《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XXVI 🔥
"Fire may be powerful, but water will always be its enemy"
Maybe it was the water, or maybe it was Luna or maybe it was the cave or maybe it was herself, but Arabella found herself calm and she knew she was safe. She doesn't know what made her that way, yet she liked it. The anger, the hurt, the confusion all vanished from her. Luna and her had been talking and for the first time in her life, she felt like she had made a real friend, one who would not betray her. As the friend she had in this place had tried to kill her and never even cared for her at all. Yet, she doesn't know that her maid did indeed care for the girl, even when she tried to murder her.
There are bigger forces out there, and Arabella knows it, yet she doesn't know how truly big they are. "Why don't you go in the water, I am sure my brother would love to feel your presence" Luna suggests the girl to do, she has been watching her play with the water and stare at the water, yet not once has she gone into to it. "Feel my presence?" Arabella asks, not even sure what is going on.
"Another thing that no one has explained to you, no wonder you're always getting in danger, you know next to nothing" Luna tells her, not really believing the fact that she's the Queen, yet knows nothing of the world she now rules. The only things she knows are the things that she herself has told her, and that isn't that much, she's also holding back on one or two things or maybe just a hundred. "My brother, Poseidon, the King of the Deep Blue, he created this cave and this water is from him. You must have felt his gift at some point, otherwise you would gotten hurt by the water" She starts explaining.
"If you go in there, he will know it is you and he has ordered the water he created to allow you to breathe or walk on it. Try it, go in" Luna tells her. "The water doesn't like my dress, it keeps going away from it" The innocent girl says, she does remember that the last time she was there, she had breathed under water and she had felt something, something not that normal. Perhaps that was him. And maybe that is the reason why she's feeling so calm, he's making her feel so calm.
"That is only the rival between the water and fire, they're enemies and don't get along, yet once you're in there, it will stop" Luna tells her, not once does she look away from the girl. She had heard from her brother what had happened the last time he and Arabella were there, yet she can not believe it herself unless she sees it and knowing the powerful Queen that she now knows, it will be easy to breathe underwater and walk on it, or even have the ability to manipulate it in some cases.
Nodding, Arabella stands up and slowly looks over the water, there is still something at the bottom, the crystals and she does love it down there, the memories of being in that water felt amazing and even if she doesn't remember exactly everything, or even understood it all, she knows that she wants this. There is this craving inside her that begs her to go into the water. Taking a deep breath, she walks over the edge and lets herself fall straight into the water. Once she's in, the feeling of warmth and happiness fills her body and there is nothing she would rather be doing.
It's taking over her body, the longing and she feels like her own body isn't her own as she does deeper down, and not even feeling the need to breathe down there. Luna had been right, the dress and the water don't seem to be doing that much. The fire hasn't gone out, which should surprise her and confuse her to the limit, yet this world has so much things that she doesn't understand that she has learned that she doesn't need to be surprised about it and that she's getting used to it all.
The water isn't cold, yet it isn't warm either, then again the girl has never been cold in her entire life. The fire flowing through her veins has always kept her warm. "We meet again, beautiful Arabella" She hears a voice that she hasn't heard in a long time. Right in front of her, Poseidon appears. She doesn't know how or even why but he's there and she doesn't care of how this is possible, she's just grateful for that he is there. She might have only met him once but she did connect with him, even through her confused state.
The blonde King looks at her with happiness in his eyes and the smile on his face also says that he is happy to see her, as she is at seeing him. "Poseidon, I never thought that I would see you again" She says, strangely feeling the need to hug him but she doesn't. She only has met him once and that time, he was being attacked by his brother. "Believe me, young Queen, I knew I'd see you again. Only, I never though under these circumstances. I must apologize for my brother, he never should have hurt such a beautiful Queen such as yourself" He tells her and before she could even react, he takes her hand and kisses it.
It makes her believe that he is actually in front of her, in the water. It doesn't sound real, yet her eyes see him and she felt his touch on her skin. He was really there. "There is no need to apologize. I have come to realize that your brother and I were never courting and I was the one who was falling in love with him. He never did a thing" She says. She really has no one to blame but herself, he was the man and men use women, like he used to kiss her.
