《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 18
Whenever Wendy feels like the world is being cruel to her, she tells herself one thing.
"Every fairy tale begins in pain, before they have their happy ending."
And if anybody is meant to be in a fairy tale, it should be her. She, Wendy Son was the ideal star for a Disney Princess movie. Last time that Wendy checked in the mirror, she swore to God (blasphemy aside) that she has the making of a Disney Princess. She has her lethal eyesmile and milky white skin, and a fiery soul that could move people to tears.
Screw Mulan! So what if she pretended to be some dude? fell in love with some general? Then she saved an entire country? That's like a freaking plot to a kdrama! The Wendy Son story has more fairy tale princess involved.
Speaking of Mulan... As she was surrounded by lush greenery and brilliant blue sky, Wendy felt like it was the perfect time to shoot her OST MV inside her head.
"Look at me, you might think you see who I really am... But you'll never know me."
But right before she could belt it out, someone decided to cockblock her fantasy.
"Oh I do know you, Wendy Son!"
"Oh hello sir..." Wendy giggles embarrassingly, hoping she could melt the heart of her community service leader with her eyesmile.
From the stern look from his narrowed eyes, it was obvious that he was a heartless mutant who doesn't appreciate the beauty of God's creation right in front of him.
"What are you doing just standing there?" He strides closer, trying to intimidate the girl to work. "You're supposed to be here for your community service."
"But Sir... I'm Wendy Son... My enigmatic presence is my service to the community."
The instructor was ready to fire back, but decided not to mess with Son anymore if he wants to live in this world stress free.
"Sir! Sir!" She calls out as her instructor shoved a rake in her hand. "SIRRRRR!!!! What am I going to do with this thingy?! SIRRRRR!!!!!"
But whatever, her instructor's rudeness is not going to ruin her from her epic music video. So, with her rake as a makeshift microphone and the park as her setting, she's ready to rule the Disney Soundtrack Chart.
"Who is that girl that I see?"
"Wendy unnie it's me!"
"Unnie?!" Wendy wonders who could be calling her unnie.
"Who on Earth- is- Oh..." The girl finally realized who was calling her. The giant kid Jennie awkwardly perched on top of the jungle gym.
Jennie used her cupped hands as her imaginary megaphone as she yells at Wendy down below.
"What are you doing here, unnie? I don't see you as an outdoorsy type."
"Me either." Wendy agrees. "That's why I feel so weird being surrounded with so much ummm... green, tall things."
Jennie's cat eyes flutter in confusion. "You mean trees?"
"Yes those... and these green itchy things on the ground."
"The grass?"
"Oh yes, those things. So, how about you? What are you doing here? Or on top of this giant thingy to be more specific?"
Wendy instantly realized that she hit on a sensitive topic, when the usual bright cat eyes of Jennie were now suddenly hazed with sadness. Somehow that didn't bode well with Wendy. Jennie was much closer to her other "friends" Chaeyoung and Lisa, but she had always like the girl especially for Jisoo. Yes, Jennie might be a little too hyperactive for her taste, but her perky innocence always has an effect even to the Scrooges and Grinches of the world.
"Hold on."
Jennie gasp inwardly as she saw the usual classy and composed Wendy starting to climb up the monkey bars.
"Wow... that was a workout." Wendy catches her breath after finally getting on top. "Oh wow...
The older girl exclaimed as she figure out the reason for Jennie's place. "Got a great view from here, huh?"
The taller girl could only heave a deep sigh, from where she was standing, she could see Jisoo over a few feet from her, busy supervising the construction of the booths.
"I wonder if she thinks of me." The younger girl thinks aloud. "Like when she's busy, do I cross her mind?"
"Is this about Jichu?"
Jennie answers Wendy with a feeble nod, before covering her face.
"I... I... I think I messed up."
"That's the difference between you and me. It's that I'm perfect and well... you're almost there. So, take it from someone like me, Jennie. It's nothing to worry about."
"But I hurt Jisoo bad! So bad! I don't think she will ever forgive me."
"Ahhh... Kim Jisoo might look and act like such a biyatch."
Jennie's face quickly scrunches in irritation.
"Hey!" Jennie pulls her fist out. "Don't talk about my girl like that!"
"Oh lighten up you little girl. I know you sometimes feel that way too."
The cat eyed girl blinks thoughtfully before finally agreeing.
