《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 13
No matter how men despise it; it feels like their number one duty as a boyfriend is to take their girlfriend out shopping. So, it's no surprise as right there, in forever 21 waiting impatiently by the clothes rack, is a very bored guy waiting for his GF.
"Are you waiting for your girl too?"
The guy turns away from his phone and saw a bored looking girl with her wiry arms flung around the coat rack in the clothing store. The girl would be super cute, if she didn't act like such a kid.
"You have a girl?" The guy raised a speculative brow.
"Ah- huh... ah- huh..." The kid just nods her head, not caring what the guy is trying to imply...
A sweet voice streams out from the dressing room...
"Can you come here, please?"
"OH!" The girl's voice was like a shot of happiness through Jennie's veins. "That's my girl... Nice talking to you! Coming!!!"
Most people would knock to ask where among the dressing room the person is, but that's not how Kim Jennie rolls. Instead she bends down, checking out at the bottom of the doors, to see which among those legs belongs to her Jisoo.
"Ahhhh..." Jennie spots her target, which is nothing really surprising since she could spot Jisoo from miles away. "Jisoooo.."
The dressing room door swings open, and Jennie scratches her head in wonder. Does Jisoo want her to come in or no?
"Come inside Jennie..."
Jennie slowly pop her head inside, blinking curiously as she scans the insides of the dressing room. The girl looks like she have just step into a new realm.
"Can you help me zip this up please?" Jisoo says so casually. She didn't seem bothered letting Jennie zip up the back of her dress...
"Ok..." Jennie says casually too, paying no attention to it...
Jennie have to cover her mouth to hide her loud gasp as she caught sight of Jisoo's black bra. She quickly shakes her head, trying to shake away those naughty thoughts. She has a black bra too somewhere in her cabinet, so this shouldn't be anything new.
But her hand seems to have a mind of its own. Instead of pulling the zipper up, she "accidentally/ unconsciously" pulls it down...
Jisoo's embarrassed squeal woke Jennie from her trance.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."
Jennie bows down in sincere apology. But all her innocence went flying away, when Jennie saw the black lace waistband of Jisoo's pan-...
"I'M SORRY!!!!" Jennie yells out, making Jisoo jump back in shock... "I'm so sorry..."
For Jennie, Jisoo is this pure, divine angel that should remain untouched. Seeing Jisoo like that and having these thoughts are wrong.
"Jennie... It's okay. just please help me zip it up..."
"Ahhh yeah... sorry..." Jennie mumbles embarrassingly before taking breathing exercises.
I can do this... Yes... I can... Jennie says inwardly to prep herself for the battle. Alright... alright...
Jennie took the zipper and slowly pulls up...
See? This isn't so bad, Jennie's guardian angel told her and Jennie couldn't agree more.
She felt a warm tingly feeling as she runs her fingers up Jisoo's luscious caramel skin, leading to the hook in Jisoo's br-.
Jennie wonders why Jisoo looks so frightened, until she saw her reflection in the mirror.
Jennie was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even feel that she was having a massive nosebleed. OMO! She thought this only happen in anime, how could this happen to her?
Jisoo is frantically searching inside her bag for something to stop the bleeding. But the sobbing Jennie just waves her off...
"I'M SO SORRY!!!" Jennie apologizes, bursting out of the dressing room clutching her bleeding nose.
Seulgi always tell Jennie that she is the most shameless person she had ever met. But right now, Jennie couldn't even dare look at Jisoo. How could she? Her naughty thoughts tainted her lovey...
"Jennie? Are you feeling better?" Jisoo coos gently, sitting beside Jennie on the bench.
"Y-yes..." Jennie kept her gaze on the floor, shifting uncomfortably as Jisoo was so close to her. "It- It- It's just summer... and it's too hot..."
"Were inside the mall..."
"Oh? I mean... it's too hot, then it's cold... so you know... MY body temp... it's so weird..."
Jisoo chuckles at Jennie's mumblings. "Okay... if you don't feel ok, we could go home..."
