《Meet the Kims》(Wedding Woes) Chapter 2


Jennie and Jisoo's Brownstone, June 2nd, 6:47 PM

"Jisoo, we've been over this," Jennie sighed as she and Jisoo looked over the huge catalog their florist had sent over. "We can't have artificial flowers as the centerpieces."

"Why not?" Jisoo asked as she flipped through the pages, trying to find something both women liked. "They're cheaper."

"Because it'll look bad, and all the guests will notice that we used fake flowers, not to mention they won't get to grow them anymore when they take them home, and who cares about the cost?"

"I do, Jennie," Jisoo argued, frowning slightly. "I can't afford to spend forty thousand dollars on a wedding, or one thousand dollars on flowers."

"But it will look so good."

"Your point?"

"My point," Jennie said, withholding a growl, "is that our guests will be expecting real flowers to take home, and when they get to the reception, and it turns out it's just paper and ribbon, they'll be disappointed, and that'll leave us with a bad reputation. Didn't you ever learn these things in Home Ec?"

Jisoo scoffed at Jennie's ignorance. "Like I actually paid attention to the teacher. Way too many good looking girls in that class to focus on how the seasons should coordinate with your wedding colors."

"Are you sure you weren't a man in another life?" Jennie grumbled as she took the book from Jisoo.

"Oh relax," Jisoo told her, kissing the top of her head. "I was only kidding. How about roses?" she offered.

Jennie shook her head. "Not roses. Everyone has roses at their weddings, they'll way too stereotypical and I really don't think it's that original. Plus they'll have to be painted our color unless there's a new light blue rose we haven't heard of yet, and painted flowers just look trashy."

Jennie sighed and put her head in her hands. "Two weeks before our wedding and we don't even have our flowers picked out yet."

Jisoo rubbed the small of Jennie's back. "We'll work something out. And if we can't find anything in time, then I'll just confiscate every light blue and white flower in central park and every roof garden in New York City as evidence."

Despite her momentary annoyance, Jennie let a brief smile escape from her lips as they looked over the catalog together.

Jennie once again skimmed through the book before she came to a dead stop.

Her eyes widened, her mouth parted, letting her fingers run over the picture as if she could bring them straight out of the book.

"They're beautiful," Jennie breathed, entranced in the light blue violets and the white lilies held together by white and light blue silk ribbons.

Jisoo looked down and whistled. "Wow, those are pretty. Are they real?"

Jennie nodded, unable to tear her eyes away from the display. "They're our colors, it can be part of a package deal, and they even look the flowers engraved on the invitations!"

Jisoo rubbed the back of her neck, a hint of nervousness on her face. "They're a little expensive, Jennie."

"I know they're a little over budget and we might have to pay extra for two bridal bouquets, but they're so beautiful, Chu! I would kill to have these at our wedding!"

Jisoo let out a tiny chuckle at Jennie's enthusiasm. "Do you really like them?"

Jennie nodded, still unable to turn away from the page.

Jisoo groaned as she looked at the dollar sign next to the description for a moment before she sighed, looking back up at Jennie who was biting her bottom lip, a look of suspense on her face. "Then those are the ones we're getting."


Jennie tore her eyes away from the page and beamed at Jisoo, hugging her around the neck.

"Thank you so much!" Jennie said as Jisoo hugged her back.

"I'll have to remember that all it takes to get you happy is some flowers," Jisoo said with a chuckle.

They both broke away from one another as they heard footsteps descending down the stairs.

"What's going on here?" Chaerin asked as she walked over to the table and looked down at the catalog.

"I just found the perfect set of flowers," Jennie said proudly letting Chaerin look at the page, and it was with great restraint that Jisoo didn't close the book and say that it was going to be kept secret until the wedding.

Chaerin twisted her head from side to side, a look of slight disgust coming over her.

"Jennie Ruby Jane, please tell me that you lost your page and just happened to fall on this one?"

"What's wrong?" Jennie asked as Jisoo held back a growl.

Chaerin scoffed as if it was obvious. "Are you serious, Jennie Ruby Jane? Violets and lilies, they'll look absolutely atrocious! Not to mention you could find the same things at Wal-Mart for probably more money."

"That's actually over budget," Jisoo told her, narrowing her eyes at Chaerin who scoffed.

