《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 3


November 8, 2019. Today is the day of Samuel Loomis and Laurie Strode's funeral. The two, unfortunately, did not survive against Michael Myers as they were burnt alive while there was no sign of Michael's body. Since there were multiple deaths within the town, it had been decided that there would be 2-3 funerals held every day until all the bodies have been buried. Laurie's body was buried first and now it was Loomis' turn. Tears poured down (First Name)'s cheeks as she and many others watched Loomis' casket lower into the grave. The priest turned to (First Name) and softly asked her, "Would you like to say something before we bury him?" She was hesitant but she decided to do so.

As she looked down at the grave, she forced herself to speak. "Not many know, but Samuel Loomis was not my real father. He was my uncle who had adopted me after CPS was called on my parents. I was... I was in an extremely dark place for many years, but he saved me. He took care of me and raised me like I was his real kid. He was the light in my life, but now..." (First Name) paused as a sob left her lips. With teary eyes, Jennifer came up from behind and rubbed (First Name)'s arms to comfort her. She sniffled before continuing, "But now my life feels like a dit light. My life will never be the same without him, but I am extremely thankful for the life he has given me and I know I have to continue living as I know that's what Samuel would want. He's the reason I'm alive and telling this speech because he told me to run away from them. I would've died with them if he never told me to leave them and search for Marion."

Everyone quietly clapped once they realized that (First Name) could no longer talk. Jennifer and Marion ushered her away from the crowd and to a semi-secluded area. The three hugged each other as they greaved together in each other's arms. Once they felt calm enough, they pulled away from each other and wiped their faces. (First Name) felt her heart drop into her stomach when she saw a white mask in the distance. She blinked twice and rubbed her eyes to see if her eyes were playing with her, but she could still see the white mask in the distance. The tall male figure stood next to a tree in the distance and (First Name) pointed to him. "M-Michael!" She cried out.


Jennifer and Marion whipped their heads in the direction she pointed to, but no one was there. "(First Name), I think you're seeing things, which is understandable because you just dealt with a huge amount of trauma." Jennifer told her as she brushed off her worries. "N-No, I really saw him. I think he's after me now!" "But why would he do that? He only wanted Laurie." Marion questioned. "I heard my dad shoot a warning shot at Michael to not go after me." Marion and Jennifer both looked at her in disbelief and (First Name) felt betrayed. She didn't understand why they didn't believe her after what just happened with Laurie.

(First Name) was aware of Michael's obsessive personality as she was Loomis' patient as well. They had spent time together as Loomis hoped that if the two became friends, Michael would speak and (First Name) would have another reason to live. However, it became too dangerous to be around him as Michael was showing (First Name) different ways to self-harm and taught her which pills could kill her if she overdosed on them. She remembers being told how much progress was lost once (First Name) could no longer be in contact with Michael. When another patient decided to mess with Michael and broke the friendship bracelet (First Name) made for him during art therapy, Michael used his fingers to scoop the patient's eye out.

Once the funeral had ended, (First Name) sped-walk to her car without saying goodbye to anyone. She felt severely depressed that her number one supporter had passed on, slightly paranoid at the idea of Michael Myers stalking her, and was completely livid that both Marion and Jennifer didn't believe her worries. Now I'm beginning to regret parking so far. (First Name) bitterly thought as she quickened her pace from the increase of paranoia. She nearly jogged once her car entered her sight. As per usual, she entered her car and locked her door the second she sat down. (Eye Color) eyes widened in shock when she heard her passenger seat door try to be opened. She whipped her head to the passenger door to see the familiar blue mechanic suit she saw on Halloween night.


A shrill scream left the girl's (Lip Type) lips as she quickly put her key in the ignition and attempted to start her car, but it refused to turn on. "Fuck!" She shouted once the passenger window was shattered and he unlocked the car. From him unlocking the car, she opened her door and flung herself out. Instead of running away, she decided to look at his appearance to see if he was burnt up like Loomis and Laurie. She was upset to see that he had little burnt marks on him. Some of the hair on the mask was gone and she saw that his left hand was wrapped in bandages.

Michael attempted to go around the car from the front while (First Name) went to the back of the car and stood where the trunk was. My heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest from fear, but I think if I loop him around my car once or twice, people will drive by and see him. The Shape tilted his head as he stalked her silently, his body was frozen like a statue while his head tilted to the other side as he waited to see her next response. However, he immediately realized she had no plans on running from the car and decided to step on top of the car. This distraught the woman and tumbled back once she realized that Michael was not going to play along with her game. "T-That's cheating!" (First Name) shouted as she forced her legs to move to run for her life.

(First Name) ran in the direction where the funeral was held and screamed for help. "I need help!" She cried out. She didn't dare to look back as she believed that would cause her to trip from being distracted. In the distance, (First Name) saw Laurie's friend, Sally, and called out to her, "Please, help me!" The black haired teen turned to the voice she heard and jogged to (First Name) with both concern and confusion in her tone, "What's wrong? Why are you running and screaming?" She was baffled by Sally's question and turned around to see that Michael was nowhere in sight. "I-" (First Name) tried to get her breath before properly speaking. "I was being chased... by Michael Myers." She breathed out. The teen's grey eyes widened in shock and began to look around to see if he was hiding anywhere before bringing her to a populated area.

"What happened?" Sally questioned while rubbing (First Name)'s arm in a comforting manner. "I was heading to my car and I always lock my car the second I get into my car because you know, men don't know how to control themselves," Sally quietly giggled before clearing her throat and letting (First Name) continue. "And I heard the passenger door handle jiggle and I saw him. He broke my passenger window and unlocked my car, but I got out and ran here." She explained to the teen. The young woman wiped under her eyes as she had some tears from being scared and sighed. "I can take you to the station and you can report what happened to you and your car," Sally suggested. "I would appreciate that." She thanked Sally as she followed the teen to her car. Unknownst to them, a certain stalker was on their trail.

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