《KuroxReader (Another One)》Chapter 5: Kuro And Lawless Switch Eves


You sigh as you lay on the armchair, eating ramen. Kuro looks at you, confused and stuffing his face with potato chips. "Why so glum?" He asks, his mouth full. "Kuro, I told you not to talk with your mouth full..." You moan. "Ok, sorry, but answer the question." "(White girl who bullies/hates you). She won't leave me alone, remember?" "Oh... Forget about her." Then he turns into his cat form and jumps onto your lap. "Just be soothed by me..." "Shut up." You say, smiling and stroking him. Then there's a knock on the door, startling Kuro. He nearly falls off your lap, but you quickly catch him. You walk over to the door with Kuro in your arms. You open the door. "Huh? Lawless?" "Hi, (Y/N)-chan!" Then he walks in with Licht behind him. "Why are you here, brother?" Kuro asks. You close the door. "Yeah, why are you here?" Lawless and Licht sit down. "Well, Nii-san and I are having a competition. Aren't we, Nii-san?" You look down at Kuro. "Kuro?" You say in a displeased voice. He looks away. "What's this about a competition?" "Nii-san said that he has a better Eve than I do and then he said if you don't believe me, why don't we swap Eves for a bit? Isn't that right, brother?" Lawless explains. Kuro huffs. "Snake." You make Kuro face you. "That's cute, but I'm also angry at you at the same time. Why didn't you tell me about this?" Kuro looks away. "Sorry..." You sigh, then you hug Kuro. "It's ok." Then you sit down. "So! How does this competition work?" Lawless smiles. "Well, let's see..." Lawless explains everything. "Oh..." You say. "So, it's basically a bet?" Lawless shrugs. "Well, pretty much." "So, we gonna do it now, or what?" Kuro asks. Licht stands up. "Yeah, let's get this over with." You look at Kuro and do that thing that he does to you, you know, that fur brushing against your cheek. Kuro purrs and you both blush. Then you put him on the ground for him to turn into his human form. He walks away with Licht. "Let's go, Neko-san!" I hear Kuro sigh. "This is gonna be such a pain." When the door closes, I turn to Lawless. "'Neko-san'?" You ask. "Yeah, Licht calls him that 'cause he can turn into a cat, so..." He explains. "Anyway, what do you want to do, (Y/N)-chan?" You shrug. "I dunno." Lawless looks around, then grabs a pack of cards. "You know how to play solitaire?" You nod.


Geez, this kid loves animals... "Are you hungry, Neko-san?" Licht asks. I shake my head. "No, thanks..." He keeps feeding me all these treats and some of them ain't that nice. He keeps stroking me as well. I only like it when (Y/N) strokes me. It feels nice being around her. I knew this bet was gonna be a bad idea. I sigh. I wonder what she's doing right now... With Lawless! Agh! He better take care of her, or he's dead meat!

"You're actually really good at this, (Y/N)-chan..." Lawless compliments. "I play this sometimes with Kuro. He loses. Always." You say. "But, I'm gonna win this one!" Lawless exclaims, grinning. "You only wish!" You sigh. "What do you think they're doing?" Lawless looks at me. "Hm? Oh, Licht is probably spoiling Nii-san. But, he will think of it as torture." "I don't blame him..." Then you slap down a card. "I win!" "Huh?! No way! Y-you cheated!" You laugh. "Oh, don't be a sore loser." Then Lawless' expression changes. "You're just like Nii-san..." "What?" "Don't tell me I have to explain..." You slam your hand onto the table. "Kuro is not cruel! He's a good person!" "How would you know anything about him? He only cares about himself!" "No, he doesn't, and that was years ago! At least he doesn't kill his Eves for no good reason!" "You don't know anything about SerVamps!" Lawless raises his voice. "You're just a stupid, good for nothing human!" You gasp, then your expression changes back into anger. "At least I'm better than you are." You growl. You push him out of your way. "Move it." Then you slam the door behind you. Lawless widens his eyes. "Oh, no... The bet. I'll lose!" He runs to the door and opens it. "(Y/N), wait!" You look at him and open the curtains, letting in the sunlight, which causes Lawless to turn into his hedgehog form. "Get lost, you rotten hedgehog..." Then you leave the house. Lawless closes the curtains and turns back into his human form. He peeks through the window. No sign of you there. "Oh, crap! I'm so dead when Nii-san finds out!"


I knock on the door and Lawless opens the door. "I bet I won." I say. "How'd you know?!" He asks, surprised. I walk in. "Just a lucky guess. Uh, by the way, where's (Y/N)?" "Y-yeah... About her..." Lawless scratches the back of his neck. I tilt my head a little. "Lawless?" "I, uh... Kinda don't know... Where she is..." I widen my eyes. "W-what do you mean?!" "She left the house... I looked out the windows, I didn't see where she went..." "H-how long ago?" Lawless looks away. "7... Hours..." "7 hours?! Lawless, what did you do?" "We had an argument..." "Lawless, what have you done...?" I put my hands to my head. "What if something happens to her?!" I look at Lawless. "Lawless, you idiot! What has she ever done to you?" "Nothing." "Exactly!" I walk around the living room. "This is bad! This is bad! This is so very bad!" Then I look out the window. It's dark. "Alright. I'm going out to find her." "Do you want help, Neko-san?" Licht asks. "No. She's my responsibility. I'm going alone." Then I run out the house. Where is she?! What if something happened to her? "(Y/N)! Where are you?" Oh no... Please be ok, (Y/N)...

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