《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 20 (END)
"Jennie! Jennie! Kim Jennie! Show yourself right now!"
The distressed unnie was running all over the place, looking like a child missing their favorite doll.
But no matter how loud Seulgi's scream was, her voice easily drowned amidst the university's festivities.
"Just give it up Seul." Irene responds blankly.
The frustrated brunette just sighs heavily watching her girlfriend going on panic mode.
"I can't! Where could they be? The university isn't that big!"
"Seulgi" Irene cups Seulgi's hunched shoulders. "It's not like they're gonna get lost. Tell me how old is Jennie?"
Irene doesn't really need to know. She's asking it more to drive in a point.
"She just turned twenty a few months ago."
"And Jisoo?"
"She's my age... So, around 21?"
"Don't you think they're old enough?"
Seulgi's eyes completely widen at what Irene was trying to suggest.
"Old enough to get their freak on? Hell no! They should wait until they're married!"
"What if they just want to be alone?"
Seulgi shook her head in disbelief, how can Irene be so calm about this?
"Are you kidding me?!" The shorter girl shouted while dramatically flailing her arms. "Do you know what couples do when they're alone?"
"I don't know." Irene replied blankly. "I have never been alone with you."
It was a simple phrase enough to mute Seulgi.
"Who is that with Jisoo sunbae?"
"I know right? She's lovely."
"Out of this world!" Another one commented
"Isn't that that kid Jennie?"
Wait" Seulgi raised a skeptical eyebrow after listening in to all this fuss. "Jennie?"
The question had gotten Seulgi all curious. She turned around to look at what's causing all this ruckus.
After seeing her sister, she figured out why.
The older sister has to take a good look at the angel gliding towards her. Jennie was gifted with her mommy Taeyeon's angelic beauty, unfortunately, she didn't inherit her mom's grace and poise.
But come to think of it, Jennie's unpolished yet pretty looks is what made her charming.
There is something very different about her sister today that it made Seulgi narrow her eyes suspiciously. What it is, Seulgi couldn't even point it out. Why does her smile seems to shine brighter? her cheeks flushing a delightful pink? And her face just yells out happiness?
Why? Why? What's causing all this? Why?
Maybe Seulgi should check with Jisoo, but would that help knowing how stoic Jisoo is?
But not today...
Even if she knew Jisoo since they were in elementary, she was never buddy- buddy with her until this year. Jisoo always carries that air of superiority even when they were kids. But tonight something about her felt so different. The president was hardly the blushing kind, but her cheeks right now were flushed. The way her arms wrap around Jennie, looks so submissive, like she's a slave to whatever Jennie tells her to do.
"Where have you two been?"
It irritated Seulgi to see the smile that the young sweethearts exchanged. It's like a secret that Seulgi is dying to know, but she will end up just dying not knowing what it is.
"Fireworks." The two answered in unison.
"You mean you watch the fireworks?"
"Yup. That's what I was trying to say." Jennie answered for the both of them before chuckling. "Well, me and Jisoo are gonna go walk around. See you around unnie and unnie's girl."
"Her name is Irene."
"I don't mind." Irene shrugs.
"I don't mind being called your girl." Irene answers nonchalantly
"Ummm..." Seulgi begin fumbling around for words. "Jennie, can we talk?"
"I mean in private?"
Jennie eyed her sister in suspicion, not catching on what her unnie is trying to infer.
"So what happened?"
"Ummm... nothing?"
But Seulgi quickly took Jennie's ignorance as a denial.
"Nothing?! It feels like something!"
"I was bonding with my girl... Uh- huh- uh- huh." Jennie nodded.
"Like the way you're bonding with Irene unnie right now."
"Bonding with Irene-"
Seulgi didn't manage to scramble out the last words of what she's about say, as Jennie's words seeped slowly into her.
She slowly craned her neck to look at Irene and Jisoo conversing on the side. Irene might be known for her yakuza like behavior but eversince they began dating, Irene has been nothing more than perfect. The girl didn't mind being Seulgi's listening ear or just company.
Now that she thinks about it, Irene makes a far more better girlfriend than she is.
"Bonding with Irene?"
"Yeah unnie... This is a great night, My Jisoo made sure there are a lot of great booths and activities for everyone. You should enjoy it with Irene unnie instead of worrying about me."
"Hmmm." Seulgi could only scoff. "Since when did you become so mature?"