"Well, she's not really doing that because she's mean. She does that because she's scared of getting hurt."
It broke Jennie's heart at that idea.
"I didn't mean to hurt her... How can I be so stupid?"
"Why? What did you do?"
"Well, Lisa and Chaeyoung unnie-"
Wendy doesn't have to listen to everything to figure out what's wrong.
"Yup. You're right, you are quite stupid. Why did you listen to two people who only get poke in facebook? You should listen to me who has experience in both love and heartbreak."
"Then, what can I do unnie?"
In all honesty, Jennie's question caught Wendy off guard. No matter how many times she claims to be a master of love, no one really takes her advice, until now.
"Well ummm... actually... Just be yourself."
Oh crud. Now that Wendy thinks about it, being yourself is like the worse advice to give to a girl with such sorrow.
But she can't back away from an advice now. If she backs out, she will lose credit. All she could do is stick with it and hope it works.
"You have to be yourself because that's who Kim Jisoo fell in love with. Be the cute, bubbly Kim Jennie that does this silly love sick stuff."
Oh em gee... Wendy credits herself, she just blown herself away with her advice, she might even take it.
And it seems Wendy isn't the only one who thinks the advice was effective, as Jennie smiles wistfully.
"I know Jisoo is not really the most expressive" Wendy continues "But it doesn't mean she doesn't love you. In fact, you make her happier more than anyone else in this world."
Jennie looks at the older girl with a more positive glint. Wendy smiles back, giving the younger girl a soft squeeze in her shoulder.
"Being in a fight is nothing to be scared about. Fighting makes relationships stronger and maybe even sweeter. What girls love is knowing that their special somebody is willing to do anything just to win them back. And as far as I know... You're quite a smooth operator Kim Jennie."
"Yup... You must be pretty special if you get Kim Jisoo to fall for you."
Jennie's lips curve into a sweet grin after hearing that. Jisoo was special, but her, she never really considered herself as one. If she could describe herself, she was more of persistent.
It stung her a bit at first, how the only person she wants to be with sees her as this annoying kid. But she always thought that if you really like someone, you do what you can to win their heart. Being special has nothing to do with it, it was all persistence.
And if she was able to make Jisoo slowly fall for her then, then she was sure she could make Jisoo forgive her right now.
"Yes. I can do it. Thank you unnie!"
"Su- Hey!" Wendy yells out as she saw Jennie jumping down all the way to the ground. "Well... What do you know, Wendy Son just saved the day."
If there is one thing that people don't know about Kim Jisoo, it's that she's an expert on showing emotions opposite of what she's feeling. Like right now, she might look like she's all about business as she walks around the booth areas, but truth was, her mind is completely somewhere else.
The only thing that jolt her back, was when she sees Lisa, Chaeng, Seul, Joy and a sleepy looking Irene working on their booth.
The president starts to pedal back knowing that she's not ready to face any scrutiny from her friends.
Too late...
As she walks back to her friends, she wonders if she has a built in radar that her friends can just ping her from a distance.
"Come here and hang out with your unimportant friends, you... you... you..." Chaeyoung scratches her head trying to find a good name for Jisoo... until ding...
"You very important person!"
"Oh ummm..." Jisoo took a deep breath, looking away to avoid Seulgi's scalding stare. "I would want to Chaeng, but ummm I got stuff to do. So, maybe later..."
"SUNBAE!" One of Jisoo's minion chirps in "Go have fun, we will take care of everything!"
Oh crap...
"No... no... no it's okay. I don't want to burden you guys."
"Pfft!" Lisa snorted. "You're the president, you're supposed to burden your people!"
"Yes sunbae!" Jisoo minion number two agrees and starts nodding incessantly. "Please burden us!"
Jisoo can't believe she got hanged by her very own people.
"See Chu? Come hang out with us!"
Jisoo could try objecting, but it was useless as her friends already drag her back inside the booth.
"What do you think pressie?" Chaeyoung sighs proudly as they showed Jisoo their little chapel.
Jisoo was actually surprise at how well the whole chapel setting turned out. The place was a subtle shade of pink which Wendy is probably to blame, but it has an air of romance to it. She wouldn't mind actually having a fake marriage in here. Wait... Did she said she wanted to get a fake wedding?
"So, Lis is going to be like the priest/ pastor or whatever. I'm like the coordinator and stuff, Joy and Irene are like the bounty hunters."
