《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 26: Training










I rolled my eyes smiling slightly at them then they became all tough again.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edward translated.

"They came. That's what matters. Will you translate?" Dad asked Edward. Good, at least I can turn off some of the telepathy going on. Way too many minds here.

I went to stand next to Bella as we saw Jacob step a little closer to us, "Hey Jake." Bella said aloud. I just stuck to my telepathy.

I smiled at him, I leaned in to Bella, "Jake says hi." She smiled at him.




That made almost everyone laugh in their wolf forms. I smiled.


Just then Sam growled at Jacob.






I nodded then turned off my telepathy for awhile and let Edward talk for them.

"Welcome..." Dad started which made me pay attention to them, "Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them."

"They want to know how the newborns are different from us." Edward said.

"They're a great deal stronger than us cause their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." Dad finished, letting Jasper take over now.

"Carlisle's right. That is why they are created. A newborn army, doesn't need thousands like a human army. But no human army could stand against them. Now the two most important things to remember are first, never let them get their arms around you they'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose...Emmett!" Jasper finished as he called Emmett up to fight against first.

My brothers faced each other. Emmett smirking. He's been waiting for something like this for a long time.

"Don't hold back" Jasper stated.

"Not in my nature." Emmett answered back.

And with that, they went at it. In the end, Emmett lost.

Jasper finished him by pushing him to the ground, "Never lose focus." He said so smoothly.

Up next was Edward and Dad. Now I sort of felt pretty odd about this match only because I haven't seen dad do anything this physical with anyone because he's usually the one fixing the aftermath of when people get into these fights and stuff. But once I saw them start, I had my faith in Dad. Sorry Edward.


It came to the point where Dad tried to hit Edward but Edward caught dad by the throat and slammed him to the ground. I was about to use my telekinesis to distract Edward but he did it all by himself along with the help of Jasper as Dad slammed him into the ground.

"One more thing...Never turn your back on your enemy." Jasper informed him.

The next match up was Rosalie and Jasper. Rosalie was pretty good at dodging Jasper's attacks and it ended in a draw.

Now the next fight, I liked. Alice versus Jasper. Jasper tried to catch Alice but she was too fast for him to even try. It wasn't until her finally caught her and he tried to kiss her but she easily pushed him away, leaving him clueless to where she was. She then jumped down from the tree above him and landed in his arms,her hands around his neck but ending it with a peck. She won that one.

After a few more fights, I found myself next to Seth on one of the rocks on the hill, petting his fur as we watched the fights below us.


I then saw Jacob look up at me from below.

I looked at Bella, she stood alone, watching as well. I nodded. I watched as he went over to Bella. Bella was telling how she was worried about any of them getting killed because of us.

Seth suddenly asked. I looked to him.

I then saw Jacob walk away from Bella when Edward approached them, "We're done for the day."

That got me a little upset, I stood up and made my way down to the others, "Hey, what about me? I haven't fought with anyone yet. We can't be done." I protested.

"Avalei, if we let you fight anyone today, there probably won't be anyone else to fight the newborns." Jasper joked.

"Yeah sis, you may be small but you are scary." Emmett commented. I smiled amused but didn't take much of why I'm not training.

"And Avalei, we'd think it'd be best if you stay with Bella during the fight" dad issued.

I looked at them confused, "What why? I'm a bigger advantage on our side if I fight along with you guys."

"We know, but since you are the most powerful one here, we'd thought you'll be perfect to protect Bella." Edward said.



"Jake you don't have to worry about me. None of you have to. You know sometimes I think you guys don't trust me enough to take care of myself. But I'm not that helpless little girl anymore, you guys said it yourself, I'm capable of anything." I said looking around to all of them.

"We do trust you." Mom said.

"And you won't be out of the fight. Not entirely. If any loose newborns get past us and make it to you and Bella, you can protect the both of you." Jasper reasoned. Yeah like that'll happen.


I looked over to Jacob, his eyes soft almost like his puppy dog eyes, I sighed, "Fine. But if anything gets out of hand during the fight, I'm ending things."

And with that, my family and Bella went to clean stuff up and got ready to leave, the other wolves went back to the Rez but Jake stayed back a bit to talk to me.

"It'll be better if you phased back into a form I can actually level up to." I smiled at him. He nodded his big wolfy head and went behind a tree to phase. He soon came back, his normal shirtless and jean shorts self.

"You really don't want me to fight do you?" I asked him with sad eyes.

"Honestly, no. But it's only because I don't want to see you get hurt." He said while pulling me to him.

I gently glided my fingers on his chest, "Jake how many times do I have to tell you, I'm not a mirror. I won't shatter and break that easily. I can protect myself. Besides, I've been through worse."

He sighed and placed a hand on the side of my neck, caressing my cheek, "Just please promise me you'll stay with Bella. It'll be easier to keep track of both of you."

I was going to protest again but it seems like I won't be winning this argument, "Okay, but one of you have to at least stay with us. It'll be easier for me to see what's going on when the fight happens."

"Don't worry, Sam is keeping Seth out of the fight too, so he'll be there with you guys. And who knows, maybe I'll be there too." He said smirking, pulling me a lot more closer to him.

He kissed me for a short time when I heard Bella ask Jasper what she could do to help, I pulled away and sighed, "You should go. You don't want Sam to scold you again because you're losing focus."

"I only lose focus when I'm around you." He flirted. I pulled him into a hug, giggling a bit. "I'll see you soon." He smiled then pecked a kiss on me.

I watched him run in the direction the others left to awhile ago.

I then went over to Bella and Jasper, sitting on the hood of Emmett's jeep, just in time to hear his story again.

"You kept me waiting long enough." Alice chimed in.

"My apologies ma'am' I don't know what I would've become without her" Jasper said but was shushed by Alice.

"You never have to be that again." Alice whispered then they started kissing. I looked over at Bella who awkwardly stood there as they kissed. I laughed a bit and admired my siblings love for each other.

"Jasper" she whispered. It kept switching between Maria and Victoria.

"I want you to do something" Victoria whispered.

"Kill...them." Victoria finished, she stepped back as Jasper became enraged and pounced but that woke Bella up and left me in a shock as I too gasped loudly.

Just then Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper came up, "Avalei, are you alright?" Rosalie asked, moving my sweat filled hair out of my face.

I sat up from my bed and Jasper calmed me down to get my breathing steady, "Bella just had a dream"

"What'd she dream about? Edward and her finally having se-" Emmett started but Rosalie slapped his arm to stop him.

I looked off to space and tried to decipher what Bella's dream meant, "The intruder, the newborn army, they're all her puppets."

"Who?" Alice questioned.

I looked at them all, "Victoria."

"But I would've seen her." Alice stated.

"Unless shes hiding behind them. And shes letting someone else decide." I finished, thinking about Victoria using Riley.

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