《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XVII 🔥
"The fire in her bones"
It had been a few days since Luna came to the Underworld. Most of the time, she and Lucifer were in his study doing who knows what. While Arabella tented to her reading lessons, getting better and better at reading with each passing day. Lucifer hadn't been with her that much and she misses him. She would never admit it, of course. But, she does miss having him around her and all the things he does to her. She has come to realize that he messes with her head and feelings, a lot. Yet, she can't help but feel like she wants it.
She wants him to mess with her feelings and her head, she wants him to make her confused and puzzled. She doesn't know why she wants this, but that's part of the confusion. The memories from that horrible place she had stumbled into when he gave her a tour came back to her and she now knows that she won't explore this castle alone or open any doors that she doesn't know what is behind. Truth be told, with each passing day she feels more comfortable in the castle, however is still afraid of it and the things it's capable of.
Arabella spends most of her time all alone in her room, sometimes sitting or laying on the bed thinking of everything around her, while other times, she explores the jewels that she gets every day. The beauty never grows old for her, and even if most of them are made out of gold and silver, she does find jewels made out of different kinds of material that she's not familiar with. Few times, she does take a bath, and enjoys herself very much. Baths are relaxing and comforting, it's also the only time she doesn't allow herself to think of the things around her.
She's sitting on the chair by the golden desk, staring at her own reflection in the mirror. It's unbelievable that the person she sees in the mirror is a strong woman that looks like a Queen, she doesn't feel like a Queen, perhaps someone important but not a Queen. However, she has put the pieces together that the people here want her to be their Queen. The bowing, the respect and the fact that the King treats her like he would his own wife, like she's supposed to be his wife. The idea of that isn't bad in her mind, but she knows it can never happen. She's a guest, nothing more. A guest that was kidnapped.
The door harshly opens, she's startled by it but she doesn't move from her spot. In the corner of her eye, she notices that the person who had come in is Luna. "Come with me, child" Luna orders the girl, truth to be told Luna has come quite fond of this girl. Arabella doesn't know it, but she has been watching over her. Studying her, seeing who she is in the shadows. So far, the girl has done nothing wrong and acts and looks like a little girl that will soon become the greatest Queen of all time, no pressure there.
Arabella stands up and follows her future sister-in-law out the door and into the hallway. She does wonder why Luna ordered her to come with her, as Luna hasn't spoken to her since breakfast few days ago, but she doesn't ask. "Forgive me for being unable to understand this time, but tell me one thing, why are you not angry at my brother? Why is it you don't loath him?" Luna suddenly asks Arabella, she had walked slower so now they're walking side by side. The future Queen is nervous to be in her presence, yet tries to hide it as best as she can.
"Why ever would I be angry at him? Anger is such a strong emotion and it can only do more harm than good and loathing someone is a horrible thing to do. He has been nothing but kind to me and deserves the same in return" Arabella speaks, though she doesn't mention their first meeting when he did get angry at her. "My brother has forcefully taken you from your home, your family and you give him kindness" Luna says, unable to grasp that this girl doesn't even feel angry at her brother for the things he has done to her.
"You speak the truth. Although I'm told I can never see my brothers again, I don't lose hope. Giving up hope would be like giving up on my family. You should know that. I've been informed you spend ten thousand years in prison, yet you never forgot your family" Arabella speaks. She glances beside her at Luna and notices sadness in her eyes. "Perhaps we are more alike than we knew. You speak correctly, I did not forget my family or where I came from even when trapped in another place with no escape" She says.
She doesn't want Arabella to see her cry, so she forces herself to hold the tears in. "My brother once told me that the world doesn't care of a woman is hurting, as long as she serves her purpose of giving the man an heir, she can hurt for all eternity. He never wanted that to happen to me, he told me that even if I'm hurting, I should always look at the other side of things. Here I am, stuck in a place I don't know, yet I don't focus on the bad, but only the good that comes from all of this" Arabella speaks.
She's finally letting the feelings that she has kept in since she arrived out. The two of them are just walking the hallways, not exactly going anywhere, but neither of them care. "When I was a little girl, my father did not care for me. He never wanted a woman as he believed they were weak. My mother was his concubine, he treated her badly as he did his wife. However, as I am his child, I have his power and he was forced to give me a kingdom" Luna speaks, finally telling someone what she feels.
