《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XV 🔥
"Let the fire be, it's so beautiful"
"A bath has been drawn for you" The blonde maid says after the King had brought the Queen to her room. "Shall I help you undress?" She asks, trying to break Arabella from her thoughts. She doesn't understand how they got back, but does she need to know that? Perhaps it's better that she doesn't know, after the day that she has had. "Yes, thank you" She whispers, not really wanting to speak that much. For some reason, she's longing for being in her savior's arms again, feel his touch on her smooth skin. She doesn't even know why and she feels ashamed for even thinking it.
If any woman were to hear her thoughts, they would scold her for thinking this way about a man that she isn't married to or is courting her. It's not allowed. The girl should only like the man that is courting her and will eventually be married to. And he is not that man. That one thought breaks her heart more than it has ever been broken. Which is rather odd since she felt her heart break when she got taken away from her brothers and that hurt more than anything else, except now.
Helping the poor girl undress from her dirtied dress, the blonde girl looks closely at the one she serves and she does notice a change in her, something that wasn't there before. However, she can't put her finger on what it is, but the future Queen has changed in some way. Perhaps it's the fear, perhaps it's something else, something more. She helps her into the bathtub, then leaves for a bit, to give the girl some privacy on her bath. Before she has to wash her body and help her dress in her night gown and get to bed.
The water is steaming and hot, yet she doesn't feel the heat, yet she feels it. It's a weird experience, but after the day she had, she doesn't mind it all. The water feels soothing to her and calms down her nerves. The bathtub is twice her size, something she's not used to, as the bathtub in her old home was a barrel, that you have to stand in and bath that way, this way a bit different and she's not used to it, but can't say that she doesn't like it. She likes to have some time where she can relax and empty her mind is what she needs.
Forgetting all about everything that has been happening is what was needed for the girl. The last few days have been chaos for her, which never happens in a normal fifteen years old girl's life. Not once has she heard stories about places like these, it makes her believe that she is somewhere far, far away and the girl realizes that there might not be away for her to go back to her brothers, though she will not stop. Taking a deep breath, she reminds herself that she is taking a bath, and should be relaxing, while she can.
She doesn't know what will come next in her life and what crazy event would take place next. And taking a break from craziness for even just a few minutes, is good for the girl that has been through too much. With her eyes closed, she allows herself to empty her mind and just relax. Not thinking anything, not feeling anything. Just relaxing and doing nothing. The water guiding her into relaxation that helps her forget everything more easily. The next few minutes are just for her and her alone, with no worries.
Until her alone with herself time runs out and the maid comes back in, who she always forgets to ask for her name, or pick on as she's supposed to do. She would like to spend more time in that bath, just to be with herself. She feels refreshed and like a new person. "Tomorrow, I shall draw you another bath, if you'd like" She tells the girl, after noticing how Arabella frowns when she comes out of the bathtub, and is wrapped in a some sort of cloth, that she doesn't know what it, but doesn't take it off.
"I would like that, thank you" She answers with a kind smile on her face. Even after everything, she can still smile and even her smile can light up a room, just like she can. The cloth that she wrapped around the fire haired girl, the blonde girl uses it to dry her, yet notices how confused the girl is at her actions. "It's called a towel and it's a invention. The humans created this for the sole purpose to dry the body after a bath. Can't believe it took so many centuries to invent something like this" The maid tells the girl.
"When was this invented, we never had a thing like this. We always dress into our clothes and let them dry us. This is fascinating" Arabella answers. The girl always forgets that the kind girl she serves grew up as a poor girl and doesn't know much about the world around her, as she never had the chance to travel due to lack of money, and she has no knowledge to the magical world. "You have a lot to learn" She only says before she leaves the bathroom, that is connected to the main bedroom, to get Arabella's night gown.
Arabella never had much time to look around the bathroom before, for she was too busy having the relaxing time of her life. The bathroom is about the same size as the bedroom or it could be a little smaller, yet no one would notice the difference between the two rooms. Unless you measure the two room, but by then you're insane. The bathroom is a lot different than she would imagine, it's different from the one she has been using in this place, as she only found one. But, now she knows that there is a bathroom, close to the place she sleeps, it's only about a door away.
Like all the other walls in this castle, the walls of the bathroom are all crimson red colored and don't look that pretty, the floor and the ceiling are also black like most of the rooms and hallways in the castle. The only difference between the normal rooms and hallways in the castle are the amount of white that is used in the bathroom. The bathtub is white and made out of something that she has never even seen before. The sink and the toilet are made out of the same thing.
