《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XIII 🔥
"Fire is a beautiful creature"
The King had been rudely interrupted while he was with his Queen. Having to leave her took everything in him. With each passing day, she looks more and more beautiful. Royal life does treat her well and it looks good on her. He can't believe that it has already been a few days and she's still there with him, then again she doesn't know who or rather what he is. For years the King of Hell has dreamt about having her in his kingdom and by his side, and now that she's here, he doesn't know what to do. Sure, she's there, yet it is like she's far, far away.
Getting her to love him is harder than it looks, and he struggles with it, frustrating him too. He just wants her to love him the same way he loves her. Walking along the hallways, he makes his way into his study where someone awaits him. Someone sits on his chair with their feet on his desk, and acting like they own the place. "Poseidon, what a unfortunate visit, I was hoping to get a break from you" Lucifer spats at his brother, who holds a glass of alcoholic drink in his hand.
Gulping down his drink, he looks at his brother with the most serious look he can do. "Brother, believe me when I say, there's nothing more unpleasant than coming down to the kingdom of the dead. Unless to meet your pretty Queen-" He begins to say with a smirk on his face, which is quickly wiped off by Lucifer as he punches his brother in the face. Poseidon quickly recovers, only to be met with his brother's angry eyes. "She's mine" He only says, making his beast presence known. He should have seen this coming, his brother will do anything to protect his Queen, even from his own brother.
"As I was saying, we have a problem that needs to be fixed. Ten thousand years ago, we locked someone up in the deepest, darkness and the secure prison in the universe-" Poseidon says but isn't allowed to finish his sentence again. Wiping the blood off his lips that had formed after his face had met his brother's fist. "Don't forget the most heavy guarded and strongest prison where no one can escape" Lucifer cuts him off. The two brother unnoticeable switch places, Lucifer goes to sit by his desk while Poseidon stands in front of it.
Nodding his head, then shaking it, Poseidon looks directly into his brother's eyes. "That, brother is where you're wrong. Last night the one who we locked up escaped" As soon as the words leave his mouth, the look of shock on Lucifer's face says all what is happening inside his head. The two of them had believed that they had locked them up for good and now it seems as they have escaped. After a minute or two, Lucifer's face then comes back to reality and his surprised and shocked look is replaced by a smirk and his eyes show mischief.
"Now, brother. Let's play" He says. Believing this all to be a game for him. After all, both of them haven't seen this person in ten thousand years. This will be fun, and he can't wait for the game to begin, if it hasn't already. The blonde brother doesn't know what to make of Lucifer, as he has always been a little cruel and full of mischief. He is the Devil after all. Not knowing what his brother has planned, he leaves the castle and the Underworld, hoping that Lucifer has a plan.
The crimson red closing eyed King sits in his chair and puts himself a drink. "Let the fun begin" He says to himself and gulps down his drink in one sip. He sits there for a while, thinking of how the reunion will be. Will they be angry? Or grateful that he broke them out? He doesn't know but he would like to find out. He isn't the Devil if he doesn't create some chaos in the world and messing with his brothers is what he loves to do. And now that his Queen is by his side, he knows that his rash decision won't harm her in any way.
Arabella watches in horror as the wall in front of her breaks apart and the bricks fly off into a bright light that is forming. Howling wind around the room forces her to hold onto the door handle to keep balance as there is nothing else to hold on to. The winds get stronger with each passing second and pulls her towards the gaping hole that the wall has made. Not the whole wall has gone, just everything in between those two torches. The fear rises in her body, her heart beats faster in chest.
It's racing and she can hear her own heart beat faster than it has ever beat. Tears form in her eyes, threatening to fall, but she doesn't allow them. The winds are so strong that they keep pulling her faster and harder. Her body is slowly lifting up from the ground. Her small hands hold on to the door handle for her dear life. The fire eyed girl refuses to even look at the thing in front of her, she doesn't know what it is and doesn't want to know either. All she knows is that the wind is pulling her and she can't allow that to happen.
She continues to scream, burning her throat and lungs for how loud she screams, but the pain is the last thing on her mind. As the wind picks up, she can't hold on to the door handle any longer, as the strength in her body fails her completely and before she knows it, she lets go. The wind takes her into the wall and through the white light. When she's in the white light her vision turns black, as ironic as that is. As soon as her body is through the wall, the bricks start to connect and go to their original position, as if they never left in the first place.
