《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 25: A Birthday Surprise


Alice has been running around the house getting everything perfect for the party which is in a few minutes. I bet Bella's friends are going to get here first.

"Okay, everything is set and perfect! Now its just waiting time." Alice chimed. I looked around the main room and lots of colorful lights hung from the ceiling, other decor around, the food and drinks for the humans and a big banner that said, "Congrats Graduates and Happy Birthday Avalei!" I have to admit, Alice did a good job on this one.

Sooner enough, people started coming to the house. Their looks on their faces amazed as they finally get to see our house.

It was probably past 6:30 when the house was filled with newly alumnis and some younger students. I looked around at the party for people I actually care about. I then noticed Avalei wasn't here.

She better not be in her room. If I have to stand through this party, so does she. Plus its her party too.

I ran up to her room and I found her on her bed, with some headphones on. Her eyes were closed so I went to sit by her.

I took off her headphones, that made her open her eyes, "Avalei, you know the party's in celebration of you right?"

She sighed, sitting up, "Yeah but I'm not really in the party type of mood. Besides, I've been up here for 30 minutes and no one's noticed."

"I would've noticed sooner if there wasn't so many people around. Come on, its your birthday. At least come down and enjoy the music." I combed through her hair a bit. She still had the same outfit from earlier but just without the graduation gown.

She wore a white crop top with a gold skirt that had jewels all over them. Alice made her wear it because its her birthday. I'm surprised Avalei allowed herself to wear something so fancy. But I guess Avalei doesn't care as much anymore since she's been in this state of hers.

She looked really pretty in that dress though she looks pretty in anything she wears. I looked down to her shoes and smiled as she switched from the small heels Alice made her wore for graduation to cute white high tops shoes.

"Fine, only because if Alice found out I was up here for the start of the party, she'd have a fit." I smiled then stood up, she followed right after.

Once we were down, we observed the party. Some people passed us saying Happy Birthday to Avalei and she just smiled or said thanks. I guided her towards the tables, "Look, people got you gifts."

She smiled a bit, "They won't be able to top off the gift you guys gave me." She then was playing with her locket still around her neck. Bella suddenly came over to us.

"Hey, glad you came down." She started, I just patted Avalei on the arm, "I'm going to go check where Emmett is." And with that, I left them to talk.

"You're not into these types of parties either huh?" Bella asked me.

I shook my head slightly, "Lately, not really."

Just then Angela and Jessica came over, "Hey guys! Happy Birthday Avalei" I was surprised when they both hugged me. I thanked them.

"What'd you guys think of my speech? Too easy breezy, too self helpful?" Jessica asked.

"No, you pretty much nailed it." Bella complimented. I nodded in agreement.

"I know its like I was born to lead right?" Then a new upbeat song came on.


"Ooh I love this song, lets go dance!" Angela then took Jessica's hand and went to the dance floor.

I turned back to Bella, "That was surprising" I joked with Bella as we walked over to the other side of the house where more people were in.

I felt the warm feeling in my stomach I haven't felt in days. It was a different warmth than what I felt earlier today.

I froze. Bella soon turned around and noticed someone or some people that I didn't expect to actually come to this party. I didn't have to turn around to know who they were. But, I turned around anyway to be at Bella's side. I looked at the ground but I could still see from my peripheral vision that they approached us.

I could literally feel his eyes on me, "What are you doing here?" Bella then said.

I took in a deep breath to keep my composure. I can't let him see me cry.

"You invited me remember? And Embry said that Avalei invited them." I heard his voice. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Was my right hook too subtle for you? That was me uninviting you." Bella countered.

"Look Bella, I'm sorry about you know...the kiss and your hand. I'd blame it on the whole inner animal thing but it was really just me, not thinking and being an ass. I'm sorry. And Avalei, I'm sor-"

"Hey Bella, I'm gonna go check on Alice." I said to Bella, ignoring and interrupting him. I really didn't need to hear anything he had to say right now.

"Wait Avalei, please-"

I ignored him more and walked passed him though stopping shortly towards Quil and Embry, "Hey guys, glad some of you could make it."

Congratulations Avalei and Happy Birthday. Seth and the others wanted to come but you know, Sam and the treaty. I'm sorry we couldn't stop Jacob from coming here though. -Embry

Its fine. I'll see you guys around. Have fun.

I smiled slightly at them then walked away. The whole time I could feel his eyes still on me.

When we saw Avalei walk away, I felt really bad. I really want them to make up but Jacob has to be the one to talk to her. That's if she actually lets him.