"What?!" Jennie looks like a cat caught in the headlights. "NO! NO! NO! NO! It's okay... I'm okay..." Jennie pleaded to Jisoo, there is no way she's going to end their date short.
"I'm so sorry for getting blood on your new dress. I could take it home and wash it for you. I know how to do the laundry old school style, with hands and stuff..."
"Jennie..." Jisoo squeezes Jennie's hand, and Jennie could feel herself just stiffen up from the touch... She felt like with her naughty thoughts, that she don't deserve Jisoo's touch.
It's no big deal. I'm more worried about you, I never seen a nosebleed that bad..."
Jennie quickly gazes back down, fidgeting nervously with her shirt. Gosh... If Jisoo only knows the real reason for her nosebleed, they're going to be soooo over.
Jisoo notice how Jennie looks so down, not realizing Jennie's real reason for this odd behavior.
"I just feel so bad..."
"You don't have to" Jisoo reassures her "You can't control yourself, right?"
Jisoo is one hundred percent right on that one.
"How about I take you somewhere that I'm sure you would have a great time in?"
A bedroom?
Jennie quickly shakes her head as her Jen devil starts whispering in her ears again. She shouldn't listen to her Jen devil, Like shinee said, her whisper is the Lucifer.
"Really?" Jennie beams a bit happier now.
Jisoo took Jennie's hand, pulling the girl out of her slump.
"Let's go..."
"What's wrong with you?"
Seulgi knew her sister just came from a mall date with Jisoo. Jennie should have been blabbering excitedly, not look like some dog dying under the heat.
"I...I... I can't say..." Jennie hides her face, how shameful could she be for being so byun?
"C'mon you can tell me... I'm your unnie..." Seulgi says absentmindedly as she took a bite of her toast.
"Well... ummmm... it's just that I... I had a nosebleed..."
"OMO? Are you ok?"
"Yes.. I mean no... I mean... It's just that... ummm... the reason for my nosebleed... is that ummm... I ahhh..." Jennie takes a huge gulp before confessing. "
"I kinda saw Jisoo in her undies..."
"Her undies?" Seulgi raised her brow. She thought her sister already went there, why act so innocent all of a sudden?
"Well... not really saw her in it, when I was helping her zipping up her dress, I saw a peek of it."
"You were helping her zip up her dress?" Seulgi was seriously contemplating why she even bother in asking?
"Yes... we were doing it in the dressing room."
The word IT could mean a whole lot of things for Seulgi.
"Jen!" Seulgi cups her sister's slump shoulders and tries to gaze up on her eyes. "You can't be like that, you can't be doing it in the dressing room."
"But I couldn't help myself! Jisoo is just too sexy..."
Who would have thought her sister could be quite a byun.
"That's not a good excuse... You know we change clothes in gym class. And since we all knew each other since elementary, it's no big deal for us to change in front of each other. You should have seen her abs..."
Seulgi gives a low whistle.
"YOU SAW HER ABS?!!!!!" Jennie starts to shake her unnie both in jealousy and shock.
"Yup. All four pack of it."
"J-j-Jisoo has a four pack?"
"Yup... It's like so firm and OWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!"
Seulgi screeches in pain as Jennie karate chop her in the head.
"How dare you have these byun thoughts over MY GIRL!!!!"
"It's not my fault... It's Jisoo! she's the one who's walking around the locker room without her shi- OWWWWWWWW!!!!!"
"I SAID STOP!!!" Jennie this time caught her unnie in a headlock.
"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!" Seulgi says.
"Are you going to stop?"
"Yes... I'am..." Seulgi chokes out.
Jennie slowly release her unnie, keeping a serious watch on her just in case byun thoughts starts coming back again...
"So, ummm unnie..."
"What?" Seulgi growls.
"What time is your Gym class?"
"Hey Seulgi..."
Seulgi looks away from her notebook and have to look up, like really, really up as there was a giant standing right in front of her.
"Oh hey Chaeng..."
