《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XXIV 🔥
"The fire inside me is urging me to raise, recover, revive, rebound, resurrect and make revolution"
The night was dark and twisted. The Queen in her blue fire dress with her eyes burning with anger had no choice put to find her King, and his wife in the dungeons. After having heard the story from his sister, she was filled with instant rage and nothing and no one can stop her now. The fear that was in her body has vanished and the courage is locked away, hidden from the anger inside her. This girl wasn't just meant to be his Queen but also his wife and his equal, yet it has been taken away from her, all of it.
"Tell me where the dungeons are or I'll swear to god you will regret this!" She screams at Luna, she has been trying to find the dungeons in her own castle, which has been proven rather difficult and she just simply doesn't have patient to look for it. Her anger needs to be unleashed and she plans on unleashing it on the King and his wife. Luna would be denying the fact that she's not afraid of her, because she's terrified of what the once sweet girl can do. She's not afraid for her brother, who has done horrible things in the past, including the marriage with his wife, however she's afraid for Arabella.
She's afraid that the girl who was so innocent and kind and sweet is gone and will never come again, and all because of her brother, destroying that poor girl. "I'm afraid I can't do that. And if I am being honest, your god will not help you" She answered. She knows the power inside the girl, yet she's surprisingly not afraid of it, because deep down, Arabella would never hurt her. "Then I shall find it myself" She speaks, her voice laced with venom as she speaks, the anger inside her only growing, and it will not be gone until she has released it one way or another.
"Forgive me, but I will not allow that" Luna tells the girl who has already turned her back and is stomping around, trying to find the dungeons. Closing her eyes, Luna flicks her wrist in Arabella's direction and then opens her eyes. Slowly, Arabella's eyes begin to close and she falls down to the ground, unconscious. Sighing, Luna walks over to her, looking at the beautiful girl who has been hurt, only hoping it's not beyond repair.
She goes down on her knees and is over the girl, trying to make her comfortable in this state, brushing the hair off her face. "I ask you to forgive me for this, but I will not let you murder my brother or his wife and taint your soul, that is what I shall do" She whispers to the girl, even knowing that she will not be able to hear her, yet doesn't care. Arabella does look peaceful and like all the worries have vanished from her. However, the dress is still the same blue tones as it was before.
"I shall be as quick as I can, then I shall come for you and wake you up" She whispers before she stands up, taking one last glance at the girl she turns around and with her own anger, she goes down to the dungeons. The dungeon is horrible in her eyes, yet nothing compared to the prison she was stuck in for ten thousand years, which she still has to punish someone for, and mainly her brothers. Now she just has another reason for hurting and do something to Lucifer, and a smile on her face while she does so.
The smell doesn't bother her as she's already used to things like these, even before she went into her prison, but the sight that she saw when she came to the furthest cell is shocking her and unexpected, even for her. The midnight haired girl had expected her brother to have already murdered his wife and be done with it for all she has done much yet that is not what she's seeing, far, far from it. Her jaw has dropped open and her eyes are widened, with shock and surprise, yet in her eyes is disgust.
Lucifer and his wife are in the middle of making out with each other, and his wife has been stripped of all chains. They don't notice her presence and she's horrified that her brother would do something like this. "I see, you handle your problems quite well" She suddenly speaks, breaking them from their little tongue swallowing session. Neither of them look shocked or even guilty of what they have done, as they are wed to one another, this is normal behavior for them, yet not for her brother, as he's already in love with another.
His sister has often seen how much love he holds for that fifteen year old girl and it doesn't go past anyone, that she's also in love with him. "Sister, if you don't mind, we were busy" He says, glaring daggers at his sister, yet when his head turns back to look at his wife, there is only love in his eyes. Luna rolls her eyes and stops her stomach before it throws up everything in it, for this is far too disgusting for her. She never liked his wife, never has and never will. There was always something about her she hated, yet never figured out what that was.
"Run along, little girl. We're busy" The woman speaks, has wife. Her voice doesn't sound like she has spent years in a dungeon, then again she is immortal and she does have powers of her own. "Little girl, if I recall, I am older than you. You shall respect your elders, now if you two are done, I must speak with my brother, about his future wife and Queen" Luna says, a smirk on her face as she speaks, knowing that it will bother the woman that still has her hands all over her brother.
