《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 16
Life is about survival.
The battle begins the very second that your little swimmer tries to outrace millions of others. And the prize is waiting at the finish line, a giant egg ready to be claimed by the winner.
And among millions, only one survived. (or maybe two, or even more in special circumstances).
But anyways...
You. Yes You. You were once that swimmer, but now you're the winner.
And after she learned all the ins and outs of baby making, Kim Jennie took great pride on being the winner in the race.
But now the question that's running inside her cute head was, how did she ended up in a river?
Forty minutes seem to be enough for Jennie's professor to decide that his biology class has been tortured long enough.
"Ok... you girls get the gist of it. Any questions?" He asks, his voice flat and uninterested.
Then, out of nowhere a scrawny arm shot up to the sky. He narrows his eyes knowing quite well who the suspect is.
Maybe if he ignores her she'll just stop and go away.
"Yoohoo!!! Mr. Kang!"
He grumbles irritatingly at the sound of her singsong voice.
"Yoohooo... Yoohoo...Yoohooo!!!"
He clenches his fists tightly, trying to stop the urge to lunge an eraser at childish girl. His once so quiet and peaceful room was interrupted by this girl's incessant screeching.
"Yoohoo... yoohoo... yoo-hoooo..."
The kid seem to lose steam as she finally grew quiet. At last, the professor sighs satisfyingly for once he won against the brat.
The professor slowly spun around, ready to fire his victory smirk at the kid. But he didn't even turn around completely and that skinny arm shot up in the air once again. He should have known damn well that he will never win.
He sighs once again, but this time in defeat.
"Yes, Ms. Kim?"
The small kid jolts up from her seat and like an innocent girl just asked.
"So, sir! How do two girls make babies?!"
"You know after Miley Cyrus butchered Blurred lines, I feel like we brought it back to its full on sexiness."
Lisa proudly says like it was her life goal to save murdered songs.
Chaeyoung couldn't agree more, "We were epic Lis."
"Epic failures." Wendy mumbled under her breath.
Lisa's nose flared like a raging bull as Wendy dismissed her and Chaeyoung's epicness.
"What you say?!"
But before Lisa can launch a full on attack on Wendy's pretty face, the voice of their teacher broke in their tension.
"Kim Jisoo."
"Ms. Choi hello." Jisoo bows down politely.
"No need to be so formal, Jisoo. Can I call you Jisoo?"
Their teacher 's reaction made the three girls roll their eyes. How crazy is this that even their teacher is a Jisoo stan?
"I just want to say I... I mean we are so excited for your presentation for music class."
"Ahhh yes, I have been practicing for it."
"Oh... is it going to be like your performance for the campaigns?"
"Campaigns? What do you mean?" Jisoo wonders.
"You know performing Queen Boa's song. I think that's the kind of genre where you shine best."
Jisoo's friends turn to look at her, just at the right time where they caught a glint of frustration in those dark brown eyes.
"What kind of genre is that exactly?" Jisoo's tone sounded deep and annoyed.
But obviously their teacher didn't pick up at the hint.
"Well... Sexy is not exactly what I was going for. But people expect to see this side from you."
What people expect to see from you, those words echo inside of Jisoo's head. But no matter how much she hears it, those words never bode well for her composure.
"Ok..." Jisoo just responded as politely as she could. "I'll talk to you guys later."
She walks away from them, her head bowed low, her entire being shrunk.
The chunky, pimply oppar shot the scrawny choding a mean glance from all the scratching and sighing noise she's making. But Jennie will not tolerate such cruelty. She went right at him and shoot back an equally mean yet super cute glance.
Kim Jennie believes she was wrongfully placed in detention. It was just a curious question. She couldn't figure out why her teacher threw an eraser at her and send her to detention. In fact, she should sue him for his attack. Good thing she was as quick as a ninja or else that eraser would leave an ugly mark on her cute face.
But all her queries were put a stop as soon as the elegant, raven haired beauty walks in the room. And even if it looks like Jisoo was moving in slow motion, still Jennie's heart was acting the opposite. It was racing so fast, that Jennie had to clench her chest fearing that her heart might pop out of her.
Then Jennie remembers the state that she's in, and she never knew what it feels to be embarrassed until now. She is dating El Presidente Kim Jisoo, she should look mature not be stuck in detention like some high school delinquent.
