《KuroxReader (Another One)》Chapter 9: Valentines Day


I don't wanna go... I'm going to Lust's. With Kuro. On Valentines Day! Agh! This is going to be such a pain... "This is gonna be boring, I can tell." Kuro says, laying on my shoulder. You nod. "Yeah..." "Hello, (Y/N)-chan!" A voice says to your left. "Oh! Lilly! Hey!" "Come in!" You look at Kuro. He sighs and you chuckle. You walk into Lust's place and shows you where to go. Kuro jumps off of you and turns into his human form. Then he walks over to his siblings, with Lilly following behind. You walk over to the rest of the Eves and they greet you.

"So, brother, how's your day going?" Lilly asks. I shrug. "Have you done anything for each other?" I blush. "No... We don't celebrate Valentines Day..." "What?!" They all exclaim. "How can you not celebrate Valentines Day?!" Lawless asks. "I gave Tenshi-chan chocolates and a fluffy kitten plush!" "Tetsu and I shared chocolates." Old Child says. "I gave Misono flowers." Lilly adds. "So, why didn't you do anything for her? What do you think she feels about it?" "You're the only one with a girl Eve, after all." Lawless adds. I look at (Y/N). She's just laughing and talking with the other Eves. I look back at my siblings. "Well, she looks fine to me." "That's the outside. What about the inside?" Lilly asks. "How would I know that?" I reply. "Hey, SerVamps! Come over here and help us with something, will you?" Misono calls. Everyone but Lilly and I run over to the Eves. Lilly turns to me. "Why didn't you do anything?" I scratch the back of my neck. "I-I don't know..." I sigh. "Lilly, I need your help with something, since you're the SerVamp of Lust." "What is it?" "Well... I just want to tell her that I like her." "What are you talking about? Of course you like her! She's your Eve, she knows that." I blush and look down. "No... I meant the other way..." "Oh! Right! Well, she has a balcony, right?" I nod. "And if you're there, she goes there as well?" I nod. "Well, then..." He gives me advice on what to do to tell her that I like her. "Ok. Thanks." I say. Lilly smiles. "Anything for my big brother!" "Kuro!" I look at (Y/N). "Let's go!" I nod. "Be right there!" I stand up. "Thanks again." Then I walk towards (Y/N), then we start to walk home and I walk on foot for once. She sighs, then looks at me. "So, how was it?" I look at her. "Huh? Oh, uh, it was alright, I guess." "Well, that's good to hear." Then she blushes and gives me that cute smile of her's, which causes me to blush. She unlocks the door and she walks in, with me behind and I close the door. Ok. Let's do this thing. I sigh and walk towards the balcony and put my arms on the rails.


You look around and don't see Kuro anywhere. Then you see him on the balcony. Oh, great... You walk towards the balcony and lay your arms on the rails. "Kuro, what's wrong?" "N-nothing, really." "Then, why are you here?" "I don't know." Then he turns to you. "(Y/N)..." "Yeah?" "Do you... Uh, like... Me...?" You smile. "Of course I do! You're my SerVamp, after all. I could never hate you. You're my friend." Kuro blushes. "No... I mean the... Uh, other... Way..." You blush. "Oh... Uh, yeah... But... You're a vampire and... Uh... I..."

I knew it... A monster can't be loved... "Kuro... Listen... I don't mean it like that... I mean, I do like you, it's just that... I-I..." She sighs and shakes, her eyes filling with tears. She lays her head on her arms. "I do love you, Kuro, I love you a lot, but it's just that... I don't last forever, Kuro. I don't want to hurt you when I die..." She looks up. "I'm sorry, Kuro... I wish I was immortal... Just like you..." Then she puts her hand on my arm, then looks at me. "You know I'm a human, don't you?" I nod. "Yeah... I guess you're right..." So she does love me after all... But she just doesn't want to hurt my feelings when she dies... "I'll stay young, I won't be old, 'cause someone cast some kind of spell on me, but I'll still die..." She says. Tears roll down her cheeks. I put my hand on her's. "I understand..." I say. "But it hurts me, Kuro..." She looks up at the stars. "I really don't care what you are... I just love you, anyway..." I look down, then pull her towards me. "Kuro..." "I don't really care, (Y/N)... I still love you..." Then she buries her head in my chest. "Kuro! I'm so sorry!" "Me too..." I sigh. "(Y/N)..." She hums in response. "Even though you'll die someday in life... Can I... Uh..." "Can you... What?" "Kiss you...?" I mumble, blushing. But she heard me. She gasps and looks at me. Then she sighs. "You're such a pain...." She says, smiling. Then she grabs my collar, pulling me towards her and presses her lips against mine. She wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist. We stay like this for a while, 'cause I don't want to stop, or let go of each other. So, she does love me, after all...

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