《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XXI 🔥
"He set fire to the world around him, but never let a flame touch her"
The throne room is quiet for a minute or two. The horrified healer still looks at Arabella with a shocked look, even now that he can see her, he doesn't believe that she's actually there. Arabella looks at him with a questionable look, wondering what compelled this man to murder her. She can't find a reason for it, she has never seen him before in her life, and she doesn't believe that he had seen her before he healed and poisoned her. "Who are you?" She asks, her voice is powerful and she doesn't hesitate. She doesn't show him that she's nervous or how she has never done this before.
She might have the knowledge of how to act and speak, but that is only knowledge, living it and being it is different and nothing can prepare her for that. The Queen might feel nervous, yet she doesn't show a hint of it to anyone. Lucifer and his sister, however do know, as they already knew the girl. She might have changed, and she might have become the Queen but that doesn't hide the girl she used to be, the girl they know. That girl is hidden rather well, yet not well enough to fool the siblings.
They, however don't show that. "I'm a healer... your Majesty" He speaks, never looking away from the Queen in her burning fire dress. Even the guards have taken a look on that dress, not understanding it at all, but they do think it fits their Queen, as she is Queen of the Underworld. "If you believe yourself to be a healer, then why do you do an evil deed and murder your Queen?" Lucifer asks before Arabella has the chance to even say anything. His voice holds a lot of anger and she notices.
Her hand travels to his hand holds it, bringing comfort to not only him but also to her. The healer gulps and he's even more frightened now that he has angered the King and no one has ever lived when his beast is out and his wrath. "Forgive me, your Majesties, I had no choice. The world doesn't need a Queen to control them. When I learned of the Queen in Hell, I knew I had to put an end to it" The healer speaks, his voice doesn't even have emotions when he speaks. It terrifies her, how he can speak like that about her with no emotion.
"Why?" She asks, this time a hint of sorrow in her voice. She doesn't understand how this healer, a human, her own kind can betray her like this. Trust and loyalty. That was what her brothers had taught her and she lived by that. Trusting others will get their trust in return, and showing loyalty will earn her loyalty from them. "Did someone make you do this?" She asks when she doesn't get an answer from him. Trusting him and showing him loyalty, isn't easy, for he hasn't even earned it and she doubt he ever will. He murdered her, what more does she have to say.
The healer is taken back on that question and doesn't know how to answer it, and the only reason his, she spoke the truth. She figured it out. The look on his face tells her everything she needs to know. "You never learned about me, did you?" She asks him, looking directly into his eyes. Her stare intense, yet he doesn't speak. "I don't believe you're a healer. I knew I healer and he despised seeing others harmed, lived his life healing and saving others. That is a healer, which you are not. So, I ask you again, who are you?" She asks, her mind has already figured out things that no one else has in the throne room, not even Luna and her brother.
The healer looks even more frightened of the girl and how she figured out things he never even said. In truth, it was his silence that gave it away and the nervousness she saw. Then again, she was born to be Queen and sit on that throne. It was made for her and her only. Her hand is still holding onto the hand of her love, calming him down from his burning rage that threatens to take over him.
Opening his mouth to speak, the healer doesn't get a chance to because all the candles lighting up the throne room suddenly go out. Each and every one of them, all at once. The only light in it comes from the dress of the Queen. It brings light to the three people sitting on the three thrones. Arabella holds his hand tighter, not understand what is happening. "Guards, light up this place, now!!!" Lucifer yells out, yet after a few minutes, he doesn't get an answer or even the place lighting itself up, he grows more angry.
"What's going on?" Arabella asks him, she tries to keep a straight face but is unable to do that. She can't see a thing beyond the three of them, it's pitch black and it frightens her. Lucifer makes his little flames go over the place and light it all up. The Underworld does need a lot of lighting to be able to have a clear view, however as they have candles for light, and they can't cover that much, they have a lot of them around, yet it makes the throne room even more beautiful in Arabella's eyes.
It takes a few minutes for the flames to light up the whole place, as the throne room is a rather large room. It's not only a throne room, it's also the ballroom. It has to be big, and a lot of candles light the whole place. There are even candles on a chandelier that hangs from the ceiling in all its glory. However, most of the candles are around the stairs, shielding the royal couple from anyone who wishes them harm or tires to climb the stairs. As soon as she can see the throne room a little better, she lets out a gasp.
All the guards around the throne room are on the floor, dead. The healer is on the floor, dead. Each one of them with a slit throat. She lets out a scream, a high pitch scream. When she lets out this sound, all the flames in the room go crazy, their spikes reach higher and give off more light than before, lighting the room even better. Her throat burning and her lungs are aching after screaming so loudly. The fire in the candles calms down.
