《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 14
"Who are you calling?"
Taeyeon jabs a playful joke at her wife, after she saw the panic expression in the usual stoic face.
"Jennie... She told me she's spending the night with Jisoo, so... Hey!"
A deep frown starts to form in Tiffany's face as Taeyeon pulls her phone away. The raven haired beauty showed her irritation by mumbling incessantly... But all Taeyeon has to do was wrap her arms around her wife's lean shoulders and Tiffany fell quiet.
And just that quickly, Tiffany's frown was replaced by a smile. She didn't even try to figure out why. For her screw that phone, for her nothing in this world that she would rather hold than this girl right here.
"You know I remember when I was in junior in high school. There was this really, really, really hot sunbae that everyone is just crazy about..."
A cocky smirk starts to tug on the gorgeous lips of the raven haired beauty.
"Hmmm... I don't remember anything in high school." Tiffany pouts thoughtfully "Except for this wonderful, wonderful girl who would just sit and read in the library... She was the only memory worth remembering..."
As they slowly sway to the sweet melodies of the song, they felt themselves being transported back in time where they were young and carefree.
"I remember how she was always so bent over some book. I felt like I never stood a chance against those romance novels. So I started visiting the library more..."
Taeyeon's mellow laugh starts to fill the air as she listens to Tiffany recount those long, buried memories.
"But hey... that did you good cause you end up learning to read, right?" She teased her wife.
"Oh yes... I finally learn to read my ABCs..." Tiffany played along...
"Oh I remember... when this hot sunbae finally approached me... Ask me if I work there..."
"Pretty smooth, this hot sunbae..." Tiffany pointed out.
"I told her no, but that I could help her if she needs anything."
They continue to dance along to the rhythm. But this time, there were no exchange of words, instead they spoke their love through their sweet smiles and through their playful touches.
"It scared me when she asks me out, because she has this rep of being a big player... I knew that if ever I was just a game to her, that it will really break my heart because I really like her."
"It scared me too..." Tiffany softly confesses, before she brushes away the loose strand of hair out of her wife's lovely face. "It turned out this quiet library girl have quite a fanclub. I didn't know how I match against all the others."
"You didn't match..."
Tiffany frowns again, but just a peck on her lips and she was smiling again.
"You were the one they measured too... But one of my best memories of her, was during one of our dates. She was about to take me home, but it started raining so since were riding around on her motorcycle, we decided to take shed in this abandon beach house... You know what happened there?"
"Best night of your life?"
Taeyeon's laugh started to echo around the room, her wife's overwhelming love for herself still amused her til this day.
"I guess you can say that... How about you? Was it the best night of your life?"
"Hmmm?" Tiffany pouts thoughtfully... "No... more of third?"
The revelation shock Taeyeon so much, that she froze on her spot.
Tiffany relishes the look of dismay from her gorgeous wife, but she loves her too much to keep this joke going.
"You know what the second and first one?"
Taeyeon just remain quiet, that Tiffany tries to appease her wife by nuzzling her perfect nose against her wife's.
"The second was when Seulgi and Jennie were born..."
A soft, shy smile slowly spreads on Taeyeon's lips after she heard her wife's confession.
"So, what was the first?"
And Tiffany smiled, knowing that since then until this very second; this woman was the sole reason for all the best things in her life.
"When that wonderful, wonderful girl in the library said I love you too."
Just hearing those words out loud, made Taeyeon blush unconsciously.
"You still got it Hwang..." Taeyeon teases, hoping to hide her deep blush.
"Only for you Kim..." She leans closer, pressing her soft lips on her wife's fair skin. "By the way... we were in high school when we first did it?"
"Yes... I can't believe you forget..."
"Oh babe... trust me I didn't forget... It just I didn't realize we were that young..."
"Yes... But we didn't think we were young back then... Back to my point... What I'm trying to say is...What if I said no? What if I was too scared of getting my heart broken?"
Tiffany ends up burying her face in her wife's neck, just the thought of the love of her life saying no was enough to break her heart.
"I would forever be living in the what ifs... And you're not going to be the love of my life anymore..."
