《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XXV 🔥
"Fire and water are mortal enemies"
In the village that Arabella grew up by had rules about women in society, they were nothing but objects that their husbands could use to sire heirs. To their fathers, they were objects they can sell for status or money or just wanted to get rid of them. The world was cruel to women and not once did they have anything to say about their lives. They could spend money, sure, but did they chose any of the things they can do. It was always a man who said what they could and could not do, and rarely there was any love.
Love was a foreign to those people, but sometimes the emotion of love did spark in some, yet those people hid it well. Women were often abused, not only by their husbands but also their fathers or brothers or other males. Women often weren't considered human and more of the filth that the man walks on. Yet, the world needs women, they need them to survive and they depend on them for that survival, yet no male seems to be able to see that and continues to abuse the other gender and simply doesn't care for the female.
In Arabella's case, her brother's were different. They cared for her and wanted all the best for her, not once did they raise a hand to her and not once did they raise their voice. She was naturally a kind and well-behaved child, and perhaps that was because she was the future Queen of Hell. Her brothers could never understand how she could have thrived the way she did without a mother figure to guide her the way. They did however protect her form the cruelness in town and the reason why they lived a bit away from it was because they did not want her to get harmed there.
Her whole life, she has always been prepared for everything, she looked at the bright side and fought against anything that came her way. When she was only a seven year old girl, she was kidnapped and somehow she did manage to free herself. Mostly that was because a demon had freed her without her knowledge, yet she felt this confident and courage surge through her and she got out of there and she knew that she could overcome anything, if only she has the willpower and courage and the kindness. However, nothing could ever prepare for what happened next.
She along side Luna stand in front of the door of the room she first woke up in, in this place. It hasn't been that very long since she came there, yet so many things have happened and she can't even remember what day it is and nor has she been keeping track of it. Her life has taken a turn and she's not even sure if it will be the same again. Where with her brothers, her biggest problem and obstacle was the lack of money. She was happy there and even if nothing crazy happened, she held courage in her body.
Luna opens the door of the bedroom and what they saw shocks them both to the core. On the bed, the very same bed that Arabella has slept in and the one she died and came back to life in is Lucifer and his wife, in a intimate moment. The tears that Arabella had promised to not shed are all coming down from her eyes, as they stare at it. The one room she actually felt safe and protected in has been tainted by them and she can't watch this anymore.
She runs from there and down the stairs, leaving Luna alone there by the open door. Lucifer nor his wife has noticed her or what had happened with Arabella. The rage that had been quite rises within her, yet what can she do. She was only a girl who couldn't do anything. She may be his sister, but that woman is his wife and will always have more power than her over her brother, and his Queen has even more power over him. Luna closes the door, not even sure if she can unsee this thing.
A woman in the Underworld has more authority over the man, whether you are a servant or the Queen. Unlike the humans, the supernatural forces do know that the female always is supposed to be the superior or the world, and that it's why people think so highly of the Queen. Yet, in Luna's case, she has a power over every male in the Underworld, expect for her brother. She can influence him and yell at him, but he doesn't have to listen to her, as she's not his wife nor his Queen. However, she is his sister and she has never been the one too listen to those rules, she will get him under her control.
The fifteen year old Queen has become quite dear to her and she will not rest until the two of them are together. She doesn't know why, she just has this feeling living inside her that she needs the two to be together, then again they were always meant for each other. She was literally born to be his Queen and the powers living in her have always been there, dormant but there. She goes down the stairs, looking for Arabella, yet knowing that she will not be fighting for his love now.
Not only has she been told of the relationship between Lucifer and his wife, but she also has seen it and the poor girl has feelings for him. Knowing her, and how she grew up knowing that feelings in a marriage don't exist, she was happy with it, she was happy that she was in love with him and she wanted to tell him, yet how can a girl that grew up knowing that she was nothing but a toy to the male tell him she has feelings for him?
The fire haired girl had run down the stairs and to the throne room, crying, the tears streaming down her face like waterfalls. The dead bodies had been cleaned, by who? She doesn't know and frankly doesn't care at this point. When she's in the throne room, she's all alone in there and she stand in the middle of the floor. With tears in her eyes, she looks at the thrones, the three thrones, one of them belonging to her. Yet, the throne that belongs to her doesn't seem like it actually belongs to her. Her knees, no longer able to hold her body weight let go of their grip and she falls down to the ground.
Crumbling to the ground, she breaks down into sobs. The feelings all coming back to her, the pain, the hurt, the heartbreak, the fear, everything is coming at once and she can't stop it. Her hands hug her knees as she rocks back and forth on the ground, her tears falling down on her dress, and become nothing from the heat. The dress however, remains the same orange, yellow and red fire colored as it always is, but the fire flames and crackles are smaller, and quieter.
