《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 17
"My bear?"
Usually whenever Jennie utters embarrassing nickname, the tanned girl would react either blatantly or subtly. Sometimes Jisoo would yell at Jennie, or just roll her eyes and let Jennie be the choding that she is.
But this time Jisoo didn't even move a single muscle.
Still nothing...
The student council office is filled with buzzing voices, except for Jisoo who looks too focus at her task at hand.
It seems like after that incident, Jisoo developed some kind of hearing problem or more specific she becomes deaf whenever Jennie is calling for her.
Everyone seems to notice this, except for Jennie because here she is, like a puppy still whimpering and whining to get her master's attention.
"What is it Jennie?"
Everyone knew better and shut their mouth when they heard the stern tone in Jisoo's voice. Even Jennie got the hint that Jisoo wants nothing to do with her.
But even if Jennie didn't say anything, her eyes revealed more than she's intending to show. Jisoo's voice sounded so sharp that it was enough to cut through Jennie's breaking heart.
"I-I-I'm just wondering if there is something I could do to help?"
"You're not part of the student government, so don't worry about it."
Jisoo snapped at her again, and this time Jennie got the idea. Jisoo did not want her there, or more specifically does not want her breathing the same air she does.
"Oh okay." Jennie forced a smile, unfortunately Jisoo was too engrossed on gathering her stuff that she didn't see the pained look in Jennie's face.
"Where are you going?" Jennie could only manage a little squeak.
Jennie couldn't tell if it was the distance, or Jisoo's hearing problem why Jisoo ignored her again. Or maybe she did heard her perfectly, she just doesn't care.
But Jisoo does care, she just doesn't have the will to admit it.
Looking back at Jennie was an unconscious habit that grew out of nowhere. Everytime she and Jennie part ways, something inside Jisoo would urge her to look back.
And today was no different...
Even if Jisoo tries to stop herself, still she couldn't help it. When she saw Jennie's slump state right there in the hallway, how she wished she fought herself not to look back.
Does she really have the right to get mad at Jennie? The girl didn't do anything wrong, yet Jisoo is punishing her like she threw a puppy in a river. But the question is, if Jennie didn't do anything wrong, why does it hurt so bad?
Their kiss feels like the loveliest feeling in this world. It started out so innocently, they kiss a couple of times but for Jennie every kiss felt like a first kiss. Her girl's lips tasted so good that the younger girl is willing to give up every food known in the entire universe if it meant kissing her forever.
Jennie was lost in their kisses, but all it took was the feeling of someone fidgeting with the button on her blouse to shook her back to reality.
Jennie shifts uncomfortably as Jisoo's deft fingers have already move to the second one.
"What's wrong baby?"
"W-what are we doing?!"
"What do you think we're doing?"
"I... I...I... I don't know." Jennie embarrassingly admits. But somewhere locked behind the back of her brain, a thought suddenly starts to seep in.
This scene looks so familiar but she can't pinpoint where she saw it until...
Is this what she accidentally saw in her Seulgi unnie's laptop?
Or what she saw in that anime?
But it's different now. It's not something that is happening in front of a monitor or pages of a manga. It's happening here and now... and worse it's happening to her.
"OMO!" Jennie gasps in shock. "Are we... are you and me?! Wait... are we about to..."
Jisoo looks up, flashing a playful grin at the lost cat.
"Don't worry..." Jisoo gently nibbles in Jennie's neck. "Just be with me right now and I'll take care of you."
Jennie didn't know if it was the huskiness in Jisoo's voice or her words to be more exact; but Jennie could feel herself about to spontaneously combust. She was defenseless over Jisoo's voice, kisses, defenseless against Jisoo.
"Relax baby..." Jisoo whispers huskily.
But saying and doing it are two very different things. Jennie is practically hyperventilating as Jisoo place open mouth kisses on her chest. Jennie never felt so lost, what does she do now? Should she just lay there flat? Should she help Jisoo?
Jisoo pushes herself back up again, ready to launch kisses in Jennie's lips. But just as she was ready to kiss Jennie, Jennie shot upright, accidentally smashing her forehead against Jisoo's.