"Ummm look... kekekeke..." The lanky girl scratches her head... "How's your day?"
"Ummm... good I guess... why?" Seulgi says suspiciously.
"Nothing..." Chaeyoung starts shuffling her foot around "How was your night?"
"Good... why?"
"Oh nothing... so ummm... you know about-"
"You want to borrow my algebra homework?"
Chaeyoung like a lady daintily covers her mouth as she gasps.
"Well... since you offered... kekeke... it would be rude to turn it down, right?"
Seulgi just shrugs before handing Chaeyoung her blue notebook.
"Thanks! I'm just going to compare our answers."
Chaeyoung skips happily towards the back of the class...
Seulgi starts leafing through her notebook, but there is this awful eerie feeling which she couldn't tell where it's coming from. Did she forgot to turn off her hair straightener at home? Did she pack her lunch? No... it wasn't that... it was something... something more dark-ish...
Seulgi tries to think back; way back before breakfast, before shower, before pulling Jennie out of bed. Until it finally dawned on her what she have forgotten...
She looks back and remembers what she did... She quickly scurried off her seat, tumbling down yet getting back quick enough to run over to Chaeyoung.
How on Earth could she forget? While she was taking a break from doing her homework, she was drawing some very inappropriate Seulrene fanart that couldn't pass Instagram standard in the back of math notebook.
SHEEEZZZZ... If someone would have seen her work of "art", her pure, angelic image would be ruined.
"S-sooo-Chaeyoung!" Seulgi took a tight grip of her notebook. "I... I... I think I forgot to do my homework... hehe..."
"Ohhhhh... c'mon Seul... share with me..." Chaeyoung's grip was equally tight as well... "I promise I will learn my lesson and do my homework by myself..."
Seulgi yanks her notebook away. "Well... how about this? How about I help you right now do your homework? I mean you get to learn right?"
Chaeyoung pause a bit to give it some thought before shaking her head.
"NAAAAHHHH!!! Too much work, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to use x + y = z in the future."
"PLEASE!" Seulgi says pleadingly, pulling her notebook back. "I'll do your homework for you..."
While Chaeyoung was giving it some thought; she didn't realize that her hold on the notebook was slipping away, giving Seulgi the chance to yank it out.
"AGHHHHH!!!" Seulgi yells in triumph before hurriedly trying to run out of the class, anything to get away from Chaeyoung.
"HEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" Chaeyoung uses her long legs to her advantage as she chase down the midget.
It was the battle of David vs. Goliath as the Giant tries to run after the midget in the school hallways.
"JUST COPY FROM SOMEBODY ELSE!!!" Seulgi yells out.
"You're the smartest in class! I want an A too!"
"Work for it you dummy!"
"HEEEEYYYY THAT'S LOWWWW!!! ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH..." Chaeyoung leveled up her speed and starts running after. If she wasn't going to copy Seulgi's homework, she would have pound the kid on the face.
Seulgi gasps some more as Chaeyoung was inching closer to her. She was starting to run out of air, and right now she has no choice but to just get rid of the evidence.
She starts to tear out every page of her fabulous fanart and starts stuffing it on her pockets.
"HERE!!!" She lunges her notebook at Chaeyoung "Take it! It's yours!"
The two girls were practically crawling to their classroom, as they almost completed a marathon around the hallway. Seulgi reaches out for the knob and starts twisting it.
"Huh?" Seulgi keeps turning it again and again, but it seems like it's lock.
"OH LET ME!!!" Chaeyoung shoves the little kid out of her way and starts twisting herself, clockwise, counterclockwise, even in all directions until she ends up pulling on it.
"It's no use, Chaeng..." Seulgi pats the giant on the back. "We're lock out..."
Chaeyoung slumps dramatically on the door. She's lock out? That means all that chase was for nothing.
"So, Seul?"
"You want to go grab something to eat?"
"Jen..." Yerim whispers as she follows Jennie in the deep bowels of the gym locker rooms. "What are we doing here?"