Jennie pouted thoughtfully, thinking of what the answer is. But all she could come up was a shrug, a silly smile and three words.
"I don't know."
"You're not going to follow them?" Irene wondered out loud as Seulgi was lost at the sight of Jisoo and Jennie walking away.
"What?" Seulgi woke up.
"I'm asking if you-" The lethargic girl had more to say but the sight of Seulgi's hand wrapped around hers, froze her.
"Nah! They're old enough... they know what they're doing, don't you think?"
Irene just manage a wee smile, right now who cares what those did, she have her own romantic moment to savor here.
"I think they do. I'm glad you think that way."
Seulgi smiles back, feeling Irene's porcelain hand with her thumb.
"Where are we going?"
"On our official date."
Irene had no idea what part of the school festival Seulgi was going to lead her to, not that she even cares. Finally, after sometime it's just going to be the two of them.
The entire place was covered with giggly girls, but none of it matters anymore. For both Irene and Seulgi this whole night belongs to them.
"Right now! It's Seulrene Generation!"
"You think they did it?"
Chaeyoung was the first to finally spoke up, as she and the girls observed the Jennie and Jisoo skipping happily from a distance.
"Did what?" Yeri wonders.
The older unnies remained stunned at the question from the naïve one.
"Ummm... you know ahhh... Like ate some cotton candy?"
Chaeyoung lied to preserve the younger girl's innocence. Yeri just bit her lower lip enjoying the idea that her unnies think of her as that pure maknae.
"Oh. That's not good. Cotton candy has too much sugar."
"We should just ask them." Joy says curiously.
"Are you kidding me?! Jisoo is like a stone wall she will never admit to anything."
"C'mon guys... Why? Why are we just so curious to know?" Wendy finally steps in.
"So what if they did it? They're old enough and most importantly, they love each other. Some people think that it needs more than that, but as long as Jisoo loves Jennie and Jennie obviously loves Jisoo, I think that is more than enough."
"Wow. So deep Wendy."
"Of course." Wendy remarked with a flip of her shampoo commercial worthy hair. "When I said I was perfect, I meant it."
The other girls just remain deaf to Wendy's self love quotes, but unfortunately she was far from being done.
"Let's just say... when God created me, he ended up smiling for days. I make God smile."
"Let's move away, before we ended up getting smite with her." Lisa warned.
"Nobody thinks about waiting for marriages anymore." Chaeyoung sighs deeply.
The girls look over to the happy couple, with Jennie playing around with Jisoo's hair and Jisoo obviously amused by it.
And the friends couldn't help but smile at the sight.
All three of them have this fear that their dear friend Chu, as beautiful and perfect as she is will never find the perfect one for her.
Then Kim Jennie comes along...
There are no set parameters, or any word in the dictionary that could describe the girl. She's attractive in an amusing way, smartass yet a sensitive soul, a lover who wouldn't hesitate to fight. Kim Jennie is a jigsaw puzzle with pieces all over the place that you couldn't help but love to put together.
This was the only girl, among the many who won Jisoo's heart. It was not an easy task, it's daunting even. It's the thought of pouring out your whole love and energy while the other person constantly throws everything out.
But Jennie made it look easy, she made falling in love seem so uncomplicated. She showed that all a person should really do is fall in love and prayed to the Gods that their actions would show it.
Jennie loves Jisoo with everything that she had, and even more than what she could become. And everytime she says those three words, she meant every word of it.
I Love You
And Jisoo knew, and felt how great it would be to wanted, needed, and to be loved. And who would have thought that out of all the people in the world, a childish Kim would be the perfect one for the perfection that is Kim Jisoo?
"I have a feeling those two will end up together."
The friends just nod in agreement. And the rest of the world who ever get to witness the way Jennie and Jisoo loved, knew it too.
"What do you want to do?"
It was such a simple question but Kim Jisoo had to think awhile to answer it.
Truth is, she has never gotten a chance to enjoy a school festival. Since she was a freshmen, she have always been part of the committee. Committees who do the dirty work behind the scenes and who never get recognized for their work.
She felt like she was running on autopilot, taking care of this and that. Never in her 4 years of college, did the word fun and enjoy crossed her mind.
"I don't know." Jisoo answers embarrassingly. "What is there to do?"
"Oh plenty! We could walk around! Eat anything we like! Play some games! Oh! Kim Jisoo?"
