《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XVI 🔥
"Fire cannot harm you if you don't touch it"
"What a unpleasant surprise" Lucifer speaks, sitting down at his desk. "You have no idea what I had injure in that stinking cell and you call my visit unpleasant" The person fires back. The King lets out a chuckle, the words had amused him. "Sister, please try to excuse my unwelcomeness, however you do owe me your gratitude" He tells the girl in front of his desk. The girl looks to be around the same age as Arabella, yet is far much older than that. "I owe you my gratitude? You must be..." She takes a deep breath to calm herself down.
The girl wears the high fashion clothes for woman in this time. A midnight black dress with illusion necklace with black colored jewels around the chest. The sleeves are let-of-mutton and in the same black color as the rest of the dress. The shirt goes out and resembles a ball gown, yet doesn't go as far out as a ballgown does. The dress goes down to her ankles. Pump heels in black color hug her feet, and make her seem taller than she actually is. Her hair is the darkest black there is, with hints of dark purple in it, yet a normal person wouldn't see it unless you'd be looking closer at her hair.
"You've always been on the stupid side. It was I, who broke you out in the first place, sister. Has that place made you forget your manners" He says smirking. She rolls her eyes, of course she knows he broke her out, it doesn't hide from anyone. He is the devil after all. "Of course not, my manners are the same as I was sent there. Now, brother. Tell me about this girl who shall be your Queen. I shall meet her" She speaks with a wicked grin on her face.
There is after all a reason why she was in prison for about ten thousand years. "You will not meet her. I don't want you to harm her" He tells his sister, who only lets out a giggle. "Harm her? Me? You underestimate me, brother" She says and sits down on his desk, not caring on what and what she's ruining. "You know what, I will go and find her. She must be here, somewhere. Let's see if I can still remember where everything is" She speaks, standing up and walking out of his study.
This girl doesn't let anyone tell her what to do and especially from her own brother, whom she has a complicated relationship with, as she does with the rest of their family. Lucifer quickly stands up and rushes behind her, the girl he loves is asleep and he doesn't want someone to wake her, not after the day that she has had. And he doesn't want his sister to meet his future bride, she will harm her. She hurt his last wife, what's not stopping her from hurting Arabella. He can't live with himself if she gets hurt. He must protect her, no matter what.
His sister skips playfully along the dark hallways of the castle, acting as if she were a little child. Her brother following behind her, shaking his head at the silliness in the girl. She's something else. She knows exactly where Arabella sleeps, knowing that it are his bed champers, the only question is, why isn't he with her? Her brother has always been the romantic, always staying the with girl. He did that with his last wife. She has also figured out that he acts differently with this girl than all the others, something about her is off.
Perhaps she's jumping into conclusions because she has been trapped in prison for ten thousand years, which is a long time. Standing in front of the door that the future wife of her brother sleeps is inside of. "Don't do it" Lucifer practically begs when he comes up the stairs. "Why shall I not? That girl in there is-" She begins to say, but is cut off. "That girl is the love of my life and I will gladly give my life for her" Those words coming from Lucifer, makes her stop right in her tracks and turn around to face him.
She's speechless, just looking shocked at her brother. Never has he acted like this, never has he cared for his wives or any girl, never has he cared this way about her. "Y... you love her?" She asks, slowly taking a few steps towards her brother. "Yes. More than anything" He tells her, not even sure why he's confessing his deepest feelings before his sister that has been in the most secure prison the world has to offer. In her violet iris in her eyes, shock is written, yet it only takes a hold of her for a second before reality kicks in.
Anger rises within her. Turning around, she harshly forces the door to open and it slams into the wall when it opens. Lucifer had no control over his sister. The girl on the bed sits up with her heart pounding and fear written all over her face. "You're the new Queen?" His sister asks Arabella, the sarcasm in her voice. She's just met the girl and she doesn't know how to feel about her. She can't argue that Arabella isn't beautiful because she looks stunning, then again she hasn't seen how the human race looks like nowadays.
"I...-" Arabella stammers, not knowing what she's supposed to say to this woman that has barged into her room, her clothes show she's wealthy and her eyes show that she's not human. It doesn't hide from anyone that she's afraid of this girl. Lucifer comes into the room. "That's enough, you're scaring her" He says, glaring at his sister. "Fright is the way of life. Come, child" She demands. Arabella, afraid of her mind stands up from the bed, still in her see-through night gown and goes towards the girl, who she knows holds a lot of power.
Her pulse racing. She looks at the ground, not wanting to stare at her eyes, yet she can feel that the girl in front of her is staring into her skull. "A beauty, what is your name, child?" She asks, not even trying to hide the smirk of how she's enjoying that the human girl is so afraid of her, it amuses her. "A... Arabella" She stammers, getting something out of her mouth, she still doesn't look up at her. The fire eyed girl feels like she's back in her village where most commoners don't make eye contact with those above them.