A mirror beside the sink shows the full body and it's clean. Arabella's not used to clean mirrors, water isn't exactly the best thing to clean mirrors and she doesn't have the money to buy the right things that she will need to get them to shine as some people have, like the mirror in this bathroom. It's shining and shows the reflection really nicely, she kind of likes being able to see herself full body. The mirrors in her old house were always just from the waist up or just for the head, a small one that is.
The maid comes back holding Arabella's see-through night gown and a hair brush. Helping her dress in the night gown, the maid then brushes her hair. Neither of them spoke anything, questions were in both their minds, though. The blonde girl didn't want to risk her life by asking and the fire haired girl didn't want to seem stupid if she were to ask, as she's always asking a lot about everything, and feels like she doesn't know anything about the world. It makes her feel like she's stupid for not knowing all of the things she should.
In reality, it isn't her fault that she never had the money for education, and the fact that most people frown upon a woman studying, however it is changing. Slowly, but surely. Her brothers aren't also rich because they didn't have money when they came to the village, they didn't have their parents money or their mother's money in this case, but they had each other and that is all that matters. For them at least, family means everything to them. Perhaps she has sinned for she hasn't been trying to get out of that place, like she said she would to get home to her brothers. She has forgotten about them and for that she can never forgive herself.
When she first woke up in this place, which was only a few days ago but so much has been happening to her that it feels like she has been there for a few months instead of days, all she wanted was to get away from that man and away from that place. She wanted to go back to her brothers and away from her kidnapper, he really did kidnap her. The thought had been forgotten, somehow she doesn't view him like that anymore. Or she's just getting Stockholm syndrome.
When she's in her night gown, the maid brushes her hair and sets it in a braid so when it dries, small wavy curls will appear, just to give the girl the experience of having curled hair, as her hair is naturally straight and doesn't curl that might, just slightly on the ends, but not enough to make a difference. Arabella goes to bed feeling refreshed and somewhat happy. "Can I ask you something?" She asks the blonde maid before she has the chance to leave the room.
She had been by the door, with her hand on the handle, ready to open it when the fire eyed girl spoke. Turning around, and facing the girl, she gives her a kind smile. "Of course you can" She replies, nervous about the questions that this girl can ask. There are a lot of things that she could ask, that she can't answer and is not allowed to answer, not yet anyway. Arabella sighs. "Can you tell me about him?" She asks. The question of course, surprises the poor maid. She's afraid of her master and this isn't something she's ready for.
"I don't know what I can say, it's for you to find out on your own" She tells the girl, saying the wrong things about him will get her killed. But, then again, not answering and obeying orders from the Queen will also get her killed. There isn't much choice in the matter. "Please, I must know" Arabella pleads. The maid sighs in sadness. This will end badly for her, but obeying the only girl that she actually likes in this place isn't what she wants. She does consider Arabella her friend, or as close to friends as she can get.
"Lucifer isn't an easy man, that doesn't hide from anyone. But, once you get to know him, the layers of walls he has built around himself will crumble to the ground and a whole another person will appear. Believe me when I say that everything will be revealed to you soon, just get to know him and try looking at him from a different respective. He is a complicated man and you're rather stubborn, but putting you two together might be the best thing that ever happened to both of you. Love does conjure all" The maid speaks before she walks out of the bedroom.
She doesn't even give Arabella time to react to her words, all she can do is soak them into her brain. Without even realizing it, he is warming up to her and she is getting to know him. Only he doesn't talk much about himself, then again she rarely says anything about herself. However, she is new to this world and doesn't understand the rules here. She's a woman. Her brother are supposed to find her a husband and she will be married, then she can get to know her husband. Finding love will happen when she has her children, and that will be her only love. Still, the thought of loving him doesn't sound that bad, either.
The words from the girl swirl in Arabella's mind and she can't stop thinking about them. She doesn't quite understand how any of those words can describe him, or she just doesn't know him. She's beyond confused, we've already stabilized that. The confusion in her can only grow and it doesn't get smaller, she fears that she might never get answer to any of the things that have been happening.
