《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 15
Don't know what to do,
to hide my heart,
you are too beautiful.
-Ra.d I'm in love
The reason why Wendy Son has a revolving door of men going in and out of her life, is because she never found the one who could love her, like she loves herself. And knowing her, that will be a proven challenge. She loves herself too much that her OTP is WendyxMirror...
But if there's one thing that Wendy has the right to brag about (other than her flawless beauty, death inducing eye smile, and super wicked charms) it's her gorgeous voice.
It might be just a music class for others, but for Wendy it's an opportunity to show the world (ok maybe just her class) that's she's a superstahhhh...
She glides up to the stage (mini platform), ready to wow the class of 17 bored girls and change their lives with her melodious voice.
She's not even going to say anything to introduce herself... She's just going to sing...
She wonders if her voice was too low because apparently no one heard her. Everyone in class (except for Irene who's sleeping) was either talking or texting on their phone...
She said it much louder this time, but still no effect...
How dare these mere mortals just ignore a Goddess?
Wendy's lip curved into a triumphant grin as everyone just bounced off their seats in shock. And now that she had their attention, it was time to sing...
cheom bwasseul ttae buteo geudael joha haedago
mara giga naegen cham eoryeo watdeon geojyo
And as soon as she started singing, the whole room was stupefied. Cellphones were forgotten and conversations were ignored. Now everybody's focus was on the main star right up front.
meonjeo yeonrak haji aneunmyeon geudael nochil kkabwa
geuljareul sseugo ddobogo ji ugil banbok haetjyo
Her flawless voice matches perfectly to the love song. Everyone in that room felt like they suffer from a case of love at first sight. Everyone was gushing in the insides at the thought of being in love. With Wendy's song, it felt like a KPOP music video playing inside their head.
Only two people seem to be immune to Wendy's voice and it was no other than her frenemies, Lisa and Chaeyoung.
The two girls were at the back of the class, snickering at those puppy dog eyed girls mesmerized by Wendy's voice. But they both stopped when they spotted their good ole bud, Kim Jisoo.
The girl was sitting upright, her face remain stoic and expressionless.
"Wow..." Chaeyoung thought "I never thought she was that cold hearted."
"WHAT THE?!" Chaeyoung and Lisa jump up as they saw Jisoo just slam her face on the table.
Wendy was surprised to see how Jisoo just suddenly lay flat on her desk. But that distracting sight won't deter Wendy from her performance. She's an artist after all. There could be a tsunami ready to engulf this whole class, but she's still going to die singing... or swimming... or sinking...
But what her friends didn't figure out is the reason why Jisoo did that. Truth was, the reason why Jisoo was slump on her desk was so that she could hide her smile.
Yes, Jisoo is gushing in the inside too. But she knows it would ruin her reputation if she looks like these googly eyed girls, so she made sure she hide it.
Her friends look more worried when Jisoo clutches her stomach. The el presidente looks like she's suffering from a severe stomach ache. But what they didn't know is Jisoo did this to stop the butterflies from causing a hurricane in her tummy.
The thought of her cute baby monkey, doing cute baby monkey things makes her more flustered.
Ooh~ I'm in love Ooh~ I'm fall in love
duryeobjin andeyo geudaewa hamgge ramyeon
sesangeun neomu areum dabjyo
This should be my song with Jennie...
Jensoo - I'm In Love (FMV)
Chaeyoung and Lisa wanted to come closer to poke Jisoo and make sure she's okay. But even before they could move...
They let out a loud gasp as Jisoo just jolts upright. But what impress the two was seeing Jisoo retain her cold expression. As if whatever pain she had just magically poof away and she's all better.
"Our friend is badass..." Lisa said, ready to give her a slow clap in admiration.
Chaeyoung couldn't agree more...
Jennie's opponent was ready to surrender as she saw Jennie attacking her with fierce and aggression.
As she watches her bestfriend, Yeri could only assume that Jennie's favorite class was PE. While most of their classes, Jennie looks like she's about to drop dead in boredom, in PE it's different. Like right now, Jennie was in one on one combat, looking like a kung fu fighter ready to kick the person to her death.
Jennie's opponent cowers to the ground before the girl could do anything to her. And just when she thought Jennie would catapult her with a super kick, the cat eyed girl trolled everyone and lightly kick the other in her tushy.