She has never done that before, speaking about her feelings like that. "Women like us don't get what we want, we can only deal with what we have. My brothers were always better than me because I'm a woman. Don't let this happen to you, dear Arabella. Don't let them make the man your superior. Fight back. Be the Queen you were always meant to be" Luna speaks, her voice does surprise the girl. She had always thought that she didn't like her, it turns out she was wrong.
"I don't know a thing about being a Queen and they expect me to know when I don't" Arabella tells her. She doesn't know where they are going, but she doesn't care at the moment. "Dear child, you still don't understand. Let me tell you a legend that has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years" Luna says, still not believing that the girl beside her doesn't even know who or what she is. It's time that she finally knew.
"A kingdom filled with death and chaos, a great King rules. A King with no Queen is no King at all. The girl to have such ability to handle it isn't anyone. The girl shall be the one the world has been looking for. The Queen fit to rule, born for the crown. The Queen that shall rule not only the Underworld, but also the whole world. Powers beyond imagination living inside her, magical properties like never before. Only she shall wield the crown of the Underworld and rule beside the King. A true Queen can be born in this generation or the next, she shall arrive quietly into this world, but the whole world will know when her first breath is drawn"
Arabella listened to the girl speak, she noticed that when she spoke about this story, she has a smile on her face. As of she knows the story by heart, and she does tell it beautifully. The words, Arabella hears, she lets soak into her mind, and she listens with interest. She doesn't say anything while Luna tells her the story, even though she has about a million questions about this story, she figures that questions will be answered once the story is finished.
"The Queen shall be born with fire hair and once connected with magic, her irises shall become fire. It is unknown where the girl would be born and have many women wanted to the Queen. Many have pretended to be her, some born with red hair, yet none have connected with the magic given from the King. Legend has it that the living force of fire will bow down before her, as everyone else should, for she's the one who will rule over the world, and shall be the greatest Queen the universe has ever seen. That Queen is you, Arabella" Luna finishes.
Arabella's speechless of the words that Luna had spoken, she wasn't expecting any of this. "N... no... I can't. I can't be a Queen. Especially that Queen in your story" She says, denying everything, refusing to be that person that the world and Lucifer needs. "You cannot deny this. It's destiny. Your destiny" Luna says, slightly regretting telling the girl. "I've seen it. I've seen your eyes and your hair. You cannot make up such a thing. You might believe it to be wrong, yet it is not. I assure you" Luna tells her.
"How can you say this? You don't have a destiny to fulfill. My whole life, I've been nothing. People look at me with disgust. Now, I'm supposed to a Queen and a Queen that owns the world. That can't be me. I could never do this. I'm sorry, but you're wrong" Arabella says, tears sliding down her cheeks, letting the things she's feeling out, at last. She's been holding in so much since she came to this place and now it can finally be let out, and she's finally speaking the words she wants to speak.
She had forgotten the fact that her tears glow when they land on the ground and the more tears that she cries, the more brighter the hallway becomes that they had stopped on, while she let out everything. Luna however does notice the glow on the floor and sees the tears. Only showing the midnight black haired girl that Arabella is the right one and she is the one that the legends are about. Being in her presence is an honor. "Look" She whispers to the crying girl, who had set her back against a wall and just cried her eyes out.
"W... what?" She asks through her hiccuping and sobbing, at the moment she doesn't care who sees her cry and who doesn't. Being ladylike is the last thing on her mind. She looks at where Luna's gaze is, on the floor, looking at her glowing tears. "They always do that" Arabella says, as if it's the most casual thing in the world. Luna stares at them as if she's discovering something new, and perhaps she is. This time, it's her who is speechless. Never in her many, many thousands of years of living has she seen anything like this.
"You don't know what this is, do you, child?" She asks. She's not sure why Arabella isn't freaking out about this, then again if this has happened before, perhaps she's used to it. "My tears, I don't know why do that, but they saved my life once" Arabella says, her thoughts suddenly wander to the dark place that she was in, and how her tears were the only light she got, she tries to forget that place, but she finds it rather hard to do. "No, those are not tears, well they are, yet aren't" Luna says. The crying girl looks at her with a puzzled look.
"I don't understand" She asks. "Dear child, your tears are magic. Possibly the first spell you did. When did they first appear?" Luna asks. The more she gets to know this girl, the more convinced she gets that she truly is the one. The fragile girl in front of her may not feel like it, but she is a Queen. "Few days ago, when I went into the portal room and I woke up in a place that's only dark" Arabella tells her, not really wanting to go into detail of everything that happened to her there.
