《KuroxReader (Another One)》Chapter 2: Something's Wrong


You walk to your room and close the door behind you. You sit on your bed, facing the wall. You take out these pictures of your family and look at them. Every day, after breakfast, you always go to your room and look at these pictures. You always shed tears. You try to hold them back, but it always escapes your eyes. You hear footsteps but then they stop and fade away. Huh? Was that Kuro? You walk to the door and open it, finding Kuro on the balcony. The one place you never go. Oh, great... Out of all the places to go to in the house, it has to be the balcony... You sigh, then walk towards Kuro. "Kuro? What're you doing out here?" He turns around. "(Y/N)?" You slowly walk onto the balcony. He sighs, then turns back to the city. "Nothing... Hey, (Y/N)?" "Yeah?" "Is there something... Wrong?" You gasp. "N-no..." He sighs and turns to you again. "There is something wrong. I can tell by the tone of your voice." You look down and blush. "You don't have to tell me. I'll understand that." You look back up at him. "Kuro... If I tell you, will you judge me?" "Of course not. Judging is such a pain." Ok. Good. You sigh. "Before I became your Eve, my family... They died." Kuro gasps. "I don't know how. No one did. I was all alone after that. My relatives did nothing. They didn't care about me. One of my cousins cared and tried to persuade them into helping me, but they still refused." Tears started to roll down your cheeks. "They were heartless. I don't know why they hated me so much. I did no wrong to them. I had take care of myself. I got bullied at school 'cause of that. I tried to kill myself, but that's not what my family would want me to do. But I did hurt myself." You show him the scars on your arms. He gasps. "But then I met you. Then I wasn't alone anymore... Thanks to you." Kuro sighs. "(Y/N)..." Then he puts his arms around you. "Kuro?" You say, blushing. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)..." Then you put an arm around him. "No. It's not your fault, Kuro. You don't need to apologise at all." You cry quietly. Even though you're scared to go on the balcony, you're getting a little used to it. Especially when Kuro's with you. I don't know what I'd do without you, Kuro... I like you, anyway. Like like you. I always have and always will... "Thank you, Kuro..." He puts a hand on your head, but his other arm is still wrapped around you. You bury your head in his jacket. "Anything for my Eve..." You blush. "I'd do anything for you, too." Kuro blushes. He looks at the sun setting. Even after this talk, there's still something wrong that you don't wanna talk to him about...


When I heard those words 'I'd do anything for you, too' I felt something inside me. Maybe she does like me? Maybe not... I mean, who could love a guy like me? A vampire? But... Could she? She did hug me back, after all. I sigh and the breeze blows my hood down. I don't put it back up again, 'cause I don't want to let go of (Y/N). The breeze flows through her hair. I run my fingers through her hair as the breeze flows through her hair. Her hair is nothing like any other girl's hair. The same goes for her beauty... But that's a good thing. Then she slowly pulls away. I hold one of her hands with both of my hands. She gasps and blushes, looking at me. "(Y/N)... I want you to know that I'm always here for you. Ok? No matter what. Even if we have an argument about something stupid, I'll still be here for you." She looks down and closes her eyes, then sighs. "Alright." Then I let go and she walks back to her room. I scratch the back of my neck. I don't know if my words helped her or not. I... I just don't want her to worry or be stressed out. Then I hear a crumpling noise coming from her room. What is she doing now? Then a piece of paper slips out of the door. The wind starts to blow it away, but before it completely blows away, I quickly catch it. What's this? I look at the piece of paper and gasp as I read what's on the page.


Go to hell you piece of crap

Retarded pervert

No one likes you

Go die already

You shouldn't even be alive

You loner

No wonder you got no friends

Fuck off you fucking bitch

I'm not surprised that your family left you


They hated you so much

That's why they killed themselves

Just to get away from you

No wonder your relatives hate you

I hope someone kills you

And no one helps you

You must really hate your life

With no one living with you

And no one by your side

I'm not surprised

Get lost

Everyone hates you

Even your friends

Oh wait

You have no friends



You're full of bullshit

(White girl who bullies/hates you)


Why does she keep these?! And who's (White girl who bullies/hates you)? Is she just going to ignore this? Why won't she stand up to her? "Where's the other one gone? Who cares, anyway..." I hear (Y/N) say from her bedroom. I open her bedroom door and see her sitting on her bed facing the wall. She turns to me. "Kuro?" I look at her bed, which has piles of crumpled up paper. I gasp. She looks at my hand with the page. She gasps and snatches it from me, then runs back to where she was sitting. "W-what did you see?!" "I saw enough." She slides down and covers her face. "That's it. I'm done for." "Why do you keep these?" She takes her hands away from her face and faces me. "I keep these as a reminder, Kuro, of how much I suck as a person." "No, you're not!" I yell. She gasps and she looks shocked 'cause I've never yelled at her before. I walk towards her. "Stop beating yourself up! Stop saying that you're a horrible person, 'cause you're not! You know that!" She looks at the wall. "Leave me alone and get out." She says, quietly, but not too quiet so I can hear her. "No! You can't do this to yourself!" I put my hand on her shoulder, but she smacks it away from her, really hard. I hold my hand and groan. She must be really upset. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "I told you to get out! Don't touch me and don't talk to me like that!" I look at her shocked, 'cause I've never seen her like this before. She covers her face and cries heavily. "Leave! Before things get worse! I really don't want to hurt you again, Kuro! I didn't want to hurt you at all!" She yells. I leave her room, closing the door behind me. Maybe I should leave her alone for now... I cover my face with my hands and fall to my knees. What have I done...?

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