"He doesn't have a future wife, as I am his wife. I wed him and therefore, I am his wife" The woman speaks, making Luna's anger only grow, she clenches her fists and grits her teeth. "A wife that should be dead, his true wife is waiting for him" Luna says to the woman, yet her eyes don't leave her brother. Lucifer hasn't looked away from his wife and instead of the normal disgust in his eyes that he holds for his wife, there is love in them. Love for that woman? Luna does notice this and notices that something is odd around here.
Lucifer has only ever loved one person so deeply and that person lies unconscious in the hallways of the castle, not this woman who has been imprisoned. "Brother, are you feeling ill? You don't seem like yourself at all" His sister asks him, she is worried about her brother, she does care about him, even when she doesn't show it. Their family is complicated and therefore love is rare, yet she does adore him. And the fact that he did release her from that prison, after he imprisoned her there for ten thousand years.
"I can assure you, sister, I've never felt better" He answers her and then he pulls his wife closer to him and they continue their make-out session. Luna with a look of disgust on her face leaves the dungeon, knowing that she did something to her brother and she will stop him. However, she needs to deal with Arabella first, as she's the one that will most likely be to hurt about this. The young girl just came from the death and she has not been able to catch her breath ever since she got to the Underworld, she hasn't had time to adjust.
Yet, as soon as she realized her feelings for Lucifer, she knew everything was going to be all right for her and the hurricane that has taken a hold of her life is starting to make sense for her, as do her feelings. Luna knows that this will break her heart and who knows what will happen to the girl or even Hell when that happens. The Underworld depends on both Lucifer and Arabella, their life force runs into the roots of the world and their emotions and feelings and life are the only thing that are keeping the world still standing.
They had felt it when she died, that the world was slowly dying along with her, only half of it remained, being his life force keeping it alive. Yet, what is a King without his Queen? And what is a kingdom without its Queen? Even if she had died, the Underworld would have fallen along side her, even if Lucifer were still alive. It's miracle that she's even still breathing, yet Luna fears that the news she will soon tell the girl will destroy her to the core and who knows what will happen then, the powers living inside the girl are too great and if they get out of control. None wants to think of that.
The violet eyed girl walks over to the sleeping girl, she does look peaceful there, just resting. Her dress had changed to the normal fire color that it once was. Making her fair skin glow. She wishes she could leave the girl like that, just sleeping, with no worries and no heartbreak, just nothing. She'd be safe from the pain she would have to endure if she wakes up, for a moment, it's tempting for the girl to not wake her up, yet she knows she has to.
Sighing and taking a deep breath, Luna flicks her wrist and the girl instantly starts to awaken. Arabella opens her eyes and looks around, the memories of what happened flash before her eyes, yet the strangest thing is that she's not angry anymore, her soul has calmed her down and even though she doesn't remember her dream or even if she dreamt, she feels at peace. Sitting up on the floor, her eyes gaze at Luna, and she does notice the sadness, anger and hurt in her eyes that worries her.
"Luna, are you feeling all right, did something happen?" She asks, her voice filled with kindness and happiness. Luna only sits on the floor and looks at the girl with sorrow. "Yes, I am all right, yet you will not be after I tell you what has happened" She says, her voice is shaky and she doesn't know how to say the words to that girl. Arabella has always been a force of good and even being mean to her has always been regretful, she always thinks of others before herself, not many girls her age are that way, and Luna admires her for that.
"It's all right, you do not have to tell me if you wish not to" Arabella says to her, she comes closer to her and hugs the girl, or as best as she can. She doesn't want the fire to burn her dress, the beautiful dress she wears, and she also doesn't want the fire to burn her skin, even if it can't burn her. Luna can still feel the heat and she can get burned by Hellfire. "I have to, it is about my brother. I fear he has done unthinkable things and can only hurt you" Luna says.
Arabella gives her a confused look. She already knows about his wife and how he has been wed multiple times, yet she has gotten over that. She knows that she is his Queen and she's meant to stand by his side for all eternity, and no wife or woman can take that away from her, not now. Little does she know that it has already happened, and soon Luna began telling the girl what she saw and witnessed in the dungeon. They sit on the floor while she's telling her that, each holding each other in their arms, keeping each other safe and protected and the two of them need comfort.
