《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Special Birthday Chapter
Seulgi couldn’t help but wonder how this is even possible. It was a Saturday morning, but her plan of sleeping in was completely ruin by her sister jumping up and down in her room.
Her kid sis is light as a feather but when she starts jumping around, it’s like a hippo break dancing. Jennie’s jumping made their house feel like it’s been hit by a .7 magnitude Earthquake.
A few seconds later and their house just shook and bounce some more…Until Seulgi had enough..
She was about to jump out of bed and strangle her bouncing dongsaeng; but before she could move she heard their parents’ bedroom door slamming open.
Seulgi finally decide to curl up in bed, she knew her mommy Tiffany would handle it.
All her mommy Tiffany has to do was show her angry face and Jennie quickly stops.
Those cat eyes just widen in fear at the sight of her angry mom. She loves her mommy Tiffany, but she always has this intense fear of her. Maybe it’s because she’s like super badass, like she could annihilate a group of zombies anytime.
“Hey… stop all that bouncing around… your mommy Taeyeon is trying to sleep…”
Jennie guiltily bats her cat eyes before she saw her mom’s shoulders with those pesky insect bites again.
“Ahem… ahem…” Her mommy Tiffany clears her throat before trying to fix her bathrobe to hide her insect bites. “What are you trying to do?”
“I’m trying to do cardio so I would be sexy like Jisoo…”
Her mommy Tiffany just raised that perfectly waxed brow in confusion. Her daughter was in a complete rillakkumma jogging outfit, complete with ears and a tail (who on Earth jog with bear ears and tail? Only their daughter).
“Hi baby…”
Both Jennie and her mommy Tiffany replied to the beautiful woman who just joined them. Like her mommy Tiffany, Jennie notices her mommy Taeyeon seems to be having the same allergy from those insect bites.
“She’s not a baby anymore, she’s old…” Those dark brown eyes narrowed at her wife’s nickname for their daughter.
“No she’s not…” Taeyeon cooed before embracing her mini version, or like Tiffany always says her baby version.
“She and Seulgi will always be my baby…”
Jennie’s choding laugh just annoyed her rival more…
“So, babe did you tell Jennie about our plans for her birthday?”
“You have plans for my birthday?”
Tiffany couldn’t help but smile as she saw those cat eyes sparkle. It made her fall even harder for her wife, for giving her this kind of happiness she know she won’t find anywhere else.
“Well… Me and your mommy are thinking that maybe for your twentieth birthday we could have a vacation anywhere you like.”
Gassssssssspppppppp… That was the sound of Jennie’s very excited gasp.
“Anywhere? Oh gosh!!! I’m so excited to tell Jisoo!!!”
“No…I’m sorry baby… just us… you, me and your mom and your unnie…”
And just that quickly, her mom’s “No” quickly dampens her once so happy moment.
“Then… no…” The smile had easily turned into a pout. A cute pout nonetheless but still a pout. “Jisoo has been my best gift this year, she have to come…”
“Well… either that or we could throw you a birthday party.”
The huge smirk starts to tug on those lips again.
“A birthday party?! That’s awesome!!!”
“Oh wow…”
Jisoo wonders if Jennie could hear the sarcasm in her voice as she opens up the rillakkuma birthday invitation.
She didn’t have any classes until 11, but Jisoo took this time to work on some papers. But her plan has to be put on hold, when Jennie waltz in, waving around the rillakkuma birthday invitation.
“How old are you going to be again?”
“I’m going to be tenteen years old…”
Jisoo highly doubts that age has anything to do with behavior, since Jennie was right there spinning round and round in her swivel chair.
“You mean twenty?”
“Uh huh… uh huh… uh huh…” Jennie’s head kept on bobbing worse than any bobblehead, that Jisoo got worried that it might fall off her neck.
“And guess who’s going to my party?”
“RILAKKUMA!!!!” Jennie squeals but hurriedly covered her mouth as if she just said a major secret. “Rilakkuma…”
She whispers so softly this time…
“Oh wow…” Jisoo says much less excited than the first. “He’s coming?”
The thought of her second favorite bear (next to her sexy bear) coming over to her party made Jennie just clap excitedly.
“Mommy Tiffany already contacted the mascot agency… I think that’s what it’s called. And they already have him set up for Saturday.”
“Well… I’m happy you have everything you need for your birthday… So, do you have anything that you would like for a gift?”
