《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XIV 🔥
"The fire in my blood is both a blessing and a curse, for I always need something to burn"
Darkness. Endless darkness is all she wakes up to after being trapped in unconsciousness. When her eyes open, she can't see a thing, she can't even see her own hands. The fire haired future Queen knows she's awake and knows that she's in an unknown place. Yet, she doesn't know where. No memories from what had happened to her that made her lose her memories and wake up in a place where she's unfamiliar with. Her body is aching everywhere, and she's so dizzy and afraid. Trying to control the tears that threaten to run down her cheeks is harder to do than controlling her racing heart.
Going into a sitting position on the sandy ground, she pulls her knees up against her chest and for a moment, she stays that way. Unsure of the nightmare that she has gotten herself into this time. Her confused mind doesn't understand what is happening or where she is, all it knows is that she can't stay in one place. She is somewhere and she needs to find her way. To where? She doesn't know but she knows she has to go somewhere. Like she's being pulled somewhere. Standing up, she uses her feet to feel the ground before she steps.
Using her hands, she waves them around in front of her body, to make sure that she doesn't slam into something and hopefully find something in this place. As far as she knows, there's nothing out there. How right she is about that. Not knowing what direction she is going into, and neither does she care about it. Finding something, anything is what really matters. There's no life, no sounds, nothing, just endless darkness and this sand that she walks on. She had taken her heels off and left them somewhere, after they were causing her to have a hard time walking in the sand.
All the sounds that come to her ears, are her own. Her breath, her mutters of how everything's going to be all right and how she's will figure this out and get out of there, she even hears her own heart beat in her chest and how fast it is beating. Her nervousness is taking control over her body, and the anxiety follows. Staying calm is something she's unable to do and controlling her fast breaths or her heart is as much of a challenge as seeing in this place.
Her feet grow tired of walking, she doesn't know for how long but she has been walking for a long time and needs rest. Her throat is dry and she desperately needs water. Arabella sits down on the sand and plays with it with her hands, as it is the only thing she has found, wherever she is. While walking, her memory started to return to her. But, only in bits and pieces. All she remembers at this point is that Lucifer was showing her around the castle and she found one room very interesting, yet can't remember what room it is, and then blackness.
Confident, she can only hope the memories will return to her and she will understand where she is and how she got there, and perhaps it will help her get out of there. For the first time since she's been with Lucifer, she feels this longing to have him with her. To feel his presence around her and tell her that she's safe from everything, that she will protect her from everything. His kiss has changed her perspective of him, but the naive young girl is still in denial of her feelings and will never admit what she's feeling.
Her mind pushes all thoughts of Lucifer and everything related to him to the furthest point in her mind. She doesn't need more confusion than she already has. Her minds needs to stay focused, the first thing she has to do is find a source of water and food, in a place where there is nothing. The second would be finding away out of there and getting home. Home. She doesn't know what home she would like to go to now. It breaks her heart that she thinks like this and the thoughts even entered her mind.
But, she has always believed that home was with her two brothers. She loves them dearly, they are her whole life. No one can replace them and their little house, but on the other hand, the castle where she currently is staying at is beginning to feel like home. She's well-fed and she has warm bed and the clothes, don't get started on the clothes, she looks like royalty and she feels like it to. Then there is Lucifer. The man that her every thought somehow changes back to him, being away from him is doing something to her.
No matter how much she wants to stop thinking about him, she can't. "What's the matter with me?" She asks herself, speaking her thoughts, her confusion and feelings make no sense to her. Never in her fifteen years of living has she felt this way and doesn't even know what it is or how to deal with it. A single rogue tear slips down her right eye, the girl is quick to wipe it away before it has the chance to fall down to the sand. With no control, more and more tear leak down her face.
Letting all her feelings out, she silently cries. Her hands playing in the sand, never noticing the things that are happening around her. Her tears that have fallen down her cheeks and landed on the sand, have started to glow, a bright yellow glow. When she finally looks down, she can finally see. Her eyes don't even have a hard time to see, the light is beautiful in her eyes. Every single tear is glowing, sending off a bright glow. Yet, she can't see everything. But, she can see the sand. It's gray and doesn't seem like much.