"Guards!" Lucifer yells, his hand is holding Arabella's in a protective way, trying to keep her out of harm. No one answers him when he calls out. The three of them can't leave their throne, as they don't know if it's safe. Arabella's eyes can't look away from the dead bodies, reminding her of the skeleton she found in that horrible dark place. He stands up and helps his love to stand, though she does need help to support her own body weight. Her legs just don't want to stand, yet she knows that they have to get somewhere else, somewhere safe, yet they can't leave their thrones.
However, they can't stay there with dead bodies all around them. Arabella might prepared to be the Queen and rule as the Queen, but nothing could ever prepare her for this. Tears stain her face, as she can't control them anymore. She hugs him tight, letting him bring her comfort and safety in his arms. He tries to comfort her as best he can. "Brother, I believe this is another assassination and attempt on our lives" Luna speaks, she hasn't said a word for some time, and Arabella had forgotten she was even there at all, for she was so silent and made no sound that she was with them.
"Why would assassin kill everyone else, except for us. I don't believe this is an attempt on our lives. This is a warning" He says, holding the girl in his arms tighter to himself. She only cries. "A warning, to which on of us? Clearly not her, as she just came from the dead, and no one had time to plan anything. This was planned, days of plotting" Luna speaks, she hadn't moved from her own throne, yet is on guard if she does see something out of the ordinary.
"I may not know who it is, but I will figure it out, sister" He tells her. With the girl in his arms, who didn't hear their conversation, and neither did she want to, he sits on the throne and she on his lap. She's still crying and it looks like she will not be stopping. The new-found courage in her body was prepared for political pressure, not death or bodies. And as long as those bodies are there, she isn't going to be able to calm down, yet who can clean up the mess when no one comes when their King calls out.
He eyes the corpse of the dead healer, his death looks more violent than all the others, that makes him wonder. "Whoever did this, didn't want this man to talk. It's clear he was working for someone, and they did not want him talking and pointing us at whom it is. We know this person must have known their way around the castle, as the healer never did get a tour. It had to be someone on the inside. Not a guard, for they would never murder their own, that does limit the list of people, yet brings us no closer to the culprit" He speaks out loud, letting his sister know his thoughts.
Being in the throne room with dead bodies all around them seems to be the worst idea of them all, yet being on the thrones is the safest place for all of them. The thrones have magic and as stated before, magic is unpredictable. However, the magic in these thrones does protect them and keep them safe, if they are worthy of their safety. If not worthy, the one who murdered the guards and the healer can come after them.
The person is still in the throne room with them, and the three of them are completely oblivious to the presence of the one who is responsible for the death of so many guards and the healer. One would wonder how someone in the Underworld could die, as it is the place of the dead. However, dying in the Underworld can mean the end, nothing comes after it, however for a select few, they are reborn on earth. Given a second chance in life, but that doesn't happen very often for anyone in the Underworld, because the reason they're there is for their sins in the human world.
"Actually it does" Luna speaks after a long silence, this time Arabella looks up to her and wants to be in their conversation. This is also about her, about how she has almost been assassinated two times in the last twenty-four hours. "For the one who is responsible is still here, correct?" Luna asks, the last word she calls out into the throne room. Her word echoes but doesn't get an answer. Both Arabella and her brother look at her with a puzzled look, not understanding how someone is hiding right under their noses.
"I know that the one responsible knows their way around the castle and that leaves only a handful of people. And I know the one responsible is a slave, in fact, I know it's Arabella's slave. Or her maid, or whatever it you call yourself. Correct?" She asks again, her voice is louder this time. Arabella lets out a gasp when she speaks, not believing that her maid could do such a thing. She doesn't believe any of this, her maid has been so kind to her and so helpful, it doesn't make any sense to her why she would do such a horribly cruel thing.
However, Luna has never lied to her, or she doesn't believe that she has ever lied to her. "Sister, what makes you believe it is her?" Lucifer asks, if the love of his life wasn't around he would have gone and murdered that slave right away, but he can't do that when she's around. "I know it was her for she's still in here with us, correct?" She asks again, louder this time than she has ever been. She's getting frustrated by this. Like all the other times she doesn't get an answer.
Arabella's looking around the throne room, looking for any signs that her maid is in fact in there with them, but all she sees is emptiness and dead bodies, the dead bodies she tries her hardest not to look at or think of. She's not the only one who's looking around the throne room, Lucifer is too. He has her protectively in his arms and will gladly sacrifice himself for her, his life means nothing if she's not in it. He lost her once, he will not lose her again, he will make sure of that.