Jacob's face was filled with hurt as he watched her walk away, he turned back to me, "Has she said anything to you? Like about me?" His voice was low and soft.

I shook my head, "She hasn't really been out of her room until today. She barely talks and she only eats dinners. The only time she talks is when she has to. If it weren't for Alice and Rosalie, she'd still be in her room."

Jacob's face fell much more, even the other guys felt his pain, "You need to make things right with her Jake. She's your imprint. You have to make it up to her somehow."

He sighed, "I know. And I will. But here, I got you something. Its a graduation present. I made it myself." He held up a bracelet with a wooden carved wolf.

"Wow, you made this? Its sort of perfect. Thanks." I said to him.

"I got something for Avalei too. If only she lets me at least talk to her enough for me to give it to her."

"Maybe wait until the party dies down, that way you'll have time alone." I suggested.

Just then I saw Avalei and Alice come down the stairs though, stopping at the 4th step, looking off into the distance. I know that look. They were having a vision.


"I'll be right back" I said as I made my way towards the girls. Though Jacob and the others also followed behind.

"Alice, Avalei, what'd you see?"I asked the girls who got out of their vision stares.

"The decision's been made." Alice stated.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked from behind me. We focused on the girls.

"You're not going to Seattle." I issued.

"No, they're coming here." Avalei finished.

I went to look for Alice after I got away from him and the others, she was upstairs fixing her headband when I came in.

"Hey Alice." I said while leaning on the door frame.

"Avalei, why aren't you down at the party?" She asked finishing up her hair.

"There's a party guest I'm trying to avoid." I said avoiding his name.

"Oh I get it. I smell them already. Its okay, I'll keep you company." She then grabbed my hand, heading back downstairs though, we stopped a couple steps before we reached the bottom as we had a vision.

Flashes of the newborns and the missing college kid, Riley Biers. They then passed around a red blouse that belonged to Bella, and a blue flannel that belonged to me. They each took a whiff at our belongings. Then Riley made sure they remembered them and they started heading towards Forks.

Bella suddenly came over to us, followed by him, Quil and Embry.

"Alice, Avalei, what'd you see?" Bella asked.

"The decision's been made" Alice stated.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked. I made sure to avoid his eyes as I could feel them on me again.

"You're not going to Seattle." Bella stated.

"No, they're coming here." I finished.

"I'll get the family." Alice said as she walked away. I finally made up the courage to glance at him for a split second and that was a bad idea because he was still staring at me. I then made my way down the stairs, passing him and the other boys and followed Alice.

Once we got the family together outside on the porch, we told them about it. The wolves also joined us. Again, I avoided his eyes.

"They'll be here in 4 days." Alice informed them. So I'm guessing plans have changed especially for Bella's turning date.

"This could turn into a bloodbath" Dad feared though he stayed calm as always.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asked.

"We didn't see anyone we recognized...Maybe one" I told them letting Edward into my mind to see.

"I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers. He didn't start this." Edward issued.

"Whoever did is staying out of the action." Alice stated.

"They must be playing with the blind spots of your visions." Dad issued.

"Either way, the army's coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town." Jasper said.

"Hold up, what damn army?" I heard Jacob questioned.

"Newborns. Our kind." Dad informed them.

"What are they after?" Embry said, I looked up to him.

"They were passing around mine and Bella's scent. Bella's red blouse and my blue flannel." I spoke looking up to everyone.

"They're after you and Bella? What the hell does this mean?" Jacob said, we locked eyes and I suddenly looked away.

"It means an ugly fight, with lives lost." Dad stated. I looked up to Jacob as he looked over to Embry and Quil, they both nodded their heads. I knew what they were thinking.

"Alright, we're in" Jacob said sternly.

"No!" I said along with Bella. I looked up to Jacob again and then looked away, shutting up. "You'd get yourselves killed no way." Bella continued.

"I wasn't asking for your permission." Jacob said back. Typical Jacob.

"Edward?" Bella asked my brother at her side.

"If it means more protection for you and Avalei." Edward reasoned. I sighed in defeat knowing Jacob is grateful for what my brother says for once.

"Jacob, do you think Sam would agree to an understanding?" Dad asked.

"As long as we get to kill some vampires." Jacob said.

"Jasper?" Dad called.

"They'll give us the numbers. Newborns won't know they even exist. It'll give us an edge" Jasper stated.

"We'll have to coordinate." Dad said getting up.