"You must have landed in the land of the Forgotten. Has no one explained it to you? I curse my brother's name. He should be teaching you everything about this world and the magical properties you have. He should not leave you confused" She tells the future Queen. For once, Arabella actually agrees with Luna, Lucifer should have told her what is going on around this castle. Magic? Suddenly magic is real and she doesn't know how. Magic has always been something that old beggars tell to earn money from the rich people, but this magic is different, it's real.
She doesn't know why, but the more she learns from Luna, the more she's starting to believe it. Perhaps it's the fact that she can't keep denying everything when she's sees so much that tells her that magic might actually be real. She remembers most of the things that have been happening to her. Like she could stand on water and the white rose, then her tears, the words Lucifer spoke to open up the earth, the little flames that he makes float in the air, the fire that turned her eyes fire like and her hair too. Her mind is finally willing to connect the dots.
Luna does notice this in her eyes, yet she knows that the girl can't connect every dot, because she needs more explanation of everything. The times are different now. When she was younger, or about ten thousand years younger, people believed in magic. They understood it, they couldn't do it, but they worshiped it. That's why her family was looked upon as gods and goddesses, because they could do magic and they showed the world what they could do. Most people adored it, but of course there were some who didn't.
"The land of the Forgotten is a place where there's only darkness and sand, no land, no food nor water. As you are the Queen, and trapped in a place like this, your magic needed to get you out of there and back to safety. That's the thing with magic, it is a life force and some say it has a mind of its own. While you were there, you must have been terrified. Terrified to the point that you cried. At that moment, a magic spell took place, as magic can only be done by a spell. Either said out loud or in the head"
"But, there are cases, like this that a magic spell happened without words. The feelings inside your body created the spell. The fright, the sadness, the longing. It all connected and a spell was created. To protect you, the magic did the only thing it could do at the moment. Give you light. Comfort you in time of need. The magic didn't want you to feel this way again, now it happens each and every time you cry. It doesn't matter if you're happy or sad, the tears will always be like that" Luna finishes.
Looking deep into the fire eyes of the girl, she does see that she's beginning to understand it all, yet she isn't the right teach to be telling her this all. She feels that the girl needs to be told, she can tell her most of it, but her brother has to explain everything else. And might get hit in the head with something when the girl finds out the truth about the two of them. One thing is clear, Arabella is very headstrong and she won't be happy with the news that her brother will tell her someday.
"You are saying that the magic inside me did this?" She quietly asks the violet eyed girl. Her crying has finally stopped, but the aftermath is still there. On the floor, her tears have formed a little puddle, lighting the area around the two of them. "Yes" Luna answers. Arabella goes down on the floor, on her knees. It's a bit hard in a dress, but she doesn't care if the dress gets ruined or rips a bit. She touches the small puddle with her index finger, slowly. Once her finger touches it, the light disappears and suddenly the puddle of tears looks like a ordinary puddle of tears. It isn't large, just a few millimeters.
Luna gapes at the girl on the floor, not only because she saw what she did, but also because somehow the girl used magic without even knowing it or wanted to. The magic inside her is strong, she never knew it was this strong. "What happened?" Arabella asks, the silence between them had been for a few minutes before she spoke. Each one in their own mind, trying to grasp what had happened here. Arabella continues to touch the puddle, not even knowing why she's doing it, but she wants to know what she did. It's obvious that she did something to make the light go away.
"I don't know" Luna answers her, she truly has never seen magic like Arabella's. It confuses her, yet it's fascinating. Bringing her back to the fact, that the Queen is believed to have magic that no has ever seen before. Perhaps the legend was actually real and every word is real. The pride of being in her presence is overwhelming her. "I think I do" Arabella whispers, loud enough for Luna to hear her words.
"You said I created the light from my tears, and now I have undone it" She says, she can't believe that she can do magic. But, then again she has done magic, yet never truly believes that she was actually doing it. As strange as it sounds, she isn't afraid of herself doing magic or the fact that she does have magical ability. She's frightened of the legends, she's supposed to the Queen of the world. She wasn't born to be like that, she wasn't raised to be like that, yet she can't help but feel like this might be her destiny, that this is what she's meant to do. Arabella has finally accepted the fact that she is the Queen, but the road there will be a long one, and perhaps a dangerous one.
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