And she fell in love with him, while he was using her for his own pleasure. It is what she was warned so many times by her brothers, men use women for their own pleasure, no matter the cost, no matter how much the woman gets hurt in the end. They swore on their lives that they would not let a man treat her that way, yet without even knowing it, it has. Yet, she only blames herself, she was the one who knew that she was being played, and yet did nothing about it. Just fell deeper in love with him, without even realizing it herself.
"Sweet Queen, he does not deserve you. No one does. The kindness you hold in your heart, even after the heartbreak and the pain you have been through, it truly is remarkable. My brother has done things to you that no man should and he should have told you from the beginning, or let someone else do it, not let you see it yourself. But, believe in me when I say these words, he does love you with his whole heart and whatever is happening to him now is not my real brother" He tells her.
The confused girl only gives him a strange look, she doesn't really understand him, yet then again there is so much she has yet to learn and with each passing day, she learns more and more. It's getting too much for her to handle. Then again, she is the Queen and if she can't handle too much knowledge then she won't be able to handle anything at all. She can do this, that's all she can think about now.
Poseidon sighs, not even sure of how to tell her. "You see, Arabella, my brother has always been complicated, not only was his power too much for him to handle but also our family never accepted him the way he was. Because of that, he acted out, he became somewhat of an evil person. The earth and the humans that lived there, he wanted to destroy, yet his plans never came true when he was stopped. It wasn't until he was banished that the humans grew cold, too cold. As they had no ability to create fire without the King of fire" He begins.
"The humans began to die from cold, or starvation for the food was uncooked. We knew the world could not be balanced without him and we were forced to receive him from his banishment. However, that only angered him and he raged havoc on earth, burning houses and burning people. It was at this time that Luna was born, our father was done with his children, and he punished my little sister. Because of that, the thirst for vengeance was not enough for my dear brother, he saw how the humans left the world peacefully, their sins forgiven, no matter how horrible and cruel they were" He says.
"The Underworld was created by Lucifer and my father after he pleaded that the sinners needed a place to be, for they did not deserve the comfort of what came after the death, the peacefulness. And he ruled as the King of the Underworld. When he grew lonely and when he felt he needed more, he visited earth again and it was then that the prophecy was first spoken and the more people talked about it, the more obsessed he became over it. A Queen by his side, a Queen he would use to control and manipulate-" He says but is cut off.
"I'd say he has succeeded in that" Arabella speaks, not even understanding the point in the story or even why she's being told it. She had figured out herself that Lucifer had created the Underworld to punish the sinners, and Luna also told her a little bit about it, yet she doesn't quite get this story. Knowing that she herself has the power of fire, she doesn't feel overwhelmed with the power, not at all. She has more power than any creature, yet she doesn't feel overwhelmed by that. She's overwhelmed by the fact that the one she loves doesn't return her feelings.
"Yes, but not by choice. Let me continue. He wanted a Queen to control and manipulate for power, more power than anything in the world, and he wanted it all for himself. That, in his mind was the perfect revenge against everyone who took him for granted. Yet, he searched for the Queen, for eons, longer than you can ever imagine. Each girl he found, was not the one. But, somehow one girl had created the illusion that she was the true Queen" He says and now it gets interesting in her mind.
Yet, does she really want to hear any of this? He's going to be talking about the woman that is wed to the man that she loves, the man that she is destined to be with. "She was a witch, the first witch actually. One of my brother healed a sick woman with child, somehow that child took the healing powers and it transferred into her, her veins, her brain, her. It was extraordinary, none had seen anything like that before and that's how he found her, the powers she had were something that he believed would be of a Queen" He tells her, and Arabella frowns.
She was a second choice, well more like a thousandth choice. There were so many girls before her that he believed were his Queen, but when it came to his actual Queen, the one he has been searching for this entire time, he doesn't want her. "Because she had powers, he rushed the wedding. And on their wedding night, he did the same thing he did for you, give her a part of his magic, to activate the already Hellfire in her veins, yet, she burned. Like the rest of them. Yet, she lived. She was immortal, but not his Queen" He tells her.
"How could she have lived? I do not understand this" The girl asks him, she might be confused but somehow, this is all getting puzzled together, just taking a lot of time and for a girl that has only known that magic exists for a few weeks, it is hard to understand this whole thing. "Because she did have healing magic living inside her, she did not get the fire powers from him and she burned, and when she burned, her body began to heal itself and she was still alive" He tells her.