Jennie just points to her sexy bear, before batting those lashes once again… Jisoo could just smile in amusement.
“Really? Nothing else?”
Jennie slowly hums in thought, her cute forehead creasing as she racks her brains for an answer.
“Well… Just you and me alone for one night…”
The older girl felt her whole face flushing red as memories of that night came strolling back in.
“You and me alone?”
“Yes… We can watch movies, while eating some leftover cake and pizza then go to sleep…”
Jisoo should have known that Jennie was still too innocent over these kind of things. The girls were interrupted by the sound of the school bell blaring.
“Oh… that’s the bell… Got to go to class… Can I?”
“Can you what?” Jisoo raised her brow, wondering what Jennie is trying to imply.
“Can I get a kiss?” Jennie bats her eyes, hoping to charm the other girl.
“I’ll think about it…” Jisoo responded absentmindedly, but when she turned around she was surprised to see Jennie with a goofy smirk on her face. “What?”
“I’m waiting for you to think about it…”
“Fine… but only in the-“
Jennie kiss the words right out of Jisoo’s mouth.
“See you later!”
Jisoo just ended up waving her off, since she was too busy hiding her blushing cheeks to answer.
“Kim Chuuuu….”
Jisoo wonders if she will ever get to finish anything today. It’s already lunchtime, but the amount of her work were creating a stack on her desk, that she thought she have to work through lunch to get everything done.
But here she is being interrupted once again, but this time by her three BFFs.
But when Jisoo saw her friends, she froze midway and couldn’t help but grow suspicious. They didn’t look like they were about to kill each other, in fact, she thinks they look happy… together.. happy together…
“What is going on?”
The three exchanged extra happy looks before attacking Jisoo with their megawatt smile. They give each other looks, as if having a mental convo on who was going to tell Jisoo. Lisa ends up being the spokesgirl.
“You know Jennie invited us for her birthday party. And we heard from Joy that Seul and Jen’s mommy Tiffany is like some big time I don’t know… some powerful crime boss or something…”
“A crime boss? Really? ” Jisoo could never guess that her choding girlfriend would be related to a crime boss.
“Well, okay not a crime boss but you know some big shot… who got major connections. So, we ask Jennie if we could perform for her birthday.”
“Oh no…” Jisoo started shaking her head in disapproval. Her answer is flat out NO.
It’s not like she don’t think her friends are talented, actually she does. Chaeyoung and Lisa are great dancers, while Wendy got a beautiful voice. But combining those three? She don’t even want to think about it.
“Oh no… no… If you three want to perform go ahead, but Jennie’s birthday party is not the time to do that.”
“Why not?!” Chaeyoung face scrunches into a frown. “Opportunity is knocking Kim, and when they do you have to welcome it with open arms!”
“Because Jennie’s parents are going to be there…” Jisoo tries to reason out “I need to look good, not look like I’m friends with a bunch of crazy people…”
Lisa ends up chuckling, totally unaffected by Jisoo’s outburst.
“Chu… Chu… my good buddy Chu…” Lisa pats her bestfriend on the shoulder. “Dude! When your future in laws see how talented we are… They might end up just kneeling right there and asking your hand for marriage.”
“I doubt that.” Jisoo says suspiciously.
“How can you say that?” Chaeyoung spurts out “You haven’t even seen us perform yet…”
“Fine… What are you going to perform?”
This time the girls has no reply, all exchanging some embarrassed looks.
“Well… we are still working on that. We have been busy trying to come up with a name.”
“Oh yes… yes! Yes!” Lisa says proudly. “Kim Jisoo you will never hear a name that is as badass as what you’re about to hear…”
“Ok…” Jisoo continues to shake her head, while playing around with her lettuce in her plate.
“Ok guys… here goes… I’m Chaeyoung…”
“This is your girl Lis…”
“And I’m your ultimate, dream girl fantas-“
“Hush Wendy and get straight to the point…”
“Alright… alright… I’m Wendy…”
The three girls pose like some Korean version of Charlie’s angels before saying…
“And together were “SH*T!”
(A/N: Original characters initials starts with S, H & T)
Jisoo almost spit out her salad, and unfortunately started choking on it as she heard the name.
“Seriously?” Jisoo finally manages to talk, after gulping down her water. “Your name is Sh*t? Do you three even hear what you have just said?”
