《KuroxReader (Another One)》Chapter 4: Kuro Starts School


We start to walk to school. "I can't face this..." I sigh, taking my jacket off, but keeping my hood on. I hold my jacket with one hand and shove the other in my pocket. "What a pain..." "I know, Kuro..." Most high schools have uniforms, but this one doesn't. How does she put up with school? It's like torture. Well, I say that 'cause when I'm a cat and I'm in (Y/N)'s bag, I get kicked and stamped on by (white girl who bullies/hates you). "(Y/N)?" She hums in response. "Do you like school?" She looks at me. "What kind of question is that?! Of course I don't! It's like torture!" Oh. So I'm not the only one who thinks school is torture. "Kuro? You sure you're ok with this?" I scratch the back of my neck. "I don't know... Anyway, I got no choice." She shrugs in agreement. I look around the school grounds. This is the place I saw in her mind... "Uh, this place is big." She nods. "I guess..." We stay quiet, not knowing what to say. "So... Uh...." I start. Then the bell rings. "Let's go, Kuro." She leads me to a class. This place is so weird... I sit down next to her and sigh. Then a man comes in. I lean in over to (Y/N). "Who's that?" I whisper. "It's our teacher." She whispers back, looking at me with a confused look on her face. "Oh..." How can I be so stupid? Of course he's the teacher! Everyone comes in and takes their seat. "Good morning, class. Today we are-" He talks about boring stuff and I was this close to falling into a coma. Well, not really. I look at (Y/N), who looks really bored. I can't blame her. I look around and see (white girl who bullies/hates you) giving (Y/N) a dirty look when (Y/N) looks at her. (Y/N) looks away. Then (Y/N) looks at me. "Don't look at her." I mouth. She understands what I said and nods. Then we face the board again. Then (white girl who bullies/hates you) starts throwing stuff at her. (Y/N) just ignores it. (White girl who bullies/hates you)'s friends giggle. She throws another one, but this time I catch it. I throw it back at her hard. "Ow..." She whines. I look at (Y/N). She blushes and smiles. I blush. Then the bell goes for break. We both stand up and walk out the door. "Thanks about earlier, Kuro." She says. "Yeah, no problem. That brat deserved it, anyway." She smiles at me. "Who are you calling a brat?" A voice says behind us. (White girl who bullies/hates you) and her friends walks in front of us and we stop. "Well?" "Obviously you. Idiot." I grab (Y/N)'s wrist and walk around them. "Let's go, (Y/N)." Then (white girl who bullies/hates you) stops me. "Not so fast." I sigh. "What do you want?" (Y/N) taps my shoulder. "Kuro, don't. You don't know who you're dealing with." "Shut up... And let me handle this..." "Kuro..." Then I turn to the girls again. "What do want from her?" She smirks. "That's none of your business. Now move outta my way." "No. Answer the question." "Oh, yeah? What're you gonna do about it?" "Trust me, you don't wanna know." "Yeah? What if I do?" Then she pushes me back, leaving (Y/N) wide open. She tries to grab (Y/N), but I quickly pick (Y/N) up and move out of the way, making (white girl who bullies/hates you) fall. I put (Y/N) down. "You ok?" I ask. She nods, blushing. The girl gets back up again and tries to kick me, but I grab her leg before it reaches me. Then I push her to the ground. "C'mon, (Y/N). Let's go." Then we walk off. (White girl who bullies/hates you) growls. "That guy... Who is he? I'm gonna kill him!" "In your dreams." I say. "Kuro..." I look at (Y/N). I hum in response. "Thank you..." "Sure. Don't mention it..."


At lunch, I get out my food out of my bag. I open my packet of potato chips and eat it. I look at (Y/N), who's eating a sandwich. Then she looks at me and moans. "Ew, gross! Don't eat with your mouth open!" "What, like this?" I joke. "Kuro!" She looks away from me, chuckling. "Who's this?" A voice says to our left. We both look to our left. A girl stands there. "Oh, uh..." (Y/N) starts. "I'm, uh, her boyfriend." I say, finishing her sentence. "Boyfriend?! Ha! I bet you bribed him!" I stand up. "Uh..." She slowly steps away. "I suggest you leave before things get ugly." I growl. She runs off and I sit back down. I look at (Y/N). She covers her face with her hands. What did I do now...? She takes her hands away from her face, her face bright red. "Seriously? Boyfriend?!" I blush and scratch the back of my neck. "Yeah, uh... I-I kinda panicked, it was the first thing that came to mind... Sorry..." She looks down and sighs. "I-It's alright..." Then the bell goes again. "Let's go..." She moans. I nod.

(Y/N) and I stand up from our chairs and were about to leave, but the same brat stopped us. She looks at me. "So... Are you really her boyfriend?" I roll my eyes at her. "Yeah. So what?" She smirks. "If you really are her 'boyfriend', then go ahead and kiss her, lover boy." I look at (Y/N) and she looks at me. I put my arms around her waist and whisper, "Just follow along, ok? Sorry 'bout this..." Then I press my lips against hers. I close my eyes, then she closes her's and wraps her arms around my neck. (White girl who bullies/hates you) gasps. Then we pull away from each other and look at her. "Happy now? Are you satisfied?" She sighs and flicks her hair, walking away. "Whatever." We let go of each other and look away from each other, blushing. "Uh, sorry..." I apologise again, scratching the back of my neck. "Y-yeah. Me too..." She sighs. "I hate her so much. That stupid bastard..." I gasp at the use of her words, but I agree with her. "I know, right?" (Y/N) looks at me, smiling. Then we walk back home. I kissed her... Wait, what? I kissed her?! But it felt kinda good, though...

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