"Bounty hunters?"
"You know... they will try to catch the couples."
"Seulgi and Wendy will switch around with the wedding songs."
"So, why don't Joy and Wendy do the bounty hunting?"
"Well, Wendy is not really the chasing kind. Joy and her bouncy self will catch them and Irene will torture... I meant plead them to come."
"Sounds effective."
"Isn't this like the perfect place to marry Jennie?"
Lalisa Manoban, champion of saying the most awkward things in the most awkward times.
"My sister will marry you in a garbage dump if you let her." Seulgi mutters loud enough for everyone especially Jisoo to hear.
"Ummm... why don't we go grab some drinks?" Chaeyoung motions the other girls. "Chu, Seul... why don't you two stand guard and protect this booth, while we go get drinks?"
"Well... ummm..."
Jisoo didn't get a chance to object as the rest of the girls flowed out of the booth (Except for Irene who remained glued on her spot.)
"It's okay Irene..."
"Okay." Irene bowed down, but not before shooting Jisoo a death glare. "Call me when she bothers you."
It was more like a warning for Jisoo, than a suggestion to Seulgi. Even if the two in laws were stuck together, they ended up being caught up in awful silence.
"You're a great person, Jisoo." It was Seulgi who break into the silence. "You have all this people admire you and worship the ground you work on."
"I just do what I have to do."
"Jennie is one of those people. But in a way, she's different. I wish I could describe it. But well... Jennie is... well... Jennie... That's a description on its self."
"She is... isn't she?" Jisoo agreed, smiling at the thought.
"A giant kid who's just doing what her heart desires. You are obviously the much better person, but Jennie is obviously the more in love one."
Seulgi's last words starts to ring inside Jisoo's head.
"More in love?"
"Yes. In a relationship there is always someone who loves more. Were both in a relationship and we have to admit that in a relationship, we both like the feeling of being spoiled. But you know what's amazing about my kid sister, Chu? She doesn't care about getting spoiled, all she loves to do is spoiling you. She loves seeing your reaction from one of her stupid, crazy acts of love."
"I care about your sister too." Jisoo reasoned out, refusing to be back down to a corner. "I...I... really..."
"You really what?" Seulgi pried more.
The blush on Jisoo's face deepens even more. "You know what I mean."
"Look, I don't know what you and my sister are fighting about."
Jisoo turns cautiously away from Seulgi, hoping to mask her embarrassment.
"No... I'm lying." Seulgi waves her off "I do."
"WHAT?!" Jisoo screeches in embarrassment, her cheeks quickly flushed red. "Did Yoo-"
"No... she didn't. I just sorta figure it out. Don't worry my sister might be a hopeless idiot, but she don't kiss and tell."
"I ummm... It's my fault" Jisoo admits. "I force Jennie into a corner, and when she started to fight back. I walk away. I should have... We should have talk about it."
Jisoo was expecting the worse from Seulgi. Could she blame her? If someone hurt Yeri the way she hurt Jennie, she would be pissed too. But Seulgi was more compassionate, offering a sincere smile.
"Hey. It's not me who you should try to explain it to."
"I don't know what to tell Jennie."
"It'll come out when you see her. You're not going to be graded or judged for those things. If you stumble, if you say something wrong, it's okay. Jennie won't probably listen to any word you say, all she care about is that you're there."
"Is this over?"
Both girls turned around and saw Seulgi's fuming girlfriend by the door.
"I don't like seeing this JiSeul pairing right here."
"There is no JiSuel pairing, Irene."
"Oh yeah? Then good because if there is. I'm not gonna like it."
"That's enough talk. Seulgi can say all the advice she can give, but it's up to you to act on it."
"I will... I will... Thanks Seulgi."
"Oh what a small world, there she is..."
Everyone turns to the window and saw the kid armed with a pensive look on her cute face and a bouquet of handpicked (or stolen from the park) flowers.
"Awwww... so cheesy." Chaeyoung elbowed Jisoo.
Jennie's whole vision were locked up in the beautiful girl waiting for her, that she didn't notice the-
"HEY KID WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Oh my God!!!"
Everyone gasps as they saw the boxes collapse on Jennie. But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Jennie manage to crawl her way out of the rubble.
"I'm okay... I'm okay..." Jennie reassured the worried people, waving them off.