"Ow..." Jisoo flinches as Jennie almost knock her cold with a headbutt.
"Oh shoot..." Jennie quickly sat up, rubbing Jisoo's red forehead. "I'm sorry... so sorry..."
"No it's okay." Jisoo laughs embarrassingly. "How about you? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay..." Jennie gives Jisoo two thumbs up and cheerful smile, hoping to convince Jisoo.
"Good..." Jisoo smiles shyly. "Are you nervous?"
"Ummm... no..." Jennie widely grin, hoping it could cover up her lie. "Of course not... why would be I nervous when I'm with you?"
"Oh..." Jisoo says in relief. "Okay..."
Jennie clears her throat as Jisoo scoots closer. The young cat's jaw fell hard to the ground as Jisoo slowly pulls her shirt off, it's too slow it's almost torture.
The moment when Jisoo's shirt fell to the ground, it was then that Jennie felt all her insides just exploded.
But Jisoo did not get to hear Jennie's answer as the younger girl just literally falls off the bed, scrambling to get out of the bathroom.
As soon as Jennie was in the bathroom, she didn't waste time banging her head for being the epic fail that she is.
And with every word she says, she bangs her head hoping to shake in some answer.
"Why? Am? I? Such? A? Fail?"
She looks up at the mirror, and the only answered she receive from her reflection was an equally confused gaze.
"Why are we such an epic fail?" She asked her reflection. "This is what I want to happen right? Right?"
But Jennie was smart, knowing that her reflection won't give her the answer anytime soon. It's up to her to man up and face the challenge.
"I'm going to be with Kim Jisoo, yes I'am! No need to fear..."
The cat eyed girl starts prepping herself as she walks back to the bedroom.
"I can do this! YES I CAN! JENNIE FIGHTING!"
She pulls a few punches, ready to get back in the ring again.
"I can do this!"
But she haven't even step into the bedroom, when the sight of Jisoo just paralyzed her. Kim Jisoo the girl who don't realize how sensual she is, was just right there lying in bed, looking through her phone.
Jennie just stood there, her heart skip a beat, her breath being taken away. It took her awhile to be brought back down to Earth and when she did, she realized one thing.
She was not worthy of being with a Goddess.
The cat eyed girl shakes her head to clear her senses.
"I ummm..."
"What are you standing there for silly?" Jisoo chuckles softly at the girl.
Jisoo stood up from her spot, every step she takes forward, Jennie takes one step back.
"Come to bed..."
"A.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.aa.a.a.a.hhhhhhh.... I......I...I...I...I can't move."
Jisoo stops on her tracks, looking at the younger girl in confusion.
"What do you mean you can't move?"
"I mean... I'm ahhhh... Ahhh Stuck... I can't..."
Jennie does looks stuck, her fingernails clawing hard on the door, as if she's about to enter a monster's lair.
"Jennie? It's okay..."
But it wasn't...
And the second that Jisoo touch Jennie, Jennie suddenly jumped up from her spot and starts backpedaling.
"No... no..." Jennie crawls away from Jisoo.
"Jennie..." Jisoo sounded both annoyed and frustrated. "Get up. C'mon."
"No! Don't touch me... please... I... I can't do this! I can't! ACCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKK!!!!"
Jisoo just stood on her spot trying to decipher what had just happened. All that was left now was the memory of Jennie just crawling away from her.
She should have just chased after the girl, hoping to talk this all out. But right now, Jisoo felt like she lost the strength.
Jisoo just ends up hobbling back to her room, sitting in bed as she kept on replaying those last seconds with Jennie. But instead of figuring out answers, all Jisoo is left with are questions.
Kim Jisoo was always top in people's list as the sexiest and someone who would be great in bed. Many would think of it as a compliment but for Jisoo it was awkward. She doesn't feel comfortable around people imagining these things with her. That is why she did what she can to deter people from that direction. She tried to be cold and kept her boundaries high to make sure no one gets the wrong idea.
That thought scares her so much, until Jennie came into her life.
No matter how she pushed the younger girl, Jennie seem to only take it as a challenge to fight harder. Jennie was irritating her to the core at the beginning, but after sometime Jennie showed Jisoo something that Jisoo have never seen or known before.