Jennie's eyes beamed at her idea.
"Will you like to go on a date with me?"
Jisoo could only chuckle at the cheesiness of the other girl.
"Do you still need to ask that?" Jisoo answered, before slowly wrapping her arms around Jennie's.
"AWESOME!" Jennie yelped with glee. "I'll make this a night you won't forget."
Jennie said it so innocently but it was enough to make Jisoo blush. The dark haired girl lean closer and whispered softly in her girlfriend's ear.
"You already did earlier."
The cat eyed girl quickly covers her blushing cheeks, trying to subdue her squeals.
"I'll make it more memorable. C'mon!"
Jennie excitedly tugs Jisoo's hand.
"Wait." Jisoo stilled her baby monkey's hand. "We should plan what we should do, don't you think?"
The word plan isn't fun.
"What's the fun in that? We would just walk around and whatever we think is fun, we do. No need to plan. Like c'mon I'm going to win you something super awesome."
It only took a couple of seconds before Jennie knew where to take Jisoo to impress her.
"Let's start here!"
Jennie excitedly brought Jisoo to a shooting gallery, ready to wow Jisoo with her sharpshooting skills. Jennie's lips curve into a grin as she looks at those quacking ducks.
After she's done with her, they wouldn't be quacking anymore.
"Good luck."
After a few minutes...
Jennie stomps with all her might as she lost once again.
It was mocking her, yes, that's what it is. These yellow ducks were all mocking her, quacking in her face!
"THIS IS RIGGED! RIGGED I TELL YOU!!!! RIGGED!!!" Jennie stomps some more.
"It's okay."
Jisoo smiled affectionately at the dejected deer.
"B-but- I didn't win you anything." Jennie flutters her teary eyes.
"I told you..." Jisoo nuzzles her nose in her girlfriend's long neck. The feel of Jisoo's breath tickling Jennie, made the choding's worries disappear. "It didn't matter. I like this. I like the company."
"Would you like to try it?"
Jisoo and Jennie turned away from their embrace and blink in unison at the guy.
"Who? me?" Jisoo pointed to herself.
"Yes, you."
"Ummm okay" Jisoo shrugs before taking the gun.
"It's okay if you miss- whoah!" Jennie's jaw drops as one shot from Jisoo and the duck flew out. Beginner's luck.
"I got one."
"Yes you did!" She got lucky "WHAT THE?!"
This was a surprising sight for Jennie as the duck just flew right by.
"I did it again!!!" Jisoo squealed with delight, much to Jennie's disbelief.
No kidding...
"One more duck maa-and whoah!" The guy fell back in shock as Jisoo just shoot another duck down.
"I got one more duck! So do I get a prize?"
"Anything you like, miss."
"So Jennie- which one would you like?"
Jennie's gaze remains in the ground in both shame and defeat. She already played inside her head how this scenario is supposed to happen. It was supposed to be HER, yes HER who should wow Jisoo with her awesome shooting skills, not Jisoo beating her at this game. It embarrassed her in the maximum level to show Jisoo that she don't have skills at all.
But despite all that, Jennie was able to raise her arm and point to a fluffy bear that her heart desire.
"That one."
"Why are you quiet?" Jisoo nudges the girl armed with stuff toys beside her. Jennie's teddy bear added more friends as Jisoo won her a unicorn, a whale, a cow and possibly every mammal known in the world.
It turned out Jisoo wasn't just a sniper, she could shoot hoops, pitch, bat, kick and all that. Add this to Jisoo's list of perfection, all around expert in carnival games.
"I'm not quiet. I'm just talking inside my head."
Jisoo narrowed her eyes at the sarcasm.
"Is the voice in your head more interesting than talking to me?"
The loud gasp that came out of Jisoo's mouth instantly worried her young girlfriend.
"Are you okay?" Jennie asks squeezing Jisoo's hand
Jisoo manages to give out a hesitant nod. She knew there was nothing to worry about, Jennie's mommy Taeyeon is always so loving. But when the thought of what she and Jennie were doing race inside her head, she couldn't help but be worried. She took away their daughter's innocence.
Oh God! Jisoo's troubles quadruple at the thought of Jennie's mommy Tiffany.
"Hello Jisoo."
"Hello..." Jisoo bows down so low.
"Is mommy Tiffany here too?"
"No darling... She left for a business meeting this morning. She would be back tomorrow. Did Jisoo win all those for you, baby?"
