it takes their whole lives, they will still continue. Lucifer is someone that no one has seen, and they don't know where to find him. They know that if they do find him, they find her. However, they can't seem to find either of them. Perhaps that is because they're looking in all the world places.
"You two look like you need help" A old woman speaks in front of them, startling both brothers. They hadn't seen her come closer to them, too lost in their own minds to even notice it. The old woman wears a cloak over her body, hiding it from everyone, but that is not unusual for the elderly, or for those who make it to that age. "We are all right, thank you so much for asking" Grayson speaks, he has never been the one to seek for others people's help when in need of it.
The old woman only comes closer. "Well, young man, I never asked. It was a statement, you are in need of help and I can offer it to you" She speaks, her voice is soft and comforting. His younger brother chuckles at the response from the woman. Not many women have the courage to speak up to men, clearly this one has enough to courage to speak up to them, then again, most men don't harm the elderly, allowing them to speak whatever they like and never get punished for it. "We don't need any help" Grayson says, getting annoyed with this woman.
The elderly has never been people that some would want to talk to, as they can insult anyone they want. "I hear you're looking for your sister" She speaks, coming closer as she sits down on the grass in front of them. "Yes, we are. Have you seen her?" Jaxon asks nicely, before his brother has the chance to speak or be rude to this woman. "No, I have not seen her, nor do I know how her looks her, yet I know how to find her" The woman speaks, shocking the two of them more than ever.
Not once has someone said anything like this to them, or even offered to help them. It's quite shocking to have an old woman helping when even the young men could not. "What does that mean?" The older brother asks, if this woman thinks she can insult them with this, then she's wrong. "Your sister. Arabella. I know where she is" The woman says, her face is emotionless, yet in her eyes, there is anger, but her voice is soft. A strange combination, then again, she could always be another crazy elderly seeking attention from the young people.
"Then where is she?" He asks, his voice is more of anger and he does not believe this woman, not one bit. However, his younger brother does. "She's far, far away. Believe me when I say, you can go search her all over this world, you won't find a hair on her head" She speaks before she stops herself, and for a small moment, a smirk was on her face when she noticed the confusion on the brother's faces and how none of her words make any sense to them, yet they do for her. "Speak what you have to say, we do not have time for trickery" Grayson speaks harshly towards her.
Some have mocked them on their journey, and humiliated them, yet they keep going because it is all for Arabella, and finding her. "No trickery is involved, I assure you. The girl you seek is not in this world, and even if she were, you would feel her presence. We all would. Being around her would be the dream we have all wished, heaven. That girl you raised is more special than you know. Her density written long before our time, and long before the time of men" The woman says to them.
The two brothers looked at her with confusion and they don't even know what their supposed to believe. The man that took her could do the same things as she could with fire. Both of them have no idea what happened the night on her birth fifteen years ago, none could explain it, yet all they could do was run and run away from that village, where everyone had met the same fate they had wished upon her. "How do you know this?" Jaxon asks, surprised that this old woman knows things that others don't, then again she could always just be crazy.
"How I know the things I know is not important, especially not when I can tell you where to find your sister" She speaks. They look at her with widened eyes, she can tell them where she is. The girl that they have been looking for, for a while now without getting anywhere is about to be found by them, that is if this woman is speaking the truth, which both of them are doubting, since she's just a crazy old woman in their mind. However, every lead they get is one step closer on finding their sister and they will stop at nothing to find her and bring her home.
"Arabella may be far away from here, yet she's closer than you know. She's under the ground an-" She begins. "She's dead?" Grayson asks, his voice breaking at the end. He can't think like that, he can't imagine that his baby sister is dead, he just doesn't allow the thoughts to enter his mind, yet here is this woman telling them that she's under the ground, that can only mean that she's dead. "No, that she is not. She's alive and well, but she's in a place called the Underworld" The woman says, and she gives them a look that says that they can ask questions later.
She doesn't have all day and she knows that they are eager to get to their sister and none of the three want to spend much time on this. "The Underworld is a place of the dead, the sinners of the human world. Demons roam freely and Hellfire at every door. The Underworld is ruled by a King and now his Queen has awakened. Queen Arabella, your sister" She speaks, almost in a monotone like voice.
Both brothers are shocked, yet don't say a thing. Knowing that they do want to hear the rest of this story. Queen Arabella doesn't sound like something that is like their sister. She's far too kind to be a Queen, and of the Underworld. Both their heads are filled with questions, yet they don't get the chance to even ask them, they have to listen for this woman speak first before they can do that. However, there's this one part of them that doesn't want to hear how their sister is happy without them and living somewhere that they can never go.
"Long ago, before the age of men, there ruled forces, forces that shaped the world as we know it. The sun in the sky, the ground we stand on, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the night we sleep. All comes form those forces and more. As the eons passed and human began to thrive, those forces took human form. They roamed the earth and it wasn't long until they began to fight each other. None know the true story, yet a prophecy about the King of the Underworld changed the whole world" She says, her voice filled with wonder as she told the story.
"A prophecy about the girl who could wield power like never before, the elements would bow down before her and the world would be her kingdom. She was the Queen that would control the world, and she's the one that has been blessed by Hellfire in her veins, even from birth. You two can imagine that there were many girls and women throughout history that sought out this power, some wed the King, some pretended, yet none of them could ever handle the true power of the Queen" She says with a smile.
"Until fifteen years ago, a girl was born with fire red hair and arctic blue eyes. To your mother. That night the true Queen was born and she had power beyond anything anyone's ever seen before, and when the Devil himself visited, claimed her as his Queen, it had been assured, the Queen was born and soon would take her rightful throne beside the King of the Underworld and together they would rule the world, but she would always have more power as the worlds gave it to her" The woman spoke, as one tear slips down from her eye and down her cheek.
"Yet, even when she's the rightful Queen, there are those you wish her harm, and none more than those you believe themselves the Queen. Arabella passed away not long ago, but I will tell you that the power inside her awakened her as the true Queen when she accepted herself and the one she loves, and now she rules Hell. The danger is not over, you have to find the gates of Hell by your house to get the Underworld and you have to protect her. If she falls, the world will fall with her and what was will never be again. Protect her" The woman tells them.
She stands up and walks behind the tree that the brothers sat by. Both of them stood up and went on either side of the tree in hopes of following that old woman, yet even when they've gone into circles around the tree, the woman was not found. "Where did she go?" Grayson asks, getting frustrated with that woman. She disappeared, there is nothing there for kilometers, and an old woman such as herself could not have gone that far in just few seconds. "I don't know, and I don't care. We have a sister or should I say a Queen to find" Jaxon says, and his brother nods, and their journey begins once more. Only this time, they're going home.
As the two brothers began heading back home, with their questions still swirling in their minds, never even had the chance to, get any of them answered. The old woman stands by the tree and looks after the two brothers with a soft and kind smile on her face and tears running down her cheeks. "My brave sons, find and protect my daughter" She whispers to herself, yet her words were meant for the brothers.
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