Though, she doesn't know if she's ready for the truth. Her world has been turned upside down right before her eyes, excepting the truth might a bit hard and hearing it could be harder for a girl that has only lived for fifteen years and has suddenly been pushed into a world that she doesn't understand. Arabella stays awake that night, her thoughts so wild and everywhere, it's impossible for her to even get a wink of sleep with her mind running around and thinking so much about everything. With her open eyes, she watches the black ceiling.
Though, she wasn't really looking at it, just seeing. Sometimes those two words mean the same thing, but at other times, they mean something else. Her eyes were looking at the ceiling, yet she wasn't looking at anything, it was just there, so she's seeing something. Laying on the bed with the covers over her, her thoughts aren't the only thing that is like a tornado, her feelings are becoming something that she doesn't understand. One moment she's feeling something for him and the next something else that she doesn't know. The fire eyed girl has also never felt love, or been in love.
Of course she loves her brothers with all her heart, but being in love is different and she doesn't know what that feels like. Love is rare in the village, usually the only love that people experience is from the family and their children. Most people are strangers when they wed and because of that, love is rarely there for them. In some cases, love finds its way to them, but that doesn't happen that often. Cheating and being unfaithful is also something rather known to the village and it is done, however cruel it might be.
Through the night, she felt so tired but sleep didn't find its way to her and she didn't like that. The soft mattress under her feels like she's sleeping on a cloud, though she has never slept on a cloud but she can imagine that it's soft and so comfortable to sleep on. But, this bed is amazing to her and it's a miracle that she's not asleep right now. Her brain refuses her to sleep and it puzzles her. Her body is beyond exhausted and should have found sleep, yet she can't. Even if she tries her hardest.
Lucifer on the other stays awake for different reasons than the girl he's in love with. She is after all staying in their bed champers, she just doesn't know it yet. He will soon join her, when she feels comfortable with him around, which he doesn't think will be that long now. Her love for him is growing, he can feel it. She's falling for him, perhaps a little too slow for his taste, but at least it is happening. Or he might be seeing something that might not be there. He is the King, he can't be wrong. Everything he does and says is the truth, even if it isn't. No one can correct him or telling him otherwise. Except for Arabella. The Queen. His Queen.
This isn't a night like others, he knows that the one he had locked up will come for him. Not for revenge, but because they need each other. The message was very clear, he'd break them out only if he got something in return. The King can put them back into that prison and make sure that escape will be impossible and they will stay in there till the end of time.
Which can be a long time and no one's got time to wait that long. Then again the person in the prison has already been there for about ten thousand years, give or take. In his study he sits by his desk, the suit jacket on the chair back, neatly placed. A drink of alcoholic drink in his hand that he sips on every now and then. Longing to go to his bed champers and join the girl he loves in the bed, though he does keep himself in his study, he doesn't want to scare the poor girl when she wakes up and finds him in the same bed.
A painting of himself behind the chair hangs above the fireplace that's always lit up with the brightest flame in history and never goes out. The fire in this fireplace reflects his mood, when angry it turns bright red, when happy a hint of sunny yellow, you get the idea. Right now the flame is the normal flame, calm and steady, the colors are like when a normal fire is lit up. It shows that his mood is calm and just normal, he isn't feeling anything at the moment. Unlike humans, he doesn't have as much mood swings.
The supernatural creatures in the world are lucky enough to have complete control over their emotions. Unless we're talking about Lucifer and his beast that is filled with more anger than anything in the world, also jealousy. His study is rather normal, like the rest of the rooms, the walls are crimson red and the ceiling and floor are black. And like the whole castle, his study isn't well lit. Beside the fireplace, the only light that is in the room comes from him, when he lights up his small flames to fly around. Then again, he can see in the dark and most demons too.
A knock on his doors breaks him from his thoughts about His Queen. "Enter" He harshly says, knowing that it isn't his love, as she doesn't know where it is. For obvious reasons, he doesn't want her to see his cruelty, she will see it one day but now is not that time, as she's just getting to know him. Again, doesn't want to frighten her away from him. The door opens and a guard comes into his study, looking afraid and flustered. Lucifer rolls his eyes. Even the guards fancy him, but he only has eyes for one girl.
The guard bows before his King respectfully. "Your Majesty, you have a guest" The guard speaks, the fear laced in his voice. Clearing his throat Lucifer stands up. "Send them in" He speaks, his voice clear and powerful, like the rest of him. His eyes glare at the guard, warning him that he is the one who's in control. The guard bows again and then leaves. Not even a minute later a person walks into the room. "Did you miss me?" The person asks the King of the Underworld.
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