Taeyeon kisses away the frown from the puppy eyed girl...
"You are going to be the one that got away... And I don't want that for the girls. I want them to experience the happiness that you can only feel when you met that special one."
Her long, graceful fingers start tiptoeing along her wife's back. The touch no matter how subtle, still created a searing effect in Tiffany's skin.
"I guess so... But still... it's different when it's your kids... Like you know... they're your kids... can't they just stay that way? As kids?"
"I know it's hard babe. But I trust Jennie... In fact, the way she looks at Jisoo reminded me of how this hot sunbae look at me back then..."
"If that's the case... then those two will be up all night, then."
Taeyeon slaps her wife in the arm, after what she's trying to imply.
"I mean up all night talking... geez... you look so angelic, but you're super byun..." Tiffany pokes fun at her wife.
They slowly started dancing again, arms still wrap around each other, the teasing smile still evident.
"Our kids should never know that we started doing it in high school."
"Yup... never... We don't want them catching up to us..."
"Yes..." Taeyeon agreed. "As far as they should know, if they ever wondered it was during our first night after being married."
"Yes... I agree to that."
The two nodded at the same time, before doing a pinkie swear to confirm their agreement.
Seulgi could hardly contain herself as she saw Irene slowly approaching her. It's like one of those moments in those fairy tales or fan fiction. The kind of things you could only wish that someday would happen to you...
But of course on those fairy tales, cockblockers don't exist.
"Is that the girl you like?"
"What?!" Seulgi turns around and found her mommy Tiffany giving her that smug half grin. "Ummm well..."
Seulgi was scrambling trying to figure out a way to say it. It was quite awkward to talk about things like this to your mom.
"Don't try to hide it kid..." Tiffany ruffles her daughter's honey blonde hair. "It's obvious..."
"Gosh mom..." Seulgi mutters embarrassingly. "No need to be so blunt about it..."
"You know when I was in high school, I was this badass..."
"You beat up kids for their lunch money?"
"I don't have to beat them up... They would offer it to me..."
Seulgi couldn't help but smile at her mom's uber pride at herself.
"I thought I could beat anything, beat anyone. But then I saw the most beautiful girl in the whole world right there in the library."
"Wait? You went to the library?!"
"I was looking for the bathroom..." Tiffany admitted... "But anyways, I saw her right there in the corner, reading I don't know what she's reading. But from then on, I started going to the library..."
"You were stalking her?"
"No..." The raven hair quickly dispels that idea "I was admiring her from a distance... Can you let me finish my story?"
"Alright... alright..."
"Then, this guy started making a move on her."
Seulgi bites her lower lip as she saw her mom frown from that awful memory.
"So, I said myself that I will never forgive myself if I ever lose myself to him. So, that day I ask her if she works there..."
"I guess it work, huh?"
"She was all over me after that..."
Tiffany turns to her girl, talking with a few guests. They were older now, much older, but somehow everytime she looks at Taeyeon, it feels like it was the first time she saw her in the library. She was still as breathtaking, still so beautiful.
Taeyeon was used to being gaze upon and admired. But with Tiffany, it was so different, just one look and she falters. Every time those dark brown eyes met hers, it was like she was falling all over again. It still felt like the first time they caught each other's gaze in the library. Tiffany still made her weak, Tiffany still made her fall to her knees.
Seulgi found herself being awkwardly stuck in the middle, as her parents are doing their usual googly eye love stare.
"You know what Seul... I'm getting sleepy..." Tiffany stretches her tone arms, while yawning hoping to get the impression that she's tired. "Me and your mom are going home..."
"Mom doesn't look like she's tired..." Seulgi pokes jokingly...
The two look over and Taeyeon still look so energize laughing with some guests.
"Yes... she is..." Tiffany frowns. "She's just being polite..."
Tiffany stood up, but not before patting her kid softly in the hair.
"Don't end up regretting this day, when it could have been the best night of your life."
Jisoo decided not to say a word and just curiously watch her baby, playing around with her ice cream sundae. She wanted to ask what was going on but she didn't want to ruin the girl's concentration.
