《love or host - tommyinnit》chapter 12- little v


tommy and i both leave the love or host room, and as soon as i exit i get a discord call from him. i pick up, delighted to hear his voice again.

"long time no see," he says. i chuckle.

"funny speaking to you again!" i respond. i can hear tommy tapping away at his keyboard.

"i'm about to greet the stream, okay?"

"sounds good." i listen to tommy do his intro.

"HELLO STREAM!" he shouts. i grin as he switches to his online persona. "guess what happened while i wasn't streaming, chat? I WON LOVE OR HOST! they said it'd never happen, but it did."

i check twitch to see tommy's stream. it already has 370k viewers, and it's titled "I FOUND LOVE!"

"today, chat, we are going to go on a minecraft date with valerie, and it's going to be so pog. i know you guys love her. i see all of you simping over her on twitter. don't lie." i giggle quietly.

"VALERIE!" tommy shouts, catching my attention. "say hi to my chat!"

"hi chat!" i exclaim enthusiastically.

"stop saying 'awwww' chat. that's not funny- SIMPINNIT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" i laugh.

"they just pulled an uno reverse on you," i say.

"that was very very rude and it really hurt my feelings."

"oh come on now." tommy lets out a laugh as soon as i say this.

"what are you laughing at now? first you laugh because i listen to heat waves and now because of... whatever i just said." this makes tommy laugh harder.

"did you hear that chat? she listens to glass animals, specifically heat waves, and she just said 'oh come on now.'"

"i literally don't understand any of this." i roll my eyes and laugh.


"it's okay, you don't have to. check your messages, i sent you the server ip."

sure enough, tommy sends me a server ip to a minecraft world. i enter it into my computer and watch as the server entitled "TOMMY AND VALERIE'S FIRST DATE" pops up. i smile and blush at the name, then enter the game.

"are you neonxgravestone?" tommy asks.

"that's me," i say.

"okay, pog. are you an e-girl?" i sigh.

"why are you asking?"

"you have an e-girl skin."

"i like my skin."

"i have a skin that you should change to. i'll send a picture." sure enough, tommy sends me a minecraft skin. i groan when i see it.

"very funny, tommy," i say.

"change it. i dare you," he says, a smile evident in his voice.

"absolutely not."

"whatever. come on, let's make a house."

we collect wood and all the basic necessities, making comfortable small talk as we go. then we begin building a house. suddenly, a notification pops up in chat.

WilburSoot joined the game

next, i hear a ping from discord. someone joining the call.

"oh christ," tommy says. "not you."

"HELLO TOMMY, HELLO VALERIE!" wilbur shouts. i laugh.

"hi wilbur," i say.

"neonxgravestone... is that a twenty one pilots reference?" wilbur asks, sounding excited.

"you know it!"

"i can already tell that you and i are going to be the best of friends."

"oi, wilbur, chill. she's MY girlfriend," tommy says.

"tommy you've known her for a few hours, YOU need to chill," wilbur laughs.

wilbur joins in and helps us build our house. we finally finish after about half an hour of talking about random subjects and laughter. in the end, it looks like this:


"we did a damn good job if i do say so myself," i say.

"agreed," tommy says. suddenly, another notification pops up.

Tubbo_ joined the game

"oh jesus, is he about to-"

"HEY GUYS!" tubbo screams once he joins the call.

"hi tubbo, want to spy on tommy on his date with me?" wilbur asks.

"oh, you know i'd love to. where are you guys?"

"we're at the massive house. the only building here. where else would we be?"

"in the end, in a mine, at the nether... there are lots of places, wilbur."

"whatever. just get over here."

tubbo walks over, his innocent looking character right next to me.

"hello!" he says cheerfully.

"hi there," i say giggling. "your skin looks really familiar..."

"it's tweek! from south park!"

"oh that's cute!"

tubbo walks up to the second floor of the house and lets out a gasp.


"i am in a serious relationship now, big man," tommy says.

"wow. i've been replaced."

"no one could ever replace you, big law."

"do you guys just have nicknames that all start with the word 'big?'" i ask.

"for each other, yes," tommy says. "not you. you're little v."

"little v. why not big v?"

"i quite like LIL v. makes her sound like a rapper," tubbo says.

"yeah, lil v is cool," wilbur chimes in.

"little v has a better ring to it," tommy says. they argue about my nickname for the next two minutes until they all collectively turn their characters' heads towards me.

"how did you all just do that in sync..?" i ask, perplexed.

"forgot she was here," tommy says.

"you forgot about your date?" tubbo shouts, hitting tommy's character. "you are horrible!"

"come here, tubzo," wilbur says. "let's go over here so we don't disturb them."

"i have a better idea. check your dm's, wilbur." after a moment of silence, wilbur lets out a laugh.

"let's do it," he says. both of their characters leave the house and run off somewhere random.

"where are they going?" i ask.

"who cares? come here, valerie, let's talk." tommy walks his character over to some stairs we made as a couch and crouches. "sit down."

tommy and i talk for a while about random things. why i auditioned for love or host, our favorite things, twitch and streamer talk, until wilbur and tubbo start talking.

"hey guys!" tubbo says cheerfully, making me jump. i forgot he was in call.

"hello," i say, drawing out the "o."

"come outside, we have something for you." when tommy and i leave the house, wilbur's character is waiting for us. he leads us to a random area with a small building.

"welcome to your gazebo, where you two will eat your meal and have a nice little chat. have a lovely date," wilbur says while placing a cake on the table in the middle.

"oh, wow. this is romantic," tommy says, laughing awkwardly.

"very fun. let's go," i say. both of our characters walk towards the gazebo and we sit down, starting our dessert date.

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