Nothing could make that girl sadder than the fact that the one she loves has just betrayed her like this, yet did he ever betray her if they were never really together? From the moment that she woke up on that bed, she was scared, confused and everything was strange. Then there was him. Lucifer, he was someone she could trust, even though she hadn't realized it herself at the time. He was always the one that made sense in this place, despite her confused state, she grew attached to him. Even though she was scared of his eyes the first time they met and his yelling didn't help either, yet there always was this connection.
She starts thinking about how he never really courted her, then again he'd have to ask her brothers if he wanted to court her and as far as she knows, he never did that and she doesn't know how right she is. And the reason behind him not courting her is because he never wanted to marry her at all, he just wanted her around, which she still doesn't understand. He's a man, and she's learned that all men use women and he used her. He stole her first kiss. He lead her on and led her believe that she has a change to be with him. Led her to fall in love with him.
When in reality, he was only playing her like any man would and she fell for it. Despite when her brothers taught her the signs of being used, she ignored each and every one of them because she was falling in love with him and love is so strange that at first it doesn't show, then it can't be contained. Suddenly, two arms wrap around her and she's joined in a hug. "It will be all right" Luna whispers to her, the fact that Luna can be gentle and can be kind is something that not even she knew before.
When Luna appeared, she was sort of afraid of her, yet that was also the time when she was afraid of everything in this place. But, as she grew to know her, she realized that she's just a girl, like she is. A girl that does have a past and a long one at that. "Do you wish to go somewhere you feel comfortable?" She asks the crying girl, knowing that she needs to be somewhere that she feels safe now that her safe haven has been taken away from her.
She doesn't answer her right away because she doesn't even know all the rooms in this castle. She might have taken a tour with Lucifer, but she wasn't allowed inside most of the rooms, and the things that happened to her when she went into one of them when she wasn't supposed to. That mistake is something that she neither wants to do again or remember about it. Arabella only nods her head after minute or two of her silence and she just sobbing and crying.
"All right, what place is that?" She asks the girl, not even sure if she will be able to get answers from this girl. The Queen in her arms has always been this tough girl that was taken to a world she doesn't understand and not once did she complain about it, and the courage she has and the things she has faced is something that Luna admires. Yet, the girl now is broken, brought to the breaking point and all because of her brother. She's ashamed of her brother and his actions, and frankly she doesn't understand him, then again she hasn't seen him in over ten thousand years, he's bound to be different, as is she.
"T...th...eee... ..ca...a...cav...e" She stutters between her sobs and hiccups as she cries even harder. When she went to that cave, she felt at peace after all the crazy thing that happened to her and she hasn't been there again and she would really like to go. "All right" Luna answers and helps the girl stand up form the ground. Even though her dress is slightly burning from the fire in Arabella's dress, she doesn't care. Besides, the fire in her dress has gotten colder than it normal is, because of her feelings.
Together they go to the stables to get a carriage to take them to the cave, neither one of them is ready to walk over there. One of them isn't even in good condition that she can walk, the heaviness in her heart is weighing her down. Her face is all red and puffy and she can't help but let the tears out. She's grateful for Luna not judging her or anything because at this point, she can't take any more pain, she simply can't handle that.
The carriage ride is quiet, the whole time neither of them said a word and neither of them had any plans to. They're eyes are just watching the world outside. Arabella doesn't look outside with wonders as she did last time, now it's like she's looking at the world, yet not seeing it. The last time she was in a carriage, she was in a accident which was only yesterday, yet so many things have happened since then, it feels like she has gone through a week judging by everything that happened to her in that one day time.
As soon as they get out of the carriage and step on the ground, Arabella starts to remember the last time she was there. How she didn't believe in magic and confused she was as the whole thing. "Ignis flammae venice portae tuus porta" Luna speaks and Arabella can remember those word from the last time, when he had spoken them and the ground begins to open like it did last time and a golden staircase comes into view. In silence they walk down the stairs, to the cave with the lake. This time she can see where she is going as her dress lights her way for her.
"Do you think he will take me back?" Arabella asks while they're waking down, only the sounds of their heels is heard but she hated the silence, yet she found comfort in it but the more she started to think the more she began to look down on herself. "Take you back? What ever do you mean?" Luna asks, she's glad that the girl is speaking but knowing what's she's speaking about is also important, especially now when she needs someone to listen to her and be there for her.
"To my brothers as now he doesn't want me anymore?" She asks. Arabella's been longing to be with her brothers for so long, she misses them dearly and each day she wonders if she will ever see them again. When she first came to the Underworld, her plan was to find away to escape to get back to them, somewhere alone the line that plan had disappeared. "That isn't a question I can answer, I hate how you are separated from your brothers, yet I can not help with that. Forgive me" Luna tells me with sadness in her voice.
