《Meet the Kims》(Wedding Woes) Chapter 1
Jennie's and Jisoo's Brownstone, 3:47 PM, June 2nd.
"It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart. Without saying a word, you can light up the dark. Try as I may, I could never explain, what I hear when you don't say a thing."
Jennie sang along loudly with the tiny radio in the bathroom, rinsing the shampoo from her hair, the hot steam from the shower rising up around her.
Jennie picked up the conditioner bottle and began to sing into it as if it were a microphone.
Little did she know that someone else was looking in at her, chuckling softly, already becoming aroused at the blonds dancing.
"The smile on your face lets me know that you need me! There's a truth in your eyes, saying you'll never leave me! The touch of your hand, says you'll catch me where ever I fall. You say it best, when you say nothing at all!"
The shower curtain was ripped open, and Jennie screamed, dropping the bottle as she whipped around, her hands rose in a defensive position, but she instantly relaxed and smiled as she saw the culprit.
"Jesus, Chu, you scared me," Jennie breathed as Jisoo laughed, looking Jennie up and down.
"Like I would ever let some guy spy at you in the shower. That's a private show only I am entitled to. I hope you were singing about me though," Jisoo said as she stepped into the tub, the hot steam rising around them.
"Who else, baby?" Jennie said, giving Jisoo a quick kiss on the lips before picking up the conditioner bottle.
Jisoo took it from her and twisted her around before pouring the cream in her own hand and began massaging it in her silky blond hair.
Jennie groaned and threw her head back. "I love it when you do that."
"I love doing it to you," Jisoo whispered as she kissed her shoulder, her tongue tracing tiny circles on Jennie's skin.
Jisoo rinsed it from her hair and then turned Jennie around to face her, moving the hair from her face.
"You have no idea how much you turn me on," Jisoo growled in her ear before her hands inched down Jennie's back before grabbing her ass and squeezing.
Jennie moaned as Jisoo kissed Jennie's neck, gently tugging on the skin, her hand moving up her back where they came around front, grabbing and squeezing Jennie's breasts, running her thumb over her already hardened nipples as she watched her close her eyes and threw her head back, yearning for more contact.
"God, I love you," Jennie whimpered as Jisoo rubbed up against her.
"How much?" Jisoo asked, her breathing hurrying as she all but slammed Jennie into the shower wall, pinning her there, running one hand down her wet body.
"You have no idea!"
Jisoo moved her mouth down from Jennie's mouth to her jaw line to the hollow of her throat, gently sucking on it.
"Would you tell me anything?" Jisoo whispered as she pushed Jennie harder against the shower wall, her hands moving down her stomach, resting on Jennie's inner thigh.
"Yes," Jennie panted, feeling weak in the knees, Jisoo supporting her.
Jisoo began to rub his fingers on Jennie's midsection, just outside her entrance, lapping at her neck.
"Would you tell me," she asked as Jennie moaned, pressing her body up against Jisoo's as much as could be allowed, and "Who you were on the phone with earlier, hanging up just before I walked in?"
"My mother!" Jennie groaned, her nails scratching Jisoo's back before kissing her full on the lips.
"What did you two talk about?" Jisoo growled softly before kissing her just above her chest, moving her kisses downward.
"Oh god!" Jennie panted as Jisoo got down on her knees, her hands gripping Jennie's ass, kissing her just above her waist line.
"I invited them to stay for two weeks, and they're coming tonight!"
Jisoo pulled away from Jennie to look up at her. "You what?"
Jennie sighed as Jisoo stood back up, leaving the blond longing for her touch once more as she turned off the hot water. "You're lying," Jisoo said, more of a statement then a question.
Jennie shook her head, already beginning to feel a chill from the lack of steaming hot water, despite it being the beginning of June. "I'm sorry, Jisoo! It's just she asked and I couldn't say no and-"
"Do you seem to notice?" Jisoo snapped, making Jennie back up several steps. "That whenever they come to visit, telling me a few minutes in advance is not a good idea!"
"Well last time I only told you about twenty minutes in advance, this time I'm telling you about two hours," Jennie argued with a small smile that quickly faltered as Jisoo's face remained stone cold.
Jisoo shook her head in disbelief before she stormed out of the shower, slamming the bathroom door behind her.
"Jisoo, wait!" Jennie pleaded, following her out of the bathroom.
"Just leave me alone, Jennie," Jisoo muttered as Jennie followed her into the bedroom.