So, the only solution she could think of was to hide. She hurriedly scans the room, looking for a place to crawl into while Jisoo was talking with pimply oppar.
She could hide under the desk. Yup, Jisoo could never spot her there.
Jennie quickly puts on her disguise by zipping up her kkuma jacket before crawling underneath the table.
"What the?" Jisoo wonders, she swore she saw Jennie sitting right there.
Jisoo mentally smacks her forehead as she spots a balled up Kkuma hiding underneath the desk.
"I'm not even going to ask what you're doing under there, let's go Jennie."
"I'm not Jennie." The mysterious girl inside the kkuma jacket shook her head so hard, her bear ears starts flapping like crazy.
"Jennie, I'm not playing with you."
"I'm not Je- Hey!" Jennie squealed as Jisoo pulls her hoodie down. Those cat eyes wide in surprise as she came face to face with a stern looking Kim Jisoo.
"Not Jennie, huh?"
The second that the two stepped outside their building, Jisoo didn't waste any time to interrogate her girlfriend.
"So, tell me why are you in detention?"
"Isn't it a beautiful day?!" Jennie asks in a failed attempt to change the topic.
But Jisoo carefully studied Jennie's expression for a hint, and quickly picked up on the lie.
The way Jisoo was looking at her was far too intense that Jennie knew if she kept looking she's going to crumble soon. There was only one way to get out of this, and that is to shut her eyes so Jisoo couldn't read her thoughts.
"Why is your eyes close?"
"What are you talking about? My eyes are open. My eyes just disappear when I smile."
Jennie grinned widely, hoping to convince Jisoo of her eyesmile. As adorable Jennie's eyesmile was, Jisoo has much more self control to be swayed that easily. For now, she just huff in frustration as she re strategize her plan.
"Oh Gosh, I'm so hot." Jisoo voice was low and too sultry for Jennie's sake. The dark haired beauty steps closer and whisper words only meant for Jennie's bear ears to hear.
"Maybe I should take my shirt off."
Jennie's cat eyes quickly shot wide open. But instead of seeing a shirtless Jisoo, a very angry sexy bear was glaring at her.
Jennie quickly closes her eyes again, before Jisoo caught her.
"Open those cat eyes now."
The cat eyed girl flutter her eyes open and tries to giggle in apology at the frowning girl.
"Hiiiii..." Jennie says in apology.
But the only answer that Jennie got was a scowl.
"Jisoo sunbae!"
Phew... Save by the fangirls.
Jennie recognize the cold tone in Jisoo's voice. It's like Jisoo hurriedly build her walls up when she is around strangers.
The two fangirls high pitched squeals sounded like a dolphin mating call for Jennie, that it wouldn't surprise her if a bunch of male dolphins started splishing and splashing their way.
"We're like your number one fans!"
A low growl started to come out from Jennie. Don't they know?! She, Kim Jennie is Kim Jisoo's number one fan!!!
"We're so excited to see your performance for your music class!" Fangirl one was squealing with her every word.
"We could already see you being all sexy and stuff." Fangirl two so easily let her byunness slip for everyone to hear.
This felt way too much like déjà vu for Jisoo. Didn't somebody already tell her this? About all that she's really good at is being sexy?
"Wait... being all sexy?"
"Yes sunbae! That's like what you do best!!!"
No matter how guarded Jisoo's emotions were, Jennie still manage to see the faint hurt from Jisoo's forced smile.
"I guess that's what people expect that I'll do, huh?"
"YESSSS!!!" The two fangirls announced quickly.
"Well maybe..." Jisoo nodded, not wanting to say anything else.
"Thank you sunbae!"
"Were so excited!"
As soon as the two squealed away happily, Jennie protectively took Jisoo's hand in hers, intertwining their fingers together.
"Whatever you decide on performing my bear, I'm sure it would be amazing."
Jisoo's lip spread in a smile, but this time it wasn't forced. Jennie just has a way with her, with her words, her expressions, simple things that would get Jisoo everytime.
"Thanks, my baby."
"Even if you do the gangnam style, I'm pretty sure you have the best version."
Jisoo gives Jennie a soft squeeze on her hand to thank her. But Jennie was quick to notice the little blisters on what used to be the smooth hand of her girl. As she looks carefully she noticed small blisters forming on Jisoo's fingertips.
