《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XX 🔥
"Hellfire doesn't need anything to survive, Hellfire is alive"
The fire irises are glowing brightly. Her body gets lifted up from the bed and into midair, the covers fall of her and land on the bed. She doesn't blink, but her eyes are wide open. Her heart still isn't beating and she hasn't let out a breath since her last one. Arabella is still dead, yet perhaps she was never dead to begin with. Magic works in a mysterious way and it can be unpredictable at times, and the magic living inside her and running through her veins and in her bones is more powerful than anything. Rather strange how one fifteen year old girl can have so much power and not know about it.
Around her body has formed a ring of fire, and it closes her inside. Creating a cocoon like structure around her, out of pure flaming fire. However, the heat nor the flames ever touch the girl as she remains in the cocoon. Each one of her veins is glowing bright orange and yellow like with a hint of crimson red. Until her heart begins to glow in her chest. Still in midair, the cocoon starts to bring her body into a vertical position above the bed.
Her hands throw themselves out and the cocoon breaks apart and becomes nothing as her whole body glows, brightly, lighting up the whole room, and even sending light outside. The heart is her chest starts beating in a normal rhythm and she takes a breath and her breathing becomes normal. Her body isn't glowing orange, but white, the glow from her is white and so bright that a normal human being would not be able to stand in there room and look up at her, they wouldn't even see her. The light shield her from view, as it is so bright.
With her arms out, from them her clothes begin to change. Going from her hands to her chest and there all the way down to her legs. And lastly to her head. Changing not only her dress, but also the jewels she wore and the crown on top of her head, but her hair and shoes gets chanced too. Her hair begins to grow longer and become more silk like, however it only grows a couple of centimeters, yet it makes a difference. Her hair also is smoother, and finer, yet it is thicker. Creating the illusion that she has more hair than she actually has.
The dress changed into a fire dress. As it is actually one fire, yet it doesn't burn. The flames don't go out either, as they are created from Hellfire, the Hellfire that lives inside her. The flames are strong and the spikes they create also go around her and the dress is never in the same place, not really. It has a Queen Anne neckline and cape sleeves that go beyond her hands, yet when her hands are lifted up it downs to her elbows. The dress hugs her waist and hips as it goes down to her thighs.
On the back it goes down to the floor and even beyond the floor, and as she floats in the air, the dress is oval shaped around her feet. On the front, it creates a slit above the knee and the dress goes sideways, creating a view of her knees down. On her feet are gladiator heels, unlike the dress they are crimson red, yet they are decorated with small burning flames that burn brightly like the dress she wears. Around her neck is a golden necklace with a crimson red stone.
It may not seem as grand formal as the rest of her, yet this crimson red stone is actually a lot more important and it may see unnecessary for a Queen to wear this, yet this stone holds a lot more power than people know. Perhaps, sort of like the Queen herself. Everyone, even Lucifer has underestimated the powers living inside the girl, as they all believed she was dead, when in reality she was never dead at all. On her head is a golden crown. A crown fit for a Queen and only she can wear it, as it was designed for only her.
The crown is golden and made out of pure gold, the spikes reach a bit up and on each spike is a crimson red stone, each stone plays a different part in the girl. The brightness in the glow in her veins and her heart and even her eyes starts to fade away into nothingness, and slowly the glow around her disappears too. With that, she starts to go down, but she doesn't go down to the bed, but the floor. And as soon as her feet touch the floor, she starts to become aware of the things that happened to her.
Arabella feels this power surge through her whole body and she isn't the frighten little girl that she has always been. She feels stronger, better, more powerful than ever. She feels and looks like a true Queen, the true Queen that she was always meant to be, and this is destiny, her destiny. And, destiny cannot be changed, even if one would try. There is no escape from destiny. The longing for Lucifer in her chest makes her turn to the door and as soon as she lays her eyes on it, the door opens for her.
With a small smile she walks out of the room, in her new heels and her burning dress. The fire doesn't harm her, even if she were to touch it. She knows the fire is real, as it does give away heat, however smoke doesn't come from it. As it is Hellfire and this is Hell. She walks down the empty hallway until she reaches the staircase that leads her down. Knowing that her love would be in the throne room, that is where she's headed. The feelings for him have heightened, yet she doesn't have any false feelings.