She wanted to help the girl, but not giving her the answers she needs isn't helping her at all. Arabella needs answers and the one person that has them wants nothing to do with her anymore. "Could you help me get back?" She asks, her voice is quiet but for the first time since this nightmare began, she has hope. Hope that she will see her two brother again, she had been longing to see them for so long. "I might try, yet I've forgotten how to get to the human world, it has been a long time" She answers, just as they begin to see the cave.
They reach the last stair and the the cave is just few meters away form them. "You go in, I can not go in there" Luna tells her, knowing that the girl is possibly the only one who can ever be in there. Arabella with dried tears staining her face walks into the cave and the wonders unfold to her. Everything is exactly the same as she remembered it and nothing has moved or been replaced. This truly is the most beautiful cave she has ever been into, then again she hasn't been to that many caves in her life.
"Can you tell me what happened to you?" Arabella asks as she sits down by the water edge, remembering what happened to her the last time she was there, the fact that she walked on water was something that she's afraid of doing again. She turns to look at a shocked Luna who has taken a seat near the cave entrance. "Why ever would you want to know what happened to me?" She asks, not expecting her to ask these things, especially when she's in a state like this, she doesn't need her problems over her own.
"You have never spoken much about yourself, yet I know you were in prison, but the reason why doesn't come to me. I don't see you as a person who would spend so long in prison and still be kind to someone like me" She answers. Looking down at the water, she plays with it with her fingers and she notices that as soon as her fire dress touches the water, the water pushes backwards. Like it's trying to get away from the fire. She pulls her dress back and makes sure that the water and the dress don't have a connection.
"I cannot say the reason why I was there, only that I did deserve it and now that I am free and away from it, I intend to enjoy my last days before I will be sent back" She tells the girl with so much sadness and sorrow in her voice. That makes Arabella look at her again. "Sent back? Why would be be sent back, you've already been there for so long, that doesn't seem fair to me" The fire haired girl says, feeling like she needs to protect the sister of the man who hurt her, still Luna never harmed her.
"Dear child, the world is not fair or just, as soon as my brothers realize where I am, their armies will capture me again and I will be imprisoned once more" The violet eyed girl says, as a tear slips down from her eyes. She has enjoyed the time being free, yet all happiness must come to an end and soon she'll be isolated and alone in thet prison once more. "Can Lucifer not reason with them, there has to be something to be done, I can't allow you to go back there again" Arabella says as she's filled with rage at the brothers that she has never met.
No one deserves to be imprisoned for so long, she couldn't have done that bad of a thing. "You can't fight them" Luna tells her, she never knew that the girl she has come to care for does care for her. "You said it yourself, I am supposed to be the Queen of the world, and now I can show them exactly who is their Queen. I promise you that you will never be sent there again" Arabella says to her, promising this to her and she intends to keep her promise to her.
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His lips broke away from mine leaving me panting like crazy and made their way to my cheek. Leaving a hot trail of kisses from my cheek to my collarbone, brushing the tip of his nose against my skin, his mouth moved up to my ear and I could feel his hot breath prickling my skin."What's your name sweetheart ?" He spoke for the first time and I was shaken to my core, my eyes rolling back from the pleasure that my body and mind were experiencing.His voice is as smooth and soft as silk, and at the same time as rough and cold as a stone. He sounds like an angel and a demon at the same time. How is that even possible?------------------Lust, Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony, and Sloth. The Seven Deadly Sins, gathered inside a creature so powerful, that he can destroy the world and let all Hell break loose in the span of a minute. He brings death and destruction everywhere he goes, making people succumb to their desires since forever.He is the son of God. The first and only Fallen Angel. The ruler of all sins. He is the King of Hell.The Devil.He is Lucifer King.*!Slow updates!*Warning! Mature and sexual content !!10 in #Satan 03/11/217 in #Devil - 26/12/201 in #Hell - 02/04/21
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He slowly turned to me with the meanest look I've ever seen on his beautiful face. His long legs allowed him to take three short steps towards me until we were face to face. He leaned down to reach my height and then pushed me against the wall. "I don't do relationships," he said very coldly. My heart dropped but my pride fell before my heart could reach my stomach. He resumed packing my bag. "Why not?" I asked with an attitude to appear unbothered but I really am. "Because, they're-" his sentence was cut off by gunshots. "Fuck!" He yelled then grabbed me and threw me on the floor behind the bed. _________________________Life was never easy for Grace whether it was growing up in her country or moving to New York for a better life. But life never turns out the way you think it will. She'll soon find out whether or not, if one of the most dangerous man in the city, will be able to give her what the last man couldn't. Alessandro Columbo. That's all you have to say and men will twitch out of fear. The last name alone will get you to places you could never imagine. But that last name alone, can get you killed in a heartbeat. One of the most dangerous men in New York City, can't fall in love. Right?
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