"Oh... ummm... kekeke... I forgot to give Seulgi unnie something so you know... I want to be a good dongsaeng and give ummm... ahhhh... you know..."
"No... I don't..." Yeri suspiciously eyes her BFF.
"Well... you know!" Jennie waves Yerim off. What will her sister in law think if she finds out her real reason for going there? "OH! Here we are!"
"Hello?" Jennie poke her head in such wide eye innocence inside the locker room, filled with half naked school girls. But none of those girls even matter to Jennie, for her eyes are only byun for one.
But she's not there...
"Jen?" Seulgi looks at Jennie full of suspicion. "What are you doing here?"
"Ummm... well..." Jennie couldn't hide the fact how disappointed she is... "You know you forgot your ummm... ahhh... ummm... well... your pen?! Yup!"
Jennie starts to scramble inside her kkuma backpack for a pen.
All of the contents of Jennie's bag fell to the floor, as she stood there in shock as she sees Jisoo, fresh out of the shower, draped with a towel.
"Ahhh Hi... my sexy bear... ummm... ahhh... I just came here to ummm..."
"Give me a pen?" Seulgi decided to help her mumbling sister out.
"Yes... kekekee... here you go unnie..."
"Ok..." Jisoo shrugs, walking over to her locker.
Meanwhile poor Jennie is trying to struggle to behave herself at such a tempting sight.
Kim Jisoo. Wrap in a skimpy towel. Her leg raised on the bench as she starts lathering that long, delicious leg up to her thi-
"OMO JENNIE!!!!" Seulgi yells out as she saw what happen to her kid sister.
"J-Jicuuuuu?" Jennie groans incoherently.
"NOPE! But I'm pretty close..."
Jennie turns to her side and saw Chaeyoung eating her digging through her kkuma bag and eating her food.
"Sorry kid." Chaeyoung apologizes by giving the other half of the sandwich to Jennie "Jisoo and Seulgi have class right now. But she so worried about you so I offered to stay here until she's done."
"Oh..." Jennie struggles to sit up on the bed, feeling her bandaged forehead. "What happen?"
"Man... I never saw that much blood since Saw. You have like this massive... Like I mean MASSIVE nosebleed, then you passed out and bonked your head on the bench."
"WHERE IS SHE?!" Lisa burst into the scene, until she saw Jennie. "Oh... oh...oh... oh..." Lisa wags her finger at Jennie.
"Naughty... naughty... naughty... Kim Jennie..." Lisa has a knowing smirk.
"W-what are you talking about?"
"That nosebleed you have? I was watching you... and I saw the reason why you have that nosebleed."
"NO! NO! NO! It's not what you think!" Jennie look so frantic "It's the weather!"
"Too hot for you in the locker room?"
"Ummm... y-y-y-yeaaahhh... so hot... in there... it's summer that's why..."
"Really? I thought it was the sight of Jisoo in a towel?"
Jennie quickly covers her nose, just in case she has a nosebleed at the mere thought of Jisoo.
"You know what kid?" Lisa comfortably sat in Jennie's bed. "There is nothing to be ashamed of, Jisoo is a very delicious being. Of course you would want to devour that."
"WHAT? No... I don't think of her that way. I love her...and I don't want to imagine her like that. She's the most amazing person in the world, she doesn't deserve to be look at like that. That's why I feel so horrible..."
Jennie has her gaze down on her lap, too embarrassed to even face her beloved's bestfriends.
"Look Kid..." Lisa gives Jennie a sisterly squeeze on the shoulder. "Truth is, we won't judge you at all if you feel that way for Jisoo... I mean every admirer that she have thinks of her that way."
Jennie's face quickly turned into anger. She couldn't bear the thought of someone lusting over her girl.
"Tell me whose these people?!"
"Don't worry about them, it's you who won Jisoo... " Chaeyoung nods as she slurps the noodles.
"That's why you can't blame Jisoo for being too cold with you. She just tries to distance herself, because she's just afraid to get hurt, Because people always sees her as this hot piece of ass."