The King of the Underworld sits in his chair for a minute before he stands up. Going directly to find his Queen, he searches the castle. Walking up all the stairs, he can't wait to see her again. It only has been about half an hour or so but he's desperate to be in her presence again, to touch her smooth skin. His first stop is their bedroom she's staying at, and soon he will sleep with her there. Once he doesn't find her there, he begins to worry about her.
"Guards!!!" He yells out. Normally, he doesn't want his guards to be in his presence, even though he enjoys watching them cower in fear, he doesn't really find the use for them. The only reason he has them around is to keep his love safe, and for looks. He doesn't want to leave the castle looking more gloom and saddening than it already is. This is hell after all. Not even three seconds after he yelled at his guards, seven men dressed in guard uniform come running down the hallway and come inside the room.
All of them bow down before him and even a blind man could tell that they were more afraid of the man standing in front of them than anything else in this world. "Where is Queen Arabella?" He asks, his voice holds so much power in it, that they cower in fear, more than they did before. Their faces fall when they hear his words. One of them, the one in the front shakes his head. None of them knows where she is, as the last person to see her was the King himself.
The look of anger on his face doesn't hide from anyone. His beasts has awoken, now that she's no where to be found, his beast won't calm down. All it wants is to tear everyone apart until she is in his arms, safe and protected by him. "FIND HER!!!" He growls at them. Scared for their lives, they hurry out of the room and go look for the missing future Queen. Just wanting to find her, so they won't be killed. Again. What they don't know is that they aren't going to find her there or anywhere in the Underworld.
Lucifer sits down on the bed with his hands on the back of his neck, trying to think of where she could be. This is a huge castle, and he can't sense her presence. As the castle is alive and he alone can control it, he can sense where everyone is in it. And, now that he can't sense her anywhere, his worry is over the rooftop. He can't believe that he just got her and now he has lost her. The very thing that he never wanted to do. The love of his life. Arabella. The future Queen of the Underworld and his future wife is missing and for the first time in a long time, he doesn't know what to do.
He doesn't know how to find her. Did she run away? Did she... die? He doesn't know. All he can hope is to find her and wait for answers. Hoping that it isn't the latter. Imagining her dead is something he can't do. He has waited for her for years and loved her for fifteen, he isn't about to lose her now. Not when she's about to trust him and fall in love with him like he loves her.
Then the answer suddenly appears in his mind. He took her on a tour around the castle, and they didn't even have time to cover half of it. But, there was one room that had her more curious than all the other one's in the castle. The red glowing eyed man quickly stands up and runs down the long circles in the staircase, his speed is faster than any human, yet normal for him. He doesn't trip or stumble, even when he doesn't even look where he steps or where he is going. All he cares about his finding her and he has an idea of where she might be, yet wants to believe that she isn't there.
Running through the hallways in the speed of light, or almost speed of light until he reaches the room where he wants to be. Roughly taking the door handle, he pushes the door and looks inside. The room is empty, yet he knows that it has been used. As the two torches told him. They change color when a portal has been used, that way he knows when and where someone or himself has gone to. He walks inside and notices that the torches are glowing black.
"Oh, no. What have you gotten yourself into, my love?" He whispers to himself when he sees them. He knows where she has gone to and it isn't to any good place. Of all the places she could have gone to, she goes to the worst of them all. The King goes to turn on the portal by closing the door, that is how it gets activated. However, it does take some time for the portal to open, not much to his liking. The girl he loves is somewhere in danger and he has to safe her.
She's in a unknown place with no one she knows and she must be terrified. The minutes that pass feel like eternity for him, as he awaits for the portal to open. Each second, his worry grows stronger. Arabella is the only one who can make him this worried and if anyone were to see him now, they would make fun of him and laugh at him. He wouldn't care about it, this is what love feels like and the girl he loves is more important than any stupid people trying to mess with him.
The bricks on the wall begin to open up and fly off like they did when the girl was in here. The wind dances around him and tries to force him into the white light that had formed instead of the wall. The portal has opened for him. The wind might be strong. Yet, it doesn't move him, his body doesn't budge by the wind. Standing in front of the portal, he waits until all the bricks in between the two torches disappears into the light, not wanting to get hit by them while they are still flying off and going in every direction, never caring what or who they hit.