The rules were simple. The ones that had money were above anyone who had money and therefore no one lower than them were to look, speak and be near them. As strange as it sounds, when she's around Lucifer, she forgets the rules. It's clear that he has a lot of money and could pass for royalty, while she should be the maid as she was born poor. "Look at me, Arabella" The girl speaks. In a blink of an eye, Arabella's head looks up to meet the eyes of the girl.
Her violet eyes catches the fire in Arabella's eyes, shocking her. "She's the one?" She asks, turning around to ask her brother. Lucifer only nods his head, not even sure of what is going on. Normally his sister would have done something wicked to Arabella, to harm her or hurt her or scare her, but she hasn't done anything. It's unusual for his sister, but then again she has been locked up in prison for a long time, she's bound to be a little different from the experience of being in that prison. "My name is Luna, you shall address me by my name and nothing else" Luna speaks coldly before she leaves the room.
She leaves the two lovebirds with confusion written on their faces. Even being with them in the same room, she could feel the tension between the two, both have feelings for each other but they don't act on them. Lucifer doesn't make a romantic move on her because of his past and Arabella doesn't see the love in his eyes because of her innocence. Luna is good at reading people and her brother and his future bride are like an open book for her to read.
She can't deny that even in those few minutes with that girl, she likes her and believes her good for her brother. However, people do change and she still has doubts about the girl. Girls can manipulate men for money and riches, she has done it. What makes this girl not like that? Perhaps her innocence, she's well-behaved and she doesn't throw herself at her brother, like many girls and women have done. Arabella is something different and the fact that her brother loves her is rare, she has never seen him that way with anyone before, for her brother's sake, she hopes the girl will love him the same way, not wanting him to get hurt, he has had enough of that.
Arabella's gaze goes back to the floor, and her bare toes. "Who is she?" She asks, a bit nervous that he can almost see her naked body, and the fact that Luna came into her room and well, she doesn't know what she was doing there. "Luna's my sister" He speaks. He takes a step closer to her, she doesn't move but her heart is beating faster in his chest. Not knowing if she's afraid of him or his sister, perhaps both.
"How many siblings do you have?" She asks, the question had blurted out of her mouth before she had the chance to even stop herself. "Four, not including myself. Poseidon and two other brothers, then Luna" He speaks, taking another step closer to her. She feels this nervous feeling go through her body. She doesn't say anything after that, not even sure what she can say. Somehow she's happy that she knows something about this man, because he doesn't tell her a lot about himself. She's getting to know him and it's a start for their relationship, even though she doesn't even know what their current relationship is.
"I shall send your maid to get you dressed, then you can join me for breakfast" He says, like Luna had done he leaves the room, not allowing her to answer or even reply to his words. She just stands there, in the same spot. Staring into nothingness, wondering of the things that had happened. Her body is tired, yet she can't find the energy to go back to sleep. Her stomach growls, but she doesn't feel hungry. She just feels this numb feeling and she doesn't know what it is or why she's feeling it.
Few minutes later of her just standing there the maid comes in, she's in her usually cheerful mood, a kind smile on her face. She notices the girl she serves. "Are you feeling alright? Should I request a healer?" She asks, worried about the girl. Arabella looks at her and shakes her head. "No, I'm all right, I just have a lot on my mind. Everything here is confusing and a bit too much for me to handle" She speaks, stating only the truth, not even sure if she could lie her way out of this.
She has never felt comfortable lying to people and tries her hardest to avoid it, however sometimes lying is necessary. "Remember the words I said yesterday, keep them in mind. Now, let's get you ready for the day. Now that a new guest will be staying here, you shall have to be presented like the true Queen that you are" She tells her, trying to avoid talking about her master, however Arabella has other plans. "What do you know about his sister, Luna?" Arabella asks out of the blue, clearly shocking her maid with her words.
"Everyone knows who she is, I've never met her, but I've been told stories of her. They say she was locked in prison for ten thousand years-" She begins. "Ten thousand years? That I cannot believe. No one can live that long, and for what crime had she commit to made her spend time jailed for so long, if she was for that long?" Arabella asks, unsure of if she can believe this. Then again, she has to remind herself that she is not in her village and strange unexplainable things have been happening to her, perhaps soon she's have to admit that the supernatural is real and she's living it.
Arabella finds the dress that she wants to wear and the maid helps her while they talk. "Some people are older than they look. Believe me. No one knows what she did, but it is told she was in the most secure prison in whole universe. Whatever she did, it must have been pretty bad if she ended up in that place" The tells the girl while helping her dress. Somehow with each passing day, Arabella becomes even more beautiful and the life of royalty does agree with her on that.
