《What A Clown...》22] The Joker Escaped?



A car came in threw the drive way in a incredible speed and screeched to a halt. All the guest outside looked at the red and white car waiting to see what rich stuck up would come out next.

The bellboy came out and opened the drivers side as a tall beautiful woman stepped out. She hesitated to give the keys to the bellboy then walked off putting her black phone in her waist band.

They all looked at each other. They never had seen this woman before nor have they heard of her. She passed by them looking down at them with a slight red smile.

At the door she was Greeted by Alfred and was asked her name. For only a few seconds everything went quiet enough for her to speak in her smooth husky voice her name.

"Victoria Corleone"

She walked like a goddess among them with the bright red dress and

Her 'flawless' looks. They all new from the first second they saw her that she belonged there more than any of them.

But she felt exactly the opposite.


"Victoria Corleone" I said looking at Alfred. We had met years ago...and I know he remembers my last name perfectly. "Its been so long Miss V...Welcome." He said with a bright smile.

"The Charity will start at 8:00PM enjoy yourself till then Miss V" He said and I smiled lightly at him. I walked around a bit smiling lightly at everyone. Most of the woman were shorter than me considering they wore heels.

I felt so weird like when I was in school...everybody judging me and looking up at me whispering to each other. Talking about the Godzilla in the red cape.

I walked to the bar and ordered a whiskey. The guy looked a bit surprised and I cursed mentally. What does a girl order? Fruity drinks? Martinis? Those fancy things with the olives?

"Here you go Miss." He said and I grabbed it and walked around and looked at the big clock...15 minutes till 8. I saw someone out of the corner of my eyes walk up to me and I took a deep breath in.

"You came here alone babe?" I heard and turned to the guy next to me. "Yeah..." I said and drank from the glass. I looked down at it and smiled at the eyes that it reminded me of.

I looked at the guy again...he was only a bit shorter than me but was blond with blue eyes. I raised a eyebrow at him and looked him up and down. A gray suit and a gold watch.

"Ive never seen you before..." He said and I glanced at him again. "I moved to gotham a month or two ago...business stuff." I said and he nodded. "What do you work as...A model?" He asked and I nearly choked on my drink and laughed.

"No I sell weaponry, teach skills and design security systems for law enforcement...I actually designed the gates and security right here." I said pointing at the huge house. He stood dumbfounded as he stared at me.


I smirked to my self as he snapped out of it. "You dont see many woman in Gotham with business...So Im guessing you are here for the charity right?" He said and I nodded.

All of a sudden I heard propellers and I looked out of the glass doors as a huge helicopter landed. "What a way to make an entrance..." I muttered making the guy laugh.

Bruce stepped out with two blonds on his arms and walked towards the doors as the propellors stopped spinning. "Well at least he knows how to share himself." I said and the guy choked on his drink laughing a bit.

"You okay doll?" I said because he reminded me of a guy barbie. "Yeah Im fine,hehe...hey whats your name?" He asked and I gulped a bit down.

"Victoria Corleone, and You?" I asked and he smiled "Steven Dent...I use to know Mr. Wayne." He said and I looked over at him. "Are you related to Harvey Dent?" I asked a bit curious.

"He was my uncle...Thats how I met Mr. Wayne there." He said and I smiled. "I admire your uncle...'You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain' took those words to heart...I made a deal with him once...I gave him loads of special coins." I said and he looked at me.

"You were the on that gave him all those coins..." He said assuring himself. I nodded and then I heard a clinging sound that caught everyones attention.

"Ladies and Gentlemen we will start the Fundraising momentarily" we heard and everyone started moving. "This is my first time here...were do we go?" I said and he smiled at me.

He extended his arm and I just stared at it. What the hell am I suppose to do? After a few seconds he put it down and cleared his throat. "Uhm follow me." He said awkwardly and started walking.

I followed beside him as we walked to the back of the place were a bunch of tables were. I saw Alfred telling people were to sit and he walked over to me.

"Miss V is Mr. Dent with you?" He asked and before I could answer a Yes was said. "Yes I am..." Steven said as Alfred gave me a glance and nodded. "Okay then Miss V please follow me." He said and I walked behind him.

We walked to the front of the tables just a few yards away from a podium. "Would you like something to drink?" He asked pulling out a chair.

"Do you guys have Vodka?" I whispered and he smiled brightly. "Right away Miss V, You Mr. Dent?" He said and Steven looked at him. "Just a water thats fine." He said and looked at his watch.