A few seconds later, he walks into the white light. The brightness from the light is almost too unbearable, he needs to close his eyes to shield them from it, yet that isn't enough. Even through closed eyelids, the brightness still manages to hurt him. Lucifer holds one hand above his eyes, and that seems to do it. Portal traveling has never been one of his favorites, and would rather avoid it, if possible. He fears that his Queen might have hurt herself when going through the portal, as her human body isn't used to the light or even the portal itself.
She's never been through portal travel, and her human body isn't fit for it. And for the first time alone, that can be terrible, especially for Arabella. She's far too innocent and precious to go out in the world and talking about another world, that's a big deal. He can only pray that she hasn't gotten herself into that much trouble on her travels, or gotten herself harmed in any way. The place she went to is dark and horrible. The only way to prevent her from any scarring for the rest of her life is hoping that she had been hit by one for those flying bricks and passed out.
Only to wake up and having to hit her head on her bed or the floor or something when she fell, never to even remember of what had happened to her or what she almost experienced. It would have been perfect that she would believe this to be a dream or rather a nightmare and she would have never known what almost happened. Though, he can't know what happened to her, he wished that he could. If only she were to marry him, then he would be able to find her in less than a second.
Portal traveling is a quick process, to the King himself at least. His body is used to the travel, but the human body of the future Queen isn't. If she were conscious at the time, she would feel like every organ in her body is about to explode. Her stomach wouldn't be able to handle it and she would have thrown up everything in her stomach. Her head would have hurt so much that it would be aching and she would have the headache of the century.
Lucifer doesn't feel any side effects from the portal, yet he has never liked traveling this way. He doesn't know why, just has never been much fond of it. The white bright light begins to fade and soon disappear all together. Signaling that he has arrived at his destination. The Underworld is where he is King, and it's the place of the dead and the demons of the dead. However, this place is something else, and a place where nothing is alive. The land of the Forgotten. Or as he likes to call it, remember me not.
The ground beneath him is gray sand, light and dark alike. The land of the Forgotten is a dark place and it's hard to see what is happening in front of your face. No sun or anything on the sky, no one is even sure if there is a sky. Just endless darkness and endless sand. It's said that the land of the Forgotten has no end and you can literally walk in there forever and never find food nor water. As it has nothing in it, If you don't count the gray gloomy sand. Now all he has to do is find the love of his life in a place where there is no end. This will be fun.
He begins searching. Using his fire, letting them float around him to help him see something. He starts going in circles, to see if she is lying around here somewhere, hoping that she is knocked out and safe. If she has started to wander around, feeding her curiosity, that could mean big troubles for the both of them. Every minute that he spends apart from his love, is another minute that his anger rises and right now, the only reason his beasts isn't unleashed is because of his hope of finding her.
Even if she were to wander around, she couldn't have gotten that far out. As her body would have naturally passed out from the whole experience that it has been through. When he doesn't find her anywhere near the portal, he's amazed at how far she was able to go. It must have been painful to experience all of that, but now that he is here to safe her and take her home, he will make sure that every injury or trauma her body went through will be fixed. Her innocent and naive mind won't be able to make out what happened to her and he counts on the fact that she will forget this in no time.
The King of Hell goes around searching for the girl he is in love with and will soon be his bride. Not knowing in what direction she went to, he sends out his small flames. Controlling them to go in all directions, even the one that he will be going to. Perhaps he won't be able to find her in person, but at least if she were to find his flames, she would feel safe and protected and perhaps trust him to make her feel that way.
He's worried sick about her and every minute he spends without her is like eternity and he feels like he's going crazy. He needs her and he feels like he will die if she isn't in his arms. He sends more and more small flames out to look for her. Something in him tells him that she is around there somewhere. It's not like she went back to the portal. As the portal can't be used both ways. It can only take you to some place, but you have to find another way out. As the portal is one-way.
A sound in the distance makes him stop right in his tracks. Listening closer, to be able to hear what sound he had heard or if he ever heard anything at all. The land of the Forgotten can sometimes try to trick you and force you to say in there forever. It may seem like a dead place, but it is so much more than that. It's alive and some say it's living breathing creature, yet no one has ever seen it so most don't believe in it, but just because you can't see it doesn't mean that it isn't there. Then he hears it again, only louder this time. A woman scream. Arabella's scream.
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