Her fire dress doesn't really bother him, as fire is his specialty, and he actually like her dress. It brings her character, making her the Queen that he already knows that she is, their enemies just haven't figured that out yet, possible will never do. "You can come out now, we know you're there" Luna calls out, her voice holds a lot of anger. Anger that she wants and will unleash if need be, and when she's angry, you better be as far away from her as you can possibly get, because it won't be pretty.
Luna might be frightening and she might harm those who have harmed her, yet she will not touch her brother or her future sister-in-law. She's come to care for the girl and will protect her. After all, she's seen how her brother truly is in love with her and will do anything to keep her out of harm and protected, even give up his own life for hers. For someone like Luna, she doesn't understand that action, but then again, she has never been in love and never found that feeling that her own brother is experiencing with Arabella.
Finally, after a long pause. Someone steps out from the shadows. Arabella's maid, still dressed in the same things she has always worn, and with a look of pure hatred on her face. No smile on her lips like there normally is and no happiness. Her eyes show nothing but a glare that is pointed at Arabella. The girl who looks at her maid with a shocked look. Her clothes are all bloodied and her face and hair are covered in blood. This girl truly did murder those guards and that healer and who knows how many else she has murdered.
"How did you know it was me?" She ask, she has a smirk on her face, an evil smirk, yet her glare on Arabella doesn't disappear. Arabella looks at the girl with the most shocking look she has ever done in her life, she's surprised and shocked and she doesn't know what to feel. She had stopped crying but now she couldn't deny the tears any longer, few of them roll down her cheeks, but she doesn't make a sound. She's silent, perhaps the betrayal is like she has been stabbed in the back, it sure feels like it. Her heart is hurting from this.
No one answers the girl and no one cares to answer. The three people on the throne all have different looks on their face, Arabella's hurtful and a clear look of having being betrayed, Lucifer's blank one that still shows a hint of evil in it, and Luna's smirking look as she's the one who solved it. To her, it was simple, the slave has always been lurking around in the corners. That she has noticed, always following the girl she serves, Luna found that odd and it wasn't until she found out that the carriage had been tempered with that she realized someone inside the castle wanted Arabella dead.
She didn't have the evidence to prove it was her, but she connected the dots after Arabella's death. "Did you or did you not murder my guards and a prisoner of the King? And I'll make it easy for you to answer, the blood on your body and the blood dripping knife you hold in your hand behind your back is a clear sign you did indeed do it" Lucifer speaks, his voice is quiet, yet threatening. A shiver runs down Arabella's spine when he speaks. The maid has a shocked look written on her face, clearly she had no idea they knew she was holding a knife behind her back.
She believed she hit it well enough for no one to see. "I did" She answers, her voice is strong and filled with confidence. She gives them no satisfaction of seeing her afraid, even when she's more afraid of the three of them than anything in the world. Arabella looks straight into the girl's eyes, looking for any signs of regret or even remorse, yet she finds none of those, she finds nothing in her eyes, nothing but evil and hatred, hatred for her.
"Why?" Arabella chokes out of herself, the tears continue to roll down her cheeks and land on the fire dress and turn into nothing, they don't even get the chance to glow like her tears always do. The girl in the bloodied clothes doesn't answer her question. She feels horrible for ever connecting with the girl and while she served her, she grew to care for her. It was worng of her because she needed to do what was necessary. "Because a mortal doesn't belong on the throne or as a Queen" She speaks and it's almost as those words she spoke were painful to even get out.
She did care for the girl, but a mortal doesn't belong in their world, especially not on the throne. Arabella let's out a gasp when she hears the girl, the girl she thought was her friend say those things about her. She's shocked and hurt by this, not only did she try to kill her, but she also hates her, Arabella never knew this. She thought the two of them were friends. The pain in her heart only grows by this. "Who do you work for?" Lucifer's voice booms, he's angry. His beast his anger and it wants blood to spill by his hands.
Someone was so close to harming his love for the second time and he's fuming, his blood boils. He just wants to rip someone limp from limp and even then, it isn't enough to satisfy his anger. The maid looks terrified at those words, perhaps because his voice is so angry and she knows very well what he's capable, yet there is also another reason. This girl might be a pawn in a larger game and she's afraid that the one she works for will do worse than the King does. She opens her mouth to speak but never has the chance to as she falls down to the floor. Dead.
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