After I sat down Steven did too and looked around. "Do we pay in cash paper or plastic here?" I asked.


The only things Ive been at are auctions and people yelled out numbers till there was only one person left with a offer no beaten and they paid in cash.

"Uhm...Plastic?" He said and a guy walked up to the podium and spoke threw the Microphone. I didnt understand what he actually said except that we had numbers and I was #27. When you give a offer you raise your number and say it.

It was simple enough.

"First auction goes to fundings at Gotham Hospital" he said and wheeled in a painting with many colors. "Starts at 1k" he said and a lady in the back started the silent war.

I didn't bid for anything except some cakes that I fought a lady viscously for and won. Why because I was hungry and cheese didnt feed the huge body of mine.

They did a lot of things...none of them were interesting enough for me to bid on. Steven and Bruce gave each other many looks as they bid for a few cars and watches.

"This next is funding to Gotham High" he said and wheeled in submachine gun with leather grips and stitches. I had to have that gun...It was amazing. "This is a vintage leather SubMachine Gun found in Gotham High's Basement...bidding starts at 5k"


I heard and looked at number 10...Bruce Wayne. I got my number and raised it and said harshly my number. "6k" I said and #10 went again up.

"10k" He said putting his number down and smirking at me. "Going once for 10k..." I looked at him and at the gun. I am gonna get that gun. "15k" i said raising my number and smiling at Him.





I said and smiled at Bruce that looked defeated. "Going once for 25k...Going twic-" Bruce raised up his number again. "35k" He said and my eyes widened. I think the vodka got me drunk because I didn't remember thinking this threw my head.


"SOLD to #27 Miss Victoria Corleone for 50k!"

I smirked at Bruce that had slumped down in his defeat. I had crushed his pride. He had won every bid he had offered and now he lost this beauty. I got the Debit Card out and Gave it to Alfred.

"Wonderful Battle Miss V" He said and I smiled. "Debit?...Ill be right back." He said and I smirked at Bruce that had probably paid the sluts on his arms to do the dirty looking for him.

"Your paying in Debit!?! Do you even know how to use one of those machine guns?" Steven said annoying me slightly. "First of all...Im here because I have money second...Its a SubMachine Gun, or a Tummy Gu...Third...I sell weaponry to Law enforcement and teach them skills." I said as Alfred came back. "Sign here Miss V" he said and I signed.

"Thank you for your cooperation, here is a Drink from Mr Wayne...Great Battle." He said setting down the clear liquid down. I looked at it and Then at Bruce that smiled at me then winked.

Okay so that is exactly what I am suppose to do

"Well Im broke" I said standing up from the table. "Maybe that wouldnt have happened if you hadnt had paid more than what my car cost for 6 cakes ." He Said and I smiled.

"Why Miss Corleone...I don't believe we have met before." I heard and turned around to see him stare back at me. "Its Miss V and No we haven't...but you have heard of me before...The founder Of BloodSyn Security. The one that installed the heat sensors in the garden." I said and his eyes widened a bit.

"I am so Sorry...I thought it was...Mr-." He said stopping a bit as he recalled his words. "It was..." I said smirking at him.

"You were a very good competitor never lost a bid before." He said and I smiled. "Yeah Ive had my encounters with other friends and practices...I would like to see you and my friend Stark Compete." I said.

"Who is that?" Steven asked and I looked at him. "He is a mechanic" I said and they laughed. Anger rose in me a bit as I continued. "And a classified genius billionaire playboy AND philanthropist...which is how we met." I said smirking and shutting their rich traps.

"I would like to meet this stark too...er." Steven said as he turned to Bruce.

They started talking about politics trying to act all smart and the girls on his arm just nodded without a clue. "Someone had given The asylum new security and rebuilt the GCPD. I wonder how much that cost." Steven said.

"Not much really, I just wanted to help gotham out since I thought Batman was dead and Gotham was going threw a lot. You know put my money to GOOD use." I said and laughed lightly. They exchanged surprised looks and smiled as I looked around.

We walked to were everyone had gathered and they started to leave. Notice that I said started.

"The Joker must have been really clever to get out of security...or someone just left him unattended or a door unlocked and he got out." I said and They both looked at me Amazed.

"The Joker Escaped?" Bruce asked and I nodded. We heard a crash sound and we all turned to look at the source as then a voice was heard.

"Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen...We are tonights Entertainment."


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