《KuroxReader (Another One)》Chapter 8: Lazy Day


The alarm goes off. Damn, I forgot to reset it... It's Saturday, as well... You groan and look at Kuro, who's in his cat form and then get up, turning the alarm off. It's 3:27? "Stupid alarm clocks..." Then Kuro grabs you and brings you closer to him. "K-Kuro?" You turn your head, blushing and see him in his human form. "Shut up and go to sleep..." He moans, blushing. You sigh. "Fine..." Kuro doesn't let go of you, but you're fine with that. You slowly drift off to sleep, smiling, with Kuro still hugging you.

I open one eye and look at (Y/N) to check if she's asleep, and she is. I slowly turn her body around to me and put one of her arms around me. Then I wrap my arms around her again and go to sleep.

You wake up, finding that you're hugging Kuro. Did I hug him in my sleep?! You turn bright red. Kuro is still hugging you and sleeping. You stay in bed, hugging him, until he wakes up. He hugs you tighter, but you don't mind. You put your head to his chest and sigh. Then you hear Kuro mumbling something. What the hell is he saying? Then you can hear what he's saying. "Please... Don't leave me... (Y/N)... I don't want to lose you! Please... I need you." Then tears roll down his cheeks and he blushes. You gasp, blushing. Your eyes start to water and you put your forehead against his. "I'll always be by your side, Kuro. Always." Then tears roll down your cheeks. Then you feel a hand on your head. You open your eyes and see Kuro looking away, but still facing you. "Do you really mean that...?" He asks. You blush more and hug him. "Of course I do..." Then he hugs you back. "Thank you..." "No problem... Anything for my SerVamp..." "You know I want you to be safe, right?" He asks you. You sigh. "Of course I do... You say that to me nearly every day." "Do I really?" You laugh. "Yeah... Hey, Kuro?" He hums in response. "Can you turn into a cat, please?" He sighs. "Fine... You're such a pain sometimes..." Then he turns into a cat and you grab him and pet him. He brushes his fur against your cheek and you do the same to him. "Stop copying me..." He whines. Then you poke him, smiling. "Nyaaaaaaaa, animal abuse!" He's said that like a million times, now. He licks your finger to make you stop, so you flick his nose. "Ow... Animal abuse..." "Oh, don't be such a baby!" You sit up in bed and he jumps onto your head. He messes up your hair. "Hey! Kuro! What're you doing?" He stops. "What does it look like?" Then he continues. "Stop it!" You grab him and sit him in front of you. "You're a naughty little kitten." "Eh. That's how I am." You chuckle, messing up his fur. "Hey!" He moans. Then he sighs. "I'm tired again..." "Yeah, so am I..." You lie on the bed again and Kuro slides into your arms.


(Y/N) sighs. "What's it like to be a human?" I ask, randomly. "Huh?!" She responds. "What're you talking about?!" I shrug. She sighs and strokes me, making me purr. "You weirdo... Now go to sleep, kitten." "Yeah, ok..." We both yawn and I shift closer to (Y/N). She smiles and blushes and I blush. Then we both fall asleep. Well, she does. I don't leave her, 'cause I like the girl and the warmth of her body. She's not like most girls. She's... Different... Normally, I don't like different things that much, but I like her different. I don't get why some people don't accept her. They're probably just jealous, that might be the case. I look at (Y/N). She looks so cute when she's asleep... I put my head to her chest and go to sleep.

When I wake up, I don't see (Y/N) anywhere. Where is she?! I look around, then see her sleeping on the floor. Hm... Must've fell off the bed. I turn into my human form and grab her to get her on the bed. Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned... I probably pulled her up too much, 'cause she kinda landed on me... Face to face... I turn bright red. Oh, crap... I slowly take her off me and place her head on a pillow. I sigh in relief. Geez... What if she woke up?! Then she moans. Hm? She gets up. Then she turns to me. "When did you get up?" She asks, a little tired. "Uh, 1 minute ago, I think." I reply. "Oh..." She walks over to her wardrobe and looks for something to wear. She looks at me, then she walks into the bathroom. I sigh. When should I tell her about my feelings towards her? Maybe... Tomorrow? But what should I say? And- Then (Y/N)'s phone rings. "Kuro, you pick it up, I'm busy right now." She calls. I sigh and pick it up. Great. It's Lilly. "Hello?" "Hi, (Y- Oh! Hello, brother!" "What do you want?" "I'm just calling to say that you two should come over tomorrow. Oh, and it's also Valentines Day tomorrow. Goodbye!" "Hey, w-" But he already hung up. "Oh, great..." Going to Lust's on Valentines Day? Oh no... Then (Y/N) comes out of the bathroom. "Who was it?" She asks. "Oh, it was Lilly." "What did he say?" "He said to go over to his place..." "Oh..." Then she walks out the room.


What?! Going to Lust's on Valentines Day?! Oh, crap... But, I can't just turn him down. The other pairs will be there, anyway...

You sigh. "(Y/N), I'm hungry..." Kuro moans. "Here." You give him his breakfast using your telekinesis. "How'd you do that?!" You shrug and grab a cereal bar. You sit down and listen to music. "(Y/N), do we have to go?" Kuro moans. "They're your siblings, Kuro. You can't just turn them down." You say. He sighs. "Fine..."

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