"What happened?" The choding's voice so filled with worry.
"It's no big deal." Jisoo tries to pull away embarrassingly, but Jennie kept her hold.
"It feels like something. Is someone being mean to you?!" Jennie's brow scrunches in anger, no one hurts her Jisoo.
"And what? They hurt my fingertips?"
"THEY DID?!" Jennie gasps in shock. These cruel people are going to pay for hurting her sexy bear. This is SPARTTTAAA!!!
"No they didn't... nobody did." Jisoo pinches Jennie's wrinkled nose. "I have just been practicing for my performance for the music class."
The look of irritation switches to confusion.
"Your fingertips? Have you been doing cartwheels that's why you're fingertips are like this?"
"No silly." Jisoo chuckles, Jennie's innocence could be quite amusing. "I have been practicing on playing the guitar."
"Guitar?!" Jennie's eyes grow wide in surprise. "You will look so good playing the guitar! You're going to be the Korean Taylor Swift! But wait... you're not going to write songs about your ex, right?"
"Don't worry I don't have one."
"Then, you'll write a song about your present love?"
"Yeah... I could sing something about you."
"Me?" Jennie tries to act demure by bashfully batting her lashes.
"Yes." A knowing smirk spreads in Jisoo's lips. "I think I know the perfect song for you."
"I knew you were trouble when you walk in..."
"Trouble... trouble... trouble..." Jennie automatically sang along, it took her a complete second to realize what she's singing along too.
"HEY! I'm not trouble!" Jennie quickly denies her troublemaking skills.
"Says the girl who got into detention."
"HEY! It's not my fault! It's my teacher! I'm completely innocent." Jennie raises her hand to prove her innocence.
"Oh really?"
"Yes..." Jennie starts nodding vigorously.
"Then tell me why you got in detention?"
"Stupid teacher's fault!" Was Jennie's defense.
"Oh okay." Jisoo answers not in agreement, but to avoid bickering with the choding.
But that won't be the last, because the two have more things to argue about on their way home.
That ever present cuteness made their relationship completely balance in the innocent scale. Yes, there are a few instances, like maybe when they kiss, or when Jennie would look mature when that innocent scale would tipped over to the I- think- you- make- me- curious scale.
Jisoo could feel her cheeks heating up as she recalls that special night. She knew she was drunk, that's probably why she was so bold. Maybe it has something to do with how stunning Jennie look. Jennie was naturally very pretty, but how Jennie look that night rock Jisoo's world. It made the scale jump from "were- innocent- girlfriends" to "I- want-to-make-you-scream-so hard-your- ancestors- would- come-down to Earth-to-save-you" level.
The sound of Jennie's loud laughter, broke into Jisoo's byunny thoughts.
The tanned girl finds herself searching for the chuckling cat eyed girl. She eventually found the girl, and her brown eyes narrowed at the sight of Jennie digging through the bushes.
"What are you doing?" Jisoo demanded.
"Oh..." Jennie's cute head pop out from the bushes. Her usual messy ponytail looks much worse with leaves and twigs in it.
"I SAW A BUNNY!!!!" Jennie squeals excitedly.
Jisoo just ends up shaking her head, mentally facepalming herself at even thinking of Jennie in a physical way.
This is why they're both going to stay virgins forever...
"I heard from your unnie you have been getting sick lately."
Like always it would be their mommy Tiffany who breaks the silence during dinner time.
Her mommy Tiffany's voice was low and stern, that it freaked Jennie out. What would her mom think if she finds out that she has nosebleed over her hot girlfriend?
"Ummm... it's nothing really serious."
"What do you mean it's nothing serious?!" The salad spewed out of Seulgi as she interrupted the conversation. "You have been getting these massive nosebleeds!"
"Nosebleeds?" Their mommy Tiffany raised her perfect brow, stopping her fork midway to her mouth. "I guess that's hereditary then."
"What do you mean?" Jennie wondered.
"Your mommy Taeyeon gets massive nosebleed too."
Cough. Cough.cough.cough.cough.cough.cough.cough.cough.
"You okay, babe?" Tiffany rubs her wife's back soothingly as Taeyeon starts coughing uncontrollably.
"You okay, mom?"
