《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XII 🔥
"Fire is its own life force with powers beyond us"
"My dear, Arabella, are you listening?" Lucifer asks the girl at breakfast. From the moment she had woken up in the morning, she hadn't been able to focus on anything. She's been so lost in her own mind to even notice the world around her for even a second. The scene plays over and over again in her head, the words she heard still echo in her head. She hasn't been able to think anything more but the thing that happened to her. "Yes, I'm listening" She answers, when she hadn't even be listening. He had been telling her of the things he has planned for the day.
She of course, didn't hear a word he had told her. The girl hadn't even taken a bite of her breakfast. She had been playing with her food since she got food in front of her. The King has been rather worried about the girl he loves and doesn't understand what is happening to her, to make her be this way. The only explanation that he can come up with is that the kiss they shared is still on her mind. And it is, along with everything else that happened to her.
"Then repeat what I had just told you" He says, a chuckle escapes his lips and a smirk plastered on his face. He already knows she won't be able to. But, he does want to know what has her mind so lost. He also wonders if she had liked the kiss he gave her. "Well... uh..." She trails off, unsure of what she can even say. Her mind isn't thinking straight. "As I was saying, today we shall have a quiet day. You need a tour around the castle" He starts, but stops himself to see if she's really listening this time or lost again.
"A tour around the castle?" She asks, clearly she listened. "Yes, this is your home and soon you'll be able to go anywhere in the castle you'd like" He tells her. He wants her to know the home she will be staying forever. However, the dungeon is a place he will not take her to, not only is it a place unfit for a Queen but it's also a place where he keeps his enemies, if any of them where to learn of his weakness, they would try to hurt the girl and she can not get hurt. No matter what.
She gives him a kind smile, yet hides inside what she really feels. "I would like that, very much" She tells him, behind her words is a hint of sadness that he unfortunately doesn't see. The way that he said that this will be her home, breaks her heart. She hides her feelings in her smile, and hides it pretty well from the King. He doesn't notice how her fire eyes are filled with sadness, and how her smile isn't a real happy one. He's far too busy in his joy to even notice it.
He does however notice how little or nothing she has eaten, but he doesn't say anything about it. This may be strange for him, but this is normal for the girl. In the last few years, she had skipped some meals because of her girl problems and though it might be unhealthy, you don't mess with a girl or boss her around when she's going through it. However, this is not that time of the month and she's just too much in her mind and it's racing with thoughts, about the kiss and the thing with the white rose and herself.
After breakfast, he gives her a long tour of the castle. She decided that she would listen and not get lost in her mind. It's better to know the place she's staying at, because she knows she won't be going anywhere anytime soon, not much to her liking. "This is the portal room, I warn you to never go in there" He tells her. His glowing red eyes watch her as she looks in wonder as they walk the castle. It's a beautiful place, once you look past the blood colored walls and the floor and ceiling in the blackest color.
And, she's still in awe from the small fires that always appear when he walks, she already makes a mental note to ask him about it, but is too frightened. She might be getting used to having him around her, but that doesn't mean that the poor girl isn't still afraid of him. The fear grows less and less with each passing day, but it is still there. "Portal room?" She asks, confused. Most of the room and hallways he has shown her, are something she has never heard of. "You don't want to know" He says, the only respond like this she has gotten from him.
Normally he answered all her questions truthfully and is as much detail as he possible could, and she would listen to his every word and soak them into her brain. "All right" She only answers back. His tone had been one close to an angry one and not wanting to anger him further, she holds back the questions she has in mind. He begins to walk again to show her the next room. She lifts the dress of the floor, making it easier to follow him, and walks behind him.
The dress she wears is a light shade of pink, almost pale shade of pink silk dress. The neckline is sweetheart and strapless and sleeveless. Around the waist is a ribbon and a bow tied. From the hips, the skirt begins to go a little bit out and flow from there down to her middle thighs on the front, where on the back it goes down to the floor and is even goes beyond the floor. Gladiator heels in the same color as the dress, goes up to her knees. Having a hard time walking, for the dress always goes under her heels, making her almost trip and fall, yet somehow she manages to hold her balance.
Around her neck a silver chain necklace with pink pearls going up to the collar bone on both sides, in the middle of the necklace is a pink pearl that is twice the size than all the others. On her head is a silver tiara, decorated with pink diamonds. Arabella has noticed that it looks better to have the jewels match with her dress, it makes her look even more perfect, in the eyes of some, that would be impossible, as she is already the most perfect girl the world has ever seen.