When she had finished telling her everything, the fire haired Queen was in tears. The salty tears leaked down her cheeks from her eyes and she was sobbing uncontrollably. The fact that he would hurt her this much only hurt her more, the pain in her chest is unbearable, never has she felt this much pain in her entire life and that is coming from the girl who has actually died and come back to life. "Why would he do this?" She keeps asking over and over again.
All Luna can do is try is comfort the girl, yet she knows it will do nothing for her at this point. Arabella is scared, she's hurt and she's sad, those feelings aren't just going to go away any time soon. And she also has been betrayed by Lucifer, he was the one who always wanted her to be by his side and be his Queen and now she was ready to be his Queen and then he doesn't want her. This all does fill her up with rage, but the amount of sadness in her body overpowers it.
"I do not know" Luna answers, not knowing what she can say to then girl to make her feel better, not even sure if she will be able to make her feel better. Luna has never been good at comforting people, not only didn't she get enough love as a child but she also has been in prison for the last ten thousand years with no human or other forces of contact. "Poor child, do you wish to return to your bed chambers?" She asks her after a few minutes. They have been sitting on the floor, which is not ladylike.
And there are assassins in this castle and even though the two of them are more powerful than them, the girl is in no condition to fight or even worry about it. With no words to say, the girl only nods her head, not trusting her voice to say anything. Her body feels numb, yet she stands up and walks with Luna to her room, but she doesn't know that there will be something awaiting her there, both girls have no idea what they will be walking into, and what they will see in there.
The silence in the hallways aren't making this situation any better, as they slowly are their way to her room, or their room as it is Lucifer's and Arabella's bedroom, both of them can't help but hate the silence. Yet, they have nothing to say. The things that have been happening are something they should talk about, but none of them can find the right words to say. The fire eyes girl is too lost in her own sadness and the violet eyed girl is confused at how this has all happened at all, the Underworld is the safest place in the world, yet so many murders have happened in just a few hours.
One would not think the world of the dead would be the safest of them all, but the ruthless King that rules the world makes sure that there is peace in Hell, and they fear him and his Hellfire. Most demons also believe themselves sinners and belong there and serving their King is the only way to become saints. Though, most don't know that it is highly unlikely that they will ever become saints or get a second chance, but it does happen, rarely but not impossible.
"We will be all right" Luna suddenly says, her voice is low but the girl did hear her. What made Arabella look at her is how she said 'we'. She wasn't expecting her to say that or say anything at all really. "How do you know?" She asks, though she only managed to choke a few words out of her, she tries her hardest not to break down again. She has shed so many tears and she fears she has no more tears to shed anymore. "I don't, I believe" She answers her, with a softness in her tone.
The fire haired girl never imagined this girl she's with, to be kind and gentle and talk like that, she always came off as tough, but not she's seeing her in a different light, and not because of the dim lighting in the hallways, but for how she's slowly revealing her true self to her. Luna is kind, even when she doesn't show it and Arabella is beginning to know that, and for what it is worth, she does like that side of her. "What do think will happen to me now?" She suddenly asks the midnight black haired girl.
She had been thinking about this for some time now, what will happen to her now that Lucifer doesn't want her anymore. That thought stings her heart like if a dagger had pierced it. Would she go back to her brothers or would she go somewhere else? She doesn't know, as she's new to this world she doesn't understand or know its custom. "You are the true Queen and not even his wife can throw you off the throne. You are his Queen, and she is his wife. I may not know what will happen to you, I suppose that it is up to you" Luna tells her.
"What does that mean?" She asks. She doesn't understand the answer she has gotten from Luna, who stops right in her tracks and turns to look at the girl. "You can choose to fight for him and fight for his love. If he truly does love you then sooner or later something will change, or you can choose to sit back and allow this to happen" She says, yet she doesn't make any sense to the girl. Fighting for his love? This is not how she's used to things, then again, none of the things that have been happening is something she's used to.
Women normally don't have this much power or choice where she comes from and as much she does think the idea of fighting for him is something that she should do, there is something holding her back. Perhaps the sadness in her or her emotion or perhaps it is how he has a wife. And now Arabella doesn't know what will happen next, she only knows that she has to make the next choice. She thinks of the words that Luna said. "I will fight for his love" She finally decides as they stand in front of the bedroom door.
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