"First off, you can't just start to have sex with me to pry information. That's the fourth time this month and it's not fair!"
"And going behind my back to talk to her and invite her two weeks prior to the wedding after I specifically said not to isn't fair! This is our wedding, Jennie, not Chaerin's, and you know she's gonna turn it into whatever she wants it!"
Jennie sighed and went over to her, trying her damnest not to be intimidated at Jisoo's angry face, wrapping her arms around the detectives neck, kissing her softly on the lips, somewhat surprised when Jisoo didn't kiss her back. "I'm sorry, okay?" Jennie whispered, running her hands through Jisoo's hair, and having no effect on her. "It's two weeks until our wedding, and she's my mother. I need to involve her in some things."
"She can choose the color of the trash bags in the venue," Jisoo said dryly, removing Jennie's arms from around her neck.
Jennie frowned at her before trying once more to get her to see her way. "Jisoo, she's my mother. We can't just not include her in this. I'm her only child, and she wants to help plan our wedding, there's nothing wrong with it."
"Besides the fact that she's going to try to destroy it."
"Do you really think she has that much power- don't answer that!" Jennie said before Jisoo could open her mouth, already knowing the truth.
When Jisoo still remained dead pan, Jennie withheld a glare. "I would have let Lisa help with the planning and had a big smile on my face the entire time."
"Well it's a good thing you don't have to pretend with that, do you?" Jisoo said, a little more forcefully then she intended.
Jennie stayed silent as Jisoo sighed, rubbing her temples in annoyance. "There's no way to call and change plans?" she muttered, and Jennie withheld a grin, knowing that Jisoo had finally given in, and instead looked as somber as she could manage.
"I don't think so. I'm sorry, Jisoo, I should have talked to you first before I invited her."
"Its fine," Jisoo grumbled, "I just wish I would have had more warning."
"Well we got a little over an hour," Jennie offered again.
"And think of what we could do in that hour," Jisoo growled softly, looking over Jennie's wet and nude body before leaning in, gently biting her ear before she spoke.
"Go turn the shower back on and get it nice and hot for me. I'll meet you in there in a little bit."
Jennie grinned as she kissed her again. "I'll be waiting for you," Jennie whispered in her ear before she went back into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
Jisoo couldn't help but smirk as she walked away from the bathroom. "Teach you to do something behind my back."
twenty minutes later, Jennie stepped out of the bathroom, with just a towel wrapped around her body as she stepped into the bedroom where Jisoo, dawning a black bulky bathrobe, her wet hair wrapped up in a towel, was straightening up.
"What took you so long?" Jisoo asked as she tucked the blanket under the bed.
"I should ask you the same thing," Jennie grumbled.
"Well I was going to tell you that I decided not to join you, but then deciding you finding out on your own is just so much more fun. But seriously, what took you so long in there?"
"You try having your fiancée kiss and touch you like that before leaving you high and dry on an almost regular basis," Jennie grumbled as she went over to her dresser, wrenching open the drawer.
"I'm saving it for the wedding night," Jisoo argued, coming over to her before wrapping her arms around her waist, resting her head on her shoulder. "You wouldn't want that night to be like any other night would you? We wait about two weeks to have sex, both of us aching to make love to each other but we deny ourselves. This way that night will be even more."
Jisoo reached under Jennie's towel and grabbed her crotch, enjoying Jennie's soft moan, turning her on beyond anything knowing she was the cause of Jennie's pleasure. "Explosive," Jisoo whispered before letting go of her and leaving the room.
"God I hate you," Jennie grumbled as she stared after Jisoo.
An hour later Jisoo, still in her bath robe, was upstairs vacuuming the guestroom, while Jennie tidied up downstairs, dressed in a short sleeved light blue top that was made of a material so light, it was almost see through, and a black pencil skirt, her hair up in a pony tail.
"She was a fast machine, she kept the motor clean, she was the best damn woman that I ever seen!" Jisoo sang, her voice easily carrying over the roar of the vacuum
Jennie rolled her eyes to the ceiling, as she hurried to put the newly cleaned plates away, Jennie regretting her decision to ever get Jisoo an I-Pod for her birthday, much less one that held over 100,000 songs, not being able to go without one day without listening to ACDC, Guns and Roses, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, or whatever other band Jisoo had classified as music.
