《Meet the Kims》Chapter 9


January 2nd, 4:47 PM, Hospital.

"So when are they springing you from this joint?" Haein asked as he took a bite of what the hospital had called Chicken Alfredo.

Jisoo shrugged, taking another sip of her soda. "Well, seeing as how I broke my arm in three places, four broken ribs, my collar bone is gone to hell, my legs still has slivers of glass and metal in them, and I was in a coma for a more then a day... they're letting me out this afternoon."

"Don't be a wise ass," he muttered as he took a few things of broccoli. "Jennie actually left your side today?"

Jisoo nodded as she took the fork away from him and bit into a bite of chicken. "Chaerin and Seunghyun are leaving today, so she went to help them pack, and she's bringing them by to say goodbye and thanks for all the great memories this past week."

Haein chuckled. "Well I'm glad you guys got it all worked out. You deserve to be happy, Jisoo."

"Thank you, Haein. That means a lot coming from you."

"You're my best friend, Chu, of course I would want you to be happy."

The two partners smiled at one another before Haein took another stab at her noodles. "So have you and Chaerin become bestest buddies now that she knows that you're gonna be related to her in a few months?"

Jisoo scoffed, taking her fork away again. "Please. She hates me just as much, except she calls me Jisoo instead of Miss. Jisoo now, although thats the biggest improvement I could have hoped for in the course of a week, I guess."

"But at least you and me don't have to make out like high schoolers whenever shes around anymore. Although..."


A leer appeared on Haein's face. "If you ever want a refresher in what the male sex tastes like, I'm always open to teaching."

"Yes because I'm going to wake up one day and go, 'hey, I think I really like the cock instead of the hole. Wheres Haein at?'."

"What the hell kind of conversation did we just walk into?" Jennie asked from the doorway, Chaerin and Seunghyun standing there as well, Chaerin looking scandalized at Jisoo's choice of words.

"Really, Jisoo, are you going to belch your vows out at the ceremony?" Chaerin snapped as they walked into the room.

"Naw, I'm gonna get them tattooed on my breasts and then just flash them to everyone in the church."

"Jennie, you make damn sure my seat is right next to bride number 2," Haein said as he got up from the chair to let Jennie sit down.

Jennie chuckled as she held Jisoo's uninjured hand. "How you feeling?" she asked softly

Jisoo shrugged. "Lots of excruciating, unbearable pain, not able to move my neck, my legs feel like they're on fire, you know, the usual."

A smile appeared on Jennie's face. "Anything I can do to make you feel better?"

Jisoo chuckled and looked her up and down. "I can think of a few things."

"Oh good heavens!" Chaerin gasped as Jennie leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Have you ever heard of a thing entitled being subtle?"

Jisoo smirked before she sighed and turned towards Seunghyun "So you two are leaving today?"

"Yeah. Three hour drive to Albany."

"And we wanted to leave before the traffic got much too bad," Chaerin said with a glance at her watch, "and considering it's almost five..."


"Alright, alright, I get it," Seunghyun said with a chuckle. "You want to leave."

"Thank you, Seunghyun"

Chaerin turned towards Jisoo and sighed before walking up to her. "Well... I don't believe in lying, so I'm not going to say it's been fun."

"Me either."

"So I shall simply say farewell, I hope you feel better, and I will see you before the wedding."

"Be, before the wedding?" Jisoo's eyes widened, her breathing hastened. "You mean at the wedding, right?"

Chaerin scoffed, as if her meaning was obvious. "Do you really expect me not to have an input in my only child's wedding? Trust me, my experience and wisdom will be sure to make your wedding a success. Now for dresses, I'm picturing Jennie in a beautiful, long, white, very traditional, with long sleeves, poofing out so that no unfortunate curves get shown. Jisoo... perhaps something in a a nice dark red?

"And I think thats our cue to leave," Seunghyun said, steering her away from the wide eyed women.

Jennie shared a look with Jisoo before she stood up and went over to them.

"Bye, dad," she said before hugging Seunghyun

"Bye, Jennie," he told her before hugging her back. "I'm proud of you," he whispered in her ear before they released the hug, smiling at one another.

Chaerin walked over to Jennie and hugged her.

Jennie was slightly taken back before she tentatively hugged her back.

"I'll miss you, Jennie Ruby Jane," she whispered before she pulled away from her, bother mother and daughter taking the moment to look at one another for a moment before Chaerin pulled a handkerchief from her purse and dabbed her eyes at it.

"Good gracious, I'm going to ruin my makeup," she sniffed before putting the handkerchief back i n her purse.

Seunghyun chuckled before going over to Jisoo. "It was a great pleasure meeting the woman who makes my daughter so happy."

Jisoo nodded, as Seunghyun stuck out his hand and Jisoo shook it, unable to speak.

Seunghyun turned to Chaerin who cleared her throat and nodded at Jisoo. "Goodbye, Jisoo. Seunghyun, can we go now, please?"

Seunghyun sighed before he nodded walking over to her. "We'll call when we get home, Jennie."

"Okay," Jennie said with a half hearted smile as he went back over and sat by Jisoo.

Chaerin looked back over at Jisoo and Jennie, and for a moment, Jennie was sure she saw the makings of a smile on her mothers face, but it disappeared before she could have been sure.

Seunghyun and Chaerin left he room, leaving Jennie, Jisoo, and Haein alone.

"Well half of Jisoo's Chicken Alfredo was not enough. Jennie, do you want something to eat from the cafeteria?" Haein said as he went over to the door/

"I'm good, thanks," Jennie said as she held Jisoo's hand once more.

Haein smiled at the couple before he too left the room.

"Well now that they're gone, what do you- Jisoo, what's wrong?" Jennie asked seeing a flood of tears storm down Jisoo's face.

Jisoo shook her head, the tears coming down even harder.

"Are you in pain?" she asked, a note of hysteria in her voice.

Jisoo shook her head once more before taking a shaky breath.

"Then what's wrong?"

Jisoo let out a sob, her breaths shallow and shaky. "She's gonna come back!"

Jennie couldn't help but chuckle as she held Jisoo in her arms, letting her fiencee sob in her arms, knowing all was perfect in their little piece of the world... for now, anyway.

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