Her feet are hurting her, from walking so much. When he said that this was a castle, he truly meant it. This is the biggest castle she has ever been in, and the only castle she has taken a look at or even stepped into. She wonders if this castle will ever end, as they have been on this tour for hours and they haven't even covered half of it. The fire eyed girl isn't even sure if she can remember where everything is. It will take years before she will get the hang if this.
By then, she wants to be home. Her real home. With her twin brothers. Whom she loves so much, she's not sure if she can love someone more than she does the two brothers that have raised her and been with her through everything in her life. "This is the invention room" He tells her, a strange looking door is what she's met with. It has all sorts of rusty gears on it and it made out of wood, yet is so beautiful at the same time. On the doors are also tubes with some weird green liquid running through them and go into the door and out them, as if there is something on the inside that is making them do that.
She has never seen anything like this before, then she has never seen or heard of most of the things in this castle. "In here are the newest inventions from the human world, you can test and try as much you'd like, without putting yourself at risk, of course. You can also invent something yourself, if you wish. And share it with the world" He tells her, he eyes her and notices that she's looking rather interested in the door. He lets out a chuckle.
How funny it is to see her get exited for things that don't matter and none should care about. This girl is something else. "Can we go in there? I want see" She says, in a childlike voice, begging him. "Not now, but soon you shall" He tells her, it takes everything in him to say these words. As of right now, all the new inventions are more of in inappropriate side, and not for a girl like she is, not for a Queen to see.
With a frown, she follows him again, bored out of her mind. Exploring the castle is fun, yet she's never actually allowed into the room, she doesn't even know if everything he says is real behind the doors. When he said they were taking a tour, she didn't expect it to be this boring. Sure, it is interesting to learn something new, but how can she believe it exists if she doesn't see it with her own eyes. After all, she just found out magic was real, and she had to see it to believe that it was actually real.
Lucifer already knows she's bored but can't help himself but to go further, the more time he spends with her the more likely she is to fall in love with him. What he doesn't understand is that love can take time, and the girl he's in love with is still a bit frightened of him. It will take a few months, if not years to get her to completely trust him, and talking about falling in love can take even longer than that. Arabella is a girl that doesn't understand her feeling and admitting them to herself and out loud will be something that will be hard and perhaps impossible, as of now. But all things change, do they not?
While he shows her a new door and tells her what it's behind it, a scared looking guard comes up the King. Whispers something in his ears and then waits for his King to answer. Lucifer's face hardens and anger rises in his eyes, making them turn into a dark shade of red, darker than wine red and almost black. It takes everything in him to not kill that guard where he stands, but his beast is near his Queen and can calm down, a little. Not much, but enough to not frighten the girl. He's just lucky, she's behind him and doesn't see his face.
The guard however look so scared that he might pee his pants, if he hasn't already that is. And, he runs out the same way he comes. His fear leaves the girl highly confused, she knows that Lucifer can be fighting but is he that frightening? "I must be going somewhere, I take it you know your way back, if not then I shall have someone escort you back to your bed champers" He tells her, trying his hard to not be angry in his words and not frighten the poor girl.
"I'm sure I can find my way back" She tells him, having someone take her back is something she's not really interested in. Her whole life she has been taught that she needs to learn to do things on her own and now that has been taken away from her. She can't dress herself, and she hasn't bathed while she's in this place, except for the lake. But, the maid said she would be bathing tonight, if she weren't too tired. "Good" Is his only respond before he walks off somewhere.
However, his mistake is leaving the girl alone after she had a tour of the place. As soon as he leaves, a small smirk of mischief makes its way on her face as a plan forms in her head. Walking back the hallway that they came from, she walks past all the doors that he told her not to go into. She walks over to the portal room, knowing that it is the room that she would like to see first. Lucifer hasn't been a very good tour guide as he never really allowed her to go into the rooms he showed her.
This wasn't even a tour, it was a walk through boring hallways and lectures of places she would like to go to and yet not allowed. When her brothers showed her the village for the first time, she got the chance to explore on her own. Go wherever she wanted and have fun at it, she went into every store she could see, didn't buy anything and neither did she care. Seeing it with her own eyes was everything to her and live through it, that's the best experience.
The fire eyed girl stands in front of the portal room, or she thinks this is the portal room. Only a few doors in this place are different, all the others are the same. For a moment she watches the door, not even sure what she's staring at. She's looking at the door, yet she isn't seeing it. Her mind is elsewhere and doesn't have time to process the door. Worries swirl in her mind. Would he be angry at her for disobeying him orders? Of course he will, yet she's willing to take the chance. The fire eyed girl doesn't even know why she's willing to disobey him because of her curiosity.
