《KuroxReader (Another One)》Chapter 1: The Beginning


You have become Kuro's Eve about over a year ago.

"(Y/N), I'm hungry..." Kuro whines. You sigh. "You already ate, Kuro..." "But, I'm still hungry..." "Get it yourself, I'm busy." He sits up and leans on the couch to face you. "I'm not bothered..." "You never are..." Then you walk out of the kitchen and into your room. Kuro never leaves you alone. He says it's only to keep you company. You sit on your desk chair and start typing your essay. This essay has been bugging you for weeks. Then there's a knock on the door. "What do you want now?" You groan. He opens the door. Then Kuro jumps onto your shoulder in his cat form. "What're you doing?" He asks. "This stupid essay..." You reply. "It's such a pain." He looks at how much you've written. You've written at least 7 whole pages and starting on the 8th. "Looks like one." You groan putting your hands to your head. "It's so stressful!" Kuro brushes his soft fur against your cheek, making you blush. Then he jumps down in front of you and rolls around, saying, "Forget about all that and just watch me roll around and be cute." You sigh. "You're not helping, Kuro." He continues to roll around. "Sure I am. You're supposed to be soothed by me." "You're not soothing at times, Kuro." Then he stops rolling around and sits up. "Can you at least pet me?" You sigh again. "Alright, fine." You sometimes like petting Kuro 'cause of his soft fur. He purrs cutely and you smile. "See? I told you I'd soothe you." Then you poke him, playfully. "Shut up." "Nyaaaaa, animal abuse!" He jokes. You chuckle, then he climbs onto your shoulder. "I'm gonna stay here to keep you company." Kuro says, brushing his soft fur against your cheek again. Then he licks you. "Agh! Don't lick me!" You exclaim. He meows. "Dumb cat..." Then you flick his nose and he licks your finger. "What did I say about the licking?" Then you shake your head and smile, then carry on with your essay. You always liked Kuro's company. He made you feel better, even when he was lazing about. "Done! Finally!" You give a sigh of relief. You save it and turn the laptop off. You get up and walk to the living room. You slouch on the couch. Kuro jumps off your shoulder and sits next to you, then turns into his human form. He grabs you and sits you up properly. "Thanks, Kuro." "Yeah, ok." You feel tired and your body lays on the couch, your head on Kuro's lap. He looks down at you, confused and you look up at him. "Whaaaaaaat?" You say. "I'm tired, ok?" He sighs and shakes his head, then looks back at the screen. "You're such a pain..." You get annoyed. "Yeah, like you're not(!)" He puts his hand on your head and strokes it. "Shut up and go to sleep." You look at him again. He's blushing, but not making any eye contact with you. You blush and smile. "Good night, Kuro..." "Night." You eventually drift off to sleep.


You wake up and find yourself in your room. "How did I get in my room?" Did Kuro bring me here? Then you look to your left, where Kuro is sleeping in his cat form. You sigh and smile and slowly stroke him. But then you feel tired again and it is a Saturday and the holidays, after all. But the holidays will come to an end. "(Y/N), go back to sleep..." Kuro moans. "I am, Baka..." You yawn. Then you grab Kuro and bring him closer to you, blushing. He looks at you and blushes. "(Y/N)?" "Shut up and go to sleep, Kuro..." Then you fall asleep. A couple a seconds later, he gets comfortable and looks at you. Then he brushes his fur against your cheek and falls asleep. All day, all night, you always think about Kuro's safety, even though he's the one who's supposed to be protecting you.

"Kuro! Kuro! Ku-ro! Wake up, Baka!" I shake my head in shock once I woke up. "Huh...?" I see (Y/N) in front of me and I'm in her hands. She sighs. "Oh, god. I got so worried!" I tilt my head. "Worried? About what?" "You!" I blush. "M-me? Why?" "I called your name like a million times and shook you, but you wouldn't wake up." Then she hugs me and sighs. "I'm glad you're ok, though." Then she puts me down. "(Y/N)-" "You're hungry. I know." She cuts me off. "How'd you know I was gonna say that?!" She looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "Kuro, you say that to me every morning." Then I climb onto her shoulder. "Don't you dare. Turn into your human form on my shoulder like you did 3 days ago, and I'll kill you." How'd she know I was gonna do that? Well, she does know my character quite well... But not all of it. But she didn't do anything bad last time, so I might as well do it anyway. I smirk and turn into my human form on her shoulder and she screams and falls. "Ow..." She moans. Then she looks at me and growls. "That's it! You're a dead cat!" We both get up and she chases me around the house. We do knock over some things, but they're not breakable. She finally catches up to me, so he puts me in a headlock and takes my hood down, then rubs my head, messing up my hair. We both fall on the ground, but I'm facing the ground. "Ow! Ow! It burns! It burns! Have mercy!" I whine. "Not this time!" She says, smirking. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please! Stop..." Then she sits on my back. "How does it feel, Kuro?" "It hurts..." Then she laughs. "This is vampire abuse!" She whacks my head lightly. "There's no such thing as that, Baka." Then she gets off me and I fix my hair, then put my hood back up again. She walks back to the kitchen. Remind me not to do that again... She's cute, but also feisty and strong as well. "Kuro!" She calls from the kitchen. "What?" I reply. "You hungry or what?" "Be right there!" I sigh and get back up again. I walk to the kitchen. I scratch the back of my neck and blush when I look at her. "Uh, anyway... I-" "I warned you, didn't I?" She cuts in. "But... You didn't listen." She chuckles. "Which I'm not surprised about, 'cause you never listen." Then she turns to me. "Even if someone's gonna tell you something important like... Uh... Their feelings." I look confused. "What do you mean by feelings?" She blushes and continues what she was doing. "Well... You know... Their feelings for you. If they like you or not." "Like? What, you mean, like like?" She nods. "Well, yeah, basically." I look away and sigh. She has a point. But no one would say anything about feelings to me, because a human like her can't love a monster like me... I would tell her about my feelings, but I don't know what she would say and- "Kuro? What's wrong?" She yanks me away from my thoughts. I look at her. "Oh, it's nothing." She looks at me for a while, confused and worried at the same time, then she hands me my breakfast. "Thanks." Then she walks away to go to her room. Every day, after she gives me breakfast, she always goes to her room. Every day, when she goes inside, I press my ear on the door and hear her crying. She looks different as well. Her skin has lost it's glow and there's something wrong with her eyes. What's wrong with her? Is it school?

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