"But I'm not like that!" Jennie defended herself.
"Yup. We know and Jisoo does too... That's why among all her admirers, you won her heart."
Jennie let out a small smile at the encouragement.
"You know Jisoo likes you a lot... Like really, really a lot... But..."
"There's a but?" Jennie look worried again.
"Yes... but... Jisoo doesn't see you that way." Lisa pointed out.
"What way?"
"Like you know... like somebody who she wants to you know..."
Lisa and Chaeyoung both bob their brows teasingly.
"Oh..." Jennie figured out what Lisa was trying to imply. And she doesn't know if she should be hurt or flattered.
"That's because you act like such a kid, and you're like stuck in this cute mode. You're cute, but you're looking for sexy... You didn't elevate yet to the I'm so beautiful level..."
"Ummm... I'm beautiful that way?"
"Yes, you are." Lisa nods, she then claps excitedly. "Tonight, me and the girls are going out. You should come with us."
Jennie scratches her head...
"I think if we put down your hair, put a little make up and let you wear Seulgi's short clothes then you'll go up... She's not here right now... But she's not called Hoendy Son for a reason."
"Why? What does Wendy unnie going to do?" Jennie wonders.
Lisa's lips slowly curl into a devious smirk.
"Well... let's just say... after your makeover, people would pay millions just for a chance with you."
Jisoo let out a worried sigh as she didn't get a reply from Jennie yet. She should be there with Jennie, instead of eating barbeque and drinking right there in the karaoke.
"Don't worry Chu..." Chaeyoung pats her BFF on the back. "Jennie is a big girl... like literally... isn't she like 5 feet or something? What was I saying? Oh yeah... Jennie is a big girl, and Lisa and Wendy is with her."
"Why are they with her?" Jisoo couldn't control the jealousy in her tone.
"Well... you know... OH! Speaking of the devi- oh midgets..."
- In Serial94 Chapters
How the Stars Turned Red
Announcement as of 05 July 2022: I've been diagnosed with some pretty severe nerve damage in my left arm, rendering me unable to write effectively, and as such this story is on hold until it is healed. I am so sorry, and I promise to get back to writing as soon as possible. In the latter half of the 3rd millennium CE, humanity has spread across the stars, inhabiting close to five-hundred worlds across the Orion Arm. Earth has become irrelevant, a historical has-been. The galactic map is dominated by two mega-factions, both controlling vast amounts of territories either through direct control or through their many allies and treaty signatories. The Kingdom of Aurora is the political and economic hegemon despite consisting of only seven inhabited worlds; their strength lies in the Royal Union, an interstellar commonwealth composing an internal market and a common defence pact. These member worlds are myriad and varied, culturally as well as politically, but they all flock to the same banner. The Independent Systems Alliance, spearheaded by the Republic of Elysium, is the ascendant challenger to Aurora and the Union. A pseudo-federal multi-system polity, the Alliance economy and military is rapidly expanding, but at the cost of effective democratic and meritocratic involvement by its people. However, with two superpowers as this, chafing along a common border, and with a constant clamour of polemics, both sides have become convinced the other is constantly preparing for war and are on the look-out for any perceived weakness in their opponent. The predictable result is a huge arms race and a cold war spreading across the stars, requiring only a spark to set the galaxy aflame. Drawn into this game of high stakes are ordinary men and women, their peaceful lives, hopes, and aspirations swallowed by the vortex of conflict and distrust. This is their story. Cover art by Rhodex Designs (FB). Hope you like long chapters and adjectives. Note: English is not my first language. Another story set in the same universe, written by a good friend
8 95 - In Serial192 Chapters
Champions of the Boundary
In reality, there exists a realm between reality and fantasy, where all maner of magical creatures exist, and the warriors summoned as they died in reality fight against the forces of a powerful being known only as the Shadow of Life. Here, they live in a world with experience and Levels, Classes and Skills, and they fight against monsters, training for years just to achieve a Level that can allow them to make a small difference. Yet even with this training, it is not enough. The Crystal Adventurers are forced to retreat further and further every year as the Shadow of Life's monsters grow stronger and more numerous, destroying cities at an increasing rate. If the city of Maelnor falls, then it will be less than a year before nearly all of the Crystal Adventurers are wiped out, both those brought to the realm upon death, and those born and raised there. Legends tell of a prophecy that describes a team led by the legendary child of the prophecy, a child whose destiny is not to end the Shadow of Life, but to act as a harbinger, one whose very existence will turn the tides of war, one who must meet three seemingly impossible or currently unheard of criteria before the tides truly change. This is the tale of Team Noruva, which consists of a quiet, yet wise healer, a silent, but thoughtful rogue, a knight with an iron will, a wolf beastborn who gained access to the System, and their leader, who ignores the impossible and does whatever he wants, because why the hell not? This is the tale of their adventures and daily lives, their ups and downs, their struggles, successes, and losses. **REGARDING PoV'S*** There will be 5 total PoV's in this story. However, four of them will take several dozen chapters (beginning Chapter 73) to start happening, with the first two "Books" focusing just on Zack, which is why there's the Multiple PoV's tag on here, even though only one's around at first.
