《KuroxReader (Another One)》Chapter 7: Betrayal


When you wake up, you find yourself in a cell, chained to the wall. Huh? What's going on? What happened? "Oh. You're awake." You look up. "Who are you?" You growl. "Where am I? What do you want?" "You're in C3." "C3? What's that?" "A place where we keep vampires and some Eves in here." "When you said 'vampires', do you mean SerVamps?" He shakes his head. "No. Not anymore." Not anymore? Wait! Kuro! "What have you done with Kuro?" "Nothing. We didn't even touch him. But... He did walk away before we brought you here. Looks like he doesn't care anymore." You gasp, then look down. He did...? Wow, some SerVamp. I guess Lawless was right. He didn't change. He's still cruel. I can't believe it. He left me... I can't trust him anymore... Tears roll down my cheeks. "Oh..." "We can release you now." He says, unlocking the door. "No." You quickly say. He looks confused. "No... What?" "I'd rather stay here than be released." "Oh. Ok. You want the chains off?" You shake your head. "No, thanks." "Alright. Are you hungry?" "No." "Uh, I'll leave you be, then." Then he walks off. Kuro... You bastard... I shouldn't have picked you up in the first place. Then another person comes. You look up. "Hello." He says. "Uh, hi." "Do you know why you're here, miss?" "Why?" "Your power." "Oh..." "Do you know how to use it?" You nod, then you show him. There are black flames around you to protect you from anything (the flames don't hurt you, by the way) or anyone and daggers to attack with. Then you deactivate it. "So you do, after all. You have telekinesis as well, don't you?" You nod. You use it to get your earphones out of your pocket and put it in your ears and then turn the music on, 'cause you're bored. "Alright, goodbye." He gets up and walks off and you nod as a goodbye. Then you feel tired, so you turn off your music and activate the black flames around you just in case Kuro comes and fall asleep.


We finally break into C3, but quietly. "Where do you think she is, Lawless?" I whisper. "There's names on the cells, so we'll find out." Lawless whispers back. I nod. "Ok." "Do you think we'll find her?" Licht whispers. "Let's hope so..." I whisper. We look around, sticking together. We see a couple of vampires, but no Eves, for some reason. She must be the only Eve here... "Neko-san!" Licht whispers. "Please stop calling me that... And what?" He points to a cell. It has her name on it. "Good spot, Licht." We run over to it and I pick the lock with my claws and we rush in. "(Y/N)! Are y-" All I see are black flames. "What the hell? What's this?" Then two little creepy creatures jump out. "Huh?!" They both look at us. "(Y/N) is sleeping right now. She doesn't want to see you, as well." They say in distorted voices. "What're you talking about? We're taking her back." They both shake her heads. "She said she doesn't want to leave this place." "What?! Is she crazy?! Who would want to stay here?!" "Her. If you don't believe us, then we'll show you." They put their hands to my head, and I see what she said and did earlier. I gasp. What? But, why? I look at (Y/N) in the flames. "(Y/N)! Listen to me! These are all lies! You have to believe me!" Then she finally speaks. "Shiro... Miku... Tell him to piss off..." I gasp at her words. They both look at me. "You heard her. She doesn't want you around." I try to walk towards her, but Shiro and Miku stop me. I stop and lean on the wall, shoving my hands in my pockets. "(Y/N)... Just hear me out..." "She says, 'what?'" Miku says. "I was here before. My old Eve and I were separated. They told me lies, which made me hate him. They showed me a video that they edited which looked real. I believed it. I nearly killed him 'cause of that. But then I remembered... That he wouldn't do things like that." Then the flames slowly start to disappear. She looks at me. "Really?" She asks. I scratch the back of my neck and nod. "Yeah..." Shiro and Miku run up to (Y/N). "(Y/N)! Are you ok?" She smiles and they hug her. "I'm fine." Then she looks back at me. "Uh, why do you have chains?" I ask her. She shrugs. "So, uh, are you still going to stay here, (Y/N)?" She looks at Shiro and Miku. They shake their heads. "No." I break the chains with my claws and deactivate them, then help her up. "Ok, guys. Let's go." (Y/N) picks up Shiro and Miku and I pick up (Y/N) and break out through the ceiling. I run home with (Y/N) in my arms. "Kuro..." I hum in response. "I'm sorry." Shiro and Miku nod. "So are we." I nod. "I am as well." Then we arrive home. "We think it's time to go back now, (Y/N)." Shiro and Miku say. She nods and kneels down. "Alright. Bye, guys. Thanks for your help." They nod, then walk into (Y/N). She takes a deep breath when they walk inside her, then she breathes out when they're inside her. "What was that about?" I ask. She gets up and smiles at me. "They're a part of me. And Kuro... I'm never gonna do this to you again." I hug her. "Neither will I." Then she puts her arms around me.

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