Taeyeon nods vigorously, gulping down her water to avoid staring at her daughter's cat eyes blinking curiously.
It suddenly dawn on Jennie what had happened to her mom. Was she? Ummm... OMO!!!
"Remember babe? You get massive nosebleed?"
"It's ummm... ahhhh... the weather..." Taeyeon, the supposedly more innocent parent tries to dismiss. "So, Seulgi... when are we meeting Irene?"
Taeyeon hurriedly avoided the conversation like a plague.
"You scared me a couple of times there, babe." Tiffany refuses to drop the subject. "It's like everyday you had a nosebleed."
"EVERYDAY YOU HAD A NOSEBLEED!!!!" Jennie almost jump off her seat, before slumping down. How byun is her mom that she just has a nosebleed everyday?
"But it stopped." Taeyeon quickly put a stop to all this. "Jennie, I know you really love Jisoo, and there is nothing wrong with that. But right now, your studies are what you should be thinking about more."
Jennie pouts thoughtfully...
"I think about it, I just don't study."
Tiffany just shook her head at her daughter's reasoning skills.
"So, how did mommy Taeyeon's nosebleed disappear?"
"I think after that time in the beach house it's ahhhhhh-"
Taeyeon gasps as her wife almost let it slipped. Now the only thing left to do is hope that their girls didn't pick up.
Unfortunately Seulgi did...
"Why? What happened in the beach house?"
"Ummmm... ahhhh... well... nothing... it's ummm... Me and your mommy Tiffany... we..."
"I ummm... gave her some medicine." Tiffany responded coolly, gulping down her wine.
"What medicine?" Jennie wonders "Maybe I can have some?"
"NO!!!!" Both moms shot up their seats.
"We mean... ummmm... you'll grow out of it, baby."
"B-but I... I might die." Jennie's eyes were filled with so much worry. "And if I die..."
The baby cat eyes were slowly brimming with tears.
"Jisoo will be so heartbroken, and she will feel so alone that she'll end up walking aimlessly in the park then she would meet a guy, who would try to comfort her, but she refuses at first. But he's persistent in winning her heart, and Jisoo finally gave in and they will have a date, then Jisoo will slowly forget about me. And I don't want that! ONLY JEN FOR CHU!"
Her mommy Taeyeon was pursing her lips to hide her amused smile, while both Tiffany and Seulgi shared an identical confused look on their faces.
"I'm done with this conversation. Taeyeon talk to your child."
"Unnie?" Yeri slowly poke her head in her unnie's room, not wanting to disturb her sister just in case she was busy studying. "Unnie?"
"Oh Yerim?"
Yeri walks in and sees Jisoo completely drench with sweat. She could only think that maybe her unnie was doing the insanity workout again.
"Unnie? I'm free now, we could practice if you're not doing anything."
Jisoo's brown eyes swiftly glanced at the guitar left unappreciated at the corner of the room.
"Oh ummm... Thanks Yerim, but I decided to change my presentation."
Yeri pouts thoughtfully, wondering about the sudden change of mind. She had never seen her sister so excited about anything as much as playing the guitar. So, how come her unnie decided to do something else?
"So, what are you going to perform?"
"I'm still confused between two."
"Well, okay, I won't bother you anymore. Hwaiting unnie!"
"Thanks Yerim..." Jisoo smiles tirelessly. "By the way, do you know why Jennie got in detention today?"
Yeri's blushing face was a good give away to what really happened to Jennie.
"Ummm... you know Jennie, she gets too excited sometimes." Yeri chuckles in embarrassment. "Oh well, look it's bedtime! Good night unnie, fighting!"
Jisoo had yet to say something when Yeri already scurried out of there.
"Oh well..." Jisoo shrugs.
Jennie is already twenty years old, but to her mommy she's still their little baby. So, whenever she and her wife are home, Taeyeon never fails to tuck and pat Jennie in bed. (Since Seulgi felt like she's already too grown up)
"Yes baby?"
"How did you and mommy Tiffany made me?"
The question mauls Taeyeon like a speeding train, once you get hit there is no chance of survival.
"Well... ummm...ahhh..."
The hesitation in her mommy's tone was enough to create delusional thoughts inside of Jennie's imaginative mind.
"Wait... Why are you hesitating? Am I your real child?"
"Yes babe..." Taeyeon reassures her big baby "You're our Jendeukie..."