8 166 - In Serial80 Chapters
Rebirth in a corrupt world
Growing up the MC lived his life with hate and vengeance as his reason for living.After having his family fall apart from continuous misfortune, he was left alone and angry at a young age.When everything came to an end he was left wishing he had the one thing he lost a long time ago. Now he has a chance to fulfill this dream, but the world he is in now is fill with even more corruption and suffering than his last one. His task is set and his objectives are clear.All he needs to do now is grow strong enough to fulfill them.this fiction is 18+ and not meant for people unwilling to read about gore, things to do with rape, sex, or anything in that area. The first few chapters is to help understand the MC and the world he is entering. There will be a character page to keep track of everyone and a stats page to know how everything works for the MC. They will be updated throughout the story.
8 126 - In Serial13 Chapters
In My Head
A circle is inscribed upon stone, chants are repeated over and over, calling, calling out into the aether, calling for one to come. Who am I? Where am I? How did I get here? I don't understand, is that magic? What even is that? Please help me. Together we'll be taking a journey through the mind of... well, we'll have to find that out together. Chapters will be short and fast and reader interaction will be key. I'll be adjusting the tags as we get to new places.
8 148 - In Serial20 Chapters
I Come In Peace
Mel is just your average college student who reads wuxia and xianxia novels. He had just been working on the wikia of one of his favorites, Overturning the Heavens, when he is transported into the world and given a small task: save the Colorful Peaks from imminent destruction, one in which he read about in Overturning the Heavens. No biggie. He got fifteen years - ten more than the main character, Xin Feng, had in the novel - so he should have everything he needed and more.
8 181 - In Serial43 Chapters
The Gifted Seer (Bk 1 of Seer Series) (Completed)
Have you ever wondered what was missing from your life? Either it was just something about who you are or what you are supposed to do? Well, for 16 year old Joeslyin Laura Lone, that is what it felt like.She knew that there was something hidden from her, but it might be because her mother didn't want to hear about it and ignore the possibility that Joeslyin, or Joes, was like her father.What was her father? Well, he was something that people didn't believe in. Someone who could magic and was part of a group called the Seers. And, like her father, Joes had inherited his abilities, but she was something more than him.Will she find out who she is, even with the disappearance of her father? Will she be able to live the next month, or even the next day? Can she figure out why it is dangerous for her to be out in the dark? Will Joes be all right with who she is, even if it means that she is different? Will she find out that she is far greater from the loner that she is?Find out, in The Gifted Seer._______________________________________NOTE: IF YOU READ THIS BOOK ON ANY OTHER APP BESIDES WATTPAD THEN IT IS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. I GAVE NO ONE PERMISSION TO USE MY BOOK AND HAVE NOT POSTED IT ANYWHERE ELSE, SO... YA. REPORT THAT BOOK.Thanks.~Rissa
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