"Kekekekekekekeke... I kick her butt... literally... kekekekekeke..."
How on Earth could they not realize that Kim Jennie was and will always be a troll? Their teacher just throws her clipboard in surrender, wondering why she even bothered with that kid.
The sweet potato lover just scratches her head when it comes to her bestfriend. Maybe Jennie has ADD but has not been diagnosed yet.
Yeri was suddenly surprised how Jennie's whole demeanor change. Instead of looking like an energized bunny, she looks like she's moving in slow mo.
"What's wrong?" Yeri whispers at Jennie.
"My crush is looking at me... I got to look cool like TOP and not move too much." Jennie explains before just stood there with her arms crossed and face scowled. She thinks she looks cool, but she just looks cute.
A crush?! Yeri's jaw dropped at the thought of Jennie having another crush. How dare her reveal that she has a crush when she's in a supposed to be relationship with her unnie?
Jennie slowly crane her head to steal another glance at her crush. But she ends up jumping back, when her crush caught her watching.
"Omo... she's watching... need to look cool."
Jennie retains her morbid look, (that she hopes look sexy) and move a few seconds behind everybody.
"Jennie..." Yeri was about to start her talk about the importance of faithfulness in a relationship. She didn't really want to look back and see who got her bestfriend's heart. But she must assess the competition for her unnie's sake.
And when she checked out Jennie's crush, she couldn't help but smack her forehead... How did she not figure out that Jennie's crush was her unnie?
There up in the bleachers, along with her bestfriends was her unnie, with those dark eyes gazing intently at Jennie.
"I thought unnie is already your girlfriend?"
"I know... But she still makes my heart go dugeun deguen whenever I see her or even think of her."
Jennie tries to turn around slowly, trying to sneak a look. But she was again caught red handed, when she saw Jisoo's lips curve into an ultimate weapon of mass seduction. It was too intense she felt herself melting in a puddle of goo.
"My crush is so gorgeous..." Jennie squeals excitedly at Yeri.
"Chu... let's go..."
"Alright..." Jisoo straightens up as she's about to leave. But before she walks back to class, she left a smile to her girl that will leave Jennie spazzing for ages.
Jisoo haven't even step out of her class, but her cute girlfriend was already waddling happily towards her.
"I'll see you guys later..." Jisoo waved goodbye to her friends before skipping away to meet Jennie halfway.
It was obvious how different Jisoo have become since Jennie came into her life. Yes, she might still have her signature constipated look, but nowadays she looks more... happy.
"Ahhhh... I'm so good..." Lisa complimented herself as she saw the two love birds. Jennie quickly pounces on Jisoo like a hungry panda on a bamboo.
"What are you even talking about?"
"That. Them. You think Jisoo would ever realize her feeling if we, specifically me didn't butt in?"
"Good point..." Chaeyoung agreed, but Wendy wasn't so amused by it.
"I don't see you making any improvement on Irene's case." Wendy haughtily smacks in Lisa's smirking face.
But as usual, Lisa remains cool and collected. Her expression was priceless as a devilish smirk curls in her lips.
"Well... that ends now..."
Wendy looks a bit dumbfounded at what Lisa said, but didn't dare to question it. When it comes to Lisa, sometimes it's much better to be a bit dumb.
Seulgi scratches her head, wondering why she let Lisa talk her into grabbing her bag for her. But it's too late to back out now...
Now... let see... Dark green backpack, oh there it is...
The honey haired girl quickly clamps her mouth shut as she saw where the bag is situated. It's right on top of a very sound asleep Irene Bae.
Now poor Seulgi was left with a dilemma, should she wake up Irene and feel her wrath? Or just let her sleep and feel Lisa's wrath?
But truth is she's willing to deal with Lisa if she could stare at Irene like this. Just watching Irene sleeps, and Seulgi never felt so contented. It was a picture perfect moment that would forever be etched in both Seulgi's mind and heart.
She shakes all those thoughts away and threads carefully towards the bag. Maybe if she use her ninja senses, she could get the bag out without Irene waking up. Seulgi reaches out for the bag strap, lightly tugging it.
Careful... careful... careful...