"Maybe if you're planning on picking them out of the community garden they are."

Chaerin shook her head, snatching the book out from under them. "No, no, no, my daughter will not be getting married with department store flowers."

"They're our colors, and Jennie loves them," Jisoo informed her as Chaerin took a seat at the table and began thumbing through it.

She finally landed on something in the way back of the book, and smiled, pointing to a large, gaudy set of pink and white roses with dark gold trim.

"Now, you see? Roses are always in style, and it's even summer colors, not to mention they're dipped in 36 karat gold."

Jisoo looked down at them for a moment before her eyes widened and she closed her eyes, pushing the book away from her. "Ten thousand dollars for flowers? Chaerin, are you out of your mind?"

"To let you marry into this family, I must be," Chaerin snapped.

Jisoo went to stand up before Jennie put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

Jisoo and Chaerin never unlocked eyes as Jisoo sat back down, the two glowering at one another.

"Mom," Jennie said calmly. "First off they're a little bit... over excessive for what we had in mind. I mean the other ones were beautiful, simple, elegant... Plus not to mention that light pink isn't even one of our colors, and Jisoo's right. Those are way off budget. We can't afford it."

"You mean she can't afford it, darling," Chaerin said with a sickly sweet smile. You on the other hand can more than afford them. And I'm willing to bet money that you could get them painted."

"I can afford them!" Jisoo lied. "I just think it's completely idiotic to spend that much money on the flowers when neither of us really likes them."

"Jisoo, you can't even afford the gum on the bottom of your knock off sneakers."

"I'll show you where those knock off sneakers can be shoved if you want."

"Will both of you knock it off!" Jennie snapped, making them both finally turn away from one another to look at Jennie who sighed, rubbing her temples.


"Well when we first started looking at flowers, Jennie said roses were stereotypical and she didn't like them," Jisoo said a smug look on her face as she and Chaerin looked back at one another. "Sorry, Chaerin, but we're going with our first choice."

Chaerin straightened out, looking at Jisoo as if she were something stuck on the bottom of her shoe. "Let's just see about that. Jennie Ruby Jane, what do you think is best, darling?"

Jennie looked between Jisoo and Chaerin before looking down at the roses, swallowing hard, ignoring the eyes of her lover. "The roses aren't... aren't that bad."


"So then it's settled!" Chaerin said cheerfully, taking the catalog away from the two of them. "I'll order them right after I make the dinner reservations."

Chaerin stood up and walked away, leaving Jennie and Jisoo together in silence.

"I can't believe you!" Jisoo snapped, crossing her arms. "You told me not two minutes ago you didn't want roses, but because Chaerin wanted them, they were perfect!"

Jennie shrugged, still unable to look at her. "What could I have done, Jisoo?"

"I don't know, stand up for yourself and say no, we're not getting the roses!"

"It was either agree now, or agree with her later. I just saved us three days worth of arguing."

"And if I had said, hey let's get roses, you would have said no, but because you're too much of a coward to stand up to Chaerin-"

"I am not afraid to stand up to my mother!" Jennie insisted.

"Jennie Ruby Jane, I'm making reservations at this new Indian place I saw in the Times, is that alright?"

"Yeah, mom, that's fine," Jennie said, once again looking away from Jisoo.

"You don't even like Indian food!" Jisoo challenged. "You tried it once and you said it tasted like biting into a jalapeño covered steak with some soggy vegetables!"

"Well, maybe this place will be different," Jennie muttered as she got up from the table, Jisoo following.

"No, it won't. But you just don't know how to tell your mother no"

"Yes I do."

"That's why it took you fourteen years to tell her you're gay?"

"Wrong, I didn't even know I was gay until I was fifteen, so it was really only twelve years! "

Jisoo chuckled coldly and shook her head. "It's happening all over again."

"What is?"

"The lies, the keeping secrets. The same things that almost broke us up at Christmas, you're doing it again, Jennie."

Jennie shook her head. "No it isn't, and I'm not lying about anything. I just want to avoid a fight."

Jisoo looked at her for a moment, a dead serious look on her face. "Well you either learn how to want to fight or it won't take me nearly as long to get fed up as it did a few months ago."

Jennie watched as Jisoo walked away, tears already brewing in the blonde's eyes before her cell rang.