"Carlisle! They're gonna get hurt." Bella said getting up too.

"We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns require the skills that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us." Dad said to Jacob.

"Alright, name the time and place." Jacob said.

"Jake, you don't know what you're getting yourself into" Bella said to him. That made me look up at Jacob. I saw him glance at me softly before answering Bella.

"Bella, this is what we do. You girls should be happy. Look at us, working together. You guys were the one who wanted us to get along remember?" Jacob finished.

We went back to the party but didn't really do much. It wasn't until a few hours later when everyone finally went home. I wasn't sure where the pack members were. My family were cleaning up the house. I was helping. I'm actually very surprised that I haven't ruined this dress the whole day.

I was just finishing up a bag of trash so I took it out to the garbage bin. I was about to go back in, until someone came up behind me and covered my mouth gently.

I was about to scream until I realized who it was. I removed his hand and turned to him.

"Jacob! Don't do that to me!" I whisper yelled.

"I'm sorry, I just needed to get your attention." He said sheepishly.

"And scaring me was your best idea of getting my attention? A simple 'Hey Avalei can I talk to you' could've sufficed." I said to him a little irritated.

He sighed, "Well you've been avoiding me all night and I wanted to really talk to you about what happened a few days ago. I'm really sorry"

"I know what happened Jake. You don't have to explain to me that you still love Bella."

"See that's just it. It wasn't like that. Please, if you give me some time alone with you to just let me explain." He pleaded.

I looked up to his eyes and sighed, "Fine. Lets go." I said walking past him and heading into the woods. As we walked, I used my telepathy to inform Rosalie.

Rosalie, I'm gonna have a talk with Jacob. Tell the others I'll be out for awhile.

You sure about this Avalei? I can always come up with an excuse to get you out of it.

Yeah I'm sure. Besides if I don't do this sooner or later, then he'll just keep bothering me about it.

Okay, call out to us if you need anything.

Thanks Rose, but I think I'm good.

We made it a good distance from the house into the woods when I finally stopped walking.

"So, start explaining." I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"You look beautiful tonight. You always do." He started.

I scoffed and looked at him annoyed, "Thanks, now I don't think my looks are what we really need to talk about here. So talk."

He sighed, "I swear, I didn't mean to hurt you like that Avalei. I didn't mean to kiss Bella-" He started but I got even more annoyed.

"What do you mean you didn't mean to kiss her? Kissing someone doesn't just happen on accident. There must be a reason." I countered.

"There is. I don't know what happened. I mean I do but I didn't mean it to happen. One time we were talking about the ponds then the next Bella mentioned the party and graduation. And I don't know, something in me just ticked. It was like the old me before I met you suddenly took over. And I regret it all because I know it brought you so much pain and hurt. It sure did to me." He confessed.

I looked at him, my eyes suddenly soft, "You realized that Bella was going to change soon so that's why you kissed her. You needed to let her know that you love her-"

"Yes I love her, but as a friend. I was intentionally there to tell her that I moved on from her. Ever since I met you, you're all I think about. It was just that one time that the old me took over. I didn't know what I did until I saw you. It killed me to see you so hurt that day. I tried calling and I wanted to go out and look for you but, I knew you needed time alone. The pack even gave me a harder time. Also, your brother gave me quite a shout that night. I've never seen him that mad before." He laughed a bit.

I cracked a smile though I hid it quickly, "Yeah he does that. So what now? Do you expect me to just fall for your big brown eyes again and kiss you? Because although you didn't mean to, seeing you kiss someone else really broke me."

He sighed but came a little closer to me, "I don't expect you to do anything. But I'm hoping you would forgive me and maybe we can work our way to you trusting me again."

Ughhh he's doing that thing he does to get me to fall back in love with him...Well it wasn't like I stopped loving him...He's just radiating the same love he has for me. Plus his sweet charm and personality.

I sighed, "Jake, I never stopped trusting you. To be honest I wasn't mad at you or Bella, I was mostly mad at myself. I knew something like that would've happened eventually. I mean we got together so quickly and I knew from the beginning you needed time to get over Bella. It was my fault I didn't let you have that time." I said looking down.

He quickly came over to me and grabbed my hands in his, making me look up at him, "Hey, don't you dare blame yourself. This wasn't your fault. It was me who didn't realize how much I love you and how much you really mean to me until I saw you hurt. I should've just moved on from the start." It was his turn to look at the ground, until I released one of my hands and lifted his chin.

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