《love or host - tommyinnit》chapter 13- can we make a promise?


tommy and i walk into the gazebo and sit on opposite sides of the table. we both start eating the cake, and casual conversation soon comes into play.

"my entire chat is spamming talerie," tommy says. i grin.

"awwww, is that our ship name?" i ask.

"no shit." tommy laughs. "and don't say awww, that'll make them do it more."

casual banter continues like this until tommy checks how long he's been streaming.

"holy shit, i've been live for three hours," he says. "i didn't think that would happen."

"three hours? feels like three minutes," i respond. tommy lets out an "mmm" in agreeance.

"well, valerie, it was lovely talking to you. i'm going to end my stream now." i mutter a quiet "okay" and let him do his outro. i leave the call after a minute, but i get a dm right after.

: please don't disconnect

i smile, blush, and rejoin the call. tommy wraps up his stream, then directs his attention towards me.

"let's disconnect from the world and just talk," he says. i nod, even though he can't see me, and log off.

"hey," i say, after a minute of silence.

"you're really cool," tommy says. "i had a lot of fun tonight. during the show and during our date."

"me too."

"i kinda don't want it to be over... you know couples rarely talk after the show, right?"

"yeah, my friend told me... that kinda sucks. i like talking to you."

"me too, but i mean..." tommy pauses. "we don't have to stop talking."

"you want to keep talking?" a hint of hope sparks in my voice.

"yeah. basically." i can hear a smile in his voice. "it's like, six in the morning for me. no use sleeping now.


"almost ten at night for me," i say.

"jeez, that's some time difference."

"i mean, i stay up until like, two in the morning every night. it shouldn't be too much of a problem." i cover my mouth, giggling.

"let's get to know each other a bit more," tommy says, clicking something with his mouse. "i have a document here of questions to ask to get to know a person. this'll be fun."

"alright, let's do it."

"um, okay so, when's your birthday?" i laugh at the question.

"september 18. yours?"

"april 9. you're a virgo?"

"yeah, and you're an aries."

"you know about astrology?"

"somewhat. i've always thought it was cool."

"don't tell me you're one of those girls that judges others based on their zodiac sign."

"oh god, no. they're awful." tommy laughs.

"now you ask a question," he tells me. i nod, thinking of something.

"what do you want to do when you're older? do you want to be a streamer your whole life?"

"i really haven't thought that far ahead... which is probably bad. i've been doing this for years, i can't picture myself doing anything else."

"yeah for sure, i get that."

"what about you? didn't you say something about being a detective in your interview?"

"sort of! i want to do something related to forensics. i'm going to major in criminology."

"i forgot that you're american so you're not in college yet." tommy stifles a laugh.

"yeah, oops."

"what's your favorite movie?" tommy asks, continuing the game.

"either 10 things i hate about you or birds of prey."

"those are two polar opposites." we both laugh.

"yeah, i guess. but still. what about you?"


"avengers infinity war," tommy says immediately.

"oh okay, tommy stark." i cover my mouth to muffle my laugh as soon as i say this, and tommy lets out a wheeze.

"WHAT did you just call me?" he asks, still laughing.

"i have no idea how i came up with that on the spot," i respond.

"whatever, valerie barnes."

"please. come on, at least my joke made sense."

tommy and i get to know each other like this for a little while, until the questions start to get a little personal.

"have you ever had a boyfriend?" tommy asks.

"one. sophomore year, so two years ago. it started off okay, but the relationship just got more and more toxic as the days went by. he was very controlling over me. luckily, we broke apart."

"damn, i'm sorry. are you okay?"

"i wasn't for a while, but it was years ago. i'm way happier now. it feels so good to not have him in my life anymore. feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

"i'm glad. as for me, as much as i say all the women love me, which they definitely do, i've never had a girlfriend," tommy says, sounding slightly embarrassed. i nod, humming to myself.

"what was your first kiss?" i ask him. he laughs awkwardly.

"i could've had my first kiss when i was seventeen, but i leaned away," he says, even more embarrassed now. my jaw drops.

"no way! what happened?"

"i just didn't like her! i was at a restaruant with a friend, and she leans in and tries to kiss me! i freaked out, leaned away, and started laughing really awkwardly."

i'm getting a kick out of this.

"oh man, tommyinnit. you're such a heartbreaker." i laugh loudly.

"well, now that i exposed myself, tell me about your first kiss," he says, embarrassment hidden in his voice.

"i was sixteen, it was homecoming, and my date just... kissed me." i shake my head in disbelief. "i didn't even like the guy! it just happened."

"did you kiss him back?"

"no..." i admit sheepishly. tommy laughs.

"wow, now YOU'RE the heartbreaker-" tommy yawns.

"are you tired?"

"mmm, a bit. it's super late, or i guess early. the sun's rising now."

"oh gosh, you can sleep! i'm sorry i kept you up."

"nah, i wanted to talk to you." there was a slight pause before tommy starts talking again. "can we make a promise right now, though?" i nod, but then remember he can't see me.

"yeah, sure. what is it?"

"can we promise that we'll keep in touch?" tommy asks shyly. i smile and feel my cheeks burning.

"definitely. i like talking to you," i respond through a small fit of giggles.

"same here. goodnight, valerie."

"goodnight, tommy."

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