She can see her hands how her hands are dirty from the sand, but she doesn't care about how dirty she is. All she wants is to get back and away from this place. The teardrops don't lose their shape and look more like water drops on sand that doesn't absorb them, as strange as it is, she doesn't freak out because of this. The fact that her tears are the only thing that allow her to see in this place, it comforts her and makes her feel safe, or as safe as a person can feel in a unknown place with only darkness around them.
Questioning why this is happening is something she should do after all of this is over and not before. It's not good to stay in one place, this place is where she wants to be, though it is a rash decision. But, she doesn't have any choice in the matter, for she can't even see where she is going. At least at this place, she can see something, it might be small, but she can see. The girl doesn't stop crying, she can't. The tears just keep going and it might work in her favor. The more tears she cries, the more light she gets.
She doesn't know how long has passed, five minutes? Ten minutes? An hour? She doesn't know and doesn't care either. She just sits there, crying her eyes out and her mind swirling with thoughts. Her thoughts are everything, it's like they are in a tornado that keeps swirling in her mind. Everything is on her mind, and nothing at the same time. Will she be able to get out of there? And if so, when? Unanswered questions and her feelings of Lucifer. Her mind just doesn't her to stop thinking about him, no matter what she does.
Lucifer is probably the only one on her mind and she knows she has sinned. She should not think like this. The kiss that they shared is something she wants to do again and become intimate with him. Her mind is a sin and she is ashamed of the thoughts she thinks of him. He isn't courting her and if he isn't then she can't be with him, besides her brothers are supposed to find her a suitable husband and a man to be wed to, that way her future as a wife and mother can take place and she will be able to accept her responsibility in life.
As horrible and cruel as it sounds, this is what she was made to do and that has always been told her as a child, it has been put into her brain from an early age, she believes it because that us all she knows. But, what she doesn't know is that she is so much more than that. And curse the King of the Underworld for not telling her sooner. Perhaps she would accept everything much better than being in denial of herself and the feelings she has of a certain ill-tempered King that seems to be in love with her without her even noticing it.
A thunder like sound in the distance breaks her away from her own mind and realizes the empty world around her doesn't seem so empty now. She quickly stands up and looks round. But, even with her glowing tears on the ground, she still doesn't see much. All she can see is this sand and darkness. She did hear something, she's sure of it and she will prove it. Walking into the darkness, to the direction that she heard that sound. It gives her hope and might be the only way out of here.
The future Queen of Hell hasn't been there for that long and her mind going crazy in that short period of time is insane. That's why she doesn't think that she has imagined all of this. The sound hasn't come again, but this is giving her hope of a way out of a place where there is nothing, maybe nothing. She doesn't know that there is nothing and believes that there is something out there. How right she is about that. The man she's supposed to marry has arrived for her.
Because her body is still tried because she hasn't got any food or water, she walks slower than she did before, however that doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that she is walking to that sound, she just hopes that it, whatever it is will still be there when she arrives and could possible her way back home, through this may be a long shot, she is willing to try. She doesn't have any other choice than this, that thunder sound is the only lead she got to get herself out of this place and back home.
The longer she walks, the more tired her body becomes, after all the exhaustion of walking before. She forces her body to keep going and each steps she takes become harder and harder to take. She's having trouble to keep going, no motivation comes to her mind. The place she is in is depressing and she doesn't find the right motivation in it, making this even harder. Even though it's hard, she knows she has to keep going, it's the best thing for her now. She needs to find the source of that sound and go back home, perhaps that is her motivation.
It's been few minutes since she started walking to that sound and she hasn't heard it again and it's hard for her to pin point where exactly it came from. All she needs is to hear it again and she would know, and now that she is a lot closer to the source of the sound. But, the longer she goes, the more stupid this idea seems. Following some sound that might or might not come again and it's not comforting to be walking alone in the darkness, in an unknown place without food nor water, and a mind that never seems to stop thinking about one thing or one man.
