《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XXII 🔥
"Some women fear the fire, some women simply become it"
The fire eyed Queen lets out a blood curling scream as she watches the girl on the floor, white foam coming from her mouth and blood leaking from her eyes. Another dead body has been added on the floor of the throne room. The red glowing eyed king has had enough of this, and all the dead bodies around them. He stands up, with the love of his life in his arms, who has returned to sobbing and weeping and crying. Holding her bridal style he walks out of the throne room, and thankful that there aren't more guards or other demons dead on the floor.
Not only is it hurting Arabella but the mess it makes is difficult to clean up, especially when it's hard to see the blood, as the floor is black and once the floor is dry, there's no telling there was ever blood there in the first place. Lucifer holds her tightly in his arms as his life depends on it, and perhaps it does. The two of them really do need a hug from each other as one of them was dead not so long ago and now they're together and they will get through this, somehow.
Arabella grew up in a peaceful village, the war hadn't touched that side of the country and there was no reason for her two brothers to ride across the country to fight in the war. The war had been going on for a few months, she doesn't know if it has ended or if it's still going on and has reached her village. She might have only been in the Underworld for about a few weeks, yet she feels like she has been there her whole life, she belongs there and never wants to leave the place she's now Queen of.
She has never witnessed bloodshed before and the shock and the sightings that her eyes have now seen will scar her for life. Her brothers always kept her away from fighting and form any kind of danger, when she thinks about it, her brothers were over-protective over her, then again she was all they had and they raised her as if she were their own, even when it was frowned upon, they didn't care. Arabella is their sister and they would protect her with their lives, but how can they protect her when she's in Hell and they're in the human world?
As Lucifer walks into their bedroom, which she doesn't know is theirs, a painful feeling runs through him. Only about half an hour ago or so, the girl in his arms who is breathing and alive was dead, her heart stopped and she wasn't breathing. It pains him to think of it. "You will be getting a new maid, one that we know we can truest and would never attempt to harm you" He tells her, as he sits on the bed with his love in his arms, just holding her, the thing that they both need, a hug from each other. They are stronger when they're together.
His eyes scan the room, and he notices the white rose he had gifted to her, a small smile makes its way to his face. He hadn't known that she had kept the rose when he was there before, then again he was more focused on saving her life. The king started whispering to her sweet things, telling her that all is well now and that everything will be fine now. The girl in his arms calms down, though it wasn't because of his words that he spoke, the voice alone soothes her and comforts when she needs it.
She tries to be strong, she tries to be the Queen that this world needs, and what he needs. The door of the bedroom opens and Luna walks inside. "Brother, we shall need to talk" She urgently says, still talking like the more than ten thousand years old person that she is, as she's still adapting to the new language that is used now. "I'll be just outside that door if you need anything" He says to the girl in his arms while he lies her down on the bed, she doesn't answer him, the only thing she does his nod.
The siblings go outside and close the door, and as Arabella wants to know what is happening, she jumps out of the bed and to the door. Putting her ear against the door, being careful that she doesn't make a sound or her heavy crown touches the wooden door. Knowing that it is wrong to eavesdrop, she can't help herself. She is the Queen, and she deserves to know what is going on and what she actually did sign up for, she knows for a fact that she did not sign up for bloodshed and death.
"We both know who's at fault here" Luna says to her brother, she's angry, and she hurt because they know that the girl just inside the room they stand in front of is going to her hurt in the end, no matter what road they take. "We don't know if it is her" Lucifer tries to argue, perhaps not believing that his sister is accusing someone that she doesn't have proof has ever done anything. "We may not, yet the prophecy is coming true. Arabella is the Queen, that has come true, yet what about the parts that she doesn't know about?" Luna asks.
The girl behind the door did hear her words and it's clear to her that she has no clue on what is going on around this place. Luna had spoken about a prophecy to her before, but now there seems to be another part of it that she hasn't even heard of. She listens closer. "That will not come true, I can assure you, I got rid of her" Lucifer speaks. She doesn't know who 'her' is but she's guessing that she doesn't want to know. Even the thought about him talking about another female does make her feel emotions that she doesn't understand.
