《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 4


On the night of Dr. Samuel Loomis and Laurie Strode's funeral, (First Name) was put under federal protection and moved to Lebanon, Oregon. When Sally dropped (First Name) off at the station, there were officers along with some FBI agents already waiting for her arrival and planned on putting her under witness protection as they were already aware that Michael was after her. (First Name) was shocked and felt overwhelmed, but she was mostly confused by how they already knew that she was being stalked by Michael. Before she left the station, she was told by an officer, who kept flirting with her much to her displeasure, that there were orders to keep an eye on her after Halloween night.

It was now March 8th, 4 months since she had moved from her hometown. (First Name), now legally named (Fake Name), no longer has any communications with the people she had known in Haddonfield. Jennifer had decided to kill off (First Name) and held a funeral for her in hopes of tricking Michael from continuing his pursuit after her. "He was at your funeral... and I believe he knows you're not really dead," was the last message she had received from Jennifer before the government had forced the two to cut ties.

A knock at her front door startled (First Name) out of her deep thoughts. She cautiously went to her door and peeked through the peephole to see who was at her door. She saw a green eye also looking through the peephole before pulling back and smiling, "(First Name), I couldn't hear your footsteps when you walked up to the door. You're being overly cautious again, aren't you?" Her psychologist questioned while she beamed at the young woman. (First Name) pulled away from the peephole before unlocking all four of her locks. "Sorry." (First Name) apologized. The young brunette beamed at her patient before letting herself in, "You're fine! You did get to the door a bit quicker this time, so that is progress!" "Thanks, I guess. But you're supposed to be calling me (Fake Name) in public, especially if you're going to be shouting." (First Name) grumbled. "Oops, sorry. I didn't realize I was being that loud."

Since Jennifer's last message, (First Name) had been stricken with a paralyzing amount of anxiety to the point of being terrified to leave her home. She didn't understand why the immortal-like man was hunting her down. From time to time (First Name) struggled with suicidal thoughts and tendencies, but the thought of dying at the hands of Michael Myers had made her fear death. "Now, have you been taking your meds?" (First Name) avoided her green eyes as she answered, "Yes, Dr. Williams." The said psychologist laughed at her poor excuse of a lie and went to (First Name)'s room to receive her meds. Since she already knew what Dr. Williams was doing, she went to the kitchen and grabbed herself a cup of water to take her medicine.


"Ah, what a beautiful depression room!" (First Name) heard Dr. Williams shouted gleefully. She sighed as she was prepared to turn around to go back to her kitchen to swap the water for vodka, but she remembered her case manager, Ryder, made sure to remove all alcohol from the premises. "I would kill for a shot of fireball... I need some spice in my life." (First Name) grumbled as she entered her room. "You know, I'm actually thankful that Ryder got rid of all your alcohol. They did you a favor, you know," (First Name) scowled at her therapist as she continued, "Plus, taking your meds with alcohol is not something you should be doing and you're underage." She lectured. (First Name) rolled her eyes as she snatched her meds out of her therapist's hands. She took a big gulp of water before dropping the 4 pills into her mouth and forced herself to gulp it down. "Depression been so bad that the dosage had to be increased?" Dr. Williams questioned. (First Name) nodded her head as she was ready to collapse onto her bed, but Dr. Williams stopped her from doing so and forced her to turn around to head back into the living room.

Dr. Williams dragged (First Name) to her couch and her therapist sat next to her with a heart-warming smile. "How have you been holding up?" "Fine." (First Name) answered swiftly. Dr. Williams' smile faltered for a brief moment but she brought it back when she leaned forward, "That's great! How have you been holding up?" (First Name) stared blankly at her therapist before huffing, "I said I'm fine." "(First Name), we've been over this more than once, I am not going to send you to the ward for your suicidal thoughts. I will only be concerned once I realize you're planning on attempting." The young woman rubbed her lips together while nervously playing with her hands. "Now, let me ask you again, how have you been holding up."