The girl has gotten used to walking in the dark, yet is still careful. But, that could not prepare her for the things that are about to happen next. Her tired body walks in the same direction as it has been for some time now, the same direction as she thinks she heard now. By this time, she can't remember exactly where she heard the sound or how far it is, all she can hope is keep going and then find something, anything to tell her that she isn't alone.
While walking, her foot suddenly gets stuck on something that makes her trip and fall down to the sand. The fall doesn't harm her that much, as she only landed on sand that is surprisingly soft even though the surface is rough and her bare feet ache from walking on it. The fall startled her and her already racing heart beats faster, her fear rises up again. After walking on nothing but sand this whole time, then discover that there's something in the ground, that could possibly help her get out of there, it gives her the hope that she was losing in the time she walked to a sound that could not appear again or be somewhere else.
The foot that got stuck hurts a bit, but the pain fades away in a short period of time, so it doesn't bother her. It didn't get that stuck and it didn't hurt that much. However, she wonders on what she did get stuck on in the first place. Arabella has already cracked the riddle of how to get light in this place, all she has to do is cry and that is what she's going to do now.
Thinking of every sad thing that she could think of and she started to cry, it wasn't that hard to let her feelings out again. It is after all health to cry once in a while and in her case, it helps her see too. Letting her glowing tears fall down to the sand and stay there, lighting up the place, she notices that her dress has ripped a bit, possibly from the fall, but she doesn't care about the dress. Even if she thinks it's beautiful and she likes that dress very much, it does fit her well, just a bit too much for her taste.
When the area around her begins to light up, and she takes a better looks at what she tripped on and could be the only thing that is in this place. She lets out a scream when her eyes see what is in front of her, she tries to back away from it, but the light is around it and it is the only thing she can see. After awhile she lets out another scream, louder this time. She can't believe what she had seen. The future Queen had tripped on a skeleton.
Not even a minute later, she lets out another scream, as someone had wrapped their around her, scaring and startling her in the process. "It's all right, my love. I'm here" The soft voice is Lucifer speaks in her ears. His voice alone sends shivers down her spine, not because of fear. In fact, she doesn't even know why she got them. The fear has already left her body. She can't see him that much, but just by his touch, she can know it is him. He had come for her and it brings this joy in her.
Her tears have already stopped coming and she doesn't even look at the skeleton that she has seen. "I was so scared" She says to him. They sit on the sand, his arms around around her, protecting her from anything that might harm her. "I know" He says. "I'm going to take you home" He tells her. Lucifer doesn't show it but he is so glad that he has found her, he thought he lost her forever and when she screams, that was the last thing he ever wanted. Having her in his arms isn't just for her to feel safe but also because he needs to hold her, feel her touch. And no one can deny that she isn't feeling the same thing.
"I want to get out of here" She says, already fed up with this horrible place and hopes that she will never end up in this place again, after not even knowing how she got there. She can't exactly remember what had happened to her and she's beginning to think that she doesn't even want to know the truth. Because knowing is going to be more terrifying than anything she could ever come up with. And she just wants to put this behind her and forget that this ever happened to her.
He begins to walk and she notices that his little flames that are always around him, are around the two of them. It makes her feel safer, more than she is in his arms. The ability to see in this place is all that matters, yet she doesn't want to see. She doesn't know what horrors could be out there that could come to light. However, she doesn't close her eyes, she just doesn't watch anything around her, she is not even paying attention to anything.
Except for the man that is carrying her in his arms. She watches his face, it might be poor lit there, but she can see his face and the eyes that don't frighten her anymore. The fire eyed girl realizes that there are more frighting things in the world than his eyes, like this place. When seeing from this point of view, his red glowing eyes look... beautiful? She wouldn't admit that the thought entered her mind, but she can't help but admire his eyes. It's like she's seeing them in a different light, literally and metaphorically, as there isn't that much light from his flames.
Lucifer does notice this and does everything he can to not smile. Perhaps this could have been a good thing. She now trusts him to save her and hold her likes this, as he holds her bridal style. There is still a long way left for her to love him, and he's beginning to see that, however that doesn't mean that he is going to give up on making her fall in love with him. He will never give up on her and their love, because they belong together, everyone can see that. He will wait forever if he needs, because that is love.
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