And those emotions aren't ones she wants to feel, she doesn't like them, not one bit. "We both know you did not get rid of her" Lena continues, she's getting angry at her brother for being so idiotic. "If she's doing this, brother, then you can kiss your world goodbye, she wants it and she will not stop until she gets it. You do remember what happened last time?" She asks, with every second she grows angrier. "I know sister, I planned to get rid of her" He says ashamed with himself.
The fire haired girl doesn't understand a thing of what they're talking about, yet knows that none of the things they're talking about are good, she can feel that they're bad and with the things that have been happening, it frightens her. The courage that was within her has locked away, hidden itself in her body, and now she doesn't have much courage. She's scared and she's sad and she's confused, she doesn't understand a thing that has been happening and it's clear she's being kept in the dark.
Even now they don't include her in their conversations, this does concern her too, as she's the Queen and she's responsible for protecting this kingdom and Lucifer, the King she's supposed to have by her side. "I know you have a history together, believe me, I had to watch it, but if you have not gotten rid of her, she's the one who's behind the assassinations and she won't stop. Not until Arabella's dead and she's the Queen by your side" Luna tells her brother, though he already knew this, just did not want to hear them or believe they were true.
Arabella is his Queen and his future wife, she is supposed to be by his side, and no one else. The thought of someone else by his side brings him only anger and disgust. His beast is on the verge of being unleashed and he has to fight it to keep it in himself and control it. "What is it you suggest?" Lucifer asks, knowing that his sister is better at handling this things like that, things that concern her. "I suggest we kill her, right now. That way she will never do anything and you shall be free to be with Arabella" Luna speaks, she's still angry at her brother for not have done this sooner.
"We cannot kill her, she's immortal like us, and she's my wife" Lucifer speaks, those words shock the poor girl behind the door listening to them speak and she was right to do so, as they've been hiding something from her, she could feel it and now she knows what they were really hiding and did not want her to know, yet she now knows the truth. Lucifer is married, and it is not to her, it's someone else, someone who has tried to kill her, twice.
Someone that turned the only friend she had in this place against her and used her to attempt to murder her. Now Arabella understands. She can't be his Queen, as she's not wed to him, and she had always thought that he would try to court her, but now she knows that he can't. His wife is alive and he cannot wed again until his wife is dead and he's widowed, that is the only way he can have another bride, unless the rules work differently in this place, which they most likely are, she only knows how they work in the village.
The girl has salty water form in her eyes and they leak down her face, as she moves away from the door, not wanting to hear anymore. He has hurt her, hurt her in ways that no one else has, and she doesn't understand this hurt. When she came to this place, she found him strange and she wondered why he did not court her the normal way, asking her brothers for her hand, and if they agree, then they will soon be wed. Yet, he has done none of that and now she knows why.
He is already married and has a wife, he never planned on courting her or marrying her, he never planned that all. Now when she thinks about it, there's nothing between them. They did share a kiss, yet a kiss doesn't mean much. To her, it was everything, to him it was nothing, or so she thinks, as she doesn't know his true feelings for her and how that one kiss deepened his feelings for her, the love he only feels for her. Lucifer does love her and he loves her with all his heart, and soul.
"Wife or not, she's a problem that needs to be solved. You still keep her in the dungeons?" Luna asks, getting angrier and angrier with her brother. She cannot imagine what Arabella will think when she finds out that Lucifer doesn't only have one wide, he has hundreds. Being alive for so long, he has taken many wives. Most of them died or killed themselves as they were humans and could not handle the Underworld. But, there was one who was immortal and still lives. Having no words to speak, he nods his head, knowing that whatever answer he gives her, it will only make her more frustrated with him, more than she already is that is.
Luna glares at him, and if looks could kill, he'd be dead. "You have your wife in the same castle as your true love, the one who's supposed to be by your side. Have you any idea how that will destroy her, a woman never recovers after the one she loves has had an adultery, she will not believe herself worthy of being your wife. And when she finds out, what do you think will happen to your world? Arabella's connected to it, her feelings are connected to it" Luna says in anger, but stops herself from raising her voice, not wanting the Queen to hear her.