Her feelings for Lucifer have always been there, she just never knew about them or realized that she was actually in love with him, perhaps there was something holding her back. And perhaps that something has gone now, as she has just accepted who she really is. Walking down the stairs with grace and elegance, she truly behaves like a Queen. It was all inside her, only needed to be let out. Her head is high and her back is straight, and her stomach is flat. This knowledge comes to her like she learned it from a young age, yet she didn't. Perhaps she was born with this knowledge.
Reaching at the bottom the stairs, she somehow knows exactly where to find Lucifer. She doesn't know how she does know that he's in the throne room, she just knows he is there and she has to find him and be with him. These feelings she has for him are something she doesn't understand and she knows that only when she's with him, it will all make sense to her. The confusion will disappear, not does she know why, but it will all make sense to her as soon as she finds Lucifer.
Standing in front of the doors that lead to throne room, she takes a deep breath before she takes a step closer to the doors and without even touching the doors, they open for her. She doesn't even hesitate walking inside, she didn't hesitate, even when she didn't know that the doors would open. She just walked in there and she truly was expecting to walk into the doors and hurt herself, yet something inside her told her to walk straight to the doors with no hesitation and that is what the young Queen did.
The throne room looks exactly the same as it did the first time she walked in there, on the first day she came to the Underworld. It might not have been that long ago, yet it feels like she hasn't been there for eternity. And, she feels this longing to be there. Lucifer sits on his throne and with a shocked look as he sees the girl he thought was dead walk inside the throne room, and his way. The way that she's dressed, in her fire dress he knows that something has happened to her, something extraordinary. Luna's also there, she's sitting on a throne, yet not the Queen throne.
With a straight face, Arabella walks straight to the thrones, walking up the stairs and she sits down on the throne meant for the Queen, not caring how the two siblings are more shocked than they have ever been. She sits down on the throne, and a wave of magic burst out from her. It's white in color and glows brightly as it travels around the throne room and into the walls, going through the entire throne room. Telling people that their Queen is where she belongs and she's ready to rule.
Luna and her brother watch the new Queen with surprise, as they just watched her pass away only few minutes ago, the sorrow still in their hearts, and neither of them can believe that the girl that believed was dead is sitting on the throne, alive. They begin to wonder if she was ever dead to begin with. "Arabella, what has happened to you?" Luna asks, Arabella finally looks at her. She has been looking straight for a few moments, never once looking at them. She has changed, only the question is, how much?
"I don't know" She answered, her voice is something both of them had missed, even if it hasn't been that long since she last spoke to either of them. They truly do care about her, and perhaps they are too shocked to do anything at the moment, as the last time they saw her, she looked like the dead. And, both of them should know how the dead looks like, as they are currently in the Underworld, where the dead belongs. "I remember the carriage ride and the darkness took over me, then I opened my eyes and this happened, I don't know how or why" She speaks.
Her voice is soft and Lucifer can't help but admire the girl he loves. She looks even more beautiful, if that is even possible. The dress she wear doesn't seem like some unusual for the Queen of Hell, as this is the Underworld and the home of Hellfire. The crown on her head tells him all he needs to know, she's his Queen. "I know why" He speaks, finally after a long silence. Her head snaps to him and their eyes meet, his glowing red ones look into her fire ones, yet neither of them feel uncomfortable.
None can deny the love that is in their eyes as they get lost in them. "You've accepted who you are and you've accepted me" He whispers, loud enough for her to hear. Luna can't help but smile at her brother and his love. They make a good couple, just when will they make if official, when will they wed? They already know their feelings for each other, yet they move like snails when it comes to their love. "What happened to me?" Arabella asks, she has been wondering that for quite some time, not knowing what happened to her isn't making her feel better.
"The carriage got loose from the horse and fell down a cliff, you got hit in the head and needed healing from a healer. The healer put a green salve on your wound, only it was poison. When we realized what was happening, it was already too late. You...p-passed away" Lucifer answers, having a hard time saying the words. He doesn't believe that he was so close to losing her and he feels like having her there, siting on the throne beside him, is all a dream and if so, he never wants to wake up from it, because if he does, she will still be dead and he, all alone.
Arabella is silent for some time, she doesn't know what to say to this. Her whole life she has always knew that death is the end, nothing comes after death. Yet, not she's being told that she had actually died, her heart stopped beating and she didn't breathe, she was dead. The thought it hard to wrap the head around. To comfort her, Lucifer takes her hand in his, feeling if she is truly there or if this is a dream of some sort.
