《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter four


I was still shaken up from what had happen so it took me a bit to get there.

Once I did I saw that Bella's car was here, meaning she still hadn't gotten up. I felt for her, I really did, but I didn't know what to do. I walked inside and saw Charlie wasn't here. He must have gone to work.

I set my bag down and walked over to the table and looked at the mail. It was all normal things like bills, except one thing. It was to an address that wasn't Charlie. I looked at it closer to see that it was to Sam U'ley.

Could it be the same one that I saw that night?

I set it back down and walked upstairs to Bella's room. I knocked lightly, but didn't get a response so I opened it. She was laying in her bed facing the corner. I sighed and walked up to her and kneeled next to her.

"Hey, Bella," I whispered. She slowly opened her eyes. She looked so dead. Since we found her she haven't gotten up from her bed, at all. I gave her a small smile thag she didn't return, but I didn't blame her.

"Come on," I said as I lifted her up a bit, she made no effort to move. She just kept staring at the wall in front of her with an emotionless look in her face. I helped her up and led her to the bathroom.

"Do you need my help or can you do it yourself." I asked softly, referring to helping her shower. It honestly didn't weird me out having to help her. Before my grandma died I had to help her do these things. She shook her head slowly. I turned on the water and got everything ready for her.

"If you need me just call out, okay." I said. She nodded.

I walked back out and waited for her. I got a pair of clothes for her to wear and set them on her bed and walked back out and waited by the bathroom door, in case she needed me.

She was in there for about 30 minutes before she came out with a towel around her, I helped her back to her room and let her get dressed.


When she was done I put her hair in a braid so she wouldn't have to worry about it and let her lay down again. I walked back downstairs and started making her something to eat.

It didn't bother me having to help her. I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

After I was done making her food I walked back upstairs and into her room. She was sitting in her chair staring outside. I set the food in front of her and gently rubbed her back before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"It's gonna be okay, Bella." I whispered.

I walked back out to the kitchen and sat at the table for a moment and closed my eyes. I reopened them and looked in front of me. I stared at the piece of mail, wondering how it could have got here because this was an address on the reservation.

I got up and grabbed it, also grabbing Bella's keys and my bag and took off to the reservation.

Once I got to the house I noticed it was in the middle of the woods. I parked the car and stayed for a moment. The house was made out of wood, it was beautiful. It looked a bit rundown, but that just added more character to the house.

I got out of the car and made my way up to the door, climbing the steps. Once I got there I hesitated before knocking. I heard a raspy voice at the other end which made me laugh a bit, once I laughed the door immediately opened causing me to stop laughing.

There stood the bulky form of Sam U'ley. His eyes were trained on my face. He was looking at me so concerned as if he knew something.

I waved my hands in front of his face causing him to stop staring at me and look at me again, but not stare.

"Sorry, I um, this was In our mail so I thought I'd return it," I said as I handed him the piece of mail. He looked at it confused, but then his face went to a look of realization.

"Thank you, I don't know how that happened," he said, causing butterflies to appear in my stomach. I didn't know why I was feeling this. I handed him the paper and our hands touched. He was still very warm.


"Are you okay? I mean your like really hot," I said. His face went to a smirk before I realized what I had said.

"Wait no, I meant like temperature wise, like your warm, not hot. Not saying that you aren't attractively anything but-"

I was cut off but the sound of a laugh. I looked down embarrassed. I tend to ramble a bit when I get nervous.

"Slow down, love, no need to get nervous around me," Sam said with a laugh. I looked up and gave him a small smile.

All of a sudden he stopped laughing and looked at my legs which made me confused. I looked down to see I had a massive cut on one of my legs. It must have happened when I was running from those men. Sam looked up, he looked angry.

"What happened," he said, but there was something about his voice that he was more demanding it; not questioning.

"Um, I was in the woods and I tripped. No big deal." I lied. I honestly didn't want to talk about what had happened.

He grabbed my hand and led me into his house, shocking me. I didn't say anything. For some reason, I trusted him. I don't often trust people so this was weird. He sat me down on a couch and walked away.

His house was plain. There wasn't many things. No pictures, no painting, nothing. He must be really Lonely which cause me to be a bit sad. I was pushed out of my thought by a very bad stinging on my leg.

I gasped and grabbed the first thing I could which happened to be Sam's bicep. I didn't even hear him come back. He looked up to me. I was squeezing his arm pretty hard, yet he didn't even look like it pinched. I let go of his arm and apologized profusely.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"

"River, it's alright. This might sting a bit more" Sam said as he poured more of what I assumed to be hydrogen peroxide on my leg causing me to yell out in pain and for Sam to look up at me with a pained look.

I grunted as he pressed down on the wound. I bit my lip to prevent myself from yelling out again. I looked back down at sam to see him shaking slightly. I slowly touched his arm.

"Sam, are you alright." I asked slowly. The second my hand touched his arm the shaking stopped.

He looked up from my leg and gave me a small smile, though I could tell it was fake, but I didn't say anything. It hurt me to see him sad, but I didn't know why.

Yes, I do hate when people are sad and it does hurt me, but this kind of sad was different, like it physically hurt me to see him sad, even if it was momentarily. I didn't even realize he had already fixed my leg up and was now staring at me.

"You okay?" He asked in his deep voice. I nodded mutely. He and I both stood up and went to walk, but I tripped.

I gasped and braced myself to hit the floor, but the floor never came. I felt warmness all around my body. I look up to see Sam holding me.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I took a deep breath and straighten myself out.

"Yeah, sorry"

I went to walk out the door, but was stopped by the same warm feeling. I turned to see Sam holding onto my arm.

"I know this might sound a bit weird, but don't go into the woods tonight," he said in a very serious tone. My face went to a look if confusion.


"River listen to me, okay. Do not go into the woods tonight," he said as he looked me dead in the eye. I nodded without a second thought. I didn't know why, but I knew that I should listen to him and that he was telling me this for a reason. I gave him a small smile.

"Goodbye, Sam"

"Goodbye River"

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