"This world will fall, and you with it. Show me to your wife, I shall take care of her and do what is necessary" Luna speaks, for her brother and the love of his life, she's willing to do anything to protect them. "You will do no such thing, she is my wife and I shall deal with her, the two of you never got along, I don't believe you can be around each other without attempting to murder each other" He says with a smirk.
His sister has never liked any of his wives, and it came as a surprise when she started to like the innocent fifteen years old girl that he has fallen in love with, and he knows she cares about her. Otherwise, she would have done so, threatening to harm her, or trick her or do something to her, yet she has done nothing. "Then what do you plan on we do?" She asks him, she's angry and she needs to unleash her anger on something or someone, much like her brother, she has a lot of anger issues.
"Don't worry, sister, I've thought of it and I shall take care of everything. Now I need someone I can trust in this castle to watch over her and keep her out of harm, as this castle has traitors all around and who knows who is on the wrong side, now I need you to keep her safe while I deal with my wife problem" He tells her, his glowing crimson red looking at her with a warning look that tells her that she should do what he tells her without denial.
She nods her head and he walks away, to the dungeons to deal with his wife, who has caused too much trouble for him and she needs to be dealt with. The King of Hell has the perfect punishment for her and he knows exactly what he will do to her for her crimes. She tries to harm his love, and she succeeded, twice. Now, he knows she did it and his beast wants to be unleashed and let all his anger out and he isn't stopping it, he lets his beast out when he reaches the dungeons and now she can only pray for mercy, even when she will not get it.
Luna walks back into the room and what she saw, she did not expect to see. Arabella stands by the window, looking outside. She doesn't move to see her nor does she make any sound. But, the strange thing is, instead of her fire colored dress, the flames aren't in those colors, but in bluish tones. Her dress has changed color because of her emotions. "Arabella, are you all right?" Luna hesitantly asks, though the girl makes no moves to speak or even turn to her.
She walks closer to the girl, suddenly feeling this strange sadness wash over her. The fire haired girl is giving off herself sadness and Luna can feel it. The closer she gets to her, she starts to feel the heat from the fire in her dress. Before it did not bother her, as her dress was normal fire. But, now her dress has changed into Hellfire and only the King and Queen can handle the heat from it, as it does run through their veins. Even Luna can feel how powerful this girl is and she doesn't even know it herself of what she's actually capable of doing.
"When?" Arabella chokes out of herself, the sadness and hurt has taken over her and she turns around to look at Luna. Her faces is stained with tears and her eyes and nose are red and puffy, and the tears continues to run down her cheeks. They never make it to the floor when they fall as the heat from the fire in her dress vaporizes them and turns them into nothing before they have the time to hit the ground. But, the pure look of hurt and sadness says it all what she's feeling inside.
Luna attempts to come closer but the closer she goes, the hotter it becomes and she can't handle it. Fire isn't her specialty, and now would be a good time for her brother to come as he will be able to handle this. "He cannot wed me, for he has a wife. When would he have told me? When would you have told me? You say he and I belong together, yet how can we belong if we cannot be together?" She asks, even in her voice, it's clear that she's sad and she's hurt and she's angry.
Those new feelings of love for him she hasn't confessed to him, yet she knows what she's feeling. Arabella's in love with him and that means something to her. Even if he loved her, they couldn't be together. "You have to understand, he was born eons from you and learning of a prophecy about his true love, he looked for you everywhere. You would not believe how many women tried to be in your place, yet none had what it took" Luna says. She had moved to the bed, and sat down, trying to calm the girl down.
If she's anything like her brother, then Luna might be the one to get hurt. "None but her" Arabella whispered, but Luna heard her. She turns back to look outside, finding it too painful to watch her. She has been betrayed by Luna and her brother, led to believe that she was the one who was destined to be the only one for him, the only wife that he would take and the only woman that can satisfy his needs, and the only one who can be by his side and rule as his Queen. Now, she doesn't know what to believe.
"This story might be painful for you to hear, even after my warning, do you still wish for me to tell you?" Luna asks, she's unsure of what she can do. No matter what she does, this girl will always end up hurt in the end, or more hurt than she already is and she doesn't want that. Then again, she doesn't have much choice, she does deserve to know the truth, now that she's the Queen. Arabella thinks about her words for a while and lets them soak up in her mind before she has made up her mind and she nods her head.
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