Jennie had just put the last of the clean dishes away when the doorbell rang, Jennie's heart already thudding hard against her chest as she raced to the door.
She took a deep breath, kissed her engagement ring once for luck, before opening the door, once again praying to just get though the weeks ahead.
"Jennie Ruby Jane!" Chaerin cried joyfully, an unheard of smile on her face, "it's been too long!"
Jennie grinned before turning to Seunghyun who stood on the stoop, beaming at his daughter.
"You only speak to her every other day," Seunghyun said with a chuckle.
"And it still isn't enough," Chaerin sighed, taking Jennie's hand in hers and looking down at it in almost disappointment. "My little Jennie Ruby Jane is getting married, to a democrat none the less. My baby's growing up."
"Mom, I'm twenty seven years old," Jennie said as she moved out of the way for them to come inside.
"Yes, but you're still my only child." Chaerin let go of her hand and sighed, looking back up at her. "Maybe one day you'll- what's wrong with your face?"
"What?" Jennie asked, looking at Seunghyun who shrugged, unable to find anything wrong with her before looking back at Chaerin as they walked into the house. "What's wrong?"
"Well, darling it's just... you're getting married in two weeks, and you haven't gotten a peeling, or Botox, or anything lifted and tucked or-"
"Mother, whatever you think, I'm really not that old, and I don't need those things yet," Jennie groaned, already feeling the headache that came with seeing her mother.
"I agree, Chaerin," Seunghyun said as he put the multiple bags down. "She is quite young to start getting chemical procedures done."
"Yes but still-"
"Taken more than her share! Had me fightin' for air! She told me to come, but I was already there!" Jisoo's voice interrupted, and Jennie closed her eyes in defeat, holding back a scream of frustration for the small, white, music player. "Cause the walls started shakin', the earth was quakin'! My mind was achin'! And we were makin' it'! And you! Shook me all! Night! Long! Yeah you! Shook me all! Night! Long!"
"Jennie Ruby Jane!" Chaerin cried, her eyes widening, clutching her heart. "Who on earth is singing that disgusting, vile, atrocity the newer generation have dared to deem music? I pray to God that you have an eighteen year old maid upstairs!"
"That would be my fiancée," Jennie muttered, struggling to leave out the word 'dead'. "She's upstairs vacuuming and probably didn't hear the door bell."
"So she shouts out these obscenities on a regular basis?" Chaerin snapped narrowing her eyes at Jennie as if it were her fault Jisoo had not heard the doorbell ring.
"Well, mom, they're really not that bad."
"One does not shake one all night long and have it not mean something degrading!"
Jennie stammered, unable to find an answer, looking at Seunghyun for help who was more than happy to offer it.
"Beethoven was deemed to have a negative effect on the youths of his time, and he's probably one of the greatest musicians of all times. Can you really fault Jisoo for liking this generations Beethoven?"
"Do not even think of comparing the great Beethoven with an electric guitar and a man shouting about absolute filth and vulgarity!" Chaerin almost growled at Seunghyun before turning back to Jennie.
Chaerin closed her eyes, took a deep breath before opening her eyes once more, forcing the scowl on her face to go away, but by no means was she smiling.
"Well, shall we go and say hello to the woman who is fortunate enough to marry into this family?"
"Mom, don't," Jennie pleaded. "Not again, these two weeks are gonna be stressful enough for us without you insulting her every chance you get."
Chaerin shrugged, before sighing. "Fine, Jennie Ruby Jane. I promise to be good... to an extent."
Jennie let out a small groan before forced a smile on her face as she went over and helped Seunghyun with the multiple bags, swearing she saw one of them move, but was sure it was just her imagination.
She led them up the steps and into the guest room, where the vacuum was roaring, Jisoo still in her bathrobe, and still singing as loud as she possibly could, dancing along with the music.
"You really took me! And you! Shook me all! Night! Long! Ooooohhhh, you! Shook me all night long! Yeah, yeah you! Shook me all! Night! Long! You really got me, and you! Shook me all! Night Long!"
Chaerin cleared her throat loudly and Jennie stormed over to Jisoo, tapping her on the shoulder.
"I'm almost done, baby," Jisoo shouted over her music, not looking around, still unaware that Chaerin and Seunghyun were standing in the room. Jisoo began to chuckle, still not looking behind her. "Don't forget to leave a bowl of kibble and bits by the door. Wouldn't want your mother to go without her late night snack."