"Oh..." The sadness dawned on Jennie again at the thought that here she is holding all this, while Jisoo is empty handed. "Yeah..."
"That's really nice of you, Jisoo."
Jisoo let out an awkward smile.
"Why are you here mama?"
"My alumni class has this impromptu reunion. I haven't met most of my classmates for quite some time now. So, I wanted to come and catch up with them."
"I bet you're the prettiest one."
Until now, the unexpected words that come out of her daughter's mouth could make her laugh.
"Were all getting to that age."
"Oh! Jisoo you must be so thirsty from all the games!" Jennie says "Let me give two of my favorite ladies some juice. Stay here! Don't move!"
"I- I can come with you." Jisoo quickly offered.
"No. no you can't. You have to protect my mom and make sure no one steals her away from mommy Tiffany. And you too, mom, you know my Jisoo is very popular. So, make sure you guard her from her sneaky fans."
"Jennie-" Jisoo squeals in embarrassment.
"Ok, sweetheart, don't worry I will."
"Okay, I'll be back. Do not move."
Jennie warns them, constantly checking over her shoulder to make sure the two lovely ladies didn't move.
"She's so cute." Jisoo mutters softly,
It took a few seconds for Jisoo to realize that she was spazzing about Jennie to Jennie's mom.
"I-I-I-I-I'm so-rry... I wasn't. I mean- It's just that."
Jisoo continued to stammer, for what reason she couldn't explain. But all it took was one loving squeeze on her shoulder to reassure her, that she has nothing to worry about.
"You think my daughter is cute, there is no reason to say sorry." It calmed Jisoo to see the smile from Taeyeon. It easily comforted her how Jennie's grin was identical to her mom's.
"Please don't be scared of me. I completely understand though. It was nerve wrecking for me to meet Tiffany's parents."
Jisoo heard a lot of stories about how Jennie's mommy Tiffany was a chaebol, but lost all inheritance when she chose to be with a girl. But does the amount of money or privilege your family has even matter? Wouldn't the hurt be as bad for parents if they figure out their daughter is dating a girl?
"What happened?"
Even if Taeyeon smile at her, Jisoo could see a tinge of hurt in it.
"Well, they reacted like most parents did. They didn't like that their daughter was with another girl."
"Oh. But you and Ms. Tiffany are still together and very much in love."
Taeyeon smiled at the thought.
"It was very hard but we pulled through. That's why Tiffany and I always tell the girls that we want them to be with someone who makes them happy because nothing hurts the most, than knowing people are against you and the person you love."
The two slowly weave through the excitement, finding solace in a wooden bench by the barbecue tent.
"You know, when Jennie was younger she loves to visit Yeri. But before we could even ask her what she did, she would start talking about Yeri's unnie."
Jisoo lowers her head as she felt a blush rising up her cheeks.
"She would tell us everything, I mean everything about you. When you get a haircut, or what your science project was about, or even what song you hum while you're thinking. Sometimes she would come home quietly, and when we ask her what's wrong, it turns out that she wouldn't see you that time."
A tinge of guilt was starting to grapple with Jisoo's heart. Jisoo perfectly remembered those days, during those times, she thought of Jennie as nothing more but an annoying brat.
"Actually, Tiffany and I were worried about you."
Taeyeon smiles again as the memories started flooding in. Her wife might be stoic and unaffectionate to the girls, but Tiffany loves them dearly. Seulgi have always been independent even when she was still young, but Jennie was always their clingy baby. That she and her wife always has this inert feeling of wanting to shield her from heartbreak.
- In Serial15 Chapters
The Last 100
The bustling crush of humanity had become common place now, the cacophony of voices and the symphony of a city had become the song and dance of our species. But it was not always such, and return back to our more humble roots we did.The system had come, and it had stripped us bare. Sure it had given us a means to power, but at what cost. We were the last 100 left. Night was falling on the human race, it was a dark night, and it was cold.But go quietly we would not. We would make the world burn with an inferno of our defiance. Rage, rage against that goodnight, and I Jack Casser, have rage a plenty. This is my story, the story of the last 100.Author Note: This story is a LitRPG apocalypse, woah fucking original idea I know but hear me out. If you can look past preconceived ideas driven by a stigma of overdone tropes and done to death plots of achieving world domination and self-righteous characters and give the story a chance I hope it can surprise you.
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