But all of Seulgi's delusion came to a halt, when she heard the door swing shut.
"What the?"
"So, are you guys going somewhere?" Jennie wonders as she takes Jisoo's backpack away from her girl and carries it along with her kkuma backpack.
"There's this new place that Lis wants to check out..."
"Oh..." Jennie utters in disappointment, from Jisoo's tone she sounded like it's a grown up thing, and Jennie was too young to join in.
Jennie's cat eyes never looked so crestfallen, and Jisoo could pinch Jennie's cheek at how cute she is acting.
"But I told them, there is this pretty girl that I'm dying to take out on a date."
Jennie stops a few steps behind Jisoo and froze. The thought of Jisoo hanging out with some other girl was too shocking for her.
Jisoo had to purse her lips to stop herself from smiling. The cat eyed girl's face was scrunched up angrily, but she was still super adorable.
"What you doing? Come on..."
Jennie stomps angrily, crossing her arms and turning away. She will not be easily swayed.
"Come here..."
"HMMMPPP!!! Why don't you go ask that pretty girl out on a date?" Jennie's words were dripping with sarcasm.
The older girl didn't seem to be the least affected with Jennie's outburst. Instead, she moves in closer, taking Jennie's fingers and intertwining them together.
"So, Kim Jennie?"
Jennie turns her head away, refusing to deal with Jisoo's philandering... But Jisoo only chuckles at how she was acting, nudging the other girl to look her way.
"Would you like to go out on a date with me?"
The pout quickly melted away and Jisoo couldn't help but chuckle when she saw how Jennie's eyes spark so earnestly.
"Really?" Jennie bashfully bat her lashes. "I'm that pretty girl?"
"Nobody else for me can come close..."
Jennie wasn't really planning to spend two hours of their date, just watching a movie. They should be talking, holding hands and maybe ummm... kiss?
But Jisoo was so keen in watching this foreign movie that Jennie, the whipped girlfriend couldn't help but nod and agree. Even if she has to do cartwheels in her kkuma undies in the middle of heavy traffic, if it makes Jisoo happy, she would do it. (hopefully Jisoo wouldn't ask her to do something as preposterous as that).
It was a good thing that Jisoo bought Jennie a large popcorn to pacify her. She was more interested about stuffing her mouth with popcorn, that she has no idea what was happening. She stole a glance at her girlfriend, and couldn't help but wonder what make it so engrossing.
All her queries came to a stop when Jisoo shifts around in her seat. But before the mandu could react, Jisoo have already lean her head on Jennie's lean shoulders.
And Jennie the smooth operator that she is, wipe her buttery popcorn fingers on her jeans to wrap her arm around Jisoo.
Holding Jisoo >>>>> Popcorn.
"I..." But before Jennie could finish what she's about to say, the scene playing in front of the giant screen muted her.
The scene quickly jolted Jisoo to sat upright, yanking her head away from Jennie's shoulders.
"W-what are they- OMO?" Jennie quickly covers her cat eyes, to protect her innocence. But all the moaning, groaning was making her curious, so, she slowly lower her hands, maybe just a little peek won't hurt.
The dark haired girl was so beautiful, she reminded her of Jisoo. She was so sensual, a beauty that could make temperature rise... And then there's the fawn haired girl, bright eyed with innocence just surrendering herself as the dark haired girl touches her so relentlessly...
She gulps as the two reminded her so vividly of her and her sexy bear.
"W-what's thi-" Jennie wonders as she felt something warm trickling down her nose. "OMO!"
Jisoo calls out as Jennie just run out of the theatre, clutching her nose.
"I'm such a fail... I'm such a fail... I'm such a fail..." Jennie utters. She punishes herself by bumping her forehead on the movie house bathroom wall.
"Why do I have this-?"
Jennie quickly cleans up her blood stained face, and gave the concerned Jisoo a goofy grin.
"Are you okay?"
"Ahhhh yeah... it's ummm... that darn weather again." She lied.
Jisoo answers Jennie by pinching the tip of her nose. Jennie's cat eyes blinks curiously and trails down to her nose, wondering what Jisoo is trying to do.
"It'll help stop the bleeding..." Jisoo reassures while reaching out for more paper towels to help clean up her girlfriend.
