《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 19
Jennie tilts her head to the right, tilts to the left, then once again tilting it the right and this time squinting her eyes to make sense of what she's looking on her phone.
But Jennie had enough of trying to figure out of the impossible sight in front of her, and finally pondered out loud.
"What is the other's girl head doing stuck between the other girl's legs like that?"
Yes, Kim Jennie was watching some sexy scene (or what Lisa lovingly term as... educational materials). The cat eyed kid really doesn't care much about angles and postulates or things she knew she wouldn't dim necessary in her future. But what she does care about are things she would know she would use in her real life.
And this was one of it, the education films that Lisa gladly offered to her.
"Wait... Oh.... OH!" It finally dawn on Jennie what the brunette was doing to the blonde.
"Oh man!" Jennie screeched as her phone almost slipped out of her grip.
Of all the days that her Samsung note 5 decided to play catch, it was this day when she is seconds away from getting caught watching porn.
"Oh Yerim... hey..."
Her sister in law walks in face full of gloom (much more than usual), followed by the flustered Wendy.
"What is going on?"
"Relax Little Jisoo." Wendy calms the agitated Yeri down "Jisoo is not getting married, she's just getting fake married..."
"Wait... I don't understand what's going on." Jennie scratches her head in confusion.
Yeri plops in Jennie's bed in dismay. "Jennie, you know how the unnies have this wedding booth."
"Jisoo unnie is getting married!"
"Hold on..." Jennie finally start to slowly but surely piece out the infos together. "If Jisoo is getting married, and I'm here. Then! OMO!!!!"
"That's right Jennie, OMO!!! She's getting married and it's not with you."
Jennie quickly threw the blanket off her, ready to ruin a wedding.
"I need to stop it then!"
"Not looking like that, you don't." Wendy corrected her.
"Huh? What's wrong with how I look?"
Wendy sighs disapprovingly, the girl is super cute in a mischievous way but cute can't ruin weddings. It's drop dead gorgeous people that can make panties drop and bra strap snap that can ruin weddings.
"You look like a little kid who is high from having too much sugar in a children's birthday party."
"That's not a good thing is it?"
"It's horrible. But don't worry..." Wendy promised before her lips curved in a sickle sly smile. "You might not be oozing with sex appeal like yours truly, but you are very pretty. A little touch here, a little there and you could bring people to their feet.
Meanwhile at the backroom of the wedding booth...
"You're quiet Chu... it's not good when you're quiet!" Chaeyoung worried frantically. "Are you going to kill us? You're going to kill us, are you?"
"Nope." The disgruntled bride huffs. "I'm just silently thinking of ways to make you guys suffer."
"Oh relax, Chaeng. Chu loves us too much." Lisa said coolly. "I got you a veil, you pretty bride. But veils are for virgins, wait? You are still one right?"
Jisoo answers Lisa's attempt of a poor joke by yanking the veil off Lisa's conniving hand.
"Let's just get this over with."
"Just a little warning though, Amber also paid for the honeymoon hour."
The words honeymoon hour doesn't bode well with Jisoo at all.
"What the hell is a honeymoon hour?!"
"Ms. pressie please..." Lisa waves her hand to settle down Jisoo's frustrations. "Watch your language."
"Don't play with me Lis." Jisoo hissed. "I need an explanation for all of this now!"
Lisa voluntary nudges the skeptical Chaeyoung forward to explain to Jisoo.
Well, you know how after the wedding, there is also a honeymoon? So, ummm if they pay extra, you and your bride have an hour in the back to get...ummm...you know... ehhh... closer?"
"What do you mean by closer?!"
"When two people like each other-"
"I don't like Amber." Jisoo cuts Chaeyoung off "In fact, I detest her!"
"Just hear me out. When two peeps like each other, they do things that make them happy."
"The only thing I want to do to Amber is swing a bat at her smug face!"
"Chu, don't worry... It will be all okay. Nothing is going to happen. Maybe she just wants to talk... you know?"