"I don't believe she's bad, I believe she made mistakes. Grayson always told me that a human without mistakes is no human at all" Arabella says before she has the chance to close her mouth. Being in this castle, she has the freedom to say anything she wants and no one is punishing her for it. The first time she met Lucifer flashes before her eyes and how she said the wrong thing that freaked him out and made him so mad at her. She might have freedom to say everything she wants, but some thoughts aren't meant to say out loud.
"You really are kind, even to the worst of the worst" The maid mutters, thinking that the girl wouldn't hear her but she did. Arabella smiles to herself but doesn't answer, she is kind to everyone, she was raised like that and kindness is everything to her. Once she's dressed in the dress she had chosen, she does the normal routine and goes to pick jewelry. She's getting used that that whole thing, but is not quite there yet. She still finds it hard to have all of those jewels on her body and most of them are pretty heavy.
She finds the things she likes and puts them on herself then leaves the room, at times she wonders what happens to all the jewels that come and never come back again and how they have such many of them to have different ones every day. It must cost a lot. One thing she has learned about this place is that they have a lot of money, money that she hasn't even seen. She knows that everything must cost something, but she never sees any of it being bought. She makes a mental note to ask about it later, if she has the courage to do so.
When she leaves the room, her maid is already gone. High heels are by the bed and she knows that will have to be in them, as much as she hates them, she has to. Once she's in the uncomfortable heels. She makes her way to the dining room, she's pretty hungry and the lack of sleep makes her feel like she hasn't eaten in a long time. Walking down the hallways never gets easier for her, not only is it always dark but this place does sometimes freak her out a bit.
When the doors are opened by the guards, she's always surprised of what is inside. Smells of food that she has never heard of in her entire life are always the thing that catches her the most. Breakfast is however a little bit different from dinner. At dinner food is all over the table. Sometimes in breakfast, she has food ready on her plate, but at other times there is food she can pick from. Not as big of a selection as dinner has, yet it always makes her smile. The food in this place makes her smile.
Luna and Lucifer are already seated, but the guest of honor chair is still empty. Empty for her. Perhaps it might not be a guest of honor but the Queen chair, especially made for the Queen. The Underworld has rules that the Queen is higher than the King and that way, they honor the Queen much more than the King. However, in their case, while she's getting used to this all and all the power she has, Lucifer is the one in charge. One day, she will rule the Underworld and he will be by her side.
"She does look the part, but does she act it?" Luna asks, after Lucifer had helped Arabella sit on the chair, like he always does. For the two of them, they like it. It's sort of their thing. It might be small, but their skin connect and they do this every morning. "Arabella's not ready to begin her training, yet" Lucifer answers politely, however it is clear that he did not like that question one bit. Arabella knows they're talking about her, but she knows better than say anything. The last time she met one of his siblings was bad enough for her, now meeting Luna. She doesn't know how to feel about any of this.
In silence she eats her breakfast, tuning out the conversation that the siblings are having, not wanting to have anything to do with it. While she's eating, her mind is running around, again. As if it didn't have enough thinking the whole night. This time, she thinks about Luna and how her maid told her that she was locked up in prison for ten thousand years. The girl sitting by the same table as she is look as if she's the same age as Arabella or perhaps a little older, not more than ten thousand years.
"Arabella, what would you do if a de-... person would go rouge?" Luna suddenly asks the poor girl. For the first time since she sat down, she looks up from her plate. Only to be met with the two siblings staring at her. Lucifer's stare is of nervousness and worry while Luna's is wicked and she's almost grinning like a hyena. "I... um... rouge?" She asks, she doesn't even understand the question or the point of even asking her this. Luna rolls her eyes. "You know someone trying to kill you or Lucifer or steal your crown..." Luna trails off.
"Oh" Arabella says, a blush makes it's way to her cheeks, that was something she should have know but she didn't and she feels ashamed of it. "I would politely talk to them and try to figure out why they're doing this" She answers, happy with her words. She finishes the last bite of her breakfast. A horrid laugh comes from Luna. "Chatting, you must be inane. Brother, where did you find this one?" She asks, though it wasn't really a question to be answered by him or anyone. With those words, Arabella feels more ashamed of herself, not even know what she did wrong.
She doesn't say anything, afraid that she will embarrass herself further, her gaze returns to her now empty plate. She's already met Luna and she's not sure of she likes her or not, however it is turning into not liking rather than liking her. Then again it could change. Arabella didn't like Lucifer when they first met and now she feels comfortable around him and would rather be in his presence more often than without him. Something is pulling her towards him and she can't deny that she doesn't want to, because as far as she can tell, she likes it. She likes him.
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