The cat eyed girl made her smile at the worse times, she was patient even when Jisoo was being harsh, and when Jisoo needs someone to lean on, Jennie has always been there for her. Jennie showed Jisoo how great it is to have someone love her... Truly... Madly and Deeply...
And with that thought in mind, Jisoo realized that she was ready.
She was in love and she knew that even if her first time with Jennie would turn out horrible or awkward, at least she knew she did it with the one she truly loves.
Now the thought of Jennie running away from her flashes in her mind again. If Jennie loves her, then why did the younger girl looks so disgusted at what they're about to do?
Did she have the wrong idea? Did Jennie even want this? Or was it just her?
For now, Jisoo is not sure if she had the courage to try and find out, or better yet she's not sure if she has the heart to know the truth.
End of flashback
If there is one thing everyone in the university looks forward to, it's the fall festival. For once everybody forget about the craziness of exams and school. Everyone just hangs out, play games and eat cotton candy all day and night.
Well... everyone except for the members of student government.
"10 booths for Sh!t club please!" Lisa proudly announced, dropping down her money in front of Jisoo who's in charge of the registration booth.
"10 booths? Are you serious?" The school president sounded so cold and dead.
"Ummm guys... is it winter already or Kim Jisoo here is just cold?"
Jisoo's dark eyes narrowed, annoyed of Lisa's idea of a joke.
"Did you see how much one booth is?"
"Yes! And I tell you Chu, our club has the budget to register for ten booths."
Jisoo didn't bother to argue and just tap her pen on the registration sign.
"30 dollars per booth. I don't think you have enough."
Lisa and Wendy both shared annoyed look, before glaring down at the giant.
"What? What the heck Chaeng! You told us 3.00 dollars!"
"Oh oops... I wasn't looking at the decimal point." Chaeyoung says sheepishly.
"Go back to grade school."
"So, what is your booth going to be about?"
Lisa decided to step up front and take over the role of promoting her group.
"Well... now that you ask Ms. President. Let me ask you this, what is one event in every woman's life that she had been looking forward to since childhood?"
"Graduating with a Ph.D.?" Jisoo answers absentmindedly
Chaeyoung in frustration smacks her hand on the table, ready to school her bestfriend about the meaningful things in life.
"No! You cold hearted reptile! Her wedding! Every girl wants a wedding! And since we go to an all girls school, what better booth than having a wedding booth?"
"Yeah Chu... maybe you and Jennie can even get married there."
The two other girls gulp in fright as they saw how Jisoo stiffened from Lisa's words.
"Here..." Jisoo stamps the girls' folder. "Good luck on your booth. Next."
"Damn Lis..." Chaeyoung shoved the other girl. "I knew you were evil, but I never thought you were that evil"
"What are you yapping about, Chaeng?"
"You know Jisoo and Jennie are in some cold war right now, and then you say that?"
"Chaeyoung... Chaeyoung... don't you know that every thing I do has a reason? Oh! Speak of the devil!"
Chaeyoung scratches her tousled hair in confusion until she figured out what Lisa was talking about. The usual so bouncy Kim Jennie was walking so listlessly, playing soccer with an acorn.
The cat eyed girl blink thoughtfully before looking around.
"Oh unnie, it's you... hello."
"So formal Jennie... How you doing, kid?!"
The girl was quiet for a little bit, as if searching for the right words inside her head.
"Well ummm... okay I guess."
It was a lie. She felt so horrible the last couple of days.
Jennie's cat eyes shone like headlights as Lisa caught her.
"Ep!" Lisa raise her hand out before Jennie could answer her. "Why don't we talk about this over coffee?"
It was rare for Jennie to lose her appetite and right now was one of those rare moments. Seeing the weird look on her Chaelisa unnie's faces as they race on who could finish the smoothie first.
"Ummm unnie?" Jennie cuts through the race.
"Oh hey Jen... When did you get here?"
"I got you two your smoothie..." Jennie pointed back at the smoothie or what's left of it.
"Oh we just kidding with you girl... Anyways, where were we?"
