《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter three


I was awoken to the sound of an ear piercing scream. I took a deep breath before getting up. This has been happening every night since Bella went into the woods and the cullens left, more so, Edward left.

I didn't have the energy to get up and help, so I let charlie take care of it.

I know what she feels, bella. I know what it feels like to lose someone.

I laid down for a few more minutes before getting up. The first thing I did was look out my window that faces the woods. I have done this every morning and every night since I saw that black wolf. I haven't seen them again though, But I always feel like im being watched when I leave the house.

I walked to my closet and put on a fairly cute outfit. I had gone shopping yesterday and got some more clothes that made me feel a bit more like myself. I put on a black dress and a greenish gray colored jacket.

(Only the clothes and boots)

I grabbed my bag that had my books and notebooks in it and walked downstairs. I saw charlie sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. I know how hard it is for im to see bella, his kid, this way.

I walked over to him and rubbed his back in a comforting way. Once people get to know me im a very touchy and loving person, never wanting to see someone in pain, even if im in pain myself.

"I'm sorry, charlie." I said quietly. He looked up from his hands and gave me a small smile, it was fake, but I could tell he was trying.

"I'm going out, if you need me call me, Okay," I said as I kissed his cheek and walked out the door.

I felt for Charlie. I really did. I know how hard it must be for him to see bella this way. I took a deep breath to clear my mind and made my way into the woods.


The woods were always a place where i'd go to clear my head. It made me feel at home, like I was meant to be there.

I ended up walked fairly far into the woods until I started hearing noises that sounded like a group of men talking and laughing.

I stopped walking and looked to my right and saw a group of guys that had what looked to be alcohol in their hands. It was only 10:00 am. As I was looking one of the men noticed me and called out.

"Hey, little girl. What are you doing so deep in these woods?" The man questioned with an innocent look on his face. I started to get a bit uncomfortable. All the men were now looking at me, starting at my body.

I started walking away. I could hear their footsteps approaching, but I just kept moving, hoping they'd leave me alone. I felt a hand on my shoulder stop me from moving that made me flinch. I kept my head down as I felt a pair of hands grab my hips. I was to afraid to move. I was so far out that if something were to happen no one would hear me.

"I asked you a question, little girl" The man whispered into my ear, making me shudder uncomfortably.

"Please, let me go" I whispered as I felt tears prick my eyes. I turned my head to the side a bit. He was staring at me with a smile. Not a friendly one, a terrifying one.

"Now why would we do that when we have you where we want you," He said as he moved closer to my face. One of his friends that were surrounding us made a noise causing him to look away giving me the chance to run.

I took off sprinting which was a bit hard seeing as I was in boots that had a small heel on them. As I was running I heard them yelling after me and there footsteps. I started screaming for help hoping someone, anyone would hear me. I went to take another step when I was thrown to the ground. I started hitting anything I could; yelling.


"Get off of me now, please!" I yelled out as I felt his hand going all over my body making me feel sick to my stomach.

I was pleading for him to stop. His hand went down to my thighs that were now showing because I was in a shorter dress. That's when I started kicking, but he still wouldn't get off. I was in tears now hitting and fighting, trying to get away.

"It'll be alot easier if you would stop moving so damn much," The guy harshly whispered into my ear as he took his belt off.

All of a sudden there was a loud noise that made the man look up. I had stopped moving by now, accepting what was going to happen to me.

The man had a look of horror on his face as he got up from me and started running away, as did his friends I got up as fast as I could and looked behind me to where they were looking. My mouth fell open as my eyes went wide. It was a huge black wolf, the same one I had saw that night.

"Wolf," I whispered. All of a sudden he took off running in the direction of where the men went, passing me.

I backed myself up to a tree and held my knees to my chest. Words could not even describe how terrified I was, not of the wolf, but of those men and what they were going to do to me if the wolf hadn't gotten their when they did.

I heard a noise in front of me which caused me to flinch and gasp, afraid the men had come back. They hadn't, it was the wolf. I started shaking slightly out of fear. I do indeed love wolfs, but they aren't the most friendly animals, especially if they are wild. I slowly started back up which caused the wolf to whimper to my surprise. I stopped moving and looked them in the eyes. I recognized them from somewhere, but I didn't know where.

"Thank you." I whispered to the wolf, knowing they had no way of understanding me, but to my surprise they nodded back.

I slowly got up, still being cautious because I didn't want to get mauled. I turned around and slowly started walking away only to hear the sound of large paws thumping on the ground behind me.

I turned around to see the wolf had my bag in their mouth. I must had dropped it when I was running. I slowly walked up to them. For some reason I felt connected to them, like I knew they wouldn't hurt me.

I slowly grabbed the bag from their mouth and looked at them. Their eyes. They just felt so familiar in a way I couldn't comprehend.

I slowly moved my hand up to their head; which was quite hard seeing as they were over 6'0 tall. They bent their head down a bit for me which shocked me a bit. I put my hand on their cheek. They were warm, very warm. They sneezed which caused me to laugh. They looked up to me and had this look in their eyes.

"What." I whispered. They pushed their snout to me causing me to move. I looked at them confused as they gestured for me to go. I turned back to them and hugged them.

I wasn't scared of them and hugging them felt.....right. I felt them put their head against me.

"Thank you for saving me,"I whispered into their fur. I let go and watched them run off, leaving me.

I turned back and started walking back to Charlie's house.

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