《KuroxReader (Another One)》Chapter 6: Kidnapped


Tears roll down your cheeks as you walk into the park which is empty. Well, it was... What is he talking about? Kuro isn't a bad person! Why can't he put the past behind him? That stupid, idiotic bas-" Then someone grabs you. You gasp, trying to escape their clutches. "Let... Me go!" The person who grabbed you laughs. "No way!" Then another guy walks in front of you. "You're a pretty one, aren't you?" You growl. "Who are you guys? What do you want?" "You don't need to know that." Then the guy who grabbed you puts a knife near your throat. You gasp and fear strikes you. The guy in front of you laughs and pinches your cheek. "You're so cute when you look scared!" Beads of sweat roll down your face. He walks around you, telling you what's going to happen to you. You gasp as he explains.

I look around the city, then stop at the park. She might be here. She does come here often, after all. Then I hear laughter, so I hide behind a tree and see two guys laughing. Then I realise that one of them are grabbing a girl and putting a knife near her throat and the other is walking around her. What the hell...? I look closer and I gasp. Oh, crap! That's (Y/N)! I was about to beat them up, but then I heard one of them say something. "And if someone tries to come and rescue you, we'll kill you and the person trying to save you." "If that does happen," (Y/N) starts, tears rolling down her eyes, "Just kill me, not them. Please... Don't do this!" I gasp. No... (Y/N)... What're you doing? "But, first... We're gonna have to knock you out first." He says. The guy grabbing her takes the knife away from her throat, then the guy in front of her punches her in the stomach and she coughs out blood. He does it again and again and she groans with tears in her eyes. Then he punches her face. "N-no... I'm sorry... K-Kuro..." Then she blacks out and falls on the floor. "Oops." The guy who grabbed her says. "Idiot! Don't hurt her more! We need her, stupid!" The other guy scolds him. I can't take it anymore and try to attack them, but they're too fast and dodge it. What?! I fall and quickly get back up again. I look at (Y/N), who is being picked up by one of them. "Give her to me." I growl. He laughs. "Dream on!" "Bastard!" I try to punch him, but he dodges it, so I kick his legs and he falls. I summon my claws and point it to his throat. "Give her to me. Now." He pushes me away from him and runs off with his partner, so I run after them. They jump into a car and drive off. No... I put my hands to my face and fall to my knees. No... I rest my head on the ground and cry. (Y/N)... Why is happening to you? I'm pathetic... So pathetic... I couldn't save you... Why? I'm so sorry, (Y/N)! It starts to rain and I scream in sorrow and anger. "No! Why? Why is this happening?!" Then I hear footsteps towards me. "Nii-san! What happened?" Lawless asks. "They... Took her... They took (Y/N)... This is all my fault. If I didn't start this stupid competition, this wouldn't have happened." Licht gasps. "They took (Y/N)-chan?" Lawless looks down. "It's not just your fault. It's mine as well. I never should've argued with her." Then he looks back at me and hugs me. "I'm sorry, Nii-san!" I put a hand on his head. "It's alright." Then he lets go of me and we both stand up. "But we can find her if we all work together." They both nod. "Do you know who they are?" Licht asks. I shake my head. "No, but I do know where they're from." "Where?" They both ask. "C3." Lawless sighs. "I hate C3..." I nod. "So do I. But, I don't know where C3 is..." Lawless smiles. "Well, I do." I look at him. "You do?" He nods. "Yeah. Let's go." Licht and I nod and follow Lawless.

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