Jennie picked it up and groaned softly before she answered. "Hello, Taehyung."

"What' wrong? You sound upset?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Jennie shook her head. "It's nothing. Me and Jisoo just had a little fight. It seems to happen a lot when my mother comes to visit, actually."

"Well from what I've heard of your mother, she would absolutely adore me, if you had the bravery to introduce me to them. Have you even told your parents about me yet?"

"God no," Jennie chuckled as she sat down at the table. "I mean my mother would love me for being with you, and my dad would... he would hate me and you for doing this and for hurting Jisoo."

Taehyung sighed, and Jennie could hear the frustration in his voice when he spoke again. "Do you seem to notice that whenever something wrong comes up, Jisoo is always involved? We can't meet because Jisoo has the night off from work, we can't go to that restaurant because the owner knows you and Jisoo are engaged and she would tell, we can't make any plans to travel because of Jisoo. Jennie, don't you think your life would be so much easier if you would just leave her?"

"I can't!" Jennie cried desperation heavy in her voice. "You don't understand how much I'm in love with her!"

"If you love her so much, then why aren't you telling her? Why are you dragging this out?"

"Because I can't hurt her anymore then I already have."

"You don't think her hearts going to be broken when she finds out, and once again, she is going to find out!" he yelled at her, and Jennie bit back a sob.

"I don't want her to hate me for doing this," she said in a shaky whisper.

There was silence on both ends before Taehyung sighed. "Fine, whatever. Are we still having dinner tonight, or do you and Jisoo have plans?" he asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"She's my fiancée."

"And I'm your-"

"Taehyung!" a female voice was heard yelling in the back ground. "Taehyung, Julia is here, and she needs help carrying her things in!"

"I need to go," he muttered, his voice low. "I'll talk to you later, Jennie."

"Okay. And I don't think I say this enough to you, so I'll say it now so that you know it's true. I lov-," Jennie began to say, but a tiny beep told her the call had ended.

Jennie flipped the phone shut and put her head down on the table, letting several tears fall down her face.

Three hours later, Jisoo was face down under the bed, grumbling to herself as Jennie tore through the closet.

"You know," Jisoo coughed as she inhaled a large thing of dust. "You would think that just once, when they came to visit everything would be where it was supposed to."

"But this time it's not my shoes," Jennie said as she tore through several boxes.

"No you're right, this time its missing earrings," Jisoo grumbled as she got up and checked the bed.

Jennie ignored her as she rushed over to her night stand and yanked open the drawer, scurrying through the contents.

Jisoo groaned as she also checked her nightstand. "Jennie, why not just wear a different set of earrings? No one's gonna even notice."

"I would."

"No one else will!"

"Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, what on earth is taking so long?" Chaerin called up the steps.

"I can't find my earrings!" Jennie yelled back as she pulled out an old wooden box and began thumbing through it.

"Did Jisoo give them to you?"

Jennie and Jisoo looked at one another in confusion before Jennie answered. "Yes."

"Then you can buy three pairs of them for five dollars at K-Mart, now let's go!"

Jisoo narrowed her eyes at the door before turning to Jennie, who suddenly was sure that the earrings were deep in the little box.

"You're just gonna let her talk to me like that?" Jisoo asked a twinge of pain in her voice. "Jennie, I gave you those earrings for your birthday, and I can promise you they cost a hell of a lot more than anything you could find at a department store."

"I know, I'm sorry, I'll talk to her," Jennie said hurriedly, as she pulled out the drawer and dumped the contents on the bed.

"I'm sure you will," Jisoo muttered, as she went over to the closet.

Jennie shifted through the contents a little more before she let out a triumphant cry. "Got um!" she exclaimed holding up the golden bar with three small diamonds in it and putting them in her ears.

"Great," Jisoo mumbled as she and Jennie left the bedroom.

The two went down the stairs and into the living room where Seunghyun and Chaerin were waiting.

"Finally!" Chaerin cried, exasperated. "You would think one might have their things together before we're almost late for dinner."

"Sorry," Jennie told her, a blush appearing on her cheek as she and Jisoo grabbed their coats.

Chaerin looked up and down Jisoo's outfit, grimacing some. "Well, Jisoo... the most I can say is at least you're consistent when it comes to your attire. The folks at the Salvation Army formal collection must love you to bits."