Her mind is battling with itself of what she should do until she knows what she's wants to do. There's something in that room that calls out to her, not knowing what it is her mind is made up. Taking a deep breath, her small hand takes a hold of the door handle. It's cold to the touch and sends shivers down her body. Her heartbeat increases in her chest, pounding. Closing her eyes, she finally pushes the handle and opens the door. No sounds come from the room, and she opens her eyes.
Empty. The room is empty and a bit dark. There are two torches on the wall that is on the other side of the door. The two torches are close together and neither of them is in the middle, yet they are both equally from the other walls. She walks inside, to see if she is sure that it is empty and it is. Her eyes aren't failing her, she isn't seeing a thing. The room is completely empty. She wonders if she's in the right room, or if she just walked into the wrong one.
Sighing in disappointment, she turns around and begins to head back. Guessing she has to check more doors until she finds it. Arabella was so sure that it was the right one, but then again, she can be wrong. Before she reaches the door, a gust of wind goes past her and the door slams shut. She jumps up from the startle it causes her, but is quick to quiet her heart and calm herself down. Taking the door handle that is inside the room, she pulls it lightly to open the door again.
She's met with surprise when she's unable to open the door. It's locked. Panicking, she tries harder to pull the door towards herself and try to open it, yet the door doesn't move or open. Her fist bang on the door. "Hello?! Is someone there?!" She yells. "I'm locked inside! Please help me!!" She continues. But, nothing happens. There is no one walking in the hallways. The door is so heavy and thick that it would be impossible for someone to even hear her if she were to yell as loudly as her lungs could. Turning around, she slams her back into the door, it doesn't even move or budge by it.
Sliding down the door, she sits on the hard black floor, pulls her legs towards her chest and sighs. Not knowing what she can do. All the girl can hope is that someone begins to worry about her and comes looking for her. Still, that can take a few hours, as she has already noticed that when Lucifer is busy with something, he can be there for quite a while. She will most likely be locked in there for some time, until he will finish his work and starts looking for her.
Meanwhile, she has nothing to do, the darkness and never really been her friend. She's frightened of it, yet she doesn't want to move from the door to go to the torches, she wants to be able to hear it when someone walks by. Perhaps someone will come soon and she will be able to signal for help. What she doesn't know is that she is unable to hear what happens behind the door and if anyone were to walk past it, she wouldn't be able to hear them or anyone. She will need pure luck for someone to find her locked inside this room, as there are so many in this humongous castle.
The fire eyes fill up with tears and she can't help but allow them to fall down, letting out a quiet sob with the tears that roll down her cheeks and fall on her pink dress. She doesn't care of the dress becomes ruined by her sitting on the floor or even from her salty tears, the dress doesn't seem important now. Not when she had bigger things to worry about. If she were home, she would be ashamed that her dress got dirty, then again all her dresses were a bit dirty.
Sometimes Arabella would feel embarrassed that she wore dresses that were old and dirty when other girls wore the high fashion and looked more beautiful than she could ever. Not that has come to an end, as now she dresses even more beautifully than they have ever looked and all the jewels that she wears complete her look. She certainly looks and feels beautiful, yet something is missing. She can't exactly know what it is or if she will ever know what's missing about herself and her look. She is after all still getting used to all of this, and the clothes are still new to her and especially all the jewels. It will take time for her to adjust to everything.
Strange thunder like sounds come from the wall in front of her. They startle her, making her almost jump, yet manages to not. Looking up from her knees, she wipes her eyes to be able to see past the blurriness of her eyes, as they have been filled with her watery salt tears, she notices what is happening in front of her. She stands up to get a better view. Then when she sees it better she let's out a blood curling scream.
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The quiet felon/ BWWM
"What's in your pocket? Your wallet?" She asked him as she tried to get comfortable while sitting on his lap. Why would his wallet be so weirdly shaped?"My pockets are empty, Muffin." He whispered lowly in her ear as he held her hips still because she kept wiggling. She blushed hardly as he smirked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(This is a Mafia book)This story is about two people. {bwwm} {wmbw}The first is Ace Hardwick he's a man that has just gotten out of prison for a crime he didn't commit. He went into the system when he was 16. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He's been in prison for 8 years and he just got out 2 weeks ago. He went from talk of the party to anti social. He just got a job at a local coffee shop. He's just trying to make a living as a wrongfully convicted felon.The second person is Teagan Travis she's a woman that's making it somewhat some where in life. She's had a trouble childhood that she likes to think she forgot about. She has a nine to five job working as a IT girl at a big company. She is a person that lives by routine. She wakes up at a certain time eats and sleeps at a certain time. What happens when Ace comes and turn her life upside down, but maybe in a good way?This book is definitely not edited!Started August 17, 2020. Ended November 26,2021.
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