Her fair skin is soft and smooth to the touch, and like always, her hand fits in his hand, like the two destined people that they are. After a minute or two of her being silent and no one saying anything, she opens her mouth again. "You said a healer did this, can you bring him to me?" She asks Lucifer, meting the man that had killed her would provide her with answers that she needs. She doesn't understand how someone would want to poison her. "I cannot do that. He's being held in the dungeon and he shall be questioned, only them you will have answers" Lucifer tells her.
It was if he were reading her mind, knowing that she has questions for the man that tried and succeeded in murdering his own Queen, right before the eyes of his King. "I like to speak with him" She argues, Arabella doesn't stop trying, the courage inside her boosted like never before and she's ready to do things that she often held back, like defying the King. But, he has to remind himself that he might be the King, yet the Queen has more power than he does.
"All right, but he shall not come near you. I lost you once, I will not lose you again" He says. Having won this argument, she can't help but smile to herself. Luna, who watched this all is in shock of how her brother was easily defeated and someone defying him. If it were anyone else, he would have perhaps attacked them and harm them, yet when it comes to the girl sitting on the throne beside him, he seems amused that she did defy him. He truly must love Arabella, and it is true. He has fallen in love with her and he keeps falling more and more, deeper and deeper for her.
He motioned a guard to come and he does. The guard stands a little further than the stairs that lead to the thrones that his King and Queen are sitting. He bows down in respect. "Get the healer up here, have him in chains" Lucifer commands the guard. The guard turns around to leave when the Queen speaks up. "Don't let him know that I'm alive" She says, her voice holds a lot of power and when she speaks she has her head high. It's like she knows what's she doing, yet she never took any lessons.
"Yes, your Majesty"The guard says and bows once more and then leaves, following the orders that came from his King and Queen. When he leaves, Arabella can't help but smile to herself. Lucifer does notice this, and lets out a chuckle. "Did something please you?" He asks, teasing her. She giggles. "My first order as a Queen" She speaks. This is the first time she has actually called herself the Queen out loud, it's strange on her tongue, yet it feels right to her. "First one many" He tells her.
He knows that now they have forever, no one can and no one will ever take her away from him again. Without realizing it, he holds her hand tighter, she doesn't care about it. She finds his touch to be one that she likes and it doesn't bother her how tightly he is actually holding her hand. "We never made it to the place we were going to in that carriage, perhaps tomorrow you can take me there" She says, she has been wondering where he intended to take her before the carriage fell of a cliff and she was poisoned. Such much adventures she has had in just under one day.
"I will not trust you'd be safe on the way, it's better we never leave the castle" He says and not only Arabella but also his sister can sense how paranoid he is. Luna lets out a giggle, yet doesn't interrupt the two of the. They are like actors in a theater that she watching and it does amuse her. "An accident such as that is not bound to happen again, we'll be safe. Not only that, but I'm also the Queen. I'm much stronger now and I don't believe it will be easy to get to us now" She speaks.
A lot of things may have changed about the girl sitting in the throne for the Queen, yet what hasn't changed is her curiosity and perhaps it might never change. Some things will always remain the same about her. Arabella's gaze falls at her dress and she wonders a lot about it, how it is even possible for her to wear that dress that is clearly made of fire and not burn and how it stayed in this form and doesn't spread like fire does, she also wonders how the fire is alive and if it will die out soon, will she be left naked? That she doesn't know, and hopes to not find out.
"You are correct, as always, my love. Tomorrow, we shall go" He tells her, not much to his liking. He truly can't deny this girl, the love he has for her is so strong. They were planning on continuing this discussion when the doors that the guard left out of opens and guards come inside. Behind them is the prisoner in chains, the one who had poisoned the Queen. You can say that the guards that love and respect her, hold disgust to that man.
As soon as he walk inside he throne room and notices who's sitting on the Queen's throne, the Queen herself. Shock gets written all over his face as he can not believe that the girl he attempted and believed had succeeded in murdering is sitting on that throne and alive for that matter. She does look different and the heavy solid gold grown she wears is a clear sign that she rule is the Queen and for him being a human after all should be an honor to be in her presence, yet he feels only fear.
The guards take the healer close to the stairs, but then make him stop. Each one of the guards bow down in respect of their Queen and of course their King and who can't forget Luna, the girl they fear without knowing why, they don't know what she did, but know she must have done an evil deed to have been trapped in prison, however she does indeed have their respect. The guards notice that the prisoner has yet to bow, and only stands there, staring at Arabella, their Queen in shock. "Bow down to your Queen" One of them says, and he instantly bows down before his Queen and his King.
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