In Serial

Flower Fit for a Vampire

8 162 47
Author: Type:Female

Genevieve Paris was normal. She had normal friends, a normal school, and normal thoughts. She was you average teenage girl with only worries of school and her family implanted in her mind. Yet, like that of a fantasy novel, she was suddenly stripped of anything normal. The word 'normal' was stolen from her life's vocabulary.

Back in her normal days, if you were to tell her that there was a secret world within Earth, she would have laughed and waved it off. Now, she's conflicted. She finds herself on the border of real-life and fantasy. 

Who would have thought that touching a single flower would change your life forever? Now, living with strange powers, even stranger people, and an annoying voice in her head, Genevieve can't seem to keep a steady foot in life. 

Especially not with demons crawling around for blood.

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