Jisoo growled at her as Chaerin turned her attention to Jennie, immediately drawn to her earrings. "I see you found the earrings," Chaerin said, looking at them as if a pair of spiders had attached themselves to Jennie's ears. "I must say, Jisoo, the fact that you found realistic lookinggold paint to cover the rust on the metal is rather impressive," Chaerin said in fake awe.

"Yes, and the fact that you're wearing a twenty dollar dress that came from Pennys and trying to pass it off by stapling a Chanel tag to it and letting the tag hang out is even more impressive," Jisoo told her, smirking as Chaerin blushed furiously, stuffing the tag back inside the dress.

Jisoo took Jennie's coat from her and held it out for her, unable to ignore the shocked gasp made by Chaerin as Jennie put her arms in.

"Really, Jennie Ruby Jane, must you announce it to the whole world!" she snapped quietly, as if there were people listening inside the house. "I understand and accept what you are, but do you have to let everyone know that you're... you know!"

"It's alright Chaerin, you can say the word without it infecting you," Jisoo grumbled as she pulled on her own coat.

"I think it's very sweet and considerate," Seunghyun said with a smile towards Jisoo. "You really don't see much chivalry around today, and I think it's splendid that Jennie has found someone who has some old fashioned morals."

Jisoo managed a half hearted smile at Seunghyun for defending her as Chaerin scoffed. "Oh please, Seunghyun, they're about as new aged as you can get. Have you two even found a church willing to marry you two?"

Jennie and Jisoo looked at one another for a moment before Jennie cleared her throat turning back to Chaerin, a small sweat breaking out. "Um... we're not getting married in a church."

"And on that note, I say we all get in the car and go get something to eat!" Seunghyun offered hastily, Jisoo nodding frantically in agreement.

Chaerin stood frozen, looking at Jennie as if she had just spit in her face. "You what?" Chaerin whispered softly, and all three were surprised to hear tears in her voice.

"Mom, can we please talk about this later," Jennie pleaded, unable to look at her. "Let's just go get some dinner, and we can all sit down later and talk about this."

"Calmly," Seunghyun added, as he gently placed his hands on Chaerin's shoulders.

Chaerin still remained still as Jennie looked down at the floor. "How could you do this to me, Jennie Ruby Jane?"

"I'm not doing anything to you, mom," Jennie told her, and was surprised to hear tears in her own voice as well.

"All my life I wanted you to have a big church wedding, you and your husband joined together by a man of God in a house of worship, and now you're telling me you're not going to?"

Chaerin quickly began rummaging through her purse and pulled out a white handkerchief and began dabbing her eyes with it.

"I'm not getting a son in law, I'm not getting biological grandchildren, I'm not getting someone who's going to be able to support you and give you the life you deserve."

"Mom, stop," Jennie pleaded, looking over at a hurt Jisoo.

"And now you're not even letting me have your wedding in a church. Jennie Ruby Jane, whatever I did to you to make you not want that, I'm sorry. But please, just let me have this one thing."

Jisoo groaned loudly, running a hand through her hair. "I'm the one who doesn't want to get married in a church, not Jennie."

Chaerin turned towards her, her eyes narrowed so much, Jisoo thought they were closed. "You what?"

Jisoo took a deep breath before she spoke. "I've never been religious, I've never supported the church, and I don't like the thought of getting married in a system where it says it's wrong for us to be together."

Chaerin scoffed, crossing her arms. "So you're the one who doesn't want it, not Jennie Ruby Jane."

Jisoo nodded. "I'm sorry, Chaerin. I just don't believe in the church or the bible or Go-"

"Do not finish that statement while I am in ear shot!" Chaerin snapped, her eyes widening to almost frightening proportions before turning back to Jennie. "Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, I understand that you believe there is something about Jisoo that you might like. However, if she denies you this opportunity to be married under Gods eyes, then do not expect either me or your father-"

"Can you just leave me out of this?" Seunghyun pleaded, gaining a furious glare from Chaerin before turning back to Jennie.

"Like I said, either you get married in a Christian church, or do not expect me or your father to come to the wedding. Let's go, Seunghyun, now!"

And with that, Chaerin stormed past the three of them and out the door, slamming it behind her.

Seunghyun sighed and offered a weak chuckle before he too left the house.

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