《KuroxReader (Another One)》Chapter 3: Just Find Out


Then I hear the door open and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around. "(Y/N)?" She looks down at me, then she kneels down. "Kuro... Listen. I'm sorry. I was just stressed out." I look down. "It's alright... It's my fault." "No, it's not. Now give me your hand." She puts her hand out. "Why?" "I want to show you something, so you can understand everything." I hold her hand and we both close our eyes. When I open my eyes, I'm in a black realm. I look around. Everything's black? Why? Is her mind emp- Then I bump into something and fall. "Ow!" I moan, rubbing my head. I look up and see a door. Huh? I get up and open the door. Ok, maybe not. I look around and find myself in her house. Why am I here? Then I hear someone crying coming from her room. I open the door and see a little girl crying on a teenage boy. I look at the girl. (Y/N)? Then I look at the teenager. Her brother? Then I realise that he's dead, 'cause I see blood all over him. Oh no... I look at (Y/N), who's crying harder. If her brother's here, then where are her parents? I look around the house and see them lying dead on the floor in the living room. Oh my god... So this is what she was talking about... Then I walk back to (Y/N)'s room, and instead of walking into her room, I walk into a primary school playground. A school? Then I see a group of kids laughing and yelling. I walk over to see what's going on. Then I see a group of girls picking on another girl. And that girl is... (Y/N)... Then I look at the girls picking on her. One of them is bound to be (white girl who bullies/hates you)... They push (Y/N), hurt her, call her names, harass her. Then they walk away from her once she starts bleeding. Why didn't you do anything, (Y/N)? Then I'm in a high school field. The same girls do the same things to (Y/N). But they didn't leave her alone. The bell goes and (Y/N) pushes the girls out of the way, so she could go home. But the girls follow her, so (Y/N) starts to run. The girls follow her, then I'm in an alley, where the girls are hurting (Y/N). They kick her, punch her. They stop once she's bleeding a lot and unconscious. They laugh and walk off. I run to (Y/N) and fall to my knees and rest my head on the ground, crying in front of her. Why is this happening to you, (Y/N)?! Then I feel a hand on my head. I gasp and slowly look up. "(Y/N)?" She sits in front of me, but she has chains around her wrists and neck and she's bleeding a little. She smiles. "Hey, Kuro." I put a hand on her cheek to see if she's an illusion or not. She's real. I sigh in relief and hug her. Then the chains disappear and she hugs me back. Everything turns white. She hugs me tighter. "I'm glad you found me, Kuro." "Me too..." Then everything around us shatters and we find ourselves in the real world again. She lets go and wipes the blood away from her face. "Do you understand now, Kuro?" I nod. "Yeah. I'm so sorry." She smiles. "It's alright, Kuro. Really." Then she hugs me again. "Thank you, Kuro. I'm sorry about earlier..." I put a hand on her head and she buries her head in my shoulder. "It's ok." "I don't know what I'd do without you, Kuro..." I smile and blush. "I don't know what I'd do without you, either, (Y/N)." But she doesn't last forever like me. She isn't immortal like me. Only if you were... She pulls away from me and stands up. I stand up as well. "We should go to sleep, (Y/N). It's getting late." She looks at the time. It's 11:47pm. "Oh, right." She puts an arm out. I look confused at first, then realise that she wants me to turn into a cat. She picks me up and goes to her room. "I'll be right back. I need to go change." "Ok." She walks to the bathroom and closes the door. I wait for a bit, rolling over. She opens the door and climbs into bed. She picks me up, then she brings me closer to her. I purr and she smiles. She strokes my head with her finger. I brush my fur against her face and she sighs. "Let's go to sleep, Kuro. I've got school tomorrow, apparently." I nod. "Ok. Good night, (Y/N)." "Good night, Kuro." Then we fall asleep.


"Do I have to?" I moan. "Yeah... I can't leave you in my bag, 'cause (white girl who bullies/hates you) will kick it and step on it, which is gonna hurt, right? So you'll have to be a student. Sorry... I know you don't want to and I don't want you to either, but it's the only way to avoid you getting hurt." I sigh. "Fine..."

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