"Then, how did I happen? How did Seulgi unnie happened? Who's your baby daddy?"
A whirlwind of thoughts started spiraling out of control inside Taeyeon's pretty head. She knows that Jennie is already 20 years old, but she also knew that her daughter is pretty much still a little kid.
"Baby... All that you need to know is that you have two mommies who love you very much."
"But how did I happen? Wait... Is mommy Tiffany really a daddy?"
Taeyeon quickly clamps her daughter's mouth shut, knowing that her wife goes apeshiz about gender issues.
- In Serial54 Chapters
I was created as the ultimate dungeon trap: a living suit of armor that devours any adventurer who dons me. My master created me for his entertainment, leading adventurers to ruin and betraying them at the last moment. This time will be no different. Or so I thought. Now I'm living the life of an adventurer. Hopefully, my companions won't realize I'm not who, or what, they think I am. *Now updating Tuesdays and Thursdays Additional tags I couldn't include: Romantic subplot This story is meant to be a book rather than a serial, there will eventually be an ending. It is also my first book length work so while I intend to do my best, mistakes and issues will occur.
8 471 - In Serial7 Chapters
Summary Alexander Weiss, an intelligent and slightly unusual man, always dreamt of becoming a mage. Sadly, reality is harsh and even his best efforts never allowed him to achieve his goal during his lifetime... or did they? One has to be careful what they wish for, lest they might live to see it fulfilled. Description Follow Alex, a man whose pursuit of magic could not even be stopped by his non-magical reality, going as far as to create it himself, only to encounter an unsurmountable obstacle shortly before achieving his lifes goal, denying him all access to these powers. His journey will take him through a miraculous world, full of wonders, magic and manic beasts trying to devour him! He will learn much about this world during his adventures, exploring individual aspects of the System and the various monsters that came from it... or did they? Strong points What you'll get from this novel is the following (read with overly enthusiastic salesman-voice) : • An ending! I'll complete it, no matter what. Well, not "no matter what", but as long as I don't unexpectedly end, this novel won't either! • Good grammar! Might not be perfect, but it's definitely good enough to not detract from the story in the slightest. I'll also fix any reported mistakes as soon as possible, be they grammatical, syntactical or just inconsistencies. • No plot-armor! Or plot-weapons! Or plot-... potions? And no plot-holes! If you see some, it's most likely information that is being witheld for future revelations! But in the (hopefully) very unlikely case of such a vile beast being encountered, please inform me immediately and I'll see to slaying it without grace! (Translation: If you see plot-holes, tell me and I'll fix them) • Logic! [Hidden : Spoilers][Hidden : More Spoilers] [Moved to Chapter [Hidden Spoiler]'s Author's Note] Marvelous, I know! • Blue Boxes! And maybe something more! • Sensible retroactive edits! Not to be confused with radioactive edits! You'll not have to re-read previous chapters, even if they get some major edits. If they were to receive new information, I'll add that very information to the newly released chapters too, in a reasonable way. • Realism! Shocking, I know! Especially considering the tag related to that and the point about "Logic!". This also means that the story will be... well, realistically depicting a pretty messed up world. Don't expect bunnies... at least not cute ones. • Relatively faster paced! No long and boring descriptions of irrelevant stuff. There will be some longer descriptions about important things, but that's gonna be necessary world- and/or character-building! • Short action! Might not be a plus for some, but you won't have to look at a whole (or, god forbit, multiple) chapter describing a fight against the same enemy... • Strategy and hard progression! It's a dog-eat-dog world! No grinding/power-creep! If you're up against three enemies of your level at once, you've already lost! • Understanding! It will be mostly about discovering the wonders of this new world and how it became like that, all while trying to survive. So there will be enough action nonetheless! • Humor! Sometimes dark, sometimes light, always at the worst moment! • Constructive critics, welcome! Destructive critics, nope... I can handle criticism though, so don't go easy on me! Just make sure it's really a mistake when complaining about something. • Will add more in the future! If I can think of more stuff...
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A man of Justice, that was what he tried to become, not by trying to become a police officer or a law man. but by trying his best to help other people. but nothing has ever happened to his expectations and he hated it. maybe he could be a better person after he went back home, just maybe. but that was just something that would never come to be.
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td texting
literally the title
8 156