The three girls shake their head in disappointment. As if Jisoo was the one who lost a few screws on her head for not appreciated the coolness of their name.
“Well… That’s how our name sounds like if you combine our first name initials. S. H. T… Sh*t”
“If you join Chu, then we would really be name Shyt… or shty…” Chaeyoung nodded happily, wondering if her BFF wants to join in.
“No… thank you…” Jisoo politely declined… “But seriously? Sh*t?”
“I know right?” Lisa smirks so confidently “It sounds so badass…”
“No… it sounds like sh*t…”
“Hmmm? Sh*t bad? Or sh*t good?”
“The bad one…”
Lisa quickly waves her hand in disagreement…
“No… it’s not that kind of sh*t, but you know like CL said… I’m paraphrasing this of course. It’s not sh*t, meaning bad, but sh*t meaning good you know…”
Kim Jisoo don’t think a facepalm was enough for this moment, so she bang her forehead on the cafeteria table in frustration.
“Fine… If that’s what you guys decide…” Jisoo raises her hand, knowing that she has no choice but to surrender.
It made Jisoo wondered why everyone seems to be all over her today. Now it was her secretary, Somi who was chasing her down the campus hallway.
“Oh hey…”
“I have been looking everywhere for you. Ms. Cho told me about that alumni dinner for next week has been scheduled on an earlier date.”
Somi backpedals and gulp loudly as she saw the deep frown forming on her President’s face. She should really look away before she melts away in a pile of goo from the intense stare. But Kim Jisoo was just such a gorgeous sight that it would be a sin not to look.
“When are they moving it?”
“This Saturday…”
“This Saturday?”
Saturday would be Jennie’s birthday party. The girl would surely be disappointed if she can’t go.
“Well, why don’t you go for me?”
“I know it’s all of a sudden. But Ms. Cho said the alumni and some of those big shots in the committee are going to be there.”
“They can’t just change schedule without consulting with us.” Jisoo let out annoyed growl.
“I’m sorry…”
“Yeah…” Jisoo could only mumble in defeat. “Me too…”
She answers the flustered secretary, wondering if this day could even get any worse.
The first sight she saw after class was her baby girlfriend looking so happy and bouncy. The entire class period, Jisoo was debating with herself how to break it to Jennie that she would either be late or couldn’t go at all to the party.
But maybe Jennie would understand, she was more mature and understanding than Jisoo initially thought she was.
“I’m so excited for my birthday!”
And then there it goes… Jisoo don’t think she had any right to break this girl’s happiness by saying she can’t go.
“Where are you going?” Jisoo asks as Jennie started to walk beside her.
“I’m taking you home, silly…”
“Well, you can’t…”
Jennie quickly pouted, stomping her foot in irritation. “Why not?!”
“Because… ummm… I was planning to get you a gift…”
But her pout quickly disappeared when she heard Jisoo’s answer.
“Haaaaaahhh… Now I must really come with you…”
“No… What’s the fun in that? Won’t you like it to be a surprise?”
“Welll…” Jennie pouts thoughtfully. “In a way, yes…”
“Then, how about it, Ms. Kim?”
Jennie covers her nose wondering if she was about to have a nosebleed just hearing how sexy her name sounds when Jisoo says it.
“Alright… alright…” The cat eyed girl waves her off. “Call me when you get home…”
“I will…”
The two walk together all the way to the school entrance, until they parted ways. But they weren’t even away from each other’s sight when Jisoo’s phone beeps.
I miss you already
The twinkle, twinkle…
And just when Jisoo said she was having a bad day, turned out it was bound to get so much worse. Because the moment she walks into her home, there are her parents with Yerim choreographing their dance moves.
“Why the frowny face, frowny girl?”
Jisoo just shakes her head to answer her mother. She walks away from all this craziness and headed to the kitchen to grab something to drink.
“Chu… Why don’t you watch us and see what we need to improve for Saturday’s performance?”
Jisoo almost ended up slamming the fridge door on her head when she heard what her mom said. Was she hearing things? Or did her mom really said for Saturday’s performance?
“Ummm… Saturday? You mean this Saturday?”
“Yes!!!” Her mom squeals out in glee. “Our daughter in law Jennie came over and personally handed us an invitation for her birthday. And since her parents are going to be there, we decided to perform to sort of welcome them to our family. Like show them what we Kims are all about…”
Kim Jisoo who used to be so composed and focus, was now slumped on the kitchen floor.