"Awwww..." Jisoo's usual fierce gaze softens up at how vulnerable her cutie look.
She pulls Jennie in her embrace, rubbing the lanky girl's back soothingly.
"Feel better?"
Jennie have never thought of a movie house bathroom as romantic, but cuddling Jisoo changes all that. A soft of hum of satisfaction escape her lips as she relishes every second of their hug.
"You want to go home already and rest?"
"W-where am I?"
"Ummm Irene? Ahhhh..."
Irene rubs her eyes sleepily, before fully waking up at the sight of Seulgi one feet away from her.
"Were ummm... in the music room... I was just here to grab ummm... Lisa's bag..."
Seulgi quickly pedaled back as she sees Irene's eyes narrowing into deadly slits.
"Why? Is she your girlfriend?"
"Hu-What?" Seulgi gulps nervously as Irene interrogated her. "No-no...no... no... of course not."
"Is she going to be your girlfriend?"
"What?! No!!!" Seulgi shakes her head vigorously.
"Why?" Irene's eyes narrowed some more to the point that all Seulgi could see was fiery rage. "Who do you like?"
Seulgi opens her mouth wishing to say something smart, but all that came out was her stupid mumblings...
"Ummmm...Ahhh... Ehhhh... Ahhhh..."
"Unnie!" Jennie yells out as soon as she walks in their two storey home.
She scratches her cute head after being answered by silence.
"I wonder where she is..."
"Your moms are not here?" Jisoo asks while looking around Jennie's house. She have seen the outside of Jennie's mom but never really realized how extravagant the Hwang- Kim's are until she stepped into their home. It was like the ideal home that Jisoo built in her head. The house was classy yet comfortable at the same time.
"Ummm... no... they're out of town again... keke..." Jennie cuts Jisoo from her shell shocked state.
"Do you have some ice?"
"Ummm... why?"
"We have to put some on the back of your neck for your nosebleeds..."
Jennie kept mum, if only Jisoo knew the reason why she has nosebleeds.
"Maybe you should get those check up... I never see nosebleeds that bad."
Because you're the one that causes my nosebleeds, Jennie thought.
"I'll...ahhhh... grab some from the fridge..." Jennie stands up and walks over to the kitchen. "You want to order some pizza for dinner?"
Jennie came back, jolting every once in awhile as she tries to get used to the freezing ice pack on her skin.
"I'll do that..." Jisoo offered, taking the ice pack away from Jennie and applying on the back of Jennie's neck.
"Thank you..."
"You're welcome..." Jisoo scoots closer, covering every inch that separates them. "Feel better?"
Jennie could only nod, fearing that one word could cause her to have a massive nosebleed again. But it's not helping that Jisoo's chest was now pressed against her skin.
The cat eyed mandu wonders if Jisoo could hear the extreme degeun degeun inside her.
"Jen?" Jisoo gasps worriedly as Jennie just jumps out of her spot and sat at the farthest couch.
"You stay there... I'll ahhh stay here..."
But obviously Jisoo has a hearing problem as she ignores Jennie and went over to the girl.
"What's wrong?" Jisoo pulls Jennie's hand and intertwines her own with hers.
Jennie shifts away from Jisoo, turning another way to avoid the other's curious gaze. Jennie's weird act was starting to frustrate Jisoo. Here she is finally trying to be this sweet girlfriend, yet Jennie is acting like she wants nothing to do with her.
"You feel better?" Jisoo's tone was full of sarcasm.
"Nothing... ACCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!" Jennie screeches out as Jisoo presses the ice pack hard on her nape.
Jennie nods slowly, not wanting to feel the wrath of Jisoo.
"Did I do something wrong?" Jisoo huffs in frustration before turning away.
"Then, tell me what's wrong..."
"How many times do I have to tell you? Nothing is wrong!"
"Then... why do I feel like you don't want to be around me?"
Jennie mumbled unfortunately, Jisoo heard every word of it.
"Okay..." There was no anger in Jisoo's voice, yet for Jennie it sounded much worse. Never did she heard Jisoo's voice sounded so hurt. "Then, maybe I should go..."
"What? No... I mean you can stay... the pizza is coming..."
A loud sigh erupts from Jisoo, before she glares angrily at the younger girl.
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