《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter two


I walked inside my house and sat my things down.

"Mom, I'm home" I called out, but Received no answer. I was confused because I knew my parents were home. I walked into my living room and gasped at the sight. I turned back the corner and out my hand over my mouth.

There were 3 men in my living room with guns to my mother and fathers head. I slowly peeked back out to see my mother looking right at me. I was ready to move, but I didn't when she shook her head slightly telling me not to.

I had tears streaming down my face as I listened to them.

"Where that daughter of yours, jack," one of the guys said as he bent down to my father. My father was a very big man, but he was tied down and wasn't able to move.

"If you even think about touching my daughter I will-"

"You will what, hurt me" the man laughed." Don't forget I'm above you. I'll do whatever the hell I please. Now, where. Is. She,"

"Never," my father whispered. The man stood up straight and pointed the gun at him while one of the other guys pointed on at my mother. I looked back to my mother as a tear slid right down my cheek and onto my hand. I went to move, but she shook her head.

"Don't" she mouthed the word to me. She had tears streaming down her face. Her and I both knew what was going to happen.

"Mom-" I spoke, but the trigger was pulled before I could speak the words.

I woke up with a gasp. I pulled myself up to a sitting position and placed my shaking hands in my face. I let out every ounce of pain I had in me while I cried. This is the third time since they died I've had this nightmare and every time it gets worse.

After I had calmed down I got up from the floor and looked outside. I remembered that it was Bella's birthday yesterday and I forgot to tell her happy birthday. I sighed as I walked downstairs to see Bella sitting there in a oversized brown jacket. I walked up to her and gave her a hug.


"I'm sorry I forgot to say happy birthday to you yesterday. Is there a way I could make it up to you" I asked quietly. I wasn't much to talk so this was weird to me. Bella looked at me and gave me a smile.

"It's okay river. I don't really like my birthday so it's not a big deal, thank you though." She said. I noticed she was dressed like she was going somewhere.

"Where are you going," I asked as the Curiosity got to me. Bella looked at me and fixed her jacket.

"Edward said he wanted to talk to me about something so I'm going with him. I'll be back later," she said as she got up and left. I walked back up to my room and put on a outfit.

I put on a forest green long sleeved shirt that clung to my body and a pair of skinny jeans. I had a high metabolism so my body was on the thin side. I grabbed my phone and a bag that I crocheted myself about a year ago and walked into the living room where Charlie was.

"I'm gonna be out today if that's okay with you," I said as he turned from the tv.

"Okay, be safe" he said. I nodded and walked out only to see a truck in the drive way that I didn't recognize. I looked inside to see Jacob. I laughed. He got out of the car with a small smile.

"You ready to help me" he said. I nodded and got into his car and he took off. It didn't take long to get to his house. It's was small, but beautiful nonetheless. A man in a wheel chair was waiting outside the house. We got out of the car and made our way to him.

"You much be river, Charlie's niece," he said with a smile. I nodded.

"And you must be..." I said.

"Billy black, Jacob's father." He said with a smile. I could tell that they were related. They did, in fact look a lot alike.

"Well, I won't stop you two from doing whatever you are doing. River, If you need anything don't be shy to ask," he said as he wheeled himself back in. Jacob led the way to a barn that was beside the house.


"Your father is very nice," I said as I sat my bag and phone down and sat down next to Jacob who had already started working on a car.

"Yeah, he can be very friendly," he said with a laugh. For the next couple of hours me and him worked on this car, well more like he worked on it. I just helped hand him things because I didn't know anything anything about Cars. As I went to grab my phone to check the time Jacob came running back inside the barn. He had gone inside to get a drink.

"Bella's missing," he said to which my face went instantly pale. I ran out of the barn and into his car. Billy was already there and Jacob got in and drove off. I was in the backseat and my breathing was unsteady. I couldn't lose Bella. She was the only family I had left besides Charlie. We got to the house to find that the entire police force was there. Which didn't surprise me since Charlie is the chief. I ran up to Charlie who look terrified.

"What happened" I asked. Charlie told me that Bella never came home and wasn't answering her phone.

"Did you call Edward." I asked. Charlie told me that the Cullen's had left town. How could they have if Bella said she was going to see him earlier today?

As Charlie and I were talking Jacob called out for us. A shirtless man came out of the woods holding Bella. Charlie ran over to her and took her from the man. I walked up to him as well. I was too scared right now to be afraid of taking to people.

"Thank you for finding her," I said softly to the man. He looked back from Bella to me and froze, as did I. His eyes looked like they almost glazed over.

He had to be the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. He had the most beautiful black hair, his eyes with a dark brown, but none the less beautiful. He, himself was beautiful.

I shook my head to stop myself from staring and looked at him. He was still staring at me with wide eyes. I waved my hand a bit to get his attention which caused him to stop staring. He looked down and back at me with a smile.

"Your welcome. Im Sam by the way, Sam U'ley" he said. Even his name was beautiful. I nodded and held my hand out for him to shake, feeling a little shocked with myself for doing so, but it felt right. He grabbed my hand and shook it. He was warm, warmer than warm. There was this electricity when are hands touch that would have caused me to flinch if I wasn't in such a haze. I left go first which seemed to make him a bit upset.

"I have to go now, but thank you," I said as I turned away from him and started walking. I heard him call out. I turned back around to see him standing by me again.

"What's your name?" He asked. I gave him a soft smile.

"River, river swan." I paused before continuing. "Goodnight Sam," I said as I walked inside and shut the door. Forgetting all about Bella and everyone Around me. I don't know shah it was about him, but for some reason I want to be by him.

I shook myself of my thoughts and walked up to my room and looked out my window. My eyes went wide for a second as I rubbed my eyes to see if what I was seeing was true, and it was.

There was a huge black wolf outside my window.

Wolves were my favorite animals, though I've never seen once in person till now. I ran back down stairs and outside to where I saw them, only to see that they were not there anymore.

Where did they go?

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