"I beg your pardon?" Chaerin screeched her eyes wide in shock.
Jennie ripped Jisoo's ear buds out, and Jisoo whipped around, slightly glowering at her.
"What the hell, Jennie? Don't get all mad- oh holy crap."
Jisoo felt the blood rush to her face as she offered a weak chuckle. "I was just kidding, you know, about the kibbles and bits. Just a little joke, you know, ha ha?" Jisoo stammered.
"I'm sure of it!" Chaerin said, her voice portraying the truth, glaring furiously at her.
Jisoo cleared her throat before turning to Seunghyun who was biting the inside of his cheek so hard it was almost bleeding, trying to keep from laughing.
"Hello, Seunghyun How you doing?"
"Fine, Jisoo, yourself?"
Jisoo managed a weak chuckle as she wiped the small bead of sweat from her, wringing her hands together.
"I'm um... I'm gonna get dressed."
"Good idea," Jennie growled.
Jisoo cleared her throat once more before leaving the room, muttering to herself.
Jennie sighed before turning to Chaerin, who was looking at Jennie, almost disappointed.
"Mom, I promise you that was just a mistake. She would never say something like that if she knew you were here."
"So she just talks about me like that on a regular basis?"
"Of course not!" Jennie lied, avoiding Chaerin's eyes like the plague. "Jisoo is very fond of you, deep down. Err very, very deep down. But I promise you it was just a joke."
Chaerin sighed as she took Jennie's hand and began twisting her engagement ring around, as if she were aching to rip it off her finger. "I do wish you would at least consider finding someone more your social status, Jennie Ruby Jane."
Jennie held back a frustrated scream. "I love Jisoo, I'm marrying her, and like I said the day I told you I was gay, you're fighting a losing battle if you think I'm gonna leave her because you said so."
Chaerin threw up her hands. "Fine, fine. I can tell when my opinion isn't going to be valued by my own daughter."
"Good," Jennie said, ignoring Chaerin's glare.
Chaerin sighed, gently tugging on the ring once more before she let go of her hand and began to look around the room. "You know, Jennie Ruby Jane, no offense I do know an interior decorator up in Albany who would be more then delighted to come down and spruce this room up. Jisoo might actually be able to afford him."
"Gee, mom, don't be afraid to tell me what you really think of our house, just spit it out," Jennie snapped.
"Oh relax," Chaerin said as she began to walk over to the closet. "It's a very nice Brownstone; you really can't find these in the city anymore. But really, Jennie Ruby Jane, who uses oak wood as closets anymore? The newest up and coming style is Aster. They're much less likely to attract moths. I'll show you what I mean."
Chaerin opened the closet door and a stack of papers fell from the top of the closet.
"What's this?" Chaerin asked, bending over to read one.
"Don't read that!" Jennie cried racing over and snatching the paper form Chaerin's hands.
Chaerin looked up at her, her eyes narrowed in confusion.
"Who wrote that E-mail, Jennie Ruby Jane?"
"No one," Jennie muttered as she gathered the papers in her arms, avoiding her mother's eyes.
"'No one' would say they couldn't wait to see you again, and certainly not at the Waldorf hotel and restaurant," Chaerin said with a smirk. "A restaurant and hotel far out of a NYPD detective's price range."
"It's nothing! Will you just drop it?" Jennie snapped.
"Who wanted to meet with you?" Seunghyun asked coming up behind her, trying to read the E-mail over her shoulder.
Jennie quickly flipped the top E-mail over so that Seunghyun couldn't read it. "For the last time, it's nothing! Will you both just knock it off, already?"
Jennie took several deep breaths before looking back at them, clapping her hands together, forcing a smile on her face. "I'm gonna let you two get settled, let you guys take a quick nap before dinner. Which I will oversee the reservation phone call," Jennie said with a raised eyebrow to Chaerin who shrugged, feigning innocence.
"I'm telling you, Jennie Ruby Jane, there must have been a mix up on their end last time."
"I'm sure," Jennie said, trying to imitate Chaerin's angry face and failing miserably, but letting out a breath of relief when it seemed the E-mail was pushed from their minds, at the current moment, anyway.
Jennie made a move to leave the room before the sounds of a tiny, almost minuscule bark erupted from one of the suitcases.
"Don't worry, baby, mama's coming!" Chaerin cooed before going over to the stack of suit cases and grabbing a small pink case with holes on all sides.
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