She had never saw Jennie's face this serious. Her brow was all knitted together, her forehead all scrunched up as she was meticulously putting chocolate syrup on her vanilla ice cream.
Ahhhh..." Jennie squeals in a victorious glee... "TADA!"
Jisoo almost smashes her forehead in the table for thinking for a second about Jennie being serious. Of course, her GF was making of all things a Kkuma ice cream sundae.
"I always wonder why you like Rilakkuma so much..."
Jennie gingerly moves the ice cream sundae next to Jisoo, before pulling out her phone to take a picture of her two favorite bears.
"It's okay Chichuu... you will always be my favorite bear."
"I'm not wondering about that. It's just that I have never known anybody who loves Rilakkuma that much."
"Well..." Jennie said before taking a spoonful of kkuma's ear. "You know when I was young I always thought that mommy Tiffany could defeat any monsters in the world. You know what? Come to think of it, I still think that way until now..."
"But she travels a lot because of her job, so it's just me, unnie and mommy Taeyeon left at home. I would always be so scared when she's away, because I feel like monsters would come get us. So, one day after she traveled from Japan, she brought me this Rilakkuma teddy bear. And she said, that she told Rilakkuma to be our bodyguard when she was away and I was never scared after that..."
Jennie's innocence was able to tug Jisoo's heartstrings once again.
"And she also bought Seulgi unnie, a dookong... Now that I try to remember it, I don't remember she bought mommy Taeyeon anything. But still they were so happy even if they 're sick."
"Yes... actually that was the first time that I notice them having those allergy bites."
"Allergy bites?"
"Yes... It's like everywhere on their neck and shoulders. One time I saw mommy Taeyeon wearing shorts and it's even on her thighs!"
Jennie says in disbelief, flailing her arms around in pure astonishment. Poor Jisoo could only cover her face with embarrassment. It befuddled her how someone as Jennie could be quite innocent as she says.
"It's like every morning it will only get worse, because there it is again... more than the day before..."
Jisoo's ice cream was melting so fast with how intense she was staring at it.
"It's a good thing it's not hereditary..."
The dark haired girl made a mental note to not be too rough when she and Jennie would be- WHAT?!
She started wolfing down her sundae, hoping the effect of the ice cream could cool down her blushing cheeks. Why on Earth is she even thinking this way about someone as innocent as Jennie? It feels like such a crime...
"So, where would we go next?"
"Anywhere you like..."
"How come I'm not surprise you brought me here?"
Jisoo pokes at the girl who looks so serious looking through the song list.
"Of course... you said you will make my wish come true... So, you have to sing to me..."
"But I already sang to you earlier..."
"Two lines don't count... although your voice sounds so sexy... That's why I feel like I need to hear more... And it's my birthday... so... you have to do whatever I say..."
"Could I just sing to you, happy birthday?" Jisoo tries to get away from it.
"Nope..." Jennie quickly answers "Ahhh... here you go... A song from the queen for my queen..."
Just seeing the title, made the uptight Jisoo raised a brow.
"Eat you up?"
"Uh... uh huh... uh huh... You don't have to dance, just sing it..."
Jisoo could only exhale in defeat. She stood in front so motionless, she lifts the mic to her lips and started going along with the colored words in screen.
Boa - Eat You Up
When I first saw you I knew nothing's like it used to be
Boy, you have got to be the finest thing in history
When she started "singing", it sounded like Jisoo was reading a passage from the Holy Scripture...
"NO! NO! NO! NO!"
If Jennie could rip out the plug for the karaoke machine she would. Jisoo just turned such a sexy song to something vanilla.
"That's not how you sing that..."
"Why don't you sing it?"
"I can't..." Jennie quickly declines.
"Why not?"
"It will destroy my innocent image..."
"Oh please..." Jisoo rolls her eyes at the girl's excuse. "It's just the two of us..."
"No... I have an image that I have to maintain... I could sing Wolf by Exo..."
"Oh singing Eat you up? Would destroy your image but singing Wolf wouldn't?"
"It's complicated... Are you ready, Chu?"
"Omo! Omo! Omo! Omo!" Jennie was flailing around so excitedly that she's making her and Jisoo's ferris wheel cab shake.