They both know Amber's intentions are far from innocent. The tanned beauty just ends up rubbing her temples, hoping to soothe the pulsating vein in her forehead.
"Don't take this so seriously Chu, it's just a fake marriage for an hour. And Amber tries anything, which she will, all you need to know is just say no."
"And you think she will actually listen?"
"Well as long as you try."
"If she tries anything and I said no, I could hurt her, right?" Jisoo says "That counts as self defense."
The sound of knocking interrupted the three.
"Lisa, we have a problem."
"What do you mean you don't want to sing?"
Lisa stood toe to toe with Seulgi, hoping to taunt Seulgi with the little height advantage that she has.
"I'm saying that I won't sing for a wedding of the girl that my kid sis love and with ummm Amber."
"It's not a real wedding."
"And you're not paying me, so were even."
Lisa decided that arguing would be futile against the huffing midget and decided if she can't beat her, then she'll just have to join her.
"Look Seulgi." Lisa cupped Seulgi's hunched shoulders "It might not be obvious from what we see but trust me- all of this is happening for a reason."
Seulgi was a whole lot smarter on trusting Lisa.
"Really? What?"
"I can't tell you right now, all you need to do is trust me."
Seulgi wasn't still buying it, but instead of arguing back she decided to just shut up and let her skeptical eyes do the talking.
"Hello mortals..."
"You!" Lisa jump on Wendy Son walking in late. "Where have you been?"
"I have been in my zone. If I'm going to perform wedding songs I want these fake couples to remember one thing... and that is how angelic my voice is."
"Oh please Wendy..."
"So, Seul... you ready? I have just the perfect song for this Jisoo wedding."
"You look beautiful today my bride." Amber complimented at the raven haired beauty beside her.
It was obvious that Jisoo was livid with everything, but her flaring temper only seems to add more to her hotness factor. Jisoo was clad in a white, but there was nothing pure and innocent about the dress. It was both teasing and torturous, how the dress skate up, just enough for people to revel Jisoo's juicy thighs, and how the neckline dipped just enough for people's imaginations to run wild.
Jisoo in a wedding dress, would be like a modern version of Helen of Troy.
"I hope I could say the same thing with you." Jisoo mumbles under her breath.
"Are you sure about this?" Seulgi asks skeptically at Wendy who was in full vocalizing mode.
"When was I never sure of anything?"
Seulgi was about to enumerate the many times that Wendy's plan didn't work, but decided to shut it. Of course, Wendy is always sure of herself, but that doesn't mean it works.
"Can we get this over with?!" Yelled the impatient bride.
"Oh Jiiiichuuuu..." Amber teases "Don't get too excited babe, we will get to the honeymoon soon."
"There won't be a honeymoon."
Lisa could only roll her eyes, she have been administering fake weddings for the entire day. She just wants this over with.
"Ok, let's do this. Dearly beloved we are gathered here for the union of Amber and Jisoo. But before we begin, is anybody here don't want this two to get married, stand up or forever hold your peace."
Jisoo knew this was all fake, but how she wished that her Jennie would just come right out and stop this insanity.
"Anyone? Anyone?"
Unfortunately, she didn't...
But when Lisa was about to continue, the sweet melodies of the piano sift through the tension.
"What's that?"
The once so sullen Kim Jisoo now has a hopeful smile on her face as she saw the angel playing the piano.
"Jennie..." Jisoo sighs lovingly.
"Wow..." Seulgi's mouth was hanging agape. "Who knew all those piano lessons paid off."
But people in the room were paying more attention to how the raggedy girl transformed into this ethereal beauty.
Jennie finally took the center stage, a bit shaky that she hopes to shrug off. She was confident in a lot of things but singing wasn't one of them especially not in front of a crowd of more than 3.
But all of her insecurities started to fade when she saw the proud grin playing in Jisoo's lips. She can do this. For Jisoo.
Soon, Jennie started to sing along to Taeyang (when he didn't look like a convict) hit rnb song, wedding dress. The cat eyed girl started to walk off the stage, over to her girl.