"Ummm... this thing with Jisoo?"
Lisa and Chaeyoung exchange sympathetic looks before turning back to Jennie.
"Awww kid..." Chaeyoung pats the shoulder of the downtrodden deer. "I'm sure Jisoo will come around soon. What did you to argue about anyway?"
"Ummm.. stuff?"
"Stuff?" Lisa prodded more. "Do you mean getting it on?"
"What?!" The shock expression in Jennie's face was enough to answer Lisa's question.
"Oh c'mon Jennie... didn't you learn anything from animes and mangas? Student council presidents are the most sexually frustrated people."
"Did it ended up so bad that Jisoo can't stand seeing you anymore?"
"Ummm no?" The thought of that night embarrassed Jennie, that she ended up fiddling with her napkin than staring back at her unnie. "We ummm... no... it's ummm...I ran away."
The unnies know they should be sympathetic, but the thought of Kim Jennie running away was just too entertaining.
"You ran away?"
"Yes." The younger girl looks up, her eyes were the picture of sadness as they're brimming with tears. "I didn't know what to do. And when I saw how beautiful Jisoo is, I froze I realize I... ummm... I'm not worthy of her."
"Well, it's not your fault." Chaeyoung says while thoughtfully chewing her straw. "Well, no... let me change that. It's not entirely your fault."
Lisa shoves the taller girl to the side, and decided that it was time for her to take over.
"Girl you know, the reason why you're scared is because you're not confident. And the reason why you're not confident is because you don't know anything about it."
"Well..." Jennie clears her throat to make a correction. "I ummm... sorta... saw movies about it."
"Did you learn anything?"
The younger girl clears her throat once again, but this time in embarrassment.
"Well I ummm...no... I was in a state of shock. I didn't understand what I was watching."
"You Kim Jennie, is the lucky student who enrolled herself in the Chaelisa university of love. And our first lesson..."
Lisa motions the younger girl to scoot closer to her.
"The secret to getting laid is confidence."
"Huh? Confidence?"
"Shhhhhhhhhh...." The shorter girl almost smack Jennie for talking too loud in the coffeeshop. "Yes, confidence. The reason you got scared is because you don't have the confidence on yourself."
"I guess you're right."
"You're Damn sure I'm right. Like right now, Jen, tell me you want me."
Jennie shakes her head furiously, cringing at the thought.
"But I don't want you."
"Idiot... We are training you now to be confident. These are just such simple words but very powerful, Jennie. And this is how you're going to get your girl, knowing how to say this. Now c'mon say it..."
But Jennie always the choding, decides to say or more of sing it in her Jennie way.
"I want nobody, nobody but you... kekekeekekekekeke"
But the two girls were far from amused with the choding's stunt.
"What the heck?! You do that and Jisoo is gonna go to the mountains, shave her head and be a monk. Nobody gets turn on with that, you babo! Now be serious... say it... Say I want you."
"I want you" Jennie sounded like a meek lamb.
The older girls suddenly passed out on the table and started snoring.
Lisa flutters her eyes before looking up at Jennie.
"Oh sorry girl, we were so turned off we fell asleep." Lisa sits up and got serious once again "What did we just told you? Confidence! Do you think you sound confident?"
"Ummm no?"
"Then say it again, but this time say it like Kim Jisoo is sitting right here in front of you."
"I want you." Jennie this time sounded so gentle and loving.
"Awwww... so cute..." Lisa coos before turning around. "What are you in a k drama or something? Your goal is not to get all giggly and cutesy, you're goal is to get it on. And in order for that to happen, you need to prove to Jisoo you can take charge."
"I want you."
"Better but louder."
"I want you!"
"Ohhhh... is it getting hot in here or it's just Jennie?" Chaeyoung fans herself.
"Good job, Jen, now say it one more time and this time be more persuasive."
"I WANT YOU!!!!"
The busy coffeeshop was frozen at their tracks, all eyes turned to the cat eyed girl with the burning confidence in her stance.
"Good job, Jennie." Lisa says proudly of her student. "Now let's go get your girl."
"Is it me or did Jisoo sunbae looks angrier than usual?"
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