"This was shocking for him and he did not want to believe that he had found just another woman that was not his wife and he threw her in the dungeon, only letting her out a couple of years at a time. Her punishment is being alive for what she has done to him, she tricked him into the marriage, he believed she has the power of fire too, but she did not. My brother has always loved punishing people and the ones who sin are his favorite" He says.
"If I am his Queen, then why has he not wed me yet?" She asks, while he's telling her the story, she does notice one pattern. He always marries the girls and women before he gives them his powers, yet not with her. She does remember that he gave her them on her birthday, her fifteen-year-old birthday. At the time, she did not understand at all what it was, yet now she knows what it was. It was his powers going inside her, and her own powers woke up from their sleep.
There is still some things about that night that she doesn't understand, and she's not sure of she will ever get those answers. So many questions are in her mind, but she's afraid to ask them, not even sure why. "Fifteen years ago, you were born, on that day I was with him. We were taunting each other and if I say so myself, I won in that game" Poseidon says and winks at her, it makes her let out a soft giggle. "He fell down to the ground, holding his head, I saw the pain he felt, and it was strange, for one he has never felt pain. None of us have" He says.
"Yet, he did. Then he told me that he started seeing flashes of something. A baby girl being born and the two of us rushed to the human world and to that village. Lucifer felt this connection that was leading him on and not even I could stop him. He was in a trance, walking forward to the village you were born in, until he came to the house you were in. He saw your mother, dead on the bed and your two brothers holding you in their arms, protecting you" He tells her with a smile, as if he's remembering it himself.
"When his eyes wandered to you, he felt at peace. He knew he had found you, and you have no idea how much I strength I had to use to stop him from tearing the house apart to take you with him. We both knew that you were his Queen and we felt this power come from you, even from a new born baby, there was power that even I didn't understand. It wasn't until the people wanted to burn you that he snapped back into reality and his anger took over" He tells her.
Not once did she knew that he was there, that day. He was there when she was born and he was there when she was about be burned. Her brothers did tell her that she was about to be burned on the stake, as the old village did that to some of their newborns, they had told her that they saved her before she went into the fire and Grayson has lost two fingers and Jaxon had been in horrible condition from being stabbed. Yet, the three of them survived.
"After some time, I had convinced him not to murder the mortals in that village and forgive me to say this, but it was I who wanted to wait until you had been tested" He tells her, then he stops. He looks at her with tears in his eyes. "Tested?" She asks. "Yes, tested. To see if you really were his Queen, even though we already knew it. We went through with it, the people had successfully taken you and they took you to the flames, yet to everyone's surprise but Lucifer's, you survived. He knew that he would survive, he had this instinct inside him that told him so and the connection between you two were strong" Poseidon says.
"The fire never touched you, it kept you safe and lulled you to sleep. And even at birth, you were the most powerful being in the world, and we both felt it. He had enough of it, he did not watch this any longer and he burned every person that wanted you burdened, which was everyone at the village except for your brothers, they had sinned and now it was time for them to pay for their sins, in Hell" He tells her with a smirk, but one tear does leak from his eyes, and it mixes with the water around them.
"He took you and when he held you in his arms, I saw how much love he held for you, even from such a young age. Not once had he loved anyone this much and I knew that you two were meant to be. I told you to not take you with him, because you were too young and if you grew up with him, then you would not love him the same way as he did you" He tells her. She never knew all of this happened, and her brothers knew? She doesn't know.
"He took you to your brothers and they had taken you away from there, yet he still kept an eye on you. Your whole life, you were surrounded by demons, in hiding of course. They kept you safe and protected, and every couple of days, my brother would go see you. Making sure that you knew nothing of it, as you grew up, your powers grew with you and he saw how you could control fire without even knowing it" The blonde King tells her.
"As for your question why he did not marry you when he took you to the Underworld, the answer is simple. He had wed many women before, and he had come to realize, after a long time if I may add, that if he wanted you to love him, he had to win your love and not force it upon you. Lucifer wanted you to choice and have a say in this. He did not force you to wed him, because he wanted to make you fall in love with him first and now that you have, my brother has been cursed" He tells her and she lets out a gasp.
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