Amber could only sigh in annoyance as her bride was all googly eyed over the wedding singer.
"You were amazing!" Jisoo coos, cupping Jennie's face before nudging their noses together.
"I was so nervous!" Jennie confessed. "I couldn't feel my legs!"
But her nerves turned into anger as she saw the girl trying to steal her bear away.
"What you think you are doing?"
"Yeah... yeah! That's so cute and all." Amber dismissed her "But I paid for this so-"
"Here take your money." Jennie says confidently, pushing wads of cash over Amber's way.
"What the?"
The cat eyed girl narrows her eyes in displease at the girlfriend stealer Amber.
"Take your money, I'm taking my girl."
Amber was ready to fight back, but Jennie had already running away, hand in hand with her Kim Jisoo.
"Sorry bout that." Lisa said more of in politeness, than apology. "How about I give you Chaeyoung for free?"
"Where are you taking me?"
"It's a secret."
Jennie says softly, squeezing Jisoo's hand as they weave their way through the festival crowd.
"You know we have fireworks later."
"Yeah I know and I know the best place to see it."
Jisoo could only smile when she finally realized the familiar route they are taking. They were scaling back up to the top level of the school.
The smile in the president's face grow wilder as she saw how Jennie transformed the conventional rooftop to one of the most romantic place in the entire school. There was a picnic blanket laid on the ground, covered with lush petals and a flower bouquet waiting for Jisoo. Other than the festive lights from the festival below, the only thing that shone on them are the millions of stars scattered throughout the sky. And Jennie always the romantic, made sure there was some of Jisoo's favorite music playing in the background.
"This is beautiful." Jisoo pecked the beautiful girl's cheek. "Thank you."
Jennie took their entwined hands and lead them to the picnic basket.
"We will let your VP do the work for tonight, right now you're going to be spoiled to bits."
"Really?" Jisoo chuckles at Jennie's cheesiness.
"Yes. I'm your slave. Here my master." Jennie poured out a glass of orange juice (Jennie would prefer soda, but she knows Jisoo is a health nut) and hands it to Jisoo. "You must be parched from all that running."
"A bit. Thanks. And Jennie?"
Jisoo crawled closer, closing every inch gap between them.
"Thank you for coming to save me."
"I can't stand the thought of her doing things to you." Jennie pouted angrily yet cutely "OHHHH!!! It makes me so angry, next time I see her I'll punch her!"
"You don't have to do that." Jisoo chuckles, trying to smooth with her thumb Jennie's knitted brows. "I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere."
"I don't care where you go. Just take me along with you."
"You're so perfect. I don't really like to sit here."
"What? Why?"
Jennie could only bit her lip in anticipation as she was helpless at the sight in front of her. Jisoo was now straddled on Jennie's lap, they were close, too close that Jennie is intoxicated by the strawberry fragrance of Jisoo's shampoo.
But Jisoo wasn't done with her, she slowly wrap her arms around Jennie's lean shoulders and leans closer to lay open mouth kisses along Jennie's neck.
Omo. Jennie quickly covered her nose for fear of nosebleed.
Please not now, Jennie could only pray silently.
Jennie was hyperventilating inside as Jisoo's white dress was slowly revealing Jisoo's thighs. Those sinfully delicious thighs.
I'm going to be okay, I'm going to be okay.
"If you're going to be a chicken, your thighs will be my favorite thing that I will eat."
Jisoo could only chuckle at the innocence of the other girl.
"They will be awesome drumsticks." Jennie continued
Jennie's mouth started to water at the thought of fried chicken. Her Jisoo is going to be the sexiest fried chicken in the world.
"But you know..." Jisoo teases as she runs her finger down the length of Jennie's arm. "You could nibble on mine if you like."
OH MY FACKING GOD! Jennie could feel herself about to have a seizure with the sexiness of it all.
Oh no please... she begs herself, please don't have a nosebleed. Please don't ruin all of this.