"Oh God! Jen! You're bleeding!!!"
"R-really?" The delirious Jennie exclaimed. "I didn't even notice it..."
She smiled not noticing the blood dripping from her head.
"I'm okay really..."
The whole place gasps on cue, as Jennie was about to pass out.
"C'mon! I'll take you to the clinic!"
Jennie didn't even realize she passed out, until she woke up in the school clinic. She tried sitting up but fell back on the bed again.
"Don't get up yet..."
Wait... that husky voice...
She must have really hurt her head so bad that she's imagine hearing Jisoo's voice. Jennie who used to wiggle and waggle out, but these past few days were just too much for her to bear that she just lay in there.
"Just rest for now Jen."
Jennie's cat eyes flickers in surprise. It does sound like Jisoo.
"Get some rest Jen."
It was really her... It was Jisoo... Her Jisoo right there with her in that clinic.
"You're here." Jennie took Jisoo's hand, fearing that Jisoo might go if she doesn't hold on. "Wait... I got you some flowers, it's here."
Jisoo chuckles softly, undeniably missing the younger girl's playful antics.
"I got it. They're beautiful. Thank you."
"You're welcome." The girl doesn't seem to mind about the four stitches, as her lips spread in a goofy grin.
"Ms. Kim..."
"Oh nurse Im? Hello..." Jisoo politely bows down to the nurse.
"Oh I'm not a nurse yet, Ms. Kim..." The student nurse chuckles in embarrassment, yet deep inside is loving the attention of the tanned beauty. "Just call me, Nayeon."
"Just call me Jisoo too. Ms. Kim is too serious."
"Your friend is going to be okay, you two should enjoy the festivities outside."
"No were okay. If it's okay with you, I would like for us to stay here for awhile until I'm sure Jennie is feeling better."
"No problem! Anything for you, Ms. Kim" The student nurse no doubt falling for the stoic president's charms. "Just promise to lock up, okay?"
"Oh yeah... Nayeon... by the way."
"She not my friend." Jisoo corrected her.
Jennie's ego completely deflated after what Jisoo had just uttered.
"She's my girlfriend."
The student nurse was left with a confused and disappointed look, and just barely nodded. After hearing the door shut behind them, finally cue Jisoo to exhale.
"You don't have to stay here, I know you have to run things. I'll be okay."
"Shhhh... Don't worry about it." The older girl presses a kiss on Jennie's temple. "I got my VP to take care of things for today."
"Wait?" The girl's cat eyes widen in surprise "You have a VP?"
"Yes... I do silly. Just go to sleep, my monkey. I won't go anywhere."
Jennie opens her mouth ready to reassure Jisoo that she don't need to sleep. But just when she thought it would roll off easily from her tongue, she realizes that lying is much harder than she thought.
"Jennie?" Jisoo shot upright, worried about the younger girl sobbing quietly. "What's wrong? Does something hurt?"
"I was so worried that were finally over, that I blew it and you won't give me another chance. I... I try to do something but you don't seem to forgive me. I just don't know what to do."
Shhhhhh... Jisoo could only hush the girl gently hoping to calm her down. "I'm sorry Jen."
Jisoo's apology confused Jennie.
"For what? You didn't do anything wrong."
"Yes I did, baby." Jisoo says regretfully, pressing an apologetic kiss on Jennie's forehead. "I try to force you to do something you didn't want to."
"No!" Jennie quickly took Jisoo's hands in her. "It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I... I... I don't know what to do. Out of all the people in the world, you could choose you pick me. I know that's a good thing, but it's quite scary for me."
"Can I?"
"Can you what?"
Jisoo answers Jennie by slowly crawling on the clinic's bed beside her. The university clinic is not really the most romantic places in this school, but it made Jennie giggle foolishly.
"What's up with you?" Jisoo asked the guffawing girl beside her.
"Remember our first valentine? In the hospital hallway?"
"Oh yes. I fainted that was quite embarrassing."
"Nooo... don't be." Jennie cooed at the blushing girl beside her, gently rocking Jisoo in her embrace. "I guess I worry too much about you."
"Hmmm?" Jisoo raises her head to see the expression on the younger's girl face. "Why?"
Jennie shifted closer, closing in every inch space between them.
"I worry that you're sad, I worry that you're hurting or being stressed out and I can't do anything about it."
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