Jisoo squeezes the other girl's hand, hoping it will calm the girl...
"Calm yourself..."
"Okay..." Jennie still herself "Omo..." She says but this time she says it in a whisper.
Her girlfriend just smiles at Jennie's hyperness, and Jennie returns Jisoo's smile. Actually, there is no way she can't stop smiling, this wasn't just the best birthday she ever had. But also the happiest one...
When they reach the very peak, Jennie could feel Jisoo's grip getting tighter.
"Are you scared?"
"No.. of course not..."
Jennie pulls her hand away from Jisoo, and wraps her girl in an embrace.
"Now you don't have any reason to be scared anymore."
"You're too sweet, don't you know that?"
Jennie chuckles, before burying her head in the crook of Jisoo's neck. But she slowly look up, when she felt a cold metal slipping on her finger.
"Happy Birthday, baby monkey..."
The birthday girl for once was frozen, as she saw the ring in her finger.
And as the ferris wheel starts to descent back down to Earth, Jennie slowly leans closer and press a thank you kiss on those ravishing red lips.
A thank you for the ring, A thank you for the best birthday gift and a big thank you for choosing to love her.
"So, do you hear it? Do you hear the difference?"
All Lisa could hear was Chaeyoung's continuous asking, as she asks Lis to do a test run on her newly bought "EXPENSIVE" headphones.
"Naaahhh..." Lisa returns Chaeyoung's 60 dollar headphones. "I don't hear it, it sounded like your 20 dollar headphone."
"NO IT DOESN'T!" Chaeyoung was fuming, shaking her expensive headphone in the air. "There is a huge difference! Can't you hear the bass?"
"The bass?"
"You know that low, deep beats of the bass... Gosh!"
Chaeyoung crank the volume higher to make sure Lisa would hear better.
"Do you hear it now? It's like G Dragon is seducing you with his voice..."
"Sorry... I don't..."
The tall girl yanks the headphones off her former bestfriend's head.
"You know what? Screw you and your awful hearing... I'm sure Chu here could hear the difference, right bud?"
"Hmmm?" Jisoo says absentmindedly... She should have known that the happy BFF sh*t moment won't last long, and now they're back to arguing again. She has grown so used to it, that she sometimes just tuned them out.
"What's up with you?" Chaeyoung asks, taking advantage of Jisoo's quietness by forking from Jisoo's plate.
"Oh... ummm... nothing... I just received the proposal from the campaign parties, asking me about the campaign."
Her friends all gulp at the same time, exchanging worried glances at each other.
"Is it that time of the year again?" Chaeyoung whispers cautiously.
"What?" Jisoo asks confusedly as she saw the expression on her friends faces.
"No offense Kim... but you're not really... ummm... how do I put it? You're not nice. When it's campaign season."
The two started to cower in their seat, as Jisoo stood up, high and mighty to prove her point.
"It's just that there are too many things to do and..." Jisoo starts mumbling fast as she defends herself.
Lisa clears her throat and decide to let Jisoo know the truth.
"I think the thing with you Chu is, you don't trust anyone. You have this stick shove up your hiney and you are quite a perfectionist."
"Since when is being a perfectionist a bad thing?"
"No it's not... But if you're making people cry then that's something."
"So, Chu... you want to be president again?"
Jisoo wishes she has a clear cut answer to that. But truth was, she's stuck in a boundary between what she likes and what people expected her to be like.
She could clearly say that Jennie has a lot to do with all this confusion. Meeting and falling for the girl, it sort of made her realize about things she never thought she wanted. The simple things of hanging out with friends, going out on dates, movies... Things that she constantly have to set aside for the sake of running the school.
Seeing Jisoo's silence, gave Lisa the chance to speak up.
"You know... no one is forcing you to run. And people would still respect you big time even if you're not president anymore."
"Yeah Chu... You know it's time to be like a teenager in love... Just going out on dates with your lover girl... Hanging out with your sh*t friends..."
"Oh you guys are still not over that phase."
Jisoo haven't step in the coffeeshop but she already got flag down by the two girls sharing a milkshake by the corner booth.
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