S.I.S.T.T.A.R my love is going too far
"Oh..." Jennie chimed in "That's your fave song lately."
"Yeah... I have been liking sistar lately." Jisoo smiled shyly at the other girl. "I can't believe you notice."
"I don't pay attention to much, but I pay attention to everything you do, you like, just everything about you."
I know you already know and I don't wanna let go
And if you want me then come and get me
I know you want this SISTAR
Jisoo's face was flushing at the sweet confession. Inside her mind, she was figuring out how to reply from Jennie's adorable admission but found herself losing. Jisoo detests the feeling, but this was probably one of the things why Jennie was more special than anybody else. She was willing to lose to the cat eyed girl anytime, anywhere.
So, right now, when words are useless, Jisoo answers her with actions.
Jennie felt herself being buried under Jisoo's kisses. It was passionate and breathtaking to the point that she felt herself struggling to breathe.
This is a trap Jennie has no intentions of ever escaping.
"I wish you know how much I want you Jen... My Jen..." Jisoo finally pulls away, breathless yet still addicted. Her hand shaky yet risky as she leads her young lover's hand up her thighs.
"I want you too, Jisoo... No... I don't want you."
Hands were stilled midway.
"I don't want you." Jennie leans her forehead against Jisoo's. "I feel something more than that. I love you Jisoo, love you with all I have."
With Jennie's words, all the sweltering hormones have slowly simmered down.
There was one time when Jisoo was in high school when this girl (Jisoo refuses to remember her name) just went in front of the entire school body and announce her undying love for Jisoo. It was like a scene from a cheesy romantic comedy. But instead of cooing and aaawwwing like the rest of those love struck girls, Jisoo was livid. She felt mocked and ridiculed.
What was the point of letting the entire world know that she loves her? Why can't she say it in private?
That's why Jisoo hated love confessions. It was just recently that she secretly found a liking to them, and that is when Jennie started saying those words to her.
Jennie might come off as a kid, but everything about her is sincere and sweet.
Jisoo cups her lover's face gently, bringing their faces together for a kiss. Once again, as their tongues tangle and their breaths being stolen Jennie finds herself being lost once again.
This time Jennie wasn't going to allow any nosebleed or fear to keep her from taking Jisoo in.
"Jisoo?" Jennie asks breathlessly.
"Yes baby?"
"Do you want to go somewhere else or-ummm."
The younger girl felt her breath hitch as Jisoo's lips curve seductively.
"Anywhere with you will be fine."
Jisoo bashfully admitted, her fingers softly drumming against Jennie's back.
The two were interrupted when the entire sky was lit up with brazen colors. The university's fireworks display have sparkled the heavens in ways that you want to be frozen in that moment.
The two shared a knowing smile, before their lips melded in a passionate kiss.
The lovers have the perfect view of the fireworks display, but the beauty of it was easily ignored as they were lost in their kisses once again.
"Here?" The younger girl wondered.
"Anywhere with you is perfect."
Jennie pressed a feathery kiss on Jisoo's forehead before her hands trailed up Jisoo's skirt. She did it so slowly fearing a nosebleed would burst out of nowhere if she does it so suddenly.
"Baby..." Jisoo whispers pleadingly.
The cat eyed girl answered the pleas with another kiss on the forehead, her fingers tiptoed higher up Jisoo's thighs. Every inch more have driven Jisoo insane.
The raven haired beauty casted her gaze downwards. She sits up hoping to make it easier for Jennie to slowly pull down.
Jisoo could only respond with a soft hum, the anticipation and nerves brewing inside of her. In her entire life, nothing can have been more exciting than tonight. Her breathe getting faster every second as Jennie's fingers tiptoes closer up her thighs.
It marveled Jisoo how one touch was enough to shut the world around her. With just one touch, beginnings have never felt more exciting. With just one touch, millions of nerves shot pleasure throughout her veins, With just one touch, memories are created and will forever be etched in them.
And with just one touch, she became Jennie's and Jennie became hers.
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