(First Name)'s jaw clenched as she could feel tears slowly form in the corner of her eyes. "I'm extremely depressed and sleep-deprived." Dr. Williams frowned as she scooted closer to her patient and rubbed her back. "Yeah? Which nightmares are keeping you up?" She asked softly. "The night of Halloween and..." (First Name) sighed out of frustration and continued, "I've been having some dreams from when I was staying at the Smith's Grove Sanitarium." Dr. Williams' green eyes widened in shock and pulled back as she was prepared to write down what (First Name) had to say. "Well, I'm not sure if that's good or not. What happens in the dreams?" Dr. Williams grabbed the tissue box off of the coffee table as she was expecting a lot of tears during the conversation, but she was surprised to see the amount of irritation in (First Name)'s eyes when she tried to give her the box.


"It was mostly Michael being my bully but also my friend." She mumbled as she took the box without much thought. "There was one dream where Michael jammed his finger into my eye and tried to rip my eye out of its socket as I pissed him off by grinning at him. Then there was another dream where Michael was trying to rip the balls off of one of the male nurses as he was a pedophile who had been molesting both girls and boys during the night shifts," (First Name) shifted in her seat uncomfortably as she remembered the dreams and explained what she saw, "I was almost his victim, but I was, fortunately, a smart 7 year old and knew how to defend myself enough from adults. I kicked him in the balls and stole his keys, then I locked him in there while I ran to hide in Michael's room. His room was not that far from mine so I had no issues running into nurses. I remember I was struggling to get into his room because I was so scared and shaken up from what happened."

(First Name) decided to pause as she waited for Dr. Williams finished typing on her tablet before continuing her story. "What happened once you got into his room?" She asked. "Um... I remember he was confused about how I got in and extremely annoyed that I woke him up while also not making a lot of sense as I was a sobbing mess. He ended up slapping me from annoyance, but surprisingly, it snapped me out of my shocked state, and was able to form some-what proper sentences to tell him what had happened to me in my room. Once I was finished, I remember how scared I was from seeing how enraged he was. His grip on my hand as he dragged me back to my room was very painful and watching him trying to rip the nurses' balls off was both unnerving and terrifying. With what Michael did, my dad was unsure if he believed I was safer with Michael or if he was a danger to me." (First Name) finished.

After Dr. Williams finished typing, she hummed as she thought about her response. "From what you just told me, I can see why your father felt conflicted. Michael seems to not fully grasp the idea of being friends, but it's enough for him to want to protect you." (First Name) half-nodded her head, "Yeah, but I don't really think that's the concept now." Dr. Williams slid a stray strand of her brown hair behind her ear before she responded with, "Are you sure? I remember you telling me that he planned on killing you until you tricked him." (First Name) stared at her therapist as she didn't understand where she was going with the conversation. "Yeah, he left me alone because he only wanted Laurie." Dr. Williams shook her head, "He did at the time, but then he saw you. I do remember when you told me that your father shouted at him not to go after you," (First Name) averted her gaze to her lap and she fiddled with the fingers. "He had killed innocent people who had nothing to do with Laurie and is still killing since her death. Why would he kill everyone else, but you?"

(Eye Color) eyes widened as she suddenly was hit with a strong amount of survivor's guilt. "I-" (First Name) abruptly stood up and stammered out, "I-I need air." Dr. Williams' eyes widened when she saw her patient dash out of her own home. "(First Name)!" She called after. She heavily sighed as she took her phone out of her pocket and dialed security. Security immediately picked up the phone, but no one said anything. "Dylan, stop playing your dumb pranks and do your goddamn job. I believe (Fake Name) is unstable and just ran out of her house. Make sure you lock down neighborhood 2." Dr. Williams ordered. The call immediately ended after her sentence and she scoffed, "Stupid kid. Why the hell are we hiring 17 year olds for security." She grumbled under her breath as she went in the direction she last saw (First Name) went.

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