“Ummm unnie?”
Jisoo just starts shaking her head… First it was her friends, then this alumni committee and now her family? Right now she felt like a himnae victim with the whole world beating her up.
“I’m going upstairs…”
Jisoo didn’t even realize that she have fallen asleep until she heard her phone ringing… It was Jennie of course…
“Oh were you asleep?” Jennie asks as she heard the grogginess from Jisoo’s voice.
“I didn’t even realize that I fell asleep…” Jisoo sits back up, trying to fish her bag for the box.
“You must be tired…”
“Hahaha… Tell me about it…” Jisoo smiles, opening up the box to reveal the silver rilakkuma ring she bought for the girl’s birthday.
“You must go to sleep then…”
“I should… shouldn’t I?”
“Uh huh… uh huh… uh huh…”
Jisoo might not see Jennie, but she could almost imagine the girl nodding her head like a bobblehead again.
“Well… then you better sleep too…”
“I guess I should…”
Jisoo could hear the faint disappointment in Jennie’s voice.
“Or you can tell me how your day went…”
“I would love that! Although I did have a boring day… but still!!!”
It was Jennie who talk mostly, about how her test went, how she got distracted by her teacher’s mustache and how in her every class all she thought about was Jisoo.
And Jisoo finds herself trying to stay awake, not because Jennie was boring her but more off how comfortable she is with this. It was like Jennie’s voice was lulling her back to sleep…
“Are you sleepy, Chu?” Jennie whispers as if she could imagine Jisoo have slowly fallen asleep…
“A bit…”
“Well, then… good night?”
“You sleepy too?”
“A bit…”
Jisoo smiles amusingly, it’s not everyday she hears her baby monkey run out of energy.
“Are you going to sing me to sleep?”
Even in her sleepiness, her baby was still a baby…
“Ummm no…”
“Why not?”
Jisoo could almost imagine that pout on the girl’s face.
“Because… I… I don’t sing…”
“You know… that could be your gift for my birthday…”
The thought of possibly not being there on the girl’s birthday just made Jisoo feel so much worse…
“I could get you something else…”
“But you sang to me that night?”
Jisoo was glad they were talking on the phone or else Jennie could see her deep blush. Hoping to fool the girl, she quickly started to snore softly…
Jisoo snores…
“Jisoo? Are you asleep?”
Jisoo snores louder…
“Oh… kekeke… You’re snoring…” Jennie chuckles before kissing her phone… “Good night… I love you…”
The cat eyed girl kisses the phone again. But right before she presses the end button, she heard Jisoo softly whisper…
“I love you too…”
“So, hold on a sec…” Chaeyoung scratches her head trying to figure out what Jisoo just told her. “You are telling me that you might not go to Jennie’s birthday?”
“Shhhhhhh…” Jisoo hushed her. She knew it was PE class and everyone was more focus on the volleyball game than her convo with Chaeng, but it doesn’t hurt to be safe.
“Might… But I’ll try… It’s a dinner for the alumni so maybe I could get out of there earlier.”
Chaeyoung sighs heavily, before stretching out her long legs.
“You are going to break that girl’s heart you know…”
Jisoo just answers Chaeyoung with another sigh.
“I do… and I can’t help but feel bad about it.”
“You should feel bad.” Chaeyoung pointed out. “Jennie was telling us when she gave us the invitation that this was going to be her best birthday because she have you now. Then, you’re saying you might not go?”
“What should I do?”
“I don’t know… That’s up to you buddy…” Chaeyoung pats her friend’s back. “But whatever you decide, whether I might agree to it or not… I’ll still be here.”
“Hmmm?” Jennie cuddles closer as she laid her head in Jisoo’s lap.
For her this was the life, food, the warm sunshine and of course having Jisoo right there.
“Ummm… this is a just a question, okay? Not sure but what if I… ummm… I can’t make it to your party?”
“Well… I’ll be very sad of course… But I know you wouldn’t do that, right?”
Jisoo’s silence was now breaking Jennie’s heart in two…
“Right? Right?” Jennie starts tugging on Jisoo’s sleeve, hoping to get the answer she likes.
“Look Jennie, it’s just that… something came up…”
Jennie slowly sat up from Jisoo’s lap. And the dark haired girl couldn’t even bear to look at those cat eyes